Showing Posts For Alexander.1957:

Zodiac Armors Feeback

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alexander.1957



Do you think there’s any chance the art team would make a version of this armor without the blue in it? I absolutely love the detail that they put into the rest of the (Light) armor, but I want to still be able to see my character.

(And if you can’t/won’t answer, could we get an Art person in here?)

You’re right, I cannot offer an answer on this. That being said, the reason why the discussion should stay constructive is because I am actively collecting feedback (positive & negative). So. I will put this in my feedback.

Hi Danicia,
Please do consider this option! A lot of people ingame are saying they love the detail of the armor and would gladly purchase it, but are turned off by the blue shiny skin.

Harp! Cant play with other instruments

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Any others interested for this change?

Harp! Cant play with other instruments

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alexander.1957


The addition of the harp is beautiful, it sounds very lovely! It is well worth the gems.

Unfortunately, we are unable to play along with other instruments(flute, Bell, Horn) as they all sound in different musical keys!
For example, I believe the harp is in C Major and the flute is in E Major

Would it be possible to change all the instruments to play in one unified key?

Music You'd wish GW2 had. (post your own)

in Audio

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Every time I load my Cimmerian Warrior

Mask of the Night doesn't look Halloween

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Alexander.1957



I would buy gems for that!

one with air trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Change it back to 25% permanent running speed! please!

one with air trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Josh thanks for replaying here but… honestly I rather have the old 25% movement speed back..

one with air trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alexander.1957


^ @Karazul: So true… it’s not really all that “super”

one with air trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alexander.1957


I swore “One with air” granted a permanent 25% movement before… now its gone!.. : 0

Now its just a super speed switftness that only last 1 sec and then returens to a slow normal running speed :/


More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Yes! Please more emotes for RP!

GW2 lacks soo many RP features that other, even older, MMOs have.

Exotic Mini Bug (Minis 3-Pack Set 2)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Awwww. I was planning to get the exotic Steam Hulk just to watch him fight …:(

Please do consider in the future for mini pets to have some type of fighting, even if its amongst themselves :P aka Mini Battles.

Queen's Gauntlet spectating

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Alexander.1957


From what I read on the main announcement page, will this be a non instanced arena to watch others fight boss battles?
For example, can all of Divinitys Reach watch a single person fight?

Flute broken due to note interruption changes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Thank you again Cody.
Seeing how passionate everyone is about the flute, it really shows how many players want a great music system.
If anyone was interested in some future ideas for music instruments I made a suggestion topic here
Feel free to add your thoughts on music instruments for gw2

Musical Instruments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexander.1957


I would like to start off by saying that I love the recent addition of instruments!

The choir bell and Marriner horn where the first but seemed to lack unique animations and fluidity. The flute I believe is the first perfectly implemented instrument, it seems more put together with its lovely animation and beautiful sound.
I would like to dearly express that future instruments come with this level of quality, or better!

Playing or hearing player driven music adds atmosphere in the game and can make places of gathering more alive. Even randomly stumbling upon someone practicing adds life to once dead areas. Adding more instruments can lead to players forming groups/bands/ guilds dedicated to entertaining others, and themselves, with music. This I believe is much better for the longevity of the game than just adding limited content every month.( Not that there is anything wrong with the living world updates, I love them.)

Please do add more!

Here are some suggested thoughts on musical instruments:
-All instruments should have a unique animation when playing ( Not just reusing older animations)

-3 or more octaves for some instruments (Guitar/lutes, Harp, Xylophone.. etc.)

- Selling them in bundles on the gem store; ( It can get quite expensive to buy each individually for 800gems each!!)

- Have the in game music be slightly lowered when coming within range of someone playing.

- Ability to mute those who abuse the instruments in attempting to troll/annoy others.

Here are some suggested instruments:
-Percussion instruments /drums
– ?

Anyone else please feel free to add more suggestions /ideas/ thoughts

(edited by Alexander.1957)

Flute broken due to note interruption changes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Thank you for responding Cody.
I am happy to hear it is reverting back to before plus the added ability.
We hope the fix would be sooner, but I am just glad it will be fixed soon
Now I can not wait for the next living world update!

Adding instruments is by far my favorite most recent feature. Please continue adding more instruments!

Flute broken due to note interruption changes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alexander.1957


The flute is broken!!
I am a musician and fell in love with the flute, but now we are not able to repeat the same note right after one another.
In music notes are repeating all the time, so this patch for the flute makes no sense!
We can not play songs/ melodies this way….
Patch it back to the sustaining notes, it was perfect before.
Please do fix!!!

PS Please continue adding more instruments!

Musical Instrument system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Thank you Vrede, That is exactly what I was referring to!
I’m not one to usually suggest copying, but in this case… Please do Anet!!

It would add wonders!

Musical Instrument system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexander.1957


The addition of the personal choir bell/unbreakable choir bell instrument makes me very happy!

I would like to suggest, if possible, a musician like system for future instruments;
The current method feels to have a slight delay in timing ,making it hard to have any sort of rhythm or structure to melodies. This would make impossible to play in harmony in a band/group like setting.
Here are some ideas:( to be honest most all notes taken from LOTROs musical system)

-More diverse instruments, (extra octave ranges)
-Ability to auto play fluid music from a text musical file in the gw2 directory, maybe using a “/play songname1” like command
-Have the ability to use /play* to play different parts of a song in sync with others, like the /dance* command to dance in sync.

If something like this,or more, could be implemented, it would bring lots of people together to play and hold small concert like gatherings Also add lots of life into the game

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


But how are those with wasted degrees and dense logic suppose to understand semantics…?

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Thank you Regina for clearing it up.
Some of us are just excited for the event/items; nothing wrong with wishful thinking that gem store items could have come early…
But of course it may all be too oblivous, kiddish, dense tobe wishful

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Maybe it is a typo, but previous events have had the gems store updated before the days of events, one could only assume the same right? Or is this thinking to oblivious..

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


I noticed the same thing yesterday when the Wintersday page was updated.

It stated that the new items are on the Gem store… “Today!”

Can any of the developers confirm, please?

FREE drawings (and comissions too!)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alexander.1957


These are great!

Curious to see if how you interpret my elementalist from these pics
Looking foward, thank you!


Activities you don't know about

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Would love mini pet battles!
Yes!, please more mini games for social interaction + Cosmetic rewards . Also do not make them instanced.. way better to have an audience/crowd watching for these!!

Overall drop rate question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alexander.1957


The fix for the unidentified dyes ….. did it fix the drop rate of looting unidentified themselves or the drop rate of discovering rares by clicking on unidentified dyes??

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alexander.1957


25% Speed boost

Took me about 30+ attempts, but I was always ahead of the crowd or alone…


Will more items become available on the Black Lion as the events progress?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alexander.1957


As the acts progress, will more items go on the gem store?