Showing Posts For Alex.4150:

I do not why my account was suspended

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alex.4150


So starting off I have not played this game for a long time. Probably been almost been a year or so. I decided that I wanted to start playing again, so I downloaded gw2 and when I tried to log on it says that my account was suspended. I do no know why my account was suspended and I never got a notice that my account was suspended. I submitted a ticket but has been a day, since. Is there anyone who had the same experience? Or have any insight to why my account was suspended? The only reason I can think is because of inactivity.

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alex.4150


I am also having these problems of constant disconnects……… You guys(anet) seriously not going to do anything about until HoT comes out?

Rifle vs Pistol

in Engineer

Posted by: Alex.4150


Rifle with a condi build seems pretty good, you can knockdown your enemy for quite a while allowing you to put some condi on them w/ grenade, bomb, etc. Don’t forget that it can immoblize. Im starting to use rifle more than pistol now with my condi build. But this is my opinion hope this help you out.

Your Favorite Class? Why?

in PvP

Posted by: Alex.4150


I love my full berserker warrior, bcz i want see them big numbers !!!

Shatter mesmer need more damge..

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex.4150


Just from my experience its really hard to fight condition builds with shatter mesmer, most of the time i lose from overload of condition, but when i can get distance i have a better chance at winning. My problem is that when i go in for a shatter i do not do enough damage and pretty much point where i lose, condition builds probably have bit too much toughness. Im at a point where i will hang up the shatter build and use a condition build. My question do you guys thing that berserker builds need more damage?

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4150


If ur gonna make a suggestion of “Fast Hand” then there should be something like that for elementalists, i mean they are “master of elements”.

Full zerker build

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4150


Is going full glass cannon still worth it? Just wondering i can get high crits or i should just avoid it.

Axe Auto Chain

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4150


By 75%???? kitten no wonder i wasn’t doing ne damage when i spvp. kitten they tell us they want to diversify builds. Atm full zerker warrior is usesless in spvp.

[Analysis] Incoming nerf to hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4150


I just don’t like how hammer warriors can have the same output in damage as a full zerker warrior, when they don’t have to sacrifice defense, and don’t have to stack precision in jewels, etc. Just wish they would something for burst classes for once.

Burst Build being ignored?

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4150


In my defense burst warriors have to stack precision when stun wars don’t need to. Burst wars have to sacrifice defense, when stun wars don’t. Make it fair for the burst wars and nerf “unsuspecting foe” trait to 10-15% range.

[VID] NYSM: Stomp - DD Elementalist PVP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex.4150


What armor set do u use???
Bcz it seems u can take alot of damage while still outputting major damage