Showing Posts For Annabel.5127:
Good guild aside from the two members Shoji and Clem<3
Not to bright i guess.I had to scroll down to the bottom to show the full servers which sor or jq are not at this time but just for you i will take another pic and edit this post
lol now the normal 3 full servers are full again but noticed once again i scrolled down to the very bottom
All those level 80s… O_O :O
Score update with this lovely JQ <3. I thought I’d keep ya company while you continue to wait and wait and wait to get rezzed.
Edit: Oops, forgot to include her other friend on the other gate haha.
(edited by Annabel.5127)
Score update brought to you by Feisty:
I’m sure you killed that rabbit for your ambient daily. Didn’t you? … Didn’t you!
I know I would.
:C Not the bunnies…nooo!
Score update brought to you by Feisty:
Yay it’s Feistyyyyy :>
Focus, the only time i use it is when i have to apply swirling winds to protect siege.
That ^ and when I try to catch shots with obsidian flesh :>. (Which works by the way, I’ve blocked a cata shot but you have to get that shot right in your character’s face.)
Here are my two eles.
I like the one on the right! I’ve never seen that outfit before. Very creative.
(edited by Annabel.5127)
I’ve always wanted the super greatsword skin for my ele…+1!
Don’t do it, or else.
I have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stay out of the spawn, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you (and take yer plunder).
-Mikey Bloodeye (Pirate Thief)
+1, I love this lol.
My last drawing for you all for our last match up. ♥
Aw, this is so adorable! (Sorry for invading this thread.)
(edited by Annabel.5127)
Can somebody please post a score update?
Here ya go. Score + map update.
Meanwhile in BG Garrison..
Omg Renny, lol.
Oh wow, glad to see I’m not the only one that got this error Right when I was actually trying to go for world completion…the game would kick me out. I guess this is a sign that I’m never going to get it done.
(edited by Annabel.5127)
Woo! Pretty much like what everyone else said, all I do on gw2 is WvW. I wasn’t much of a hardcore gamer but I think this game totally took my “casual gaming” self and threw it out the window. All I honestly do on here is WvW (aside from a few cases of doing my daily for laurels and stuff anet keeps putting in that requires me to keep up with the updates) but yeah, I agree with you, it’s the strategy and group tactics that draw me into WvW. I play my elementalist the most. When roaming I play D/D but if I’m running with my guild, I often play staff support/dps.
I also tend to play male only characters to make it even more confusing!
Oh boy, I bet all your fellow male comrades are thinking amogst themselves, “Hmm, acts like a girl…but is it really a girl?” xD I’m thinking about making a male character as well but I’m a bit picky with my characters and their looks…maybe when Anet comes out with better hairstyles for men.
(edited by Annabel.5127)
SoSBL with fireworks and everything………fun stuff tonight!
It was definitely super fun. Fireworks!~
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic.
Exactly. Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance). The screenshot below was from 12:30am EST today and is how WvW looked for the greater part of Saturday (and still looks this morning). Very little SOS presence on JQ BL, very little JQ on SOS BL, both pushing BG on BG BL and EB, with zero pressure between blue/green on EB.
Let me give you a better screenie. This was taken around 5-6am PST
. But yeah, very little presence by JQ & SoS in each other’s borderlands.
Edit: I’m not saying we’re getting doubleteamed since I’m sure this happens to everyone. Nonetheless, good fights everyone!
(edited by Annabel.5127)