Showing Posts For Araito.5869:

Mist Form post April 30

in Elementalist

Posted by: Araito.5869


Darn I thought they might have overlooked this…

Elementalist Patch Notes April 30th

in Elementalist

Posted by: Araito.5869


Does anyone know if thief is faster than ele when it comes to travel? I think even before this patch that changed RTL thieves were still slightly faster than d/d ele with movement. Now they are gonna be really really tough to catch up to in wvw…

Elementalist Patch Notes April 30th

in Elementalist

Posted by: Araito.5869


My own personal opinion about the following:

Mist Form skill: Activation now locks heal, utility, and elite skills.

I can live with this. But it will be an annoyance. Depending on how annoying I might change up from Mist Form – Armor of earth – Lightning Flash to Mist Form → Cleansing Flame.

Ride the Lightning skill:
Increased recharge increased 20 seconds to 40 seconds.
Recharge is now halved if the player strikes a foe.
Reduced the range to 1200 from the previous (hidden) 1550.

This is the biggest annoyance in this patch. I use RTL to travel alot everywhere (along with swiftness) because their really isn’t alot of viable ways to travel fast in this game. I will miss the fast traveling every 20 seconds. Obviously the skill still functions the same in combat, so really no changes there. As for the hidden 1550 range nerf to the actual 1200 range I feel like they should have left the range at a hidden 1550. But oh well.
I can also live with this.

Cleansing Water trait: Can now trigger only once every 5 seconds (only in PvP).

Since I never pvp I really don’t care about this. I mainly run for pve and wvw, and since wvw is NOT affected by pvp changes, this skill will still function the same in wvw. Although I prefer using Water 12 > Water 11 in both wvw and pve.

Overall the changes will add annoyance but in the long run will not affect playability of the class that much. Now if they could get on Earth 1 underwater skill doing pretty much no damage….

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Araito.5869


Score Update… huehuehuehuahuehuahuehuehue


4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Araito.5869


Pooka respects you.. Yaks Bend appreciates your hard work. We have to work harder.

See it’s manly people like this that make me respect Yak’s Bend and Maguuma.

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Araito.5869


Score Update…. lol


WvW players who run supply for repairs

in WvW

Posted by: Araito.5869


Players who run supply for repairs from camp to keep should get badges of honor.

its ridiculous that everyone is out zerging and getting tons of badges when this one person is not getting any because they are repairing walls.

All of my Yes.

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Araito.5869


Excuses bro. Everyone and their mother loves excuses.

AC Path 1 the only viable path right now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Araito.5869


Path 1 and 3 are doable (And trust me I use that world LOSELY)

It seems to me like certain groups are having an easier time than others, although I have not personally been in a PUG that has gone completely smooth with no problems.

I’m thinking certain groups of professions are having a much easier time doing this than other groups of certain professions.

AC impossible for PUG's

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Araito.5869


You’re upset that dungeons aren’t enough like farming?
I think you are actually missing the point, OP.

Get out. That’s all I have to say to this.

AC impossible for PUG's

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Araito.5869


I just finished p3.

I think I see the problem now, Anet didn’t count on Artificial Intelligence (NPC
s) being half kitten Big mistake, Anet.

In order to ease dungeon stress Here’s a list of things to do.

-Spider Queen-

Leave the queen as is, I can deal with it. BUT please for gods sake nerf the babies hp back to how they were.


Make him the way he was, or nerf his whip attack a little more. OR make it so he can’t summon necromancers or elementalists. Make it so he only summons warriors or something.


Make him back to the way he was. Also, 99% of the time we let kholer and troll fight it out anyway so it really doesn’t matter what you do to the troll.

-Howling King-

Leave it the way it is now.

-Ghost king-

Change the fight to something else entirely.

-Colossus King-

HIGHLY improve the AI’s survivability, make warmaster invincible or something. Also make it so the rock fall isn’t a one hit kill and you actually have a chance to get back into the bubble. Make it so that it deals damage equal to 50% of your hp and doesn’t knockdown, so 2 hits and you die. That gives plenty of time to make it back into the bubble.


Improve FPS, fix graphic glitches, and make it so that burrows spawn less gravelings. I can’t tell how much lag there is now.

Oh and hints for people having trouble, I find that range attacks have become extremely imporant in the dungeon. It really isn’t melee friendly. (Maybe they are trying to put rangers up a notch)

(edited by Araito.5869)

AC impossible for PUG's

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Araito.5869


I think I might be missing the point, but isn’t the point of a starter dungeon to be easier than higher dungeons, also farmable so you can acquire the exotics in ORDER to do the higher level dungeons. So you made it much more frustrating and I have never seen more rage quits than I have now from people on, a team going in without extremely well off coordination skills is almost a guarantee failure.

Also the huge FPS drop in P1 during burrows is not welcomed, I had other severe lags in other places but I’m way too mad right now to remember where.

I just want a dungeon that doesn’t require lvl 80’s with full exotic and team speak to beat…

And by “beat” I DON’T mean take 1 hour on one path and get wiped 7-8 times, that isn’t beating anything.

How popular is GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


lol @ runescape

The Hotfixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


I’m just interested in what their changing. I’m OCD after all, not knowing is making me bite my knuckles…

The overreaction is frankly, hilarious.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


I’m laughing extremely hard at the forum censors whenever I come here.

So many kittens, so little time…

“OP has a raging kitten right now”…. god I can’t stop laughing

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds—but I did say that the staff had an extremely low drop rate, and we did just boost the odds of rare items appearing at the end of large events. Congrats to those who got one!

I want an exact number please. Because if it wasn’t .000000000000000000001% I won’t be satisfied. Besides, what harm could come from saying that it’s drop chance is now set at 1.2%

I’m just curious as to what the number was set to before hand.

The Hotfixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


They are getting annoying, especially when trying to dungeon run. Should I give up for tonight? And what are they “fixing” anyway. Instant update notices would be nice…


in Elementalist

Posted by: Araito.5869



I use the same build still, post nerf

+1 drew :P

How hard do you think the D/D ele got hit on a scale of 1-10….

I’m at 72 now (and I have all my PVT gear, ive been doing nothing but AC since 35 haha)

But with the PVT gear from AC, is there still some way to output moderate damage with accessories? Do you think I should wear all stat gear?

I’ve been following your extremely well written guide since I started the game (because why do homework when someone else has already done it all after all)
It saved me a ton of questions, and for that you have my thanks.

If I am going to go for solaria/lunaria + ascended triforge…. I wonder how long it will take…

(edited by Araito.5869)

Moa invasion is near !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


That’s a nice sunrise you have there

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Araito.5869


Gonna tackle this mysteriously evil path 2 after daily.

Any tips?

watch ghostbusters. take notes.

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Araito.5869


I found kholer to actually be quite easier and his little whippy skill not to be a one hit ko anymore..

but path 2 on the other hand, the ending boss fight is just terrible and takes much longer than the others. definite avoidance for speed runs.

Mystery Waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


Never knew if they counted or not, never really payed attention to it. But scowering over the notes again there isn’t really any notice.

Mystery Waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araito.5869


Caudecus’s Manor

Story: Added a waypoint toward the end of the dungeon.

Twilight Arbor

Explorable: Added and modified existing waypoints.

from the patch notes…?