Showing Posts For Araditus.1526:
@Sjach, I dont need crit, I have alot of power, my main damage is 1 and 5 on p/d 1 hits for 450-550 + 800 in bleed at a fast rate, and 5 hits for 1500 + 900 + 3700 in bleed, why do I need crit? and all these conditions I can apply non stop, have fun removing them, and If you get in close I just 3 away, if I want to fight in close, swtich to d/d and watch every 5 inititive drop 4900 in bleed on them,
I use pistol dagger, and dagger dagger, I never die, am I OP?
p.s. I use shadowstep, weakness venom, smoekscreen, thieves guild, 25/0/20/0/25
You guys would have a much easier time accepting the downed mechanic if you could accept that depleting someone’s health =/= killing them.
The only thing wrong with downed state is the blatant imbalance of some profession downed skills. Other than that, its an interesting and fresh mechanic that keeps the game from wandering too close to other MMOs. I’ve made several fun and viable rez/stomp builds on different professions that focus purely on downed players.
Although I will agree that it makes 1v2’s effectively impossible against decent players.
I think you are correct on all your points, everyone of them, but I think you missed the big one, you can’t 1v2… The 1v2 is a big part of these types of games and are inevitable, as the game is right now, depending on class, if you are a lone defender in your node in a 5v5 match and more than 1 assaulter appears, you have to give up your node just becuase they sent 2? no
I guess ANet saw Mbay making boatloads of cash without plot and explsions only, they might give it a try!
I played Spvp for 2 hours today, I know small sample, heres my results
saw 1 engineer, didnt see a single elementalist, 80% of the time my team of 8 (when it was was 3 classes only, theif, mesmer guardian, out side of those 3 classes, thief and mesmer where more abundant than guardian, ranger popped up everynow and then, I play at rank 16.
Sounds like some classes need some buffs. Or maybe its the tiered triats? Saw alot more diversity in beta when you could get GOOD traits not useless ones early,
Good design Anet, is if you have 10 traits and you see 3 or less are always used, dont nerf those 3 traits (or restrict their use as you chose) and instead make the others more attractive options.
You need to follow these steps with your data mining:
we have 40% of all classes are theives! Great We got theives right! they are fun and balanced maybe a lil strong ok!
Man Elementalists and engineers are very low, why is that?? how can I make the elementalist as good as the thief likewise for the engineer. Maybe ALL of the triats in the fire spec for the ele are a joke, (thats a true statement)
Ill toss in my 2cents,
like alot of others here, i do plenty of 2v1 3v1s holding nodes and die to fools throwing rocks, I quit this game becuase of it, I’ll come back when its gone, becuase there is nothing else to do in this game, I beat 75% of all explorable paths in one weekend with friends, enjoy my 60$ for now ANet.
You have gone to far with the “team” sense, let poeple be gods for a bit and reward a touch of solo play. oh, and add Deserter debuff too.
And dont get me wrong, Im all for it in tourney play and REAL team environments, pve, wvw, tourney pvp, but hotjoin? really? not happening, if you dont allow parties to que for hot join, then get rid of downed.
Bad players shouldnt be allowed to play all the content, where has this rule gone in games these days? Learn some paitence, try to get good! Thats why so many first person shooters these days have other ways to kill your opponent other than your gun, I’m looking at you CoD. Counter-Strike, pros only.. lol
On topic, there should be content in a game 90% of people cant do, bc they suck….
I think dungeons are hard because we dont know how to handle that kind content.
Posted by: Araditus.1526
Good, so learn them in dungeons, if you are to arrogant to realize your spec is failing and its your fault you are wiping, then donkey kong awaits thee
Most of the time, this means waypointing (anywhere from 1-5 silver) to Lion’s Arch or some other home town, paying silver to respec, then waypointing back.
^ Lol, “H” —> Heart of the Mists --> Lion’s Arch —-> back to dungeon. Easy money saver, also, once you get your level 80 exotic gear, and realize dropping 2g or 10g for an extra 3-5 bag slots is not worth it, money starts pouring in, particularly if you are good at farming or are competent enough to complete an easy explorable mode in < 30 minutes.
More importantly, how have people not realized that in both aspects of this game, glass cannon will get you nowhere in the long run? I have one spec, it works wonders for both, the only thing I ever need to change are major traits or utilities.
1 spec that does all eh? Bad game design? lol Thought there was choice and diversity ANet!
(ps. I have 1 spec too LOL)
Curious, have you done CoE exp with the teleporter path?
That’s the only thing I’ve hit in the game that seems absolutely insurmountable.
Yes we have, I don’t like admitting this publicly, but my crew of 5 are extreme no lifers with serious LCD tans, we have played at least 8 hours a day since launch. I would put up teleporter path right up there with what im talking about, thanks for the good example.
Yeah, I don’t know how it would go with a well coordinated team.
My team was really bad at getting out of the AoE, and killing the crystal. So we wiped. A lot. Then we called it a night.
But I imagine when you do beat it, you will feel great!!! One of the better feelings was our first night around lvl 37-38 we did AC Explore and did the ghost path, man, figureing out how to beat the multiple grovel rising to protect the 2 essence collectors was really, hard, we dont like looking at guide and cheating lol,
It felt great when we figured it out, but I will say this, when we DID figure it out, it was SOOO easy, we didnt even see we got to 100% becuase it never got out of hand, I’m sure if in one of the fights i was kiting 2 breeders and 100 whelps with my short bow and won that would have been epic. But alas we figured it out, and can do it with eyes closed, becuase the hovels spawn in the same place everytime, once we had that figured out it was a joke…….
Curious, have you done CoE exp with the teleporter path?
That’s the only thing I’ve hit in the game that seems absolutely insurmountable.
Yes we have, I don’t like admitting this publicly, but my crew of 5 are extreme no lifers with serious LCD tans, we have played at least 8 hours a day since launch. I would put up teleporter path right up there with what im talking about, thanks for the good example.
I understand alot of people complaining in here that explorable dungeons are very difficult, trust me I died plenty of times before our guild figured it out.
I play a thief, I play a melee theif, I never die. Acrobatics with sword pistol and out heal on hit is to easy to live, with 3 targets around I heal (94×9)x3 per pistol whip, add in a bunch of stealth skills and its easy.
What im getting at is not intended to brag, but state that for each dungeon, fight, etc there is always a key to surpass and overcome the difficulty. I run with a warrior, ranger, theif, necromancer and a elementalist. We just looked at our traits, our abilities, weapon sets and types of mobs/abilities/mechanics we were facing and made a simple strat to overcome them?
My last paragraph sounds great! Adapting to the situation solving the puzzle and succeeding.
First off, bosses are easier than trash/events, when there is only 1 threat, and predictable damage going out its just zerg, and avoid this ability, every boss is the same that way.
When it came to trash it was pretty much all the same, chain CC main target with 2 melee, a hammer warrior and a s/p theif can continuously indefintiely cc a target, meanwhile blinds, and weakness goes out to off targets. It was the same thing over and over, but its trash, I understand.
What I’m getting at is, if you scale difficulty on complexe mechanics, there will unavoidable be a script, follow the script, and there is no way to lose.
How to get around this?
Reaction time abilities: have bosses do abilities that give you little time to see them coming and little time to avoid them, this requires reaction times and will add to difficulty (think Counter-Strike, noob vs pro).
Have mechanics that require you to do something other than kill the boss or adds. Think of heroic plaguewing last fight, multiple target switching, and position is key, or heroic bloodwing final fight, had to match up and pass on your virus, mechanics like this are not too bad with healers and the like, however without them, they become wipers which is good, wiping is good. Things like this are never static, mechanics like, onyxia goes into air phase at 60% is not difficult.
Perhaps during a fight a chalice pops up in a random spot and you have to get it to the altar every second the chalice is out of the alter the boss gains a huge buff per second its out. A mechanic like this is good for a game without healers becuase it forces WHOEVER is closest to the chalice, not a predictable spot, and forces them to do one thing, that makes the fight 4v5 for a bit, increasing difficulty, and since boss is buffed, more skill required to avoid damage.
Unpredictability, yet doable is real difficulty, you need to do something in each fight that the player cant predict and has to overcome on the spot, this is rewarding to those seeking a challenge. Since there is no real aggro, tank, healer in this game, this is a perfect platform to try out these types of mechanics.
Don’t allow corpse running, put a door in boss fights, add an enrage timer, not a wipe enrage but a “you pretty much have 60 seconds to win or this damage output become truely hard”
I know none of this will ever happen in this game, the purpose of this post is to shed light on what difficulty really is. XY mechanics are scriptable, predictable and easy.
You can’t just add chaos to increase difficulty, just makes smart players sacrifice damage for CC, and thats all I really see in good dungeon play, none of our abilites, or build are for damage, or defense for that matter, its all about control, sustain, and buffed revives.
Hope you enjoy reading my post and picking it apart for all its faults, I hope you see what I’m trying to say.
ps. Let be honest, as PvP of a game this is (which its really great excpet for downed state, that should be gone from pvp, but not pve, wvw) PvE has to be around, or people WILL get bored.
(edited by Araditus.1526)
I would like to have a chance at failing a big DE. I played them all many times now, not once (even in the first 48 hours of release with noobs/undergeared/underleveled players) did I feel even once the fight wasnt going our way. Make the Shadow Behemoth summon 1 minion for every player in the swamp and double their damage and half their hp, add another portal for every 5 players. Make red circles smaller, but 1 shots, but less often. Same thing with his shatterer suggestions. The only fight ive done with a shred of organization required is jormags tooth, but even then once you get everyone to down adds in between phases it seems like a fight that you just wait for loot.
Can we put more than 1 copy of an item in the PVP Lockers? I would like to keep 2 of my Gear Axes or etc, i dont want to have 1 in the locker and 1 taking up a bank slot I am confused? Or am I missing an option?
And I will probably get alot of flame for this next one….
Get rid of downed state in Hot Join sPvP, tournements I guess, but I would like to see it gone there too. Here is why:
I play a pistol,dagger theif, not the most damage but alot of control and predictable events. I play it very well in my opinion. When I decide to defend a node lets say 2 warriors and another thief come to take it, lets say I down the thief and a warrior first, obviously I cant CC myself for 15 seconds trying to down them, so I ignore them and go for the 3rd enemy. BUT WAIT! I fail becuase the two fools that I outplayed are on the ground throwing rocks!!! And when I’m finally downed guess what!
All I’m saying is I wish I was rewarded for better play and outplaying people.
Please don’t respond with, well dont be on your own!! I say to you, I did a 3v1………….. I obviously dont need that much help…………….