Showing Posts For Alaric.6125:
My guild is operating on the Fissure of Woe server.
But three people to kill one person isn’t that a bit of overkill. plus it also damages your armour and so you spend half of your hard earned coin on repairs. I believe they should remove that feature from WvWvW.
I do understand that you think i am whining but I believe that it should not be necessary that everyone has to fight other players constantly but why if you are on your own do three people have to gank you when only one should suffice. This is the only problem that I have with WvWvW.
I have some theories why this happens, but the most likely is that they think you are a scout for a larger party.
Ha Ha very funny.
I hope that all people have noticed this on WvW as I have had a hard time playing in WvW as I try to get to a certain area by myself and complete puzzles and such and then suddenly invaders from the opposite servers appear and kill me. This has made me dislike playing on WvW as I die constantly and am unable to complete puzzles. But before anyone has a go at me for moaning I just want to reiterate that it is not just one person killing an individual but three or four so i stopped playing WvW as it became unbearable to play because of this problem.
“May Tea be spread throughout Tyria.”
This is an announcement from the leader of the Lords of Tea we need new members to join our ranks in order to bolster them and to gain influence.
No matter whether you are a casual Guild Wars 2 player or one that is constantly active we are willing to induct you into our ranks, however with the pressure of the larger guilds many a small guild could lose out. This is my guild it has not been running long but we are a friendly group focusing primarily on PvE as many of our members so far have not been able to do dungeons because they could not find a group.
However our guild will be able to help with anything involving PvE either helping members in higher leveled areas or just doing dungeon runs.
So if anyone is interested message me in-game and I will consider you for a place in the guild (We are an English speaking guild).
(edited by Alaric.6125)
My Asura Elementalist is called Shrike Daemonslayer.
However being a glass cannon i should have named him Shrike Diesalot.
The only problem is that my Elementalist is only level 57 so i cannot go to the ruins of Orr as i will be squashed like a bug.
“Fire and smoke, melt and render. I see infidel warriors weak and tender.” – Champion Flame Legion Shaman
“Sticks and stones will break your bones” one of my favourite lines said by my Asura Elementalists as well as “Severe weather warning.”
I know that Primordus will not appear at the surface but perhaps they may put in event that involve slaying Primordus’ destroyer minions and maybe we will see a dwarf for the first time in GW2.
Anyone have any ideas where the best place to farm for cotton scraps is as i need to get to 225 tailoring but i have run out of bolts of cotton and so i need to find a lot of cotton scraps fast.
I have had that problem as i used the ability to jump into a group of enemies but the flame burst triggered at the start of the jump, so i had to switch to a different attunement quickly to prevent being downed as i had drawn aggro of at least 10 enemies.
The weapons sets currently available for an elementalist to use are low in numbers. However i do enjoy the use of daggers with my elementalist but i would really like anorther weapon to be added to their arsenal. This does not affect the way i feel about the conjured weapons but i prefer to use signets and so i would like a new weapon to be added to their arsenal. Something like a sword or greatsword.
I believe that the source of the strange rumblings and the fissures opening up in the Wayfarer Foothills are a direct result of the Elder Dragon Primordus trying to reach the surface after having driven back the dwarves. The fissure on the other hand are a direct result of the massive increase in heat given out from the destroyers controlled by Primordus and so maybe we will get to finally see Primordus in Guild Wars 2.