Showing Posts For Alex Caputo.7863:

What Stab has done to GvG/fight guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Guys what you dont understand is that now stab has a timer and a limit. No offense to HG but they usually get absolutely wrcked, especially vs NS. What aoe CC fields are doing is effectively making superior numbers being able to focus more cc in a target area, blowing everybody up. Take 0 skill and im tired of anet making wvw a ferriweather place for casuals who play ranger. All i see now is mesmers pulls, engi turrets and its absolute cheese. Whatever GG anet you finally kittened me off and kittened this game up enough to have me quit after 2 and a half amazing years. But ya done kittened it up this time.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

What Stab has done to GvG/fight guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Last week I saw about 25 NightShift [NS] (who are top 3 gvg/fight guilds on NA) get completely demolished by about 50-60 HG. What would happen before the stab changes was that NS would completely steamroll HG due to their superior skill based play, players, builds, commanding, etc. I saw them get one pushed and demolished by HG due to the blow up of CC which is impossible to counter in smaller numbers. What Anet has done is encouraged mindless blob play instead of coordinated strategy amongst players. I found this to be extremely sad and a killer to the game in itself. The GvG scene is all but dead, since now the meta seems to be extreme CC with no frontline, making half the classes NOT EVEN WORTH PLAYING IN THIS GAME ANYMORE. As a result Ns, Syn and i believe Agg have quit the guild wars 2, making this a sad example of what happens when you mess with an already stable system. Losing these experienced guilds and players is a hardstrike on the WvW community. Anet please find it in your hearts to put the game back on track and set the stab changes to the way it was, encourage small man play to actually have a chance to beat superior numbers. Sincerely, all WvW players.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

So i finished my meta in like the first week…and i still did not receive my WvW meta tickets…

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

This is it….i think he is pretty neat


Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Great, so now I am a human that has replaced his cultural armour into the flamekissed one…now it also hides my toxic gloves and I really do not like this new style compared to the old one. I wish to have a full refund on the flamekissed (since you know i payed for THAT look and not THIS one). Or I should have the proper option of going back to what i exactly PAYED for. If these options do not arise I will be going into further matters in order to get my gems back Thanks!

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Thoughts on shrink of the Toxic shoulders.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Ok, so i put money into this game in order to buy gems. With those gems I got the set of both the toxic gloves and shoulder pieces. However, with the recent reduction of the shoulder piece I honestly do not find it to be as nice as the older ones. It seems only fair that the product in which the players themselves payed for stay the way they bought them and not altered afterwards…

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Toxic Mantle Shrink

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

It just seems unfair to me that I bought gems in order to have that look, and Anet decides to change it…yet I payed for the big ones not small ones. Seems like a bad idea to switch the product once it has been bought…

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Toxic Mantle Shrink

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

So I log on to find my toxic mantles have shrunk (Human Male). Not exactly sure if it is a bug. If not please put back the original big design, it was a lot nicer

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

CoF path 2, bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

So I went to Cof path 2 about 10 minutes ago, and when we had to pull the chain to defeat the 1st boss (after killing the 3 elite shamans), the event to pull the chain never popped up.


Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Trebs at Citadel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

So apperently Stormbluff Isle has figured out a way to put a treb in their citadel spawn. Impossible to reach it, please fix. thanks!

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

To all you guys bashing on One saying we had superior numbrrs…I laugh at h
you. especially when you’re trying to gank us with 2-3 guilds at a time and get stomped flat. we just kept killing you guys yesterday and I got a good 1000 kills I’m the necro running with the crossing and repping One. hope to kill you on the battlefild…over and over and over again….like usual ?

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

I wanna thank [HOPE] [ATK] and [CL] for the non stop loot bags in YBBL tonight. Despite having twice our numbers, and tons of ACs you all got stomped by [One]. That 15 minute fight got me two rank ups so I wanted to thank you all for your bad skills ? Oh and when [HOPE] and [ATK] tried to double team us near Hills…very comical as well I’m going to miss all the loot bags once you guys are gone

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

I listen to: Kill all maguuma – by I eat mag for breakfast and DIE KEINENG DIE by Keineng mad bro

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Huge arrow cart problem

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

So bassicly you want WvW to be trebs and Arrow carts? whats the fun in tht? At least before we had diverse ways of using siege. now Arrow carts out OP everything. and TBH to always have enough supply to build a treb can become extremely painful….and iif there are enough elementalists around you wont even get a single shot off.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Huge arrow cart problem

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Exactly, it eliminates the need for flame rams, and it makes keeps practically impossible to take. 3 regular Arrow carts killed about 15 of my build members (who have over 1600 toughness each) by the time we passed an OPEN gate. It is absolutely ridiculous and making siege practically impossible. TBH yaks bend is at an extreme disadvantage since we are outnumbered wherever we go compared to keineng or maguuma. This rlly fked my WvW. i hope anet realizes what a horrible mistake they did and fix it ASAP.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Huge arrow cart problem

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Why would people at arena net approve of the ridiculous buffs added to the Arrow cart? WvW is not even fun anymore. One Superior Arrow cart can hit around 2k per volley, we had 3 golems on a gate and by the time the gate went down 1 Superior Arrow cart took out 50% of the golems hp…Im no game designer, but even i can tell these new buffs on the Arrow carts are absolutely ridiculous. Make WvW fun again. Fix the Arrow carts. Thanks.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Huge arrow cart problem

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Why would people at arena net approve of the ridiculous buffs added to the Arrow cart? WvW is not even fun anymore. One Superior Arrow cart can hit around 2k per volley, we had 3 golems on a gate and by the time the gate went down 1 Superior Arrow cart took out 50% of the golems hp…Im no game designer, but even i can tell these new buffs on the Arrow carts are absolutely ridiculous. Make WvW fun again. Fix the Arrow carts. Thanks.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

SoS - The Comeback Kid [Recruitment]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

ya i had great fights with you guys when it was YB vs SoS vs DB. wish you luck!

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Changes I'd like to see....

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

There is a problem with your system. First of all i do not necessarily agree with your approach to golems. If a server constantly gets there garrison wipped before it can fully upgrade, this means they will not even have the option to get golems. Secondly, auto-loot if WvW or anywhere in gw2 will not work. what happens when your bag is full? will you have pop ups all over your screen during a zerg fight to decide which look you want to take? And lastly, they contest the waypoints for good reason. If you split your forces on the WvW map (one force attacking hills the other attacking bay). If your enemy successfully defends one, they cannot immidietly port to the other keep. they will have to run (or swim) back. this causes them to make a tactical decision on what to defend first!!! if they had to ability to instantly port back WvW would be ruined imo.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Truces, Spies and Cheating and Skype/TS/Vent

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Only on one occasion do i remember DB and YB sieging hills (controlled by SoS) where they did not touch each other. Until YB rushed in to clean out SoS and DB cleaned us out afterwards lmao :P quite a funny time

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Least represented class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Engi probly, alot of my guildies dropped them after that patch. And whats all this hate towards rangers? I do a MASSIVE amount of DPS with mine. I say i can handle myself pretty well, you just gotta learn with what you are confortable with and youll start ripping everyone to pieces, like all other classes.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Yak's Bend Looing for Oceanic, SEA guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Yak’s Bend has proven itself to be a real force to be recond with while in WvW during the day for NA. However, our Oceanic presence is lacking…if you are a small or big oceanic guild you will be VERY welcomed into our community! We have set-up a Yak’s Bend alliance where we do not tell you what to do, but we coordinate together and have weekly meetings to discuss tacts, news, etc. If you are interested in either joining our server or would like to talk to some of the biger players within our server give me a shout out!!!

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

I only find it OP when you see those theives that stay in stelath almost PERMANENTLY. and it is so annoying and frustrating it is unbeleivable. Why cant I have a “reveal” skill? there seems to be a counter for every attack or ability in this game exept for stealth. And im sry if you call wildy swinging a sowrd or randomly guessing where the player is while under stelath, that is not a counter. that is hopping for the best of luck. It puts classes at a hugeeeee disadvantages. especially rangers since we tend to be super squishy.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

i did! no sarcasm! thank you all!

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

i love you people so much. i just..i just want to make love to you all

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

i have that one…

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

where is that?

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

ok so i was all happy this morning that i was going to get map completion right? but as i thought i got it it says im missing one POI…however i have 100% on all map sections and i triple checked each section to make sure i got all the poi…wtf?

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

map completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

i have everything at 100% with NOTHING missing but it says im missing a POI…is it possible to contact arena net with this bug? or did they add a new POI im not aware of?

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Fractals of the Mists Giant

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Well we were doing level 10 in fotm with the giant instance. and one of our members fell with the hammer. afterwards we all commited suicide in order to regain the hammer. but when we all jumped we couldnt respawn or go to the lab…we were just stcuk, dead, waiting there.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Game get stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Did you try changing the buttons used for chatting?

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Kicking people who left

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

when somebody leaves*

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Kicking people who left

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

When somebody the area in WvWvW or logs off, you cannot kick them out of the group. The only option I receive is to report. This problem has been present since launch and honestly it is a real headache to have to remake the entire group when there could be a simple option to kick the player. Thanks.

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

LF guild that WvWvW

in Guilds

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Come tranfer to Yaks Bend and whisper message me: thehappyface. ill be more then glad to invite you to Some major guilds in the server specifically originated to wvwvw and the guild i usually rol with Eastern Wind, smal man action but we kill with an intention. we use ventrilo se go download that ffor free we are not picky about class, whichever you are most comfortable with

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

Is it just me or...

in Charr

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

bope i think its more when he holds the greatsword….but the other rces all looked hunched over when weilding one :P

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows

1/11/13 - Dragonbrand / Yaks Bend / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Alex Caputo.7863

Alex Caputo.7863

Haha ive had some great fights with dragon and Ebay. Some great servers. Hope to see you guys on the batlefield

Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows