Showing Posts For AnClar.1304:
Fiery Dragon Sword…Bolt if I get ambitious…but the last time I got ambitious was when I got my first (and last) set of GW1 Fissure Armor for my ele, so not much chance of that happening again. :p
(edited by AnClar.1304)
While every other class has been getting nerfed into oblivion in previous patches, two contenders remained at the top of the mountain continually getting praise and warming gifts, you know who those were? Ele and Warrior. I have zero sympathy for anyone playing Ele right now for having to deal with your first real nerf to anything in what… 3 years?
I’ve been playing ele since beta…I’ve been willing to put up with the one-shot kills, and constant kiting and dodging in order to stay alive…part of the class…fine. The compensation was, as I stated, higher damage output. This is not as you put it “your first real nerf in…3 years” If it were, I’d have nothing to say, but it’s not the first, second, third, or fourth significant nerf in the past three years. My point is still valid…this has been a systematic removal of the only compensation that eles had for being basically defenseless…especially against high-level enemies. I need to go dig out my history of ele nerfs over the years, and compare ‘em with the buffs. This ain’t only my opinion…many others share it. You’ve got yours. I don’t buy it.
OK…it’s not the “end of ele as a class”…yet, but, truly ANet, I’m just fed up with your constant massive ele nerfs. This time Overload Air, and the thoroughly obnoxious cooldown on Meteor Shower.
I’ve generally kept my mouth shut on the long stream of ele nerfs, but this time I just have to say something. The microbuffs in no way make up for the systematic way in which you’re destroying the fun of playing this class. Let’s see, give us the glassiest, squishiest setup…then systematically over time remove the only compensation for having these crummy defensive abilities…having higher damage output.
I’m completely disappointed with the overall approach to this class that the devs seem to have held for quite a while now. I’m not just random qq’ing here. As many others have said, this seems to have been a long-held prejudice of the devs against ele.
Oh well…I fully expect the haters to flame me with the “Oh boo-hoo OP ele still OP just a bit less” comments. I don’t care. To me, this is beyond a single nerf…it’s about the systematic destruction of a class. Sorry ANet…bad job!
Oh, and as someone else mentioned in this thread…where are the devs anyways??? Gaile said that they would be on post-patch release to discuss…haven’t seen hide nor hair of ’em yet.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
I visit the peach tree daily on my ele with no speed boosts. ..gliding is helpful, and so is careful positioning. I also used the shortcut to do the centaur camp POI, only change I made was to use Infiltration runes for that run. Obsidian Flesh, Mist Form and the runes made getting the POI silly easy.
I’ve played zerk since forever…because of that I’ve learned how to play my main (ele) better. When you’re that glassy, you have to learn the game mechanics in order to survive: ie. dodge, positioning, use of terrain, skill rotations, etc. When players can’t or won’t wrap their heads around that, they die a lot, with the resultant loud QQing…especially with zerk equipment, because zerk.
This has been going on since gaming. How many times I’ve reminded players…don’t stand in the AOE…don’t stand in the line of fire…don’t aggro needlessly, and on and on. So it is what it is…players, casual or otherwise will either learn the game, or else die with glassy builds. That’s the way it is. My opinion.
Sorry…I will never again have something in a color that advertises itself as “gloss black”. I just got rid of my gloss black iPhone…waaaay too many scratches! Unless ANet has figured out a non-scratch gloss black, I just can’t imagine walking around Tyria with scratched-up armor!
(edited by AnClar.1304)
At least part of the argument in this thread is related to the general topic of how you define “play the game” vs. “grind”. I don’t find playing the game to get MPs and exp a burden or a grind because I think there’s enough variety to make collecting them as part of playing the game enjoyable. It’s a personal preference and YMMV…but, to my mind, why even play the game at all if you find playing it to be a grind?
Interestingly enough, I tried this, along with a -repair and I did notice an increase in my FPS from approx. 40ish to approx 60ish in the same maps and positions with approx. the same number of people in the map.
I’m running 64-bit client, Win 10 core i7, 24 GB RAM, nVidia GTX 970, 1TB Samsung SSD.
GW2 has always been much more CPU-intensive than GPU, in my experience.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
I’d like folks opinion of using Aeromancer’s Training over Inscription for raiding. I’ve seen both as recommended…MetaBattle is using Inscription but I’ve seen Aeromancer’s Training also…any significant differences? Is the extra might more useful than the extra precision, all else equal?
My experience…the first set of ascended armor I crafted was cele…it was ok, but not great for the way I tend to play. Cele is jack of all traits, master of none. To me, it’s mostly meh. My next set was zerk, and that’s what I should have made the first time. As long as you know how to move, dodge, and position yourself, zerk/scholar runes is the way to go. I can now play either ranged (tempest staff DPS), or melee (fresh air D/W)…works great for fractals, raiding, or just solo PvE roaming.
Hearts and Minds ; End Boss Fight *spoilers*
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AnClar.1304
I totally agree that the mechanics of this mish are not great…especially when it comes to the gliding sections. That said, I guess I got extremely lucky…I managed to finish the chapter solo on my main…a staff tempest. But only after I failed it at least ten times. So it can be done…it’s just not easy…Anet really needs to fix the gliding vents to be more more reliable.
For pretty much most open world content, including HoT, I run D/W Fresh Air if I’m feeling like melee-heavier that day, or Staff if I want to go ranged. Fire, Air, Tempest is my setup and, as others have said, movement and dodge is helpful to overcoming the ele’s inherent squishiness and staying alive.
I don’t understand, even with a squishy zerker ele HOT is mostly faceroll. You have tons of active defense, and your dodges. Yes, you will die from time to time, but not if you pay attention. All who claim it’s unplayable solo just don’t pay attention enough.
I’ve soloed all the HoT story line missions, and pretty much everything else in HoT except for the champ HPs..with a squishy zerk ele. I fail to see where the majority of HoT content is not soloable. A few deaths are inevitable, but with either Staff meta if you want to go ranged, or D/W Fresh Air Tempest if you want to get up close and personal, stuff dies insanely quickly with the DPS from either build.
I dunno…I’ve seen both sides of this issue, both solo and in a party. The first time I tried to solo it, the rifts were temperamental, as were the updrafts…what killed it for me that time was when a rift spawned in an unreachable area. The second time I tried it with the same toon was about a month later…that time everything worked fine…I died once fighting Garm, used the retry node, and finished up fine, although I wouldn’t call the mish easy by any means. It took me about an hour to finish. The last time was about two days ago with guildies. Everything went OK, except we had a scare after we killed Mordy…the player who started the instance seemed to be unable to kill Trahearne with Caladbolg. All he could do was swing it for about 5 minutes. We were ready to give up amidst many kittenish comments, when finally, Trahearne’s dialog started up again and we were finally able to kill him and end the mish. So is it buggy…yeah. Is it doable…yeah. Is it soloable…yeah. Good luck YMMV.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
Yup…clearing the cache folder fixed it for me as well.
Srsly Anet…..fireball now looks like the pea shooters I used to use as a 5 year old…only the peas are burning…terrible change….pls, pls, pls revert…that is all.
But then we’d lose the fun of being in central Tyria…running off the edge of a cliff, pressing the space bar, and wondering why the glider isn’t deploying, maybe have time for a /facepalm and then go splat at the bottom. C’mon…you know you’ve done it already!!
True they’ve nerfed the daylights out of dungeons and fractals…just one observation though…and it’s more about human nature than it is about the actual nerfing…pre-HoT, many forum commenters were QQing a lot about the fact that they had so many ascended rings from fractals that they didn’t know what to do with all of them and that they were taking up too much storage space. Now it’s about how it’s a grind/gold sink to get ascended gear. What I don’t get is why the devs have such a tough time balancing the game…whether it’s drop rates, or content, or skillz that are either too OP or just terrible. Kinda reminds me of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears….the porridge is either too hot or too cold…rarely is it ever “just right”. Maybe it’s just in the nature of MMOs that it’ll always be that way.
A Very Happy 15th Anniversary Gaile! And a big thanks for your dedication to the community for all these years! Your innumerable kind and helpful acts have really helped to make this the best gaming community in the MMO universe! I know we all look forward to you and your frogs leading the GW community onward for the next 15 years!
Just to post my experience so far…the 64-bit client is running well, and co-exists nicely with the 32 bit exe file. The only thing I’ve noticed seems to be very slightly longer map load times. This is barely noticeable and in all my running around HoT (VB and Auric so far) I’ve not had any issues.
I’m running Win 10×64 on a desktop machine, 1st gen core i7, 24 GB RAM 1 TB Samsung 850SSD, nVidia GTX970FTW, and a 144Hz AOC 24" monitor @ 1920×1080. All GW2 graphics settings maxed, and I’m getting around 65FPS in relatively empty areas, dropping to ~20-30FPS in crowded maps and WB battles. With the 32-bit client, I was getting a number of OOM crashes…with the 64-bit client, not a single OOM crash thus far.
Thanks for putting the 64-bit client out for us!
This has happened to me a couple of times. Just put in a support ticket and they will remove the authenticator from your account so you can add your new phone.
Mini Mordrem Frogs….can haz??
For the folks talking about the district system in GW1, I seem to remember the filling up of districts such that at times it was impossible to get into the district you wanted to be in. Physical capacity is physical capacity, regardless of the mechanic used to move around.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
Just to add a bit here, I recently went from a 660 to an EVGA 970 FTW. While I’m pleased with the card (and it’s DX12 capabilities for future games), I was surprised at how little the upgrade affected frame rates in GW2. An apples to apples comparison…all GW2 graphics settings maxed, including supersample, with the 660 I was getting around 35 FPS in Divinity’s Reach. With the 970 I got about a 10 FPS bump, averaging around 45 FPS. While not disappointed at all, I was sorta expecting more.
This is all anecdotal…I have not formally benchmarked the new card yet…haven’t had time…but my results thus far demonstrate the complexity of factors affecting frame rates in different games. As ever, YMMV.
Tks for the clarification…I’m just gonna sit back and see what happens.
Yet with the restrictions on new accounts they cannot “spam” whispers.. Nice try though. Also go stand in the pvp lobby and tell me you do not get gold seller whispers.. That is where most of gold seller whispers come from for me.
They can send a whisper to a different player every 30 seconds…with a boatload of free accounts that can potentially make for a lot of messages. Just sayin’.
That’s where I’m currently at…just watching and hoping for the best.
Not criticizing f2p “players” who are actually playing…if you read my OP you’ll see I clearly stated that. My point is that it is now that much easier for goldsellers to create free throwaway accounts that they then use to send their spam whispers. Until yesterday, I could count on the fingers of one hand how many spam whispers I’ve gotten since GW2 release. In the space of 15 minutes I got two yesterday. Draw your own conclusions.
And so it begins…despite whatever measures Anet have put in place, yesterday alone I got two goldseller whispers. I don’t mind the f2p players who are on to see whether or not they want to invest in the full game, but if, as it appears, and as was predicted by the community, we now have to put up with a new epidemic of unwanted and annoying spam goldseller whispers it will make the GW2 experience that much less enjoyable.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
This has happened to me on at least three occasions. Open a support ticket on it and they will get you fixed up.
I’m sorry…filtering “analyst”, a perfectly good and inoffensive word in the English language just because it contains within it another term such that if the original word is pronounced incorrectly it then refers, anatomically correctly, to a location in the human body is just dumb. Using this example, I would fully expect that the completely inoffensive word “therapist” would also be filtered simply because it too contains another term which is a description of a criminal, and can be incorrectly pronounced in a way that completely changes the meaning.
In general Anet, your noble and reasonable efforts to keep offensive screen names out of the game are commendable, however there are cases where you go completely and unreasonably overboard, and in those cases, there should be a way to request a review.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
For whatever reasons, my rig is working OK…
Intel 1st gen Core i7 975 @3.33GHz
1TB Samsung 850 SSD
Corsair 850W Platinum PSU
nVidia/EVGA GTX 970 FTW
nVidia driver 355.60
Win 10 Pro
AOC 2460G4 monitor @144Hz
nVidia control panel non-default settings: Global: single-monitor performance mode, GW2: power mgmt: prefer maximum performance
screen res: 1920×1080 @144Hz
GW2 graphics: all settings maxed
With this setup, I get mostly 60fps and above with occasional drops into the 40s but that’s the lowest I’ve seen.
I also run Witcher 3 at max settings and get decent frame rates…mostly above 60fps.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
Heya, you should try WinKey+Tab instead
See if it helps..
Thanks but all that did was to crash my graphics driver. It’s not a big deal given that I know a workaround. Maybe nVidia will fix it in a driver update…others have been complaining about the issues with the nVidia Win10 driver.
I had a couple of hiccups, but nothing major with GW2 and the Win10 upgrade. The first time I tried to run GW2 my graphics locked up…a GW2 -repair fixed that. Now the only things I note so far are the hero point display bug…cosmetic not a big deal and probably not related to Win10. Slightly more annoying is an ALT-tab issue…in fullscreen mode if I try to ALT-tab away from GW2, unless I have another app open on the desktop, and I switch to the GW2 map display first, it will not switch to the desktop, just flash and cycle back to the GW2 screen. Seems to be happening with nVidia cards like mine. Other than that, smooth…FPS good, gameplay and stability similar to what I had on Win8.1.
After I upgraded from Win 8.1×64 to Win10x64, I first had to run a repair on my GW2 installation as it would not load and locked up my graphics. After the repair it loaded OK, but now I notice that if I try to alt-TAB to the Win10 desktop out of GW2 in fullscreen mode, it will just go back to the GW2 screen unless two things happen first: 1. have another program running on the desktop, ie. a web browser; 2. I call up the GW2 map before I alt-TAB. If I do those two things, I can alt-TAB out of GW2 and come back, otherwise the screen will just flash and cycle back to the GW2 screen
My graphics card: nVidia GTX660 using the latest nVidia Win10 driver, not the one installed by Windows during the upgrade. GW2 graphics settings all maxed, SMAA-high antialiasing. nVidia non-default profile settings for GW2: Power: prefer maximum performance, Ambient Occlusion: ON
(edited by AnClar.1304)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AnClar.1304
people have a bad habit of blaming ncsoft for every bad decison we hear. Look at their other games, you will find that those games prices are generally fair, and they havent charged 50 dollars or the equivalent for an expansion.
this business model is developed and maintained by arenanet, almost everything else ncsoft does is subscription based or free to play.
Not saying ANet is blameless, but without NCSoft, ANet would either have to find another financial partner or cease to exist. Ultimate responsibility though vests in the parent/major financial backer entity.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AnClar.1304
If there is anyone at ArenaNet that needs a customer feedback to improve process or kickstart a change in policy and processes please use this. If this was my work, we would have had the investors biting off our heads to make a statement.
ANet’s major financial partner is NCSoft, a Korean based corporation. I would imagine that most of NCSoft’s investors are not all that close to GW2 and it’s community. I think it’s a safe bet to say that all NCSoft’s investors give a rap about is NCSoft’s bottom line. It looks as though ANet is doing whatever it takes to make the sales and revenue targets that NCSoft sets.
So that’s where ANet’s bread is buttered. They’ve been a cash cow for NCSoft, and they’ll continue to exist as long as they stay that way. If the GW2 user community gets hurt along the way I suspect that NCSoft will view it as minor collateral damage unless and until ANet’s revenues tank.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AnClar.1304
4) Communication. AKA The Famous Arenanet Ostrich Defense.
We got an answer of gayle at page 68.
We know that Ruby got called ingame.
last but the best: we have an amazing reminder of the situation on the main post.They are communicating plenty on the issue.
Regina’s answer was posted before this blew up. Gaile’s ’We’re listening’ has not been followed up by any further comment from someone in a position to make a definite statement.
It’s the forum equivalent of saying you’ll go talk to your supervisor, and never returning to the customer.
I’m sure that Anet will never do that. They are an amazing company that always listen to their customer.
As proven by a 4k thread on a major issue to many players with no follow up for 3 days.
I’d like some of what you’re smoking, sweety.
OK…at the risk of getting flamed, I’m gonna say it….this whole thing is, what, 3 days old and people are screaming that there has been no official answer…I expect that ANet is being careful about the “official” reply in hopes of not making a bad situation worse. While I’m unhappy about the marketing surrounding HoT, I think peeps saying a lack of response from ANet for 3 days equates to ANet doesn’t care is, I think, a bit unrealistic. I’m reserving judgment for a bit…if no official response is forthcoming by, say the middle of next week, I’ll rethink my position. It could also be that ANet may be legally constrained by whatever agreements they have with NCSoft. And don’t get me started on what I think about NCSoft.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AnClar.1304
OK…I’ve been watching this situation unfold for a while now, and I want to add my impressions to the thread. First off, I am a long time player and fan of the Guild Wars/Guild Wars2 franchise, starting with GW when it first released. I’ve always been a fan of ANet and the community…they seem to be able to find the sweet spot in MMO gaming, IMO anyways. This is not to say that they’ve always made what I think is the right decision along the way any number of times. The big difference is that, in many cases when the community voices its displeasure/unhappiness with an ANet decision it gets considered and many times adjustments/corrections are made. What differentiates ANet from the rest to me has always been the desire to establish, nurture, and improve the community. There is no question in my mind that people like Gaile, Regina, Colin, Linsey, etc. are passionate about the game and do everything they can to make it a great experience for the players.
It’s clear to me and many others in the community that the way the pre-order situation has been handled thus far is not good, moreover, it does seem to needlessly penalize veteran players. I’m pretty sure that ANet will do something to address the situation. I have no idea when or what form this will take, and I can almost guarantee that not everyone will be fully satisfied with it. Nevertheless, I am certain that they are listening and something will be forthcoming from them.
I think it’s vitally important too, to keep the particulars of the situation straight. This has nothing to do with the devs. Having worked in the IT field for over 35 years and seen a few things along the way, it’s clear that this is a marketing messup. I have no idea who could have thought that this was in any way a good strategy, except maybe from some statistical/market analysis that said that this was the way to go. It’s also clear and should have been immediately clear to all at ANet that this would cause a firestorm of protest from veteran players, and so it has. I’d be curious to know whether this decision came from above ANet…that is from NCSoft, and, if it did, was it from anyone who was in any way in close contact with the community and the ANet devs. If it was NCSoft, they need to learn from this…if it was ANet marketing, same. I cannot and will not lay any responsibility for this at the feet of the ANet devs or community managers. Anyone who does is not accurately considering the totality of the situation (not that I have any inside knowledge of what exactly did happen).
In closing, I want to say that I will purchase the expansion, and I’m grateful to the ANet devs and community managers who have worked and cared so hard over the years to make the GW franchise a great one for us, the player community.
(edited by AnClar.1304)
Submitted a ticket on this already, but wanted to alert the community that if you happen to be running Identity Cloaker VPN software, you may get GW2 client d/l crashes with an error in ICproxy.dll, a file installed by Identity Cloaker. Uninstalling Identity Cloaker fixes this issue for me on a Win 8.1×64 system. The problem seems to be related to the background file d/l feature just implemented by ANet, but it was happening to me as soon as I tried the background file d/l feature during beta. Anyone else running Identity Cloaker having this issue?
Agree with the posters here. If you want the skins…it is easily possible to earn them with heroes/hench in GW1. I currently have 45 HoM points that I earned with h/h. The only reason I don’t have GWAMM is mostly because I’m too lazy to grind the last 5 points. I have all unlocked except for the GWAMM title…all the skins, etc. Making the titles easier to get spits in the face of all of us who played and earned what points we have. Besides…personally, I like Legend of the Mists title more than GWAMM anyways.
Yep…me too…something seems to be squirrely on ANet’s end.
Dear heavenly Dwayna — I neeeed that frog.
Wait…a frog in GW2 and it’s not exclusive to G.G. …and she doesn’t even HAVE it. I think an immediate hotfix is called for!
In the past few months, I have been unable to purchase gems through the TP using either PayPal or credit cards. This has now happened three times. Each time I submit a ticket…each time I’ve been told that any account restrictions have been removed…each time I cannot complete a transaction. This is becoming extremely frustrating…all I want to do is spend some of my money on ANet products…it seems as though you don’t want my money…I do not understand. Once…sure, stuff happens…twice…well maybe…three times…smh. The only way I can purchase gems is to buy gem cards and redeem them…this is a major PITA. I now have yet another support ticket in…is anyone else going through this or have I just angered Grenth or something?
Unlike RL, I am hopelessly directionally challenged IG…when someone calls out: “[Dociu Waypoint] then W” I’ll get to the waypoint, then run around in random patterns for a bit…and maybe even eventually figure out which way is west. It’s even worse underwater or in dungeons.
Also unlike RL, I am terrible at climbing IG. If there’s a route that requires going up thin planks (think Colossus in fractals) it’s pretty much a sure bet that I’ll fall a lot before I eventually get to where I need to be.
That said…my more coordinated guildies are a great bunch, exceptionally patient and helpful…that’s why I love GW2 and will keep playing, and running around in random patterns, and falling…the community. Simply the best community that I’ve found in years of gaming!
OK…why not…
62 years old, male
VERY happily married for 19 years
Born & raised in Brooklyn, NY
Currently located deep in the heart of Texas
I’m enjoying semi-retirement after a 35-year career in IT…everything from help desk to h/w integration to network architecture, design and implementation…mostly Cisco stuff.
Have collected a fair number of certs over the years…CNE, CCNA, CCNP, CISSP, LSD, etc.
Spent New Year’s Eve Y2K and 18 hours thereafter in a deserted warehouse in Mahwah, New Jersey repairing a Novell netware server that I blew up, rushing to get out of there before midnight
I’ve been computer gaming since Pong
Guild Wars 1 was my first MMO and I loved it! Started right after beta and still log on occasionally.
Now busy leveling toons and enjoying the absolutely stunning world of GW2.
Somehow ANet has really hit the mark with their games…I love the complexity, yet the ability to not have to invest a ton of time grinding like some other MMOs.
When not gaming, I enjoy medieval history, steam railroading, and American Civil War history.
And last, but most definitely not least…love the great community that has developed around GW1 and now GW2!
Hi…not sure this is the place for this but it seemed at least close. Are there any plans to support in-game stat display for the Logitech ARX app? The app interfaces with the new Logitech G910 Orion Spark keyboard and, at least theoretically, can display in-game information. I really liked the GW2 LCD applet for the G19 keyboard and was disappointed to not have anything like it with the ARX app/G910 keyboard. Not asking for dates, or anything like that…just like to know if there is any interest on ANet’s part to support ARX. Thanks.
OK…add me to the group having these problems…
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer DELL Inc.
System Model Studio XPS 435T/9000
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 975 @ 3.33GHz, 3334 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date DELL INC. A16, 7/28/2009
SMBIOS Version 2.5
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume2
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = “6.1.7601.17514”
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 5.99 GB
Available Physical Memory 3.68 GB
Total Virtual Memory 12.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 8.32 GB
Page File Space 5.99 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
GeForce driver version 310.61
I recently swapped out my nVidia GTX 460 for an EVGA GTX 660 (slightly overclocked) and I’ve been getting the screen freeze/black screen frame rate drop randomly anywhere from 2 minutes to half an hour of play. Note that this did not happen with my GTX 460 card…what did happen was that my frame rates were terrible in general with the 460 so I decided to upgrade the GPU.
These are the Anet-recommended setting changes that I’ve made so far:
For Nvidia cards:
1. Right-click on your desktop and select “Nvidia Control Panel.”
2. Once opened, left-click on “3D settings” and select “Adjust image settings with preview.”
3. Select “Use my preference emphasizing” and move the slider to “Performance.”
4. Select “Use the advanced 3D image settings” and left click on “Take me there.”
This should take you to the “Manage 3D Settings” window. Once here:
5. Change “Power Management mode” to “Prefer maximum performance.”
6. Change “Multi-display/mixed GPU acceleration” to “Single display performance mode.”
7. Change “Vertical Sync” to “Use the 3D application settings.”
8. Click “Apply” to save these changes.
(I also set Anti-Aliasing to “application-controlled”)
9. Start Guild Wars 2.
Once loaded, access the “Graphic Options” window and make the following changes:
1. Change “Refresh Rate” to “60 Hz.”
2. Change “Frame Limiter” to “60.”
3. Change “Reflections” to “None.”
4. Change “Render Sampling” to “Supersample” then back to “Native.”
5. Enable “Vertical Sync” at the bottom.
Now what happens is that I get a crazy colored screen instead of a black screen…no error messages, and a frame rate drop down to about 20-25 fps after the freeze…I can still play and eventually my frame rate recovers to a fairly constant 60 fps, except in Lion’s Arch, where frame rates have always been terrible…in LA frame rate drops to around 40-50 fps. As others have said, this is not an issue for me in other games…Diablo3, WoW, Assassins Creed 3, etc. If I had to hazard an opinion, I’d have to agree with the majority and that the problem is GW2 client-related. Terrible for a company that has worked over five years to bring this game to market, and this is the best they can do for graphics performance?? smh