Showing Posts For Andrew.4506:

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I’ve given up. I can’t really be competitive on the pvp leaderboard. Consistently hover around 300-500. The achievement one though I climbed up ever since it was announced. Went from not even on it to 230. I got a lot of enjoyment out of doing my dailies and farming activities and other achievements. Was a nice relaxing thing I could do for a couple of hours. With the new dailies they’ve made it impossible for me to keep up with the 10+ hours/day players.

I thought I was the only one that felt this way but this thread having more replies than any other pvp thread since launch says otherwise. I feel pretty disheartened logging in the last couple of days and I’m surprised that this change has had such an effect on me. At first I thought I could just spend another few hours a day doing them… boy was I wrong on that one. Then I thought I could just do all my dailies but the arena wins and be ok with it. However it really feels weird leaving undone dailies, and sad when I realize I did literally every other daily in less time than it would have taken to finish a single arena win daily.

I know that other players don’t care, and maybe the devs don’t either, but adding in daily time sinks that consume 25% of my waking hours is so extreme it’s made me disinterested in the game completely.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I dont get it. 426 repiles and 7400+ views. 0 Respond from developers

Welcome to the pvp forums. If you want a dev response just make a joke post about your girlfriend leaving you or ask people to parrot funny things said in game. You won’t get a response to anything actually related to pvp or pvp systems.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I miss actually being able to do my pvp daily every day. The new requirements are just WAY too much.

I would like to report a few players.

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Have you tried to report yourself?

I don’t blame them at all for afking the match. When roughly 35% of my games are 4v5 it gets really really frustrating and tiring to deal with it. I don’t want to try to fight an uphill battle because one of my teammates wasn’t there for the first 20% of the game. If I was spectating that match the only person I’d report is the person who joined late and screwed their team over royally as a result.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


No other topic on the spvp forum has even close to this number of replies. The outcry from players is overwhelming. The anet staff watches in silence.

Remove these stupid dailies.

Ready Up: Ep 2 - Friday at 12PM PST

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


After reverting previous pvp daily achievements involving tournament games why would you not only reintroduce them, but reintroduce them in a form that takes almost 10 times longer than the previously removed achievements?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


save your breath guys
they already ignore you for a week.

Well, they already said they aren’t going to do any patches til sometime in January. So even if they cared at all about their playerbase it’s going to be like this for another month or so.

Can I buy wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506



While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder.

Can I buy wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Getting decent and starting to win instead? And’s bannable btw..

I don’t think I’m a terrible player. I think my win rate hovers around 50%. In fact I just checked the leaderboard and while I’m not a “TOP 10 WORLD #1 PVP NA” player I am in the top 1k of both solo Q and team Q (which is funny since I’ve only ever solo Q’d in the team Q). It still takes hours and hours and hours to finish these. I think 50% win rate is a pretty fair rate to garner wins, and even with that it’s taking 4ish hours to finish these. So yeah, it’s not about “lrn2play winmore” because I win often enough. It’s about finishing these dailies in a timely manner. I think even if I went up against 8 full afk teams and we ended every game 500-0 it would still take 2 hours.

Can I buy wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


You can pay me to team queue with you

Why would I pay for a loss?

Can I buy wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


You guys are bashing him, but some people like doing all the achievements. If it’s possible to buy those achievements then what’s the problem?

Can I buy wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Don’t see why not. There are other daily achievements that might as well read “buy this achievement point”.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Just wanted to chime in here. About 4-6 hours a day I’ve spent on these new dailies. They are awful. However my main question is this:

Previously you put in achievements like this and later removed them stating that they were a huge mistake and should have never been implemented in the first place. Why the sudden 180? Also why after reverting that decision did you make it about 5 times worse than it was before? These new dailies are almost universally hated… why don’t you guys actually listen to your players?

Infinite achieve points from winter JP?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Not sure if this is a bug or intended. Basically you can repeat it and it keeps giving you achievement points even after it says 15/15. Here is a quick video (1:25) that shows the issue and includes a concise explanation.

Cant try out new skills

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Yeah, for the first time since the games launch you have to grind each new character you want to play on just to have access to what other players have… and it’s absolutely 100% absurdly ridiculous.

Fractal Weapon Boxes

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrew.4506


There is no way the box is in the game. SOMEONE would have reported it by now.

Dredge fractal: alternate fix

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Horrible idea. Just god awful terrible. No.. how about they FIX it instead of leave it exactly in it’s current terrible form and just say “Hey, if you guys want to play some terrible content we’ll give you 100 gold.”

-Mods, please delete-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I was really happy with how it looked. The fact that you could purchase a similar looking skin for in game gold is completely irrelevant. A shame anet didn’t just say something like, “Over time changes will be made to the game. Things will be added, things will be modified. We’re sorry people disagree with this specific design decision however we think it’s for the best”.

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Speak for yourself, I love her.

No option to respawn at checkpoint in story.

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Is this intentional? Do we all have to leave and start everything over?

Is autobalancing disabled?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I guess maybe you guys wanted to stop spectators for forcing autobalance and joining the winning team at the last second. I get it. However I’ve found that almost every game I play now is 3v5 or 5v8 in hotjoins and autobalance is never triggering and it’s making already extremely lopsided game even more extreme. I honestly wouldn’t give a kitten except you guys seem intent on making performance actually matter in hotjoins, which makes people actually get frustrated at losing. This change seems to only make the issue worse. I’d rather have win hoppers than to constantly have to deal with these extremely extremely lopsided and unfun games.

I miss when performance didn’t matter in hotjoins. This new system is terrible.

PVE food working in crab toss.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I joined crab toss for daily and noticed that my HP was regenerating almost to full after getting hit with a volley of crabs. Then I saw that my HP regen food was still active. Please fix this, it makes it so you can only really be downed by rolling karka.


Please make the Mini Toxic Hybrid tradable.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


The RNG wouldn’t even be an issue if this was permanent content. But 2 weeks is a very small window. Very small indeed.

Please make the Mini Toxic Hybrid tradable.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I got the mini toxic hybrid from the last instance in the tower, where you fight the toxic hybrid.

Are you SURE it’s the hybrid and not the one you get from the achievement for beating the toxic hybrid? I think maybe you’re just mistaken.

Key drop rate is incredibly low.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


you’re better off just buying the skins/mini’s (if you want them) outright from the trading post.

I would if I could, unfortunately anet in their infinite wisdom decided to make a mini rare to get, account bound, and the farm to obtain it is insane.

Please make the Mini Toxic Hybrid tradable.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


So this ONLY drops from the tri-key chest? It has no chance at all to drop from… the monster that it resembles. Would be nice to be able to kill the hybrid mob over and over hoping for a chance rather than farm those key pieces. Key farming is god awful. Just the absolute worst.

Key drop rate is incredibly low.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I tried farming mobs in the tower, and farming the instances. The key piece drops are insanely rare. Been doing this for a good 5 hours now and only been able to put together one key from drops. Is there somewhere specific I should be farming or what?

Please make the Mini Toxic Hybrid tradable.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


9 keys and still no mini…

How have you gotten so many keys? I’m finding it incredibly hard to get keys. Rarest drop I’ve ever had to deal with.

3rd level dungeons - can't progress

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I’m glad this was posted. I actually left a dungeon earlier that had this after I kept dyingwhen I touched it. This is REALLY REALLY not clear at all.

Plz reduce Req for iron & soft wood refining

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Harvesting isn’t the only way to get iron and wood. In fact there are much faster and easier ways to obtain them. Maybe look in to those before asking the game be changed to suit your gaming behavior.

PC Case from shop goes to a dead page.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Andrew.4506


If you navigate to: and then click buy now it seems that Antec no longer offers these cases.

Also, is there a place where these are still available?

Wintersday 2012 minis

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Andrew.4506


They have not re-released any of the Gem store minis as of yet, this leads me to believe you may be out of luck.

Not true. They re-released the cat that was initially available during the summer months. They also re-released the 2012 Halloween skins like 2 months before Halloween 2013 as stated by the OP.

Mini Doyak

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506



Graphics toggle off for Legendaries pls.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Andrew.4506



Season 1 achievement guide

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Demolition expert requires you to be on siege and for that siege to have damaged the gate/wall when it breaks.

So everyone will get a mini dolyak?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506


You’re aces Banzie.

So everyone will get a mini dolyak?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506


According to the news post earlier:

Play WvW over the course of the 7-week season to complete the meta achievement and earn yourself a special title, a key to open an exclusive chest at the end of the season, and a brand-new Mini Dolyak!

So I don’t have to be on the winning server to ensure I get that sweet miniature goodness correct?

Have full rewards for season 1 been announced

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506


From the announcement they have stated that each league winner will get a “stack” of dolyak finishers and the finisher will be colored gold/silver/bronze depending on the league. The bonus chests each week simply consist of what any other rank up chest would contain. You also get a “season 1 reward chest key” which I assume contains the finisher and… other stuff.

So from what I gather winning in seasons will get you a temporary finisher, more rank up chests which don’t contain anything spectacular, and unknown items in the reward chest. If the rewards are just temporary cosmetic items and more items that I could obtain by just playing longer (ranking up more), then I’m more than fine with it. I’m fine with being on a server that’s pretty much guaranteed to lose. However anet has a history of making very limited time items that are unobtainable if you didn’t play in a certain way, on a certain server, during a very small window. I really don’t like the idea of that and will just bandwagon if that is what anet is pushing. But I’d really like to be assured that the items aren’t something that is a permanent, never again obtainable item and I go without because I didn’t feed in to the “pay for gems to ensure rewards” scheme.

Is bloodlust change tomorrow or on the 18th?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506



Slaying Potions, the double-edged sword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrew.4506


It’s terrible. If HearsAnything() returns a boolean value like TRUE then you don’t need to qualify it with “=”. Even so you’re using an assignment operator instead of an evaluation operator like “==”.

if HearsAnything()

Technically the curly brackets aren’t even needed. Could do

if HearsAnything()

But out of habit I include them no matter what. Keeps me structured.

PvE players farm r50 in 2 weeks, disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


ITT: A lot of players mad about a pointless number that has never indicated anything except for how much time you spend in hotjoins.

Why can't I report people who AFK/Grief tpvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Andrew.4506


People will talk kitten in team chat and afk on purpose. Sometimes at the beginning of the game, sometimes 20 seconds into it. Why is there no option to report someone for griefing/afk’ing?

[Bug]Keg Brawl Unlimited Score

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Yeah, just had a game where we managed to get score to 100. Mandatory fifteen minute keg brawl game isn’t fun at all. At the end there were so many kegs that strategy didn’t even matter, so I can’t imagine this is intentional.


Unskippable cutscenes

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Andrew.4506


The cut scenes need to be skippable.

[BUGGED]Who's In Charge Achievement

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I have done this many times now. Done it multiple ways. Done it the EXACT way coronaas shows in his twitch clip 3 times now. I have yet to get this single achievement and I’m still sitting at 16/17 done. This achievement is definitely buggy. A few times party members even said they got it when others didn’t. Before anyone asks, YES I’ve done it without anyone dying. I’ve done it twice without anyone even being downed. One time he was killed with roughly 15 of his crew still alive and still no credit.

If there is some weird, unintuitive or difficult way to trigger this achievement correctly can a dev please let us know? It really just feels like the “Personal Space” achievement all over where it’s very difficult to tell exactly how to do it and the single sentence description doesn’t help at all. But even aside from the description being obscure and unhelpful the fact that I’ve had multiple people in different parties all say they got it when others didn’t just tells me it’s buggy and needs to be looked at.

Tequatl back to his original timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Andrew.4506


3 hours and counting. anet plz

Tequatl not spawning

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Andrew.4506



Tequatl back to his original timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Seems like it has been MUCH longer. Why is there so little transparency from game companies when it comes to stuff like this?

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I have no input, I just think this topic is hilarious.

[merged] Mini Mr. Sparkles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Andrew.4506


I was at PAX. I went to the GW2 with my bf and some friends who none of them plays GW2, but got the minis so that I can give them to the friends I play with everyday.

So yeah, people like me who doesn’t mind getting stuff like that for friends if I’m already going to be there does exist

I want a friend like you.