Showing Posts For Angelyne.2936:

Is WvW Really Dead? [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Emergency teleport will remplace WP on keeps, but you need to upgrade your guild
Camps and dolyak are far more important now, because supply will be far more difficult to take, has depot will explode when you take a keep/camp but you have to upgrade your guild.
Supply will be even more important when you’ll not be hable to break doors with hands … but you have to upgrade your guild.
Each dolyak who reach a structure accelerate its up, so that’s not a big différence with the old system, dolyaks are still important, and you can renforce it, but you have to upgrade your guild.

WvW guild mission is a good idea
Sentinels are a good idéa
Guards have now a true fonction
Maps are designed to split zeergs, because you can’t be everywhere
Scout have a more active fonction such as keeping sentinels alive or recap it when possible, they are important.

The only problem is that laser, but so many ppl complain about it that they will shut it down as they do with orbs sooner or later.

Antoher clue might be to give a reward to guilds who claim, up and keep a fort or tower, as they do when you stay on PvE map, longer you keep, more you get.

Roaming have still importance, Shrines, camps are important, even a small guild can upgrade enough to reinforce that kind of structures, while biggers will concentrate on tower then keep.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

New borderlands gotta go before WvW is dead

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Dont forget that this maps are designed to long term, when guilds will have tactics and upgrades. all what they (we) need to do is shut down that idiot laser event (that, beside the fact it is perfectly irrelevent, made all map lagy and crash …).

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

New laser event event make it all go laggy

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Yesterday, we tryed to do some WvW, but as soon as the allready annoying laser event started the map went all laguy, skill lag, movement lag. All suddend went back to normal right after we decided to let it go and gave up the fight for the middle, so opponent won it and finished.

Please …

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Would you like to see WvW reverted?

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Shut off that laser and that will be a good start.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Would you like to see WvW reverted?

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


EotM was release far too late. today they should just desactivate it, or use it as the 3rd borderland map, so they could have 1 alpine, one desert, one “cloudy”.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Is WvW Really Dead? [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Most likely, ppl are doing PvE stuff, they will have time to do Wvw so they are not that hurry. Bad calendar

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Any chance of getting rid of the laser show?

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


True, this should have been a full takeable objectif, like a mini shadowmist, instead of this dinohunt PvE event …

Please Arena dev, shut down that laser and change it as you did with orbs.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Borderlands, what's wrong ?

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Actually borderlands are pretty empty, CBE is full and massively zerged and there’s a lot of EotM.

so what’s wrong with news frontas ?

1) maps are far too bigs, so bigs that keeps aint defended anymore, just like EotM they just leave it and cap it later.

2) what the point to keep a keep when it’s door is destroyed by a deathstar laser beam … who the hell got that idea ? ArenaNet, please, fire him.

3) Verticality … when you finaly found someone, he is bellow, or upper, but anyway you can’t catch him. bridges everywhere, fear/bump fiesta, fun = 0.

4) no roamers anymore, new maps are just horrible for roamers.

5) unscoutable structure, believe it or not, but some ppl loved to stay in fort, for an hour or two, garding it, calling for help, refreshing weapons timer. no, between nearlly unscoutable fort (far too bigs) nd the fact that noone will come to defend anyway, scouts are just scr.w..

6) KarmaTrain speed too slow. well, i dont care about Karma, but it seems that some are …

Beside that, there’s some good places to fight guilds if at least they would come too. for an hour or two i never saw more than 2 ppl yesterday evening.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Heavy Supply Bag for Guild hall

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Actually it seems that there is no way to … wtg Arena.

Some said about Kritia patch in PvP but so far i only had Stolen Instead instead of Supply Bags …

Another idiot poor droprate farming maybe.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

freeze WvW servers ranking for this week

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


As they actually totally disgusted true WvW players for trying to do something this week, they should at least try to minimize damages done and freeze server ranking.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Actually one of the most stupid idea i saw since that patch on Asheron’s call where they shuffled all mobs across the maps/world … can someone do a smart thing for that game and fire the guy who get that idea ?

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Edge of the Mists - really good idea?

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


When I go through these forums, I hope the devs get psychological counseling. Whatever they do, it’s never right. Let’s group hug them, for once, because there are way more things that work fantastically in this game than there are quirks.
Yes, totally off topic – or is it?

Guess what ? that’s why we have CMR that read forums for them and do short resume of the good ideas. Ppl can moan and kitten whatever they wants, they are not on 1st line, that is not their job. Dev do things that are on roadmaps. a roadmap that is created by:
Game designers, ppl that are (well) paid for doing their own job : give a direction to the devs. Everytime a videogame studio listened too much to forums (aka Game Designers spent too much time on it), game became sooner or later a big stinky peace of s….
Thx god, GW2 isn’t going that way, at least not yet.

That new map is a good idea. but most of the competitives guilds wont use it a lot, even as waiting room. At best that will be an “off-raid days” map.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Desolation / Baruch Bay / Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


2 balistas … not a matter of balls, it’s a matter of brain. A good commander know that it’s a a mass deathtrap.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Skill lag drive me crazy

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


No response yep … when it’s about cool fancy stuff, you have a red poster in few minutes, but when you talk about serious issues … no one.

I paid for a “epic world versus world battles” but all that is epic, is the technicals flaws of the game. Culling 1st, skill lags now. And i don’t talk about connectivity issues, “Mid air bugs on AC”, and all that things that are so annoying that even if i thought playing GW2 for a while, i’m allready looking for the next one … :/

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 10/05/13

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


This idea is as old as GW2. Not sure it’s worth thinking about it anymore looking at the amount of consideration given by Anet.

In fact that idea is older than RvR MMO since you can copy/past exactly the same kind of comment from the old DAoC forums.

Bandwagon, night caps, fair or unfair way to play.

It’s allways fair when you win, and unfair when you loose.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Skill lag drive me crazy

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Thread made by a Vizunah Square player ? Run in smaller numbers thats it. No need to run 80 – 100 wherever you go.

Not the point RG, i know your guild hate us, but i can find 3 dozen off screenshots to proove that every servers we encoutered (and they are not so many) bandwagon.

With all that server you “visited”, i guessed you should have noticed that.

So the point is “what Arena is planning about that” … Red guys, we deseperatly need an answer.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Skill lag drive me crazy

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


god exist if a red poster comes here and tell me “Yeah guys we are aware of this and we are working for a fix that will be released soon” (or even not soon would be ok, if at least they have a begining of fix). I like this game, but too many friends are stoping the game just because of this (and AC war, but it’s another topic). They should come back on time if a fix is released.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Skill lag drive me crazy

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


How are we suposed to play with a char that can only use “1” skill. it’s totaly game breaking, fun breaking, skill breaking.

Among the zombies, spamming “1” to get some precious bags “My preciouuusss” …

And don’t tell me it’s “VZ who blob blablabla” coz everybody blob and it’s not the pointa ctually. Blob aren’t that bad, it should be fun, huge fight, big brawl, bang bang, epic heroic movies battle (LotR ?) BUT … it’s not epic, because instead of being in melee using your skill in the best way to survive, you can only spam “1” and watch your health droping to 0 without being able to do ANYTHING (oO).

Bring back culling if it’s the price to don’t have this lag. Nameplates are ok for me, i don’t need to see every models, most of the time, they are so many that you only see (rank)xxxxx [xxx] farther than 10/15 models front of you.
I setted low models and verylow number but still i have that skill lag …

… my connection is ok, i play every others online game without such problems.

… i need some tea … or beer … or vodka … To spend time i propose a thread where you imagine your life with skill lag. ex :

If Skill lag was in real life, when a nice girl smile at you, you throw back a smile, but the time your mouth is ready to do it, it’s an ugly grandma that is front of you …

If skilllag was real, everytime you need to do something urgent in toilets, you should as well find a new pant

ect …

(sorry i really gone mad)

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Which bugs annoy you in wvwvw mostly ?

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Skill lag. Don’t know if it’s on purpose or not but when you can’t throw a single spell because of a massive blob running on you, at a moment where you REALLY need to do something, it’s boring as hell. Game breaking, i rather have culling (if name tag still appear) than skilllag

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

State of WvW. Anet, its getting boring.

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Not Auto-loot. Auto-loot is bad.

What would be nice is if the loot bags themselves showed up in inventory as stackable items to 250. Then you can open them later at your leisure and you should never come close to inventory issues. I’d have the bags be soul bound (account bound at the most) so they don’t wind up cluttering the TP.

one of the best idea around here, since a long while (beside the OP ones that are pretty good too). hope someone in Anet come around before everybody vanish to the next game …

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


SFR has wanted to drop tiers since the day of free transfers. Viz instead just stopped nightcapping COMPLETELY when Seafarer’s was dominating. That sounds like giving up to me when they give up their main source of points.

Night fights are made by PUG. we can’t blame them to stop to do 3W when you have in front guild groups in a huge number (some talked about blobs, but i wasn’t there to check it by myself). At a point, 3W is boring. For the very same reason you stop to fight, they stoped to fight. Players are players, if that’s not funny, you quit and do something else. Actually i play only on primetime … work, childs, life … on primetime i’ve fights, ppl n front and fun. So actually all is ok. don’t care who i send or send me to spawn

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Don’t think there will be a lot of migration from VS, but guilds will (or had) just stop the game a while, waiting for a descent opponent to fight with. and if that never come, then hey … Wildstar and ESO will come a day !

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Traps+Get More Out of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


that sounds fun.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Randomly Despawning Siege is Breaking My Pin

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


,yep we have noticed that bug too on VS, mainly with rams. You throw it, you start building and it suddenly disapear.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Anyway a newcomer will enter on T1, willing to fight and wanting for victory. PvE addict that came in mass in RvR because of easy cash and karma will goes back in Orr or MM cave farm. Hollydays soon over and all will turn back to normal in same time than SFR will fall in T2. (or because …). ER won a matchup allready few month ago. they are strong opponents, more in structure defence than open field but with that leety AC, that should be something absolutly painfull.

GW2 is a jacking by his name because indeed, guilds don’t have their word in that story. At least we are all agree with that.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Tier 1 EU needs assistance ArenaNet.

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


It’s obvious for everybody that the system need to be changed. We are all ok on this. so let’s go. It’s a 3 faction. winner goes up, 2nd stay, 3rd goes down. end of the story. simple, efficiant, no headtache, and a true short term goal for everybody.

Anet saying “Hey we’re gonna start charging you for transfers, and then reset rankings” but never resetting the rankings has taken its toll.

Reset canceled because a ton of players were crying about it on this forum. Most of them are the same that are crying about the cancelation today.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Please Anet, stop taking away the NPCs in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


JP should have been in a “wait room” exactly like Mist are for sPvP. ppl enter in it and do jumping, banking, crafting, check vendors and waitever they wants while waiting in queue. The queue have to get a count “you XXX on YYY ppl” so can easily decide if you do something else or just wait a fex or go afk …

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Angelyne is not a GC representative… ! i already talked about this with you Ange, come on GC private chat please. Or remove your Grand Cross signature

… and for that kind of people Troma invests his free time and beyond. People that cry on jeux when it’s going bad, “taunting” (more failtrolling then taunting really, maybe hold a troll 101 on jeux) on english forums when winning.
However Angelyne gives a good inside view of what is going on in GC alliance and their chats. Covering a request to unrepresent the alliance with a smiley, wow, that is weird.
However, Viz had their chances to change playstyle (or if you believe your version of what happened “not adapt to enemy”), you willingly missed it, now live in boredom, fighting the enemy pu, Pu v Pu v Pu. I could hack off 8 of my fingers and with what is left I can count the good guilds left in EU T1.

All that for me ? and all that to speak about a thing that you don’t know about a subject that don’t concern you anymore.

Troma know too well how that works, but he’s paladin’s sake force him to try to save some lost souls here and light on the truth.

I said what i think about it. it’s not a beauty queen contest, we don’t have to be popular or respected. But Troma is a diplomat, not me.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


One month ago SFR and Deso were hosting the BEST WvW guilds in the world. Again…why didn’t you come at that time here with your plans to make a better WvW?

Wow “BEST guilds in the world” … i impressed. So I Wonder why a server with medium population was plagued that much by free transferts, i mean it’s a chance to have reinforcement, GW2 loose players everyday so why see it as a problem ? it’s fresh meat, new recruits they come to you because you were the “BEST” euro server and they willing to fight with the “BEST WvW guilds in the world” . It’s a true question, not a trolling.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


The same playstile that SFR, Deso, BT were build upon?
The same servers you mocked for being ‘bandwagon guilds servers’

You have dozen of screenshot, video showing you how everybody, included yourselves, zerg now, and you still come here arguing that your playstyle was different. No … not different.

1st thing to do to solve the problem is to admit this fact. TBH the discussion is not about SFR, it’s a dead server now, we are looking forward for the next challenger. Déso might rebuild in time, they just need to breath a bit, and if they are okay to stop zerging on BL, maybe their good willing will be noticed. I’m not all VZ i can’t decide for all my mates. Me and my guild used to play in guild group on BL so it will not change anything at our “playstyle” anyway.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


We are all aware that the zerg fashion rised up to reach a point of stupidity and nobraining never seen in a PvP game from ALL side.

We are actually discussing, on french forum, about how it is possible to manage forces and make a “common and admited” rule for all servers in or who will access to T1EU that should be something like :

CBE as a free bus fight map were ppl that like big fight should play freely and BL as more smaller scaled map for guild groups, GvG and duels.

I’m not sure that everybody will follow that idea, but i hope that will be possible. So everybody will join whatever kind of game he like and everybody will be very happy.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Great fights SFR and Viz! Keep coming out to take us on, we love it! Filled my bags about 5 times today! Went 2 hours without losing my stacks!

Great blob … and it’s VZ who zerg … i loled each time i saw that snake, a blue and red river. how the hell you was in that bus ? that was a crazy amount of ppl.

But i understand that loosing SM while you were all in at 1st floor trying to kill a small warband while a 10 men group was killing and taging the lord was a bit annoying. I should have been a bit upset too.

Afterthat i never saw any lonely Deso, all in the train tchou-tchou …

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


You have no clue and talk high all the time, the German servers hate eachother, in fact every German server hates the others. Don’t make up things because they might then support your point.

RG hopped to ER ? ….

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Ahhh, quoted for truth ! someone who remember the real situation, thank’s anyway you just make an error: our guild didnt left at all, we builded all this with them. In fact, Grand Cross builded the “pug” support to make all of us stronger ! =)

The true reason why VZ won mainly and most of all, didn’t crumble when time was harder … because instead of seeing them as an anoyance, we built with them this server.

T1 is VS and Deso, SFR don’t exist anymore, but that dead horse will stay rotting in T1 because Elona is too happy to have a german server in their pool to doubleteam JS and make more cash/WXP. Coming in T1 don’t worth a thing for them, so they stay in T2 managing the score and blockade all other server that willing to move up.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Andrew, it’s a forum. what did you expected ? Objectivity is a bad word here.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


And how much you think they will even try to fight vizunah? :\
I don’t know dude.

If they have a united commnity, made by players that plays for the server sake and that are ready to follow a commander who ever he is and the tag he wear.
If that commander is ready to join guild commander on a common TS and all together they do cordinate movement with mutliple attack or concentrate firepower when need
If that community accept newcomers and respect their will to fight and the fact they join the server because they love WvW and are ready to do their best.
And if they find a charismatic leader with a deep love from mens in skirt (they call it gladiator … lol)

then .. maybe they will beat us. It’s not a problem. Sacrx taunts and hartred fuelled many players from VZ at a moment when many ppl just turned their back and started to go in PvE. Now that the “great devil” is dead (or seems to be), that will be time for us to rest a bit an start to do something else in that game, waiting for the next one. And if noone want to fight, so VZ won the war.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Keep “your truth”. that wasn’t a problem who plays at night when that was your side who were more. Deso never care about who doing PvD when that was US guilds who plays for them and SFR never asked why the map was all thier color at morning when that was russian who did the job.

That wasn’t a problem when SFR forum warriors was here to say they were the best of the world and they would send VZ in T2 or less. Disrepect, taunt, none of this was a problem, unless it’s not your side that barg.

You blame everybody for your fail but the right persons.

I use to respect my opponent, and for me it’s not all SFR in the same bag. and it’s true, what’s worked for VZ may not work for SFR, but the truth is that the game isn’t designed the way you wanted.

don’t worry for opponents, they are many, but ladder system don’t allow them to jump on T1 right now. SFR will have to fade few more weeks before they come to us.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


So stop acting like teacher and tell us how to play when in the same time you do exactly the same way. Don’t care about what crumbled SFR, that was only a matter of “when” from the begining, that’s even why VZ never surrender, because we knew from the start that a server made with hopping guilds will not stand long.

It’s not what we call a “stable community” but take it as you want.

Once again it’s pug that plays at night, pug are the key for success, VZ ppl are all from the same timezone (even if ppl want to believe that we have renforcement from all around the world :p), you medium ppl should have been renforced by free transfert, but guilds prefered to jump elsewhere, don’t blame us for it, it’s not our fault as we can’t say to ppl : “hey guys, don’t plays at night, because our little mates from others servers don’t have ppl to fight … even with that leety arrowcarts” …

Blame Anet. not us.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


In that few minutes (less than 10) i’ve only wanted to show what a bandwagon vs bandwagon fight his, from VZ eyes. you can’t say “smaller group” because it’s everytime the whole map bandwagon ether from VZ than SFR or Deso. It’s not suposed to show any skill, we say in video (but maybe you are not able to understand, so i tell you") that we play totaly skilless and it’s what that sad and what i wanted to show. i just grab a stupidly insane bunch of bag without doing anything else than pressing 2 buttons. (i play necro from 3 days, with my warrior, that’s a little more tricky)

It’s not supposed to be anything else than a taunt, to say you “hey guys, look what you do, you zerg exactly the same way, you die exactly the same way and you flee exactly the same way”. how can you think that, by a miracle, SFR got more skill than Deso or VS ? When SFR won, that was because of a better coverage, as we win today because of a better coverage. Our coverage is made by our pugs, and when SFR received renforcement to their “medium population”, guilds hoped one more time instead of using that fresh forces …

Zerg is boring for you ? so stop zerg and maybe everybody will do the same (even if i doubt about it, unfortunatly)

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


All server have their forum warriors. If you dont find them funny, just ignore them as i do.
Respect … it’s the word. yes respect.
i can admit you take other servers as a “bunch of kitten skilless zombies” anyway it’s human, you are allways the best and the other don’t know what they do … But there’s a fact that you can go against : you are not here 24/7 and you can’t do anything by your own. you need others to win and EU ladder is not a 24h coverage ladder. So if noone willing to play at night/morning, you’ll never win.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


common language is a point, it’s true.
But the main point is that guilds admited that it’s pug who plays all night long, it’s pugs that plays early morning and fill maps will you and your guild are at work/school. VS relly on them offpeak time. We didn’t took them as an anoyance and everyday we invite them on our TS if they want to follow us. btw they are a good source of recruitement and a good way to keep your guild alive with new members.

We have huge queue, since the begining, but we didn’t jump to another server. It’s a choice.

None said that VS is unbeatable, but since we knew from the begining that instead of demotivate oursleves, we just had to wait the next guild hoping, SFR wasn’t realy a threat.

If Elona become stronger, yeah, this time, that should be a danger.
If SFR or Déso build a stable community that should be a threat

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


You guys zerg exatly the same way, earlier you admit it, better will be your future. VS use 2 or 3 separate group with map commander that coordinate them and 2 or 3 field commanders that pack ppl around them. most of the time we fight against a big blob that can’t do anything against multiple way impact like we do.

You loose because you are unable to coordinate a whole map forces, you play with guild group, that cant handle multiple guild groups, then you pack in a massive blob, unefficient too because you lack of cordination.

You never paid attention to your PUG, so they left or went to PvE, and when you have fresh troops that come to you, you’ll put them appart or flee the server … You fault.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Tier 1 EU needs assistance ArenaNet.

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Deso and SFR are EU server, you are supposed to have a coverage and timezone advantage and we are supposed to have the common language/cultural advantage.

We used to play in guild group, 20/25 was the common size, then SFR came with there massive starcruiser and the guild started to recruit to compet with such number. from 20/25 we reached 35/40 by merging smallers guilds but that wasn’t enough yet. So we packed each others, 1/2 guilds sometimes more.

Everybody are ok to say that it’s boring, but noone, willing to do something or even know how to do. Don’t blame us for something you created, you brought the monster in T1 and it gone out of control.

When a i see other tiers complaining about zerg from guilds that came from T1 (so SFR guilds mainly) , you can’t say that it’s VS who zerg and the others are innocents poor little roaming bands that try to do fair fight among wild grass and butterflies.

I tried to play small roaming band in afternoon everyday since a week, and i never encoutered a group ether from SFR and Deso of similar size. some soloers, many steamrollers, no roaming group at all (i don’t call a 20+ warband taging camps a “romaing group”).

So why no more romaing group but a a massive, nearlly “whole map” bandwagon ?

1) SFR fashion, as i said earlier
2) Arena Net design, what’s the point to send romaing group when a chronometer is enough, noway to take a camp with invulnerability, noway to take a tower in small groupe since a solo arrowcarter is enough to kill anyone that come with a ram or a catapult.
3) WXP lust. be 100 or 5, no matter, the reward is the same, so why taking risk ? it’s half AN fault, half laziness from players fault

So what ? what the point ? who the 1st admit that everydoby do the same now, and will be the first to tryong to do another way ? unless that everybody is just happy with it, unless a very small minority of ppl who willing something else.

how to solve it ?

Dunno, maybe guild commanders that only guild’s members can see, but to be honest, PU that follow guildband are welcome on VS, they are often potential new recruits, so i’m fine with it. Maybe if SFR paid more attention to their PU, instead of seeing them as an annoyance, they would have play night long as ours do, because to be honest, it’s PU who plays at night, not guildbands.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


SFR stay in the keep, run away at any open field encounter and zerg anytime they are enough to do so. what a boring opponent. Plz Anet, fix that ladder.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


it’s a childish way to stop playing because you think you cannot win.
Every server blob actually. 1st time we encountered SFR starcruisers, we were surprised, we tryed different way to counter that, and the only effective way to, was to blob as well because at same number, we were better. Now the blob is the fashion and is killing the game slowly (because of side effects, such skill lags and IPS drop). Anet is guilty, because of nerfing AoE number of target or that everybody got same amount of XP, whatever number of ppl hiting the target ect …) . Players are lazy and plays the easiest way to get points and farm WXP.

We are waiting for a new challenger, expecting this one will be more effective and will last longers than the others before …

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Empyre .. what an hater. Sacrx must be proud of you. Do you call him “Master” ?

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


woah … Wemil … it’s so unexpected after all the trolls and bad words from your server mates … but this kind of post is earn all my repect and i wish to thanks you. i hope ppl should be more like you. /bow

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


SFR guys, you can’t argue that VS is blobing in every cirumstances and play like that in the same way

Lag is boring for everybody, but the abuse of blobing isn’t on VS side only.

And don’t tell that was necessary because we wre blobing, yesterday that was not less than 3 commander and roaming group, no more had more than 30 ppl with him so what the point ? you loose all point because you never split, we just have to lure the bandwagon to a side of the map to cap everything on the other side … i fell like playing in PvE.


Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


I didn’t found anybody to say that VS is boring to play with, when that was SFR who was 1st. I guess it’s might be related to what side is winning.

SFR and Deso are, as well, boring to play because of monozerg steamroll fashion. Very often, when we meet a group a a size similar of our (around 30) they run away. when they stop, you know that their “main bandwagon” is somewhere close.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Can someone explain what exploit was that, what part of the game affected (don’t need to know how in detail).

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder