Wohoo! Thanks!
Please fix.
1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?
I kill people. I kill more people. Killing people
2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).
Not enough people to kill. People are hard to kill sometimes. EoTM people are too easy.
3) What tier are you in?
4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?
I switch server to kill different people.
all we gotta do is #believe
i watched all the vids here, so emotional they made me cry T_T
please gifz moar Kappa
lol is this thing still even on? :P
big up to this idea!!
thank you for the reminder, dem fanboys keep sending me mails
Been having lots of applications but we still have room for a few really good players. Ideally we are looking for:
- 1 necro
- 2 guards
i am the only platinum in my guild, definitely a l2p issue here
We are looking for more active players, visit our site to find out what class we need
Sarx the machine obviously
yes please i have 24.5k badges and i want to level my ranger >.<
looking for melees and mesmers now
hey guys we are recruiting a few more players!
please check on the website as the op is out of date
on humans the shoulders are not gigantic anymore, but i notice the cloth on the shirt would go through the shoulder plates a lot. not sure if it was like this previously but its definitely very annoying
Please change it back, the armour set is now worthless to my human character
any news on this? how come none of the developer comment on this?
Please change it back to before. I refuse to use hotw armour until anet fix this
is your guild recruiting? sounds like my kind of guild
Those boots got to go Mossy. Get them Tier 3 boots. Matches better.
i do have full set, was just bored of the full t3 looks is all ^^
edit: woot i didn’t know the tsnotifer is also printed in the screenshot :P
(edited by AgentChaos.4932)
PoV used to remove 2.
Those were the days.. :’(
kitten true brother… :’(
Still got my auction house video laying around too, good times. But the video above… That’s just something else, its hilarious indeed :p
jin the mang too good :O
very few spots left. quickly guys ^^
enable town clothes in wvw please
okay afro, you are bad and you should feel bad
Good Old Days[GD](Elona Reach) and Red Guard[RG](Piken Square).
I would be really interessted in a GvG between them.
yes would love to see that
why na guilds wont come eu?
nice blob skill yeah xD
but honestly running 30+ is just way too easy and make it no fun for other guild groups to fight
yeaaahahah pleassssseeeeeeee
age: 2509 with 2480 on guardian
deaths: 2028
achievement: 6482
kills: 137k
1 lvl 80 character with 500 in armour/weapon smithing
3 legedanries (bifrost/sunrise/minstrel)
commander tag + world completion
most gold at once 2700ish
if they really lower it to 100 i might quit game as well :/
can i have your gold please?
mixed between phalanx and t3 because full phalanx is too mainstream
Nice! Which dyes are you using?
brown is charred
red is flame
they are a tad expensive :P
Gl hf, hope you all have as much luck as I did.
woah the human guard in your party is way too sexy, can i have his number?
would love to fight you when fsp meet ag
i was waiting for the legendary banner hold
The killshot warrior made some of us very mad
i run full celestial armour :/
that guardian that you were fighting at windmill… hes too good :O
are you still around? we can do some duels in os, need to try my build moar
way better match up than last week. hope for great fights through out the week
i made a roaming meditation build that use celestial armour
shield of wrath failed here but the dmg was still pretty good
we moved to fr bl. only odz engages and they dont have much ppl, the drakkar blob should come all at once
we just started on dl bl. please come guilds T_T
looking for fight on fr bl atm!! guilds please come T_T
edit: nvm we call the raid. ran around for 1 hour not even 1 fight :’(
(edited by AgentChaos.4932)
awesome video. much respect !!