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Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


That fact that you need to stop for it to land correctly shows its broken as our class should stay mobile all the time

Taking more damage since patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


Has anyone else been taking higher amounts of damage since the patch. I didn’t change spec’s at all and was very comfortable where it was, but tonight I have been getting burned down alot faster and have been taking much much more CC then usual.

Not really sure if it’s just me or more people have been experiencing this.

Struggling lately with D/D Ele need some help.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


Its both crunchy, its very frustrating to see an auto attack whittle you down while you try to close the gap.

As to the RtL bug its when ever the opponent changes direction it will bug it out and you essentially CC yourself, which also means if your opponent knows that he can bug it out which you could call an exploit but not really due to it being how its programmed.

Struggling lately with D/D Ele need some help.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


@ Colton I do most of the things you talk about although I admit I need to work on my attunement swapping ( I tend to swap to fast).

For utility skills I tend to run cleansing fire, due to stun break, cleanse three conditions and is a cantrip (I trait for vigor and regen on cantrip use), mistform and Arcane wave. I use the arcane wave for a blast finisher and 3 stacks of might. Not sure if I should switch this out for Armor of Earth.

I don’t mind dying it happens and I am fine with that, just seems for the damage i output for the damage I take and the amount of work that has to be put into it doesn’t add up. That and it seems to me melee reign in this game. Also doesn’t help when most classes can have ranged attacks when needed where D/D ele’s are not so fortunate.

Thanks for the reply and I will try to utilize Air # 4 and # 5 differently to see how it works.

Struggling lately with D/D Ele need some help.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


I have almost always played a D/D ele, just prefer the play style over others. For a while I was doing very well I struggled against some classes but did very well vs. others but now that people have learned their classes I have been struggling.

I’ve run everything from a glass cannon build (more for fun) to a very tanky build but it seems no matter what build I have i am just getting ripped apart. Most classes seem to be able to keep distance much easier have much higher movement speed constantly and much longer movement impairing effects. Yes i have condition remove utility skills and spec’d into water for more condition removal, but closing gaps has become a real problem lately vs some classes.

Overall not sure what has changed but I feel that classes or players have gotten better while I have fallen back even though overall my game play has gotten better. Maybe it’s me but i feel like the class has been figured out by most players and they know whats coming cause ele’s have to setup combos and once people know these they are easily avoided. The only class I rarely ever have a problem facing is another Ele I very rarely lose to them no matter what they run…

Not sure what I can do to over come any of these problems but any suggestions would be very appreciated.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aginor.3490


yeah this happens every other match and i am forced to shut down the game to play.

The patch notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


They should fix the bugs first but another issue is just to survive the loss of damage is uncalled for. Even then with a glass cannon build i’ve seen other classes hit harder much harder. Every class except a few seems to have far better burst and survivability. Heck even illusions tend to do more damage then most of my attacks yeah the die easily but to AoE clear them out i leave myself with nothing to deal with the actual Mesmer. This can be very frustrating to see less effort and better results from other classes. I love the play style of ele, but lack of synergy with traits and poor risk vs reward forcing you to put trait points in certain places shows a balance issue overall and needs to be addressed.

Downed State....again

in PvP

Posted by: Aginor.3490


They should remove it or make downed states for all classes the same… say like that of an elementalist, cause when your down your dead. If they take to long to finish you off and you go into vapor form they just follow you then finish you off once vapor form ends.

Downed State.

in PvP

Posted by: Aginor.3490


The downed state should be removed.. period. Kill an elementalist and just finish them off without a problem. Yeah they can into vapor form but if you are on them within a second or to you have no issues finishing them off and you can follow them in vapor form. While some classes disappear and reappear still possible to finish them off but takes far longer and wastes time. Some classes can get back up, or output great damage with clones, illusions or pets. Its unbalanced in so many ways. I love getting downed and finished off right away but when I try to finish off a mesmer, necro, thief, warrior it can take forever or they take me down with cause of the damage they can put out.

Like I said its unbalanced and should be removed.