Showing Posts For Alaztor.6918:

Launcher fails to connect at launch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Having the same issue here, I was playing just fine like 3 hours ago before lunch

EDIT: It seems fixed now, will update if it happens again.

(edited by Alaztor.6918)

Bag Slot Expansion Sale

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


So, currently bag slot expansion is on sale(200 gems instead of 400) but you can only buy one at that discounted price according to the gemstore, however if you buy them directly via the inventory you can get more than 1 at the discounted price, so my questions are:

Is this intended or a bug/oversight?

-IF it is a bug will people that bought them this way be charged the correct amount after fixing it or be punished or something?

-IF it is actually intended is it ok if people just buy them directly via the inventory?

-Is it just a display error and the gems were correctly substracted?

It would be nice if a dev could answer these questions since apparently the sale only lasts 24 hours so if it is not a bug I would like to know so I can buy slots for my other toons, also if it is a bug then I guess that if bank slots were to go on sale the same could happen since they also can be bought directly from the bank(assuming that’s what causes the bug).

RNG as a concept: Discuss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I’ve been playing since the 3 day headstart, probably like 7k+ hours and I have never had a precursor drop or from the mystic forge(I don’t gamble a lot though) so my personal choice would be option 2.5 , combined with a mystic forge recipe that allows you to ’’craft’’ an account-bound version of the precursor using that new special token + some other stuff.

Game client struggles to update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Well, I never managed to get past the 5 remaining files so I tried something else I saw on reddit, you have to select another language on the top right corner of the launcher and restart it, then it will start downloading more files(like 17k files).
I let it download for a few seconds and then I choose the original language on the launcher again and restart, it will then start to download a lot of files again but atleast for me that worked, then when you actually manage to get in the game change the audio options to the ones you use, and restart.

Hopefully this helps someone.

Game client struggles to update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Well, I have restarted the launcher probably around 100 times already however I can’t get below 5 files remaining.

I don’t even mind downloading the whole game again at this point but I would like to know if that will actually fix it.

Game client struggles to update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Mine stops at 21 MB and at 5 files remaining


Game client struggles to update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I’m having exactly the same problem, I was playing fine before the patch from like 1 hour ago, but now the game won’t patch.

Can't Salvage Guild Weapons?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I understand that they probably don’t want people converting other currencies into gold, but these weapons cost 3g AND guild commendations, they come with no sigils and with berserker stats so you can’t even get inscriptions from them.

You can’t make profit salvaging these weapons, the best you could probably get is 3 ectos + some dark matter and maybe t6 mats if you get really lucky, but even then you end up losing money. Just wan’t to know if this is a bug or intended, or if someone actually tried salvaging one of these before, because I got them months ago so maybe something changed with a recent patch.

Can't Salvage Guild Weapons?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


While cleaning some character inventories I noticed that it won’t allow me to salvage Guild Weapons(the ones you buy with 3g+ guild commendations), I don’t remember trying to salvage them before so I don’t know if it always was like this, but since they don’t come with sigils it seems kinda weird(unlike karma armor that has runes and stuff).

Hope it’s a bug since I have like 2 of them with some semi expensive sigils lol.

Account Wide Crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Like Zaxares said, the problem with recipes that you get only once per account is also serious, being forced to keep a character just for a recipe doesn’t seems right to me, this also goes for other kind of recipes than you can no longer get like the ones from Queen’s Jubilee.

If they are going to keep adding stuff like the hylek/ogre/krait recipes, maybe they should do it like they did with the zenith weapons.

(edited by Alaztor.6918)

Account Wide Crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Can we finally get it?
Since we have almost everything account wide already(Dyes, Weapon/Armor Skins, Outfits, WvW lvl, Gold, Karma, FotM lvl, Dungeon Tokens, Commander Tag, Minipets, etc) and apparently they nerfed the experience gained by crafting with the 9/9 patch(idk if bug or not) it seems there is no point in it being per character anymore since that was probably the only reason to keep it that way.

I know that there is the additional crafting license in the gemstore, maybe they could refund the gems to the people who bought it(I don’t really think many did lol) or it could be upgraded to provide account wide crafting. It wouldn’t be the first gemstore item that gets removed or reworked anyway(Instant Trait Reset, Transmutation Splitter, PvP Glory Booster?)

Any thoughts on this?

Account Wide Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Any chance we get this? It happened with Dungeon Tokens, Gold, Karma, FotM level, WvW rank, Skins. It would solve some problems like people learning a recipe on a character that doesn’t has the crafting discipline, having to switch between characters when you want to craft something and having to keep alts just because they leveled crafting to 500 or learned rare recipes than you can’t get anymore(I have 2 alts with 4 lvl500 crafts and some rare recipes that I don’t use anymore but I can’t delete them because of that reason).

It could be with a new gemstore item or just added to the additional crafting license, and people who use crafting for leveling could just not buy it or maybe change the way crafting gives experience.

Hell… maybe even a consumable that let’s me move the leveled crafts to another character lol… anything so I can get rid of those 2 alts xD.

Account Bound Crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


So we already have account bound WvW Rank, PvP Rank, Karma, Fractals of the Mist level, Gold, Gathering Tools, Dyes, Skins, Dungeon Tokens, Ascended and Legendary Equipment. I was wondering if Anet thinks into making crafting disciplines Account Bound instead of character bound, I know some people use them to get some easy levels with new characters, but I wonder what other people think about it.

Coated Bullets

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Imo they should increase the pistol autoattack bleed to 4 secs base, I think it is the worst bleeding autoattack from game, if you compare it to other weapons for example:
-Vital Shot. 4s base bleed (thief pistol autoattack)
-Blood Curse/Rending Curse. 5s base bleed (necro scepter autoattack 1st and 2nd chain)
-Bleeding Shot. 6s base bleed (warrior rifle autoattack)
-Winds of Chaos. 7s base bleed (mesmer staff autoattack when it procs bleed)
-Crossfire. 3s base bleed (ranger shortbow autoattack when you meet the requisites)

I know those skills have different cast times and some are 2 handed weapons, and that the engineer can use many weapons kits that can deal conditions like grenades,bombs,elixir gun,etc. But I think they should be able to stack a decent amount of bleeds with pistol alone.

Game Updates: Balance, bug-fixing, polish, Sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Can’t Anet do what they did when they changed mf on items, allowing us to do a 1 time reroll on items that had crit damage on them(now ferocity), especially trinkets since they suffered the most from it? I know the stat wasn’t changed to another like with mf, but it crippled many builds that relied on crit damage from trinkets.

Halp! Open Match Chests Nao?

in PvP

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Why not make them tradeable to a NPC like you did with the tournament tickets, maybe trade 3x booster for a pvp unid dye or 10x for a mystery coffer or 30x for a lvl up tome?

Replace Ascended Stats with Exotic Stat-swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I got my ascended stuff just because it is the best in slot gear(I hate the skins) and because the grind on weapons is way less compared to legendaries, but I would love it if they make this change since not everyone who plays has enough time to do the boring grind, even more so if you use different builds with different stat combinations or if you have many alts. I wish that you only had to grind for cosmetic purposes like in GW1.

chain immobilized...leg specialist?!?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I guess they removed the internal cooldown of the trait by accident(since tooltip doesn’t shows one) causing chain inmobilizes using sword autoattack.

Please give Fellblades the GW1 appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Also it would be cool if we could also dye weapons like in GW1.

Hellfire/Radiant Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Any chance that we will get the missing pieces of these armors(chest,pants,boots) in the future? And maybe more armor skins for gems like the aetherblade and primeval/krytan/profane?

Inmobilized and Evade Skills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Are skills like Disabling Shot, Whirlwind Attack, Power Stab, etc supposed to evade when you are under the effects of inmobilization or it’s a bug?

Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Hoping this gets fixed soon, already over a week with this problem for me.

Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I tried playing after reading Ashley’s post but nothing has changed for me, I still get like 2x the ping I get on other games.

Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I was hoping that today’s patch would have fixed the issue but both GW2 and GW1 are still laggy(for me atleast). Here are 2 screenshots comparing the latency I get on D3 and on GW2.


Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Sry for double posting but here is a networkdiag I took when I wasn’t lagging, dunno if it’s relevant or not but here it is.

Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Location: Antofagasta-Chile
Server:Yak’s Bend

Lag started Friday 14th, never had any lag problems before except in the beta weekends. Watching videos ,playing other games(D3) and that kind of stuff is perfectly fine, also(I don’t know if it’s relevant or not)some of my friends that play GW2 have the same ISP I have and have no lag problems(they live in other cities tho). Lag seems to go away after 0:00am(GMT-4) since I was able to play without problems until 3:00am(went to sleep after so I don’t know if lag came back again). Also, I don’t know if this is relevant or not but I also lag in GW1 and lag goes away around the same time as GW2’s(0:00am). Hope this get fixed soon, I really love this game.

(edited by Alaztor.6918)

WvW Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Game crashed in WvW near Garrison Watergate, it’s the second time it crashes in the same place and my game had never crashed before the 26th patch.

Berserker Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Wait, does anyone know if the Toolkit hits that hard only in pve/WvW or also in sPvP now?

It should hit harder on pve/wvw because of food and also because pvp berserker amulet gives lower crit damage.

Berserker Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I see that you get pretty good damage with the toolkit, mind sharing your build(traits, sigils and stuff)

Berserker Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Hey guys my Engi is currently using Knight gear(power,precision,toughness) and I was thinking of getting a full set of berserker gear. My question is what build benefits the most from a zerker gear? are traited grenadiers still good after the 30% reduction on skill 1 compared to GS Warriors and stuff? Asking for a PvE/Fractals build.

Flamethrower suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I love the flamethrower but it feels so mediocre, would love to see some of these changes, specially the Flame Blast one.

Deadly Mixtures bugged?

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Is this trait bugged? because I see the same damage numbers on my flamethrower and elixir gun no matter if I have it selected or not.

Ascended Items Prefix, Suffix

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Any info if we will get ascended items(rings,backpiece) with Knight,Shaman,Rampager,Carrion,Cleric, etc prefixes and/or suffixes that are not available right now?

Weapons Stats on Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I remember I read a reply from anet that we were getting this after sigils working on kits, any news?

Knight's Amulet

in PvP

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I’m curious, why this has Vitality instead of Toughness(like the pve version), anyone knows?

Ascended Items

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Any info on when we will be able to get these items via WvW or Crafting Disciplines?

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


This has happened to me 2 times already and it’s really frustrating since it doesn’t only hurts you, but it also hurts the team. Hoping for a fix ASAP.

CoE Path 1 Bjarl the Rampager Bugged

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


After the last patch, Bjarl the Rampager is no longer crashing with the pillars, making this path impossible to complete.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Well, I received a mail with the draconic box, I won’t get 15g for it but atleast it’s better than nothing.

Asuran CoF Medium Armor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


The shoulders of the Citadel of Flame Exotic Meidum Armor appear invisible if you also have the chest piece equipped, as far as I know it only affects Asuran characters.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


did you guys posted in the support website or the ingame bug report?

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I don’t understand, should we open a ticket in-game or here:

Also, should I do it in english, or spanish(my first language).

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Well, since we got a response from a mod I’m posting my old ss again.


Concept Art Armor

in Thief

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Anyone knows if this armor is actually in-game? I post here because the character looks like a thief.


Bleed damage vs direct damage.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


They could reduce the duration of bleeds but increase the damage, so the 25 stacks are harder to build.

Pre 9/25 Tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


I can use and move(to the bank) the tokens I got before the 9/25 patch with the character that got them(warrior), but I can’t take them from the bank with my other character(necro), any eta on a fix?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


So, I guess the suicide chain way is also exploiting since it’s not the ‘’intended way’’.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


Up until last night I really slowed down on playing Guild Wars, not because I was so depressed I was going to kill myself or anything emotionally serious or crying for attention, but just because I farmed for awhile to obtain enough gold to buy that box and I was simply a bit turned off that all my hours had gone to waste.

Of course I haven’t quit but it did leave sort of a bad taste in my mouth for a bit of time, but i’m still playing here and there, but hopefully it can be resolved.

@ Paladin, if all the people are refunded their gold, it would hardly inflate the economy whatsoever. This community consist of millions of players, and although this is happening more frequently, it’s just a handful in comparison to how many players are out there. They do have the power to change armors retroactively.

I don’t think changing the armors retroactively would be the best solution since some people(myself included) already sold the set to try to recover some of the gold they lost.

UNACCEPTABLE response time on Box of Armor bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


+1, I spent 15g to get one of those boxes so I could get my exotic set(draconic), but when I opened the box I received a rare set(gladiator), and the description of the box says draconic not gladiator. Hoping for a refund or atleast a box that works properly.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alaztor.6918


here’s a screenshot that confirms that I bought the box.(it’s in spanish since that’s my first language,but you get the point)
