Showing Posts For Andromeda the Swift.1628:
couldn’t find a topic about this so here goes….
Revenge is the 3rd downed skill of the warrior… which i like because i solo a lot and get downed a lot. Because of this i made being downed a part of my solo playing style using the methods that are at my disposal to the fullest of my abilities…especially the Vengeance move which is really nice.
Ok, so i know how it works and it’s a really nice kitten move to do and all.
but here’s the thing…
When i have a trait that tells me 100% chance to rally when you kill someone i would love it to be actually 100% to rally on all creatures that can kill me at that point.
If i use it on enemies that are summoned or a skill challenge baddy ( or the summoned creatures from the skill challenge baddy ) i don’t get the rally at all… so basically…i don’t rally on other creatures then world spawned ones.
Now i can understand that rallying on everything that moves is silly…critters would be usefull though but that’s not my point.
My point is…if someone is able to kill me … i should always be able to rally on it in Vengeance mode…. right now i can only rally on world spawned enemies and not summoned or activated creatures ( i like to call those popups )
Thanks for taking this into account… i won’t ask again to fix the vengeance deaths after waypointing since that has been asked a lot already.
issue seems resolved for me, had many dc’s yesterday. Now i have played over 2 hours and no dc whatsoever…good job…again .
Little whiny remark though…i find it a tad annoying that i have to click the authentication code field when i start the game. would be perfect to have focus on this field right away ( which seems logical ) so i can blindly type in the code and be off
Server: Fissure of Woe
Guild: Beetletun Horde Stoppers
Guild Tag: PFFF
Guild Leader: Andromeda the Swift
Several issues with guild related options:
- Upgrades have been paid for with influence, and so it is logged in the upgrades history. The actual upgrade however is not being build.
- Guild armorer contract is not active, message states..your guild does not have that upgrade…which it obviously has.
- Guildbank is almost never available for use, message is either your guild has no bank..or you are not in a guild.
- Same as above for guild Registrar
Thanks for looking into it.
[Suggestion]Saving auto-attack for Summoned Weapons
in Elementalist
Posted by: Andromeda the Swift.1628
+1 to auto enabling auto attack, or at least remember the setting for each weapon type that can be conjured or taken out as an engineer kit.
The way to keep everybody happy is probably a setting in the menu but cluttering that with options is something to consider…
I can’t imagine someone wanting to turn off auto-attack anyway, even if it is a conjured weapon.
I am sure the brains of AN will figure out what is best.