Showing Posts For Agonoize.4021:

Runes for thief

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


I was not talking about Roaming in small groups, And yes, I’m talking about 20+ people.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Runes for thief

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Including food and bloodlust stacks in any build is idiotic.

Throwing that into buildcraft gets you 17k hp, 2k power, under 37% crit and under 2700 armor.

I agree with the second part.

Also, in my opinion, you’re wasting those prescious ascended slot pieces on a build that may be able to last, but doesn’t effectively do what a thief is supposed to do: assassinate someone.

Though if it works for you, keep it up. Everyone plays the game differently.

As i understood the guy that made the post said he was interested in RvR and WvW,
If your running with a organized guild you dont go left and right ganking people.
You stick with your leader, Providing Blaster finishers, Your elite skill, Regen’s, Some Stealth AoE,And stay alive the whole time without having to run away and back to regain your health.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Runes for thief

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


I never said my power was 3k+, i said my Attack was.
My power is about 2200 buffed with stacks.
Oh and the site does not include the chance from your signet of agility.

But including Food/Stacks into your build is part of the game.
Its the full stats that you will have, If you don’t die every 5 seconds.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

(edited by Agonoize.4021)

Runes for thief

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Divinity/Scholar/Lyssa/Beryl Orb/Ruby Orb/Pack

All depends on what you want from your thief and if you do WvW what your guild wants.

I play a thief as main in a guild that focuses on WvW mostly.

Stats : 19,5k Life,2800 Armor,3250 attack,55% chance,88 CD

A full Zerker thief cant provide that much and will not last in a sustained fight.
And being a free rally for the enemy is never a good thing.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

(edited by Agonoize.4021)

Thieves seem more OP now that before.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Again this applies to WvW only, PVP against thieves are not really an issue because of the lack of Crit damage:

I eat a lot of… “bad” or new thieves even on my hybrid spec, with has much less survivability than PVT or Rabid spec. They spam 2-2-2 in my Plague form, try to Daggerstorm each time they encounter me even if I’ve corrupted their stability countless times before in the same night etc etc. Those do not count as a Win for me, it’s skill’s issues.

However against really good one, you normally won’t be able to do much, it’s a one way street. The burst in WvW is totally out of this world, and no amount of toughness is gonna save you from those numbers. Only dodge/block/invulnerability will. Add to that the counters that thief have against our skills, and it’s kind of normal that it ends that way.

Now like I said before, Stealth mechanic seems to be a big chunk of the problem. Being able to chain cloak and dagger, Black powder into Heartseeker not removing stealth if it hits, are all part of it.

Retaliation unfortunately isn’t that good of a tradeoff, trading a 7k hit for a 330ish hit (and that’s with full power) isn’t going to stop them doing this.

As emotions doesn’t translate well in texts, I just want to add I’m not ranting, just stating that they are a very good counter to our class and that some mechanics could be changed to give us more fun when fighting this profession, and I’m sure thiefs would find it more fun too in the long run. Imagine, no more blackmails, whispers full of hate, /laugh when a zerg finally caught you…

You referring to a 1v1 against a good thief.

Remember, A thief is much more mobile than you
And is considered a Assassin “bursty” type class
You need to let him burn his heavy initiative on you.
You need to make him burn Hide in shadows (heal-remove CD)
You need to make him burn his longer CD’s if he is running any of them.
You cant outrun him or kite him, you need to drain him slowly with a CD build.
A very bursty hard hitting thief is probably that as tanky as you are.

I currently run on my thief 2700 armor, 55% chance, 90% cd,19k life,3200 attack.
im considered a tanky thief, Most of them dont run down that road, so expect much less armor and life than what i have currently.

Your necro should be about the same Armor/Life with Rabid, if not more.
Plus you have Death shroud and your elite for a meat shield to gain time.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Short bow thoughts

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


It still is a Trick shot, It tricks you to believe it register a hit.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Feedback on the recent short bow change:

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


I agree, it should be fixed fast. On the bug priority list though it isn’t that high considering guardians have had to put up with the crapter since BW2.

The problem is that most guild thiefs that are in a WvW guild run SB’s as main weapon for the blaster finisher it provides, and is one of the most effective AoE weapons for the thief class.

While most GUA i have seen run Staff/Greatsword/Hammer for what the provide.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Thieves seem more OP now that before.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


I have both a thief and a necro full geared, multiple sets.
Lets talk about WvW, cause i dont even care about sPvP and tPvP..

Necros in WvW,

They provide much more utility than a thief. (Many AoE Control abilities (Staff/Wells)
They are much more durable than a thief (Death-shroud/Plague form)
They can play CD in great effect even in larger scale . (Corrupt Boon/Epidemic/Terror)
They have a bit weaker single target than a Thief (Depending on build)
They have more AoE sustain damage to bring to the table in general.

Thiefs in WvW.

Superior Single target if played that build (Alot of single target Burst nerfed many times)
CD spec is not that effective as people will say,You wont hurt people as much as a necro
A few AoE abilities that hurt short-bow/daggerstorm (Cluster bomb Blaster finisher)
Much more mobility, evading utilities (Blinding powder/Shadow refuge/Hide in Shadows)
Much less AoE control abilities (Limited options)

See? Classes have there pluses and minuses, Its not smart to go around calling things OP.
Learn the skills, Adapt to the game, Think about changes and how they affect you.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Feedback on the recent short bow change:

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


This problem is ubiquitous with a number of the scepter auto-attacks. The guardian’s scepter is probably the worst of them all atm.

Welcome to the club guys!!!!!

For a good demonstration check this out,

This is ridiculous, Sidestepping to avoid the damage completely

They should fix Short-bow and Scepter in that matter.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

What's up with the trickshot nerf?

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


I knew a Shortbow nerf was coming! It’s obvious they’d not only nerf our most balanced weapon but they always have to pick a random Thief skill to nerf every patch to confuse us. It’s hard to guess which though cuz it’s usually one we had no idea needed changed.

The problem is that is not a really huge issue in PvE.
On the other hand, Any Organized guild thief that plays WvW has a shortbow on him.
I truly cant understand why the heat-seeking element was bothering them?
And now, What? people just ‘sidestep’ away from my auto attacks?
in WvW, Where everyone moves. I would understand it if it was melee, ‘hitbox’ or ‘out of range’ but sidestepping it?

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

What's up with the trickshot nerf?

in Thief

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


I’d Like to know what was wrong with Trick shot.
Most thiefs in WvW Guilds use Shortbow for blaster finishers
And ofc, when Initiative is in regen we use Auto Attacks, Whats with the Nerf?
People move all the time in any form of PvP (regrouping/splitting/flanking)

Why should my auto attacks fail to hit with a ranged weapon from them just sidestepping?

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

[Thief] Signet of Agility

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


The patch said that the passive of Signet of Agility will be increased by 100% 180 Pres
At the current state its not increased by 100% as said in patch notes, Its Exactly like it was before the patch,

Please attend to this, Thanks.

Best regards

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

(edited by Agonoize.4021)

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


As a Ranger since beta, This is by far not Significant Changes in the state of the Ranger.
I’m truly disappointed in the lack of support on my class from.

Underwater changes? Spirits? Condition damage buffs when bleeds have been nerfed badly ages ago?

I don’t quite get the logic in all of this.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

[EU 9/11] PS vs GH vs AM (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Ques have started to become longer and longer at Piken, Come on guys.
Piken is fine, support the other servers so matches are more interesting and harder.


Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Remove Cost of WvW Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Its a Gold dump firstly.
Secondly Gold from WvW is efficient to cover your expenses.
Thirdly, If they remove the cost, everyone will just press anything to upgrade
For example, Putting Oil to build on a newly taken tower/castle and not the walls.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Cap the people that can go passed the portal.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]

Buffs And WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Agonoize.4021


Sometimes i get the feeling the game is more melee friendly than ranged.
This is caused by having all these Blubs/Zerg/MesmerPortal Grouping.
Most fights end up being face to face to exploit the 5 man max target.
Hence Ranged classes are forced to go melee to get any kind of buff/support.
Especially Rangers who have 1500 Range.

Why dont they make them Squad/Party only and not Ranged based?
It will make it better having to choose the parties then, Classes/Specs etc etc.

Piken Square | Necrosis Officer | Psycode [Thief]