Showing Posts For Arcades.4689:
What’s your problem? Just read something about mastery, complete the personal story quest to unlock and go play in Maguuma to quest and socialize. What makes you think that you devote youre life for this?
Most classes can choose not to use their class mechanic.
Thieves can just steal, use the skill and cancel it if they don’t like it.
Warriors can just grab 2 GM traits that basically say “grab this if you don’t like burst skills”.
Engineers can play without turrets and/or kits.
Guardians can simply keep their virtues passive, and have traits that boost that passive effect.
I’d really like a “Lone Ranger” GM trait with “you gain 10% incoming damage reduction and 10% damage increase if you aren’t using a companion”
Too bad that’s not going to happen.
I’d make churning earth a field+finisher skill (just like black powder for thief), so that it creates an earth field (with a short duration) and blast it at the same time.
That skill needs some love.
You could have just left utilities empty if you wanted to show the “inconvenient truth”.
If you’re a condi thief that can’t kite a warrior then yes, you really don’t know kittens.
If you don’t know why warrior have higher base stats than other classes, then yes, you don’t know kittens.
Your post is just a wall of text full of nonsense. Adrenaline nerf is a bug fix and not a nerf? Warriors got buffed?
Your build is a signet warrior for wvw with no stability and no bersreker stance. With restorative strength, healing signet and no cleansing ire or dogged march. Worst build I’ve ever seen.
I’ll say that again: you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not even funny.
Hint: grab sleight of hand to interrupt rush with steal. Remove signet of shadow and grab shadowstep. Take uncatchable, and leave combined training alone…
(edited by Arcades.4689)
Not supposed to be balanced should only apply as far as ‘up levels’ go. And just because it isn’t as balanced as PvP, that means clear problems should not be fixed? The GS escape is just lame, and unlike some argue, ‘no’ you can not catch up to a GS warrior on a thief (I tried many times). And lets face it, if a thief or a ele runs, it’s understandable, you can likely blow them away if they didn’t. A warrior though is a different story, they shouldn’t even have this high mobility because they are fairly Omni-potent already… But fear not, due to the change to Banners, they can now drop their GS and just use a banner to get away, or better yet, use both…
Just time your steal to interrupt their rush and you’ve caught them.
Also, banner ALWAYS had a sprint move. They even “nerfed” it, since now it doesn’t deal damage and it’s a simple sprint.
So, you don’t know what you’re talking about. What a suprise.
This is just so full of Kitten that I can hardly take you serious anymore… Thieves take all the kitten because ANet decided to add stealth, much against the advice of the whole GW1 community, now thieves are stuck with it and ANet wishes they would just go away… Condi Thief is so easy to deal with on a warrior, with high condi clear, high health and high armour, and if you can’t well just run away…
high armor is soooooooooo useful against condi thief.
Condi thief can disengage at will, are almost impossible to catch up and can just troll you while spamming pistol #2 while having pretty good survivability. Everyone hate those guys.
Please tell me which other profession can run from a zerg? As a thief I can stealth if on time (that is a big if though), and maybe an Ele can get away everybody else is screwed, so why should a warrior be able to get away.
QQ I can’t catch warriors with my zerg. unless the warrior has a great loc advantage (or is built around mobility and therefore loses quite a lot of dmg) any thief worth its salt can catch him.
In general I just can not understand this, from my point of view Warriors get toned down a tad, maybe by like 5% in areas that don’t really matter much anyways, and overall they are buffed beyond believe (again). They receive MORE run skills on banner, get Thief like burst on GS, get more viable builds. If there is any community that should pretty much wisely ‘keep their mouths shut’ it is the warrior community.
Lol, you’re awesome. Adrenaline received a huge nerf, and the sprint skill on the banner has ALWAYS been there. You don’t know what you’re talking about, this is just a giant rant about 3-4 players that you can’t catch not even with a thief.
Now you may be a great sPvP warrior player, and know your stuff, but you clearly lack WvW knowledge and general ‘profession complaint’ knowledge, so don’t try and act all wise and take some hints from those who do, it doesn’t make you look to good. While your comments might well be viable in PvP (I do not comment on them from that perspective because I know I do not know). And don’t look down on other game formats, just because it’s not yours, it makes you look even worse…
Wvw roaming is not a game format. Wvw is made for zergs, or at least, gvg.
Just like nobody cares about trolling builds useless in point capture, nobody should complain about troll builds useless in a party for wvw.
Mostly, If high evade isn’t a problem in PvP, and you do know what you are talking about in sPvP sense, then why the heck defend it for WvW where it is a problem. That skill should have ‘a target’ to pull off, and the range reduced. If Anet thinks high mobility (running away) is a thing, then warriors and guardians should be the worst of the bunch, and there are a number of other professions that should gain some to get a fair chance…
evade =/= mobility.
I still can’t understand why a thief or ele that disengage from combat is fine, while a warrior is not. Warriors have to sacrifice quite a lot to gain that mobility, you know (yes, taking gs is a sacrifice. That weapon is, at best, mediocre and the hated gap closer is glitchy).
I think that ANY warrior out there would think that a CD increase (20->25 secs) and a range reduction (1200->900) would be worth paying for a fix to that kitten useless skill.
So warriors would rejoice since they’d gain a decent combat skill, and you’ll have to find something else to complain about. Everyone is happy.
Regarding cheese builds in wvw you´re absolutly right, there are a lot of things that are worse than running warriors out there – but you also see a lot of people complaining about them. What I don´t like about warriors is this “I´ve beaten this stupid idiot but then he runs away without paying for his mistakes”-feeling. That´s a bit different to losing a fight vs. “cheese” builds, but still annoying. :P
warrior gs is a pretty crappy weapon, while mesmer’s staff is atleast good for condition dmg.
And you can get the same feeling by fighting a thief or ele… if he runs away, it means you’ve won. That’s the same thing I think when a thief disengages and comes back 2-3 times in a row.And when the Warrior comes back before you’ve even exited combat, having passively regenerated a hefty portion of his health (yes, Thieves do it too)? If you’re not a Warrior yourself, you probably don’t get to enjoy the healing in the short downtime without blowing skill cooldowns that you want for when he returns.
Even in PvP, Sword users are pretty common, so that’s a good leap on a short cooldown if they want to run away. I did not say every Warrior runs there, but I do see them leave a fight with almost a perfect record if they choose.
It could stand to be toned down some. Not much, because I recognize they need those gap closers, but some small nerfs would be good.
Don’t know about you, but I’ve never had any problem catching a warrior in pvp (unless he’s using sword and uses berserker stance, maybe), that’s way far from a perfect record.
Wvw roaming, as I said, 1)is not supposed to be balanced 2)if someone resets the fights 2-3 times trying to kill me i just laugh and think “what a bad loser”.
And at least you can see a warrior running after you, while you can’t see a thief doing the same.
EDIT: I don’t think any warrior would complain much if Rush would get fixed even if its CD increased to 25 its range reduced to 900. But really, there are way too mani posts on this forum about the running warriors QQ I can’t catch them with my zerg, they are gods of mobility omg nerf.
(edited by Arcades.4689)
Regarding cheese builds in wvw you´re absolutly right, there are a lot of things that are worse than running warriors out there – but you also see a lot of people complaining about them. What I don´t like about warriors is this “I´ve beaten this stupid idiot but then he runs away without paying for his mistakes”-feeling. That´s a bit different to losing a fight vs. “cheese” builds, but still annoying. :P
warrior gs is a pretty crappy weapon, while mesmer’s staff is atleast good for condition dmg.
And you can get the same feeling by fighting a thief or ele… if he runs away, it means you’ve won. That’s the same thing I think when a thief disengages and comes back 2-3 times in a row.
Sitting on a capture point with low mobility builds may be fine for pvp, if you ever played wvw you would know where this “meme of the fleeing warriors originated”. Most warriors I see use hammer/gs, axe+shield/gs or mace+shield/gs. All of them have access to greatsword´s gap openers and speed, making it impossible to catch them if you´re not a thief, d/d elementalist or warrior yourself.
Wvw roaming is not supposed to be balanced.
Gs is pretty much a tax for any warrior build in wvw, since it’s the only way for them to run away from zergs. Warriors lose quite a bit of CC and condi removal to gain that mobility.
In wvw there are troll builds that are WAY more op than any warrior one, yet no one complains about condi thief/engi or PU mesmers.
This is definitly more of a wvw problem, but even in pvp, warriors are quite tanky, hard to cc due to Berserker´s Stance, Cleansing Ire and Dogged March and they have solid passive healing. Those features alone allow them to run from a lot of fights if they want to and it´s neccessary.
Dogged march is not a good trait for pvp, and most classes have escape tools better than “running while crossing my fingers”.
They don’t have larger numbers of escape tools (except compared to necros and guardians). What they have are much lower cooldowns. The only profession that can get away better is a Thief, and they are designed to do that. Extreme mobility is one of the primary defenses because they can’t stand to be in combat long. Warriors can, but they can disengage almost as easily and come charging right back in due to low cooldowns on those mobility skills.
Warriors can’t disengage easily from combat, unless you are using gs or sword. And een then chill, cripple or immobilize ruin their day.
And most of the melee weapons have some sort of leap or dash for Warriors. Greatsword has two, Sword has one, Axe and hammer both have their burst skills. Longest cooldown on any of those? 20 seconds. Even banners have a dash (15 second cooldown).
No. Just no. Have you ever looked at thebuild editor? You’re not making sense, and it seems like you have NEVER played this game.
1) burst skills have 10 secs CD, at most.
2) eviscerate is a leap with a range of 300… which means that slows you down. And anyway, with the new patch you’ll be losing adrenaline if you use burst skills without hitting anything.
3) nobody uses banners in pvp.
4) nobody uses gs in pvp.
Burning Retreat: 20 seconds
I was talking about burning speed (15 sec CD), not burning retreat, sorry (you can’t have a staff and an offhand dagger after all)[/quote]
RtL: 40 seconds (if used as an escape)
Decoy: 40 seconds
Elixer S: 60 seconds
Flesh Wurm: 40 seconds (requires pre-casting for escape use, can’t be used to chase)The shortest cooldown on any of these skills is equal to the longest cooldown on a Warrior’s weapon skills. Most are at least twice that cooldown.
You said that warriors use berserker stance and SoR to get away. The cooldown on those two is 60 secs on both.
Sword or gs warriors are good runners, but they aren’t meta build so i really don’t understand how can you see warriors escaping “all the time” from fights in pvp.
Axe burst and hambw, the most used build in pvp, have absolutely 0 mobility, so I really can’t understand where this meme of the fleeing warriors originated.
I wouldn’t go acting like using Signet of Rage to escape is a big deal. Most Warriors use it on-cooldown anyway.
And sure, I have ranged weapons. But I’m also working to secure an objective. Chasing is counterproductive unless I know where all of his teammates are..
So, the great escape tools of a warrior are the most used stance and swiftness.
Eles can run 1800 loc with burning retreat and RtL, thieves can reset fights at will, mesmers can get away using decoy or staff #2, engi can use elixir S and shield block, necromancer can use the flesh wurm… the list is quite long, you know. It doesn’t seem to me that warriors have so much more escape tools than other classes.
1) reduced distance and doubled CD is pure nonsense. Lots of weapons have more mobility than gs, like warrior’s sword.
2) a 40 secs cd on a 900 leap with no secondary effects is just dumb.
3) make it a 900 range, add a cripple effect and fix the pathing. Done.o.O
Ride the Lightning. Got changed exact like that. Sword has more mobility? You mean you can travel more than 1200 units with sword at the same time as the GS can? I’m curious how.
Not to mention that the skill would stay exactly the same if you use it as it was inteded to be: to close distance.
Elementalist’s weapon skills #4 and #5 usually have quite a high cd, since eles have access to 20 weapon skills.
Sword is better for moving around the map, since you can cover 1200 loc in roughly 16 secs, using leap 2 times. If you really want to run, grab a warhorn too and you’re set.
RtL was reduced from 1500 to 1200, with a 20/40 secs CD. You proposed to reduce distance and double CD at the same time, which would bring Rush to 900 loc and 20/40 secs CD. So they wouldn’t really be the same. But thinking on it, I’d probably welcome these changes if they would just fix the kitten thing.
In my experience, any that decide to use Berserker’s Stance and Signet of Rage and just run. When they can’t be slowed down and they move faster than you do, not that tough to get away.
So they’re using an elite (60-48secs CD) and a utility (60 secs CD) just to escape from a fight?
And I don’t think there is a single dps build that doesn’t have at least a leap/gap closer or a ranged weapon in pvp.
Which kind of build use warriors in pvp to flee from combat? The master of mobility hambow? Or the uncatchable axe burst?
seriously guys, what’s you problem with this meme of the fleeing warriors?
I’ve played quite a lot of pvp, and I’ve NEVER had trouble with gs warriors. I usually just laugh at them, and their “uber mobility” (lower than thief and gs ranger, on par with sword war) has never been a problem.
Hambows and axe burst have absolutely no mobility, so they can’t really escape without using berserker stance, endure pain and quite a lot of luck.
Rush didn’t get fixed (I don’t care about the distance, make it 900 for all I care, just let me hit something with it!)
Add a target required or reduced distance and doubled cooldown (same as RtL), fix the pathing and it would be a fair change.
1) reduced distance and doubled CD is pure nonsense. Lots of weapons have more mobility than gs, like warrior’s sword.
2) a 40 secs cd on a 900 leap with no secondary effects is just dumb.
3) make it a 900 range, add a cripple effect and fix the pathing. Done.
(edited by Arcades.4689)
Have you ever seen a necro escape from any battle successfully?
Have you ever seen a warrior escape a battle successfully in pvp?
My gf has a necromancer, and I know that DS fills slower than adrenaline (and the only reason adren fills so fast is thanks to CI), and that’s way it should decay slower than adrenaline.
Looking at the ready up video, it took 5 secs for adrenaline to go from full to 50%, so it takes just 10 secs out of combat to empty your adrenaline bar.
If DS would decay at a rate of 2% per sec, it would take 50 secs to go from 100% to 0, which is 5 times the adrenaline decay.
Long story short: your DS takes 5 times longer to fill up, it decays 5 times slower.
It’d be fine even if it decayed 1,5% per second, i’d just like to see it decaying out of combat, doesn’t really matter how slow that would be.
Because they fulfill completely different purposes, so they cannot be compared. When Adrenaline makes up near the entirety of Warrior defense, then you will have a point.
Necromancers were also designed as the “attrition” profession. While in-combat, they’re actually terrible at it, a necro becomes harder and harder to stop the more fights he’s won (to a cap, naturally).
Except that adrenaline makes up the entirety of warrior’s condition removal, and most of warrior’s damage.
I’m not saying DS should decay as fast as adrenaline, but if adrenaline got nerfed like that, then DS shoul decay, even slowly.
Adrenaline decay rate isn’t changing. When it starts to decay is.
By looking at the video, it seems to decay faster than usual.
It doesn’t happen for death shroud because death shroud has never decayed unless you were using it (in which case, it always decays). Adrenaline has always decayed, it just took forever for it to start doing so.
I know how that shroud works. I don’t understand why it doesn’t decay while the necro is out of combat (not even slowly, like 2% a second) since, just like adrenaline, is a bar that fills while attacking.
Except, Anet balances the whole game around sPvP, which has a single point-capture game mode. Not everyone in WvW zergs, and even if they did it would be completely irrelevant to the overall balancing of the game. This is why you have glaring problems like stealth disengages and out of combat mobility being able to essentially ‘reset’ fights in WvW; because they aren’t issues in point-capture and therefore they are largely ignored as balancing factors.
Wvw is (should) balanced for zerg vs zerg, or at least gvg. That’s the purpose of the game aspect and most people play with a group.
Those disengage skills that you despise so much are the only way to avoid being curbstomped by any enemy zerg, so I’d say they’re pretty much necessary for roaming.
I, for one, care, because I refuse to play PvP because point-capture is a terrible game mode to base class balance on.
PvP is a competitive game mode that tries to be an esport.
Pvp is balanced around point-capture, wvw is balanced around zergs.Just like nobody cares about condi thief or PU mesmers in pvp (they’re troll hotjoin builds useless in point-capture), nobody should care about 1v1 in wvw.
And frankly warriors can’t really compare to other 1v1 cheese builds in wvw.Point-capture is based around the premise of who can bunker and counter-bunker better. When you balance classes around this, you get predominantly defensive builds and CC heavy builds that overshadow others. Take for example the guardian, who has been ‘in a good place’ for 2 years now, even though in reality it’s pigeonholed into two roles despite the promise pre-launch that class wouldn’t have a factor on player role.
Once they start balancing the way classes interact with each other on the fights themselves rather than who can hold a circle on the map better, I will take sPvP and this game’s balancing as a whole more seriously.
The point is not “PvP is awesome, roaming is not”.
the point is: every game aspect balances around itself.
Wvw aims to be balanced around zergs, pvp around point capture.
In both game aspects you can create extremely troll cheesy builds, but completely useless for zerg or point capture, and that’s why nerfing them isn’t really top priority.
Also, I’ll never understand why you’re complaining about gs. There are a metric TON of cheesy builds in wvw, why is everyone whining about warrior’s gs (a mediocre weapon)?
Ah, btw, I really wish they’d nerf Rush to 1200, 900 loc, just fix it and let it hit something!
I, for one, care, because I refuse to play PvP because point-capture is a terrible game mode to base class balance on.
PvP is a competitive game mode that tries to be an esport.
Pvp is balanced around point-capture, wvw is balanced around zergs.
Just like nobody cares about condi thief or PU mesmers in pvp (they’re troll hotjoin builds useless in point-capture), nobody should care about 1v1 in wvw.
And frankly warriors can’t really compare to other 1v1 cheese builds in wvw.
Rush didn’t get fixed (I don’t care about the distance, make it 900 for all I care, just let me hit something with it!)
100b still useless in pvp, even more with a 5% damage decrease (A 5% nerf to damage is meaningless, and this skill is already useless in pvp… )
Buff to rifle and arcing slice (finally!)
Nerf to adrenaline (so every warrior will be using longbow. Good job, so much for build diversity)
And adrenaline decays at superspeed as soon as you leave combat. I wonder why that doesn’t happen for death shroud.
we the other group of warriors NEED this mobility to even be close enough to Thieves and Mesmers, to be able to have a chance against them.
nerfing Warrior mobility will hurt this group of warriors, but those who flee will just have to do it earlier.
This is a joke right? We are talking about WvW here and every warrior can sit on my face 90% of the time because dogged march, buff food and runes make him almost invincible against any form of soft CC. They dont even need a greatsword for that.
1v1 roaming in wvw isn’t balanced and will never be. Cond thief, engi or mesmer curbstomp any warrior out there, but nobody cares.
Why are you guys talking about 1v1 in wvw?
Duels in wvw are not supposed to be balanced. C’mon guys, it should be pretty obvious. Wvw is not about duels.
And, btw, an axe/lb war has absolutely no mobility. An Axe/gs war has no way to connect effectively with 100b, and no way to remove conditions while using the gs, so both of them aren’t really mobile, powerful and tanky builds.
And Narkodx – special snowflake, eh? Not meant as an offense, but players like you are the reason everyone and their grandma lost all fighting honor and instead fighting honorable with good sportsmanship people rather play cheap to ensure an easy kill. And that is highly disappointing.
(edited by Arcades.4689)
Warrior GS can deal massive direct damage but requires the target to stand still. That applies to PvE, that’s why it’s good. However it doesn’t in PvP, that’s why it’s bad.
The channel time for rapid fire will be 2,5 seconds. Evade once and you’ve mitigated half the damage. Or do you listen to players who cry about how hard 100b hits if they refuse to dodge out of it? On a site note: No, it wont have more DPS than 100b.
And MH axe isn’t an option for PvE.
100b: 2030 (5,5) 3 1/2 secs
580 (1,57) dps
rapid fire: 528 (1,5) dps
Almost the same dps. But I thought the new cast time for RF would be 2 secs, not 2,5 (wich would put its dps above 100b).
I’d just like they would change some horribly designed skills (arcing slices and bladetrail), cut 100b duration (withouth increasing its dps) and fix that kitten rush (they can put it a 900 range, for all that it’s worth).
We will see, and for the record, i dont complain about rangers.
I complain about warrior GS, the weapon could really need some fix/buffs. rush is nice for running but the skill sucks at hitting.. make it a 900 leap or something..
100b (what i ALREADY where saying in this topic) you can remove some damage from 100b in return we get a mobile 100b.. so we dont NEED other weapons for a 100b (maby new 50b) so even GS becomes good in pvp.warrior GS, the weapon could really need some fix/buffs.
You only post some words from my post…
Ugh, whatever… this community is very bad @ GW2
People can only flame at this forum and say they know the best and call the rest noobs..Ok, seriously now. I’ll tell you why the warrior GS doesn’t need any buffs:
1) Ranger Rapid Fire vs. Warrior Hundred Blades
As zerker, 100b hits as double as hard as rapid fire does.
2) Not every weapon is good for everything. Some warriors might forget that. The ranger does suffer from this quite heavily. The only weapons good enough for PvE the ranger has are sword, warhorn and sometimes OH axe. The ranger GS is only viable if you don’t want or can’t play with the sword.
3) Rapid Fire can be evaded, blocked or obscured, just like 100b can be. You want your favourite weapon in PvE be also the best weapon for PvP? Not gonna happen, suck it up.
Why can’t a weapon be good for pve and pvp? Apart from conditions or defensive ones, that are useless in pve, most weapons are useful both in pvp and pve.
Is that some strange kind of skin balance issue?
With the new balance preview, rapid fire will have more dps than 100b, and mh axe will probably be nice in pve.
If you’re a shout warrior you can’t have bullrush or frenzy, so you can’t really use a gs, and you won’t be able to take both merciless hammer and burst mastery.
I think that’s a nice build for wvw, though.
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. do u even play this game bro?
like he said, I think u fall under the “l2p” category of players.
half of your arguments have been proven wrong by other posts.
gs warriors are common btw… never seen a good one? lmao. fight Vassangel and come back to me.
and its obvious you haven’t been around the game long then. mace/shield-gs warrior was meta a few months ago.
Warrior gs are common? In pvp? Are we playing the same game?
Mace/gs was never a meta build for pvp. Since… 8 months, at least. I’ve been playing pvp since december, and gs warriors were never meta.
I prefer playing my kitten lb/gs ranger rather a 100b bot, and in my team I’d take a medi guardian over a gs warrior 99% of the time.
And my points haven’t been proven wrong.
Guardian gs has 20% more dps than the warrior one, while ranger’s gs is a much more defensive weapon. And I have a medi guardian and a gs/lb ranger so…
Warrior’s gs is a pure trolling/wvw roaming weapon. But keep living in your own little worlds, I’m tired of talking to people who have never used that weapon.
I won’t really cry if they nerf warriors to the ground, I’ll just use my guardian or ranger and have fun with them.
I have a gs ranger. The weak auto attack is compensated by the dps boost by maul, but anyway ranger’s gs is a much more defensive weapon set. I strongly prefer ranger’s gs skills to the warrior ones (that’s why a play a gs ranger, and not a gs warrior).
Warrior’s gs is pure offense (with a weak auto attack and a skill with less dps than whirling wrath that roots you in place) and mobility (with a horrbly bugged mobility skill. The other one is fine, though).
Warrior’s gs auto attack:
2*259 (0,7)
333 (0,9)
2*296 (0,8) (15% base, +15% scaling)
443 (1,2) (33% base, +33% scaling)
Whirling wrath dps >> 100b dps
1085 (2,8) in 3/4s
1624(4,4)+406 (1,1) in 3 +1/2 s
100b is a very ugly skill, only good in pve. I’d swap it for maul.
If you say so. I am in the top 25 on with my warrior. I do not use long bow. At all. If you think long bow is mandatory, then I think you might fall under the L2p issue that happens a lot in Gw2.
What’s your build? When I played a condition warrior i simply steamrolled anyone without lb. My gf plays a condi necro and does the same.
(edited by Arcades.4689)
Warriors have no way to avoid conditions apart from berserker stance (60 sec cd).
That means that without CI/bow, you’ll get wrecked by any condi build able to kite or blind spam you. You’re a melee animal, and In a teamfight you’ll end up dead as soon as a condi necro/ranger/engi shows up.
I’m pretty sure that even a condi guardian could steamroll a war without CI and/or longbow.
You guys cry all day “warriors have so much damage and survivability!” “this meta is full of bunkers!”, and then you don’t want to make zerker builds viable.
You just want warriors to have no condition cleansing, no vigor, no invulnerability skills, no mobility and weak dps. I’m pretty sure this isn’t balance.
Can you please show me any valid alternative to cleansing ire and combustive shot for conditions clearing?
I don’t like how a warrior can mantain a constant fire field with little effort, but warriors cannot live without that condition cleansing.
You speak of “other options”. Those other options are, basically, a killshot bot and a 100b bot. Both those builds are hilariously weak even against a power ranger.
Bullscharge: takes up a utility skill (so choose one between endure pain, berserker stance or signet of stamina. The other one is already taken by stability), obvious tell, 2 secs kd (100b has 3+1/2 secs cast time, so to use it efficently you’ll need frenzy, wich takes another utility slot…) Also, 40 (32 if traited) secs of cd.
Sword f1: so you sacrifice your condi removal and aoe dmg to immobilize a target… that can easily teleport away or interrupt you.
Pin down: 25 secs recast, for a burst that won’t entirely connect (You’ll lose half a second in gap closing/swapping weapon and startng the skill) and that can still be easily interrupted.
Dragon tooth has a lower cd, isn’t a channeled skill (so it’s harder to interrupt) and isn’t on a almost completely useless weapon set.
So yeah, it’s not like dragon tooth at all.
1)axe is a bad stan alone weapon. No utility, just high auto attack damage. It’s only used thanks to sigil of intelligence (no war ran with axe pre 15th april).
2)how can you be in top 200 and not know that lb is mandatory for war thanks to the condition removal? warrior has no active con removal apart from cleansing ire and signet of stamina.
I’m rank 44, and i’ve never, ever, ever saw a mace/gs war in pvp. EVER.
You have to sacrifice a lot of armor and hp, condition cleansing and utilities just to land a skill with less dps than guardian’s gs 2 and 3+1/2 secs of channel time.
Also, I can kill gs warriors easily with a power ranger (and I’ve played no more than 70 matches with this class), and have you ever saw a gs war in a ToL match? I haven’t. Power ranger is more represented than gs warrior!
3)warrior’s gs mobility < ranger’s gs mobility. But you can nerf that kitten mobility if you really want, it’s only useful for running around the map in pve.
Warrior’s GS doesn’t need any buff. Rather a nerf to Rush, similar to RtL.
What GS “lacks” is sort of CC to land HB. Warrior actually can play with it.
But to achieve that he has to chain something and probably land Skull Cracker because Thieves are nearly immune to cripple and immobilize. That means no easy mode Combustive cleansing and LB.
And most will just pick easier spec.
They could change Arcing Slice and B. Power (to proc after you use burst) though
Mace/gs in pvp. I really hate repeating myself, but have you ever played pvp?
It has cleave, gap closers, mobility when moving between points, great damage, vulnerability, and a cripple. What makes the greatsword “useless” in PvP?
Have you EVER played PVP?
If so, have you EVER seen a decent warrior with a gs?
Gs has vulnerability… on auto attack. And a really weak auto attack, one of the weakest in the game.
Cripple on a projectile skill so slow that you can actually outrun it.
I repeat: how many warriors have you seen in pvp with a gs? Really dudes, how can you say that gs is a viable weapon in pvp?
When I see a gs war in pvp (hotjoin, mostly. haven’t seen one in solo/teamq in ages) they are laughable easy to kill.
I have a warrior and a power ranger, and, while I’m very happy about the ranger’s changes, warrior’s gs really needs a buff.
No warrior uses gs in pvp, because it’s a completely useless weapon, and, even as a power ranger, I’m able to curbstomp them with no effort.
Warrior’s only competitive weapons in pvp are hammer, lb (mandatory thanks to blind spam) and axe. 3 weapons out of 7. That sucks.
I really hope they’ll leave competitive builds unchanged and will give some nice buffs to less used weapons (that’s exactly what they did with ranger).
I’ve got an Ati HD4350, but I seem to have resolved the issue by running the repair tool and starting the game as an administrator.
I think i’m having the same issue, but I’m not getting any crash errors or logs. The game screens simply becomes black, but my computer keeps running. I can alt-tab the game and close it without even having to use the task manager.
I’ve been having this problems since the new patch. What’s your GPU?
My main is a warrior, but recently i started playing thief in pvp.
As a d/p thief with 0 experience I had few problems against warriors.
Just spam black powder, stealth yourself if they use berserker stance (and wait 8-10 secs ofc), abuse the perma blind in melee and whirling axe when they try to use the lb.
Racial skills are supposed to be worthless, because in GW2 race is insignificant, this isn’t wow, thisi isn’t DAoC where that certain race is just perfect for that certain class.
I hoped that this would be pretty evident, but that doesn’t seem so. Race in gw2 is basically a cosmetic issue, with some pretty but almost useless skill.
Personally I dont want this to change. I don’t want to be penalized beacuse i like to make my guardian a norn instead of a charr or whatever.
Battle roar is actually a nice example: it would be a must have for any shout based ranger or guardian due to its relatively short CD.
Are you really sure that the ruins of orr region track drops orrian skins? I really don’t want to believe that, it would be such a huge fail for Anet.
I’m pretty tired of this. Did you ever saw a guardian silvary having a binding jeopardy build with grasping vines?
have you ever saw a warrior charr using shrapnel mine together with leg specialist and opportuinist?
if you made battle roar in to a shout, would shout based warriors use it? Yes→Charr warriors would get an advantage over other warriors.
Those skills are useless, but if you give them a type your character would be allowed to get them a lot of buffs (catual buffs, not simply interaction like the one you quoted) and that would that make actually useful.
Since there are already a ton of balance issue in the game, we should try to avoid creating more of them.
D/p, condi thieves and mesmers are the most annoying foes in the entire game.
Although when I was using a condi build in pvp necros were my worst nightmare. They could eat my condition for breakfast and chainfear me into oblivion.
No racial skills has a type attached to it, (except for the norn ones, that are transforms. But no trait/rune/sigil interacts with transform skills) to prevent a race from gaining an advantage in playing a profession.
So if I follow your logic, why does Asura Rangers get a 6sec stun with technobable? Why does the Sylvary Guardians can easely stack up to 25 vulnerabilities with grasping vines? Not to mention Hiden pistol works with Mobile Strike sinds it is a mobility skill, so that shouldn’t happen either! So explain me why should other racials have synergies with class traits while Battle Roar shouldn’t?
Not to mention, Guardian, Rangers and Warrior shouts get the benefits out of runes of the Trooper, they are not of the same professions but are still in the same category, shouldn’t it make sense for Battle Roar to also work with those runes and be categorised as a Shout?
Do you really want an answer to that?
1) ranger, guardians and warriors are not the same category. Warriors and guardians are soldiers, rangers are adventurer.
2) racial skills are influenced by traits =/= giving type to racial skills. Doing so would allow them to benefit from reduced cooldown, runes, whatever other traits and would allow making a certain build work better only on a certain race.
The only example I can think of is technobabble for a stunlock ranger, but that is a pretty stupid build.
3) if you really wanted to give a type to racial skills, you should be doing that for all of them, so you’d have to rework all of them.
4) since most racial skills are useless, just deal with it. It’s not going to happen.
No racial skills has a type attached to it, (except for the norn ones, that are transforms. But no trait/rune/sigil interacts with transform skills) to prevent a race from gaining an advantage in playing a profession.
Damage is probably caused by the Volley skill (rifle#3), an attack that fires 5 shots in quick succession, since rifle autoattack is really weak. Dodge or interrupt the skill (it’s a channeled one).
I play an axe/lb war, and i never lost against a condi warrior.
You can deal a maximum of three damaging conditions (bleeding, torment, burning) with a total of maybe 4 conditions with immobilize. As an axe warrior i just wait for your burst with flurry and then i eviscerate you, cleansing 3 conditions and dealing at least 4k dmg.
You’ll have an hard time killin ele’s, (and you’ll never be able to kill a celestial dagger/dagger one) and condi necromancer will destroy you since they eat conditions for breakfast.
Also, there are like 3 or 4 skills in the game that stun. If you break out of a daze or a fear you’ll not get the toughness buff. And you don’t have fast hands.
In the end it’s a nice build, but not “the best” build in the world.
Be glad that it wasn’t a decap or hambow to face or even a CnD pull theif. Those specs are much more deadly then a mesmer. There is a reason people don’t want this in Solo Q, it promotes skilless specs just spamming KDs or pulls from stealth for when they have access to it.
Actually I think hambows are not that dangerous on this map, unless they take stomp and fear me asu utility skills (discarding berserker or balanced stance).
I think thieves and guardian hammer are way deadlier. I met a thief who didn’t do anything except using scorpion wire and black powder, and it was so frustrating.
Also, the skyhammer portal is pretty bugged, and the cam is horrible.
EDIT: i’d be happy if they simply removed the kitten glass.
(edited by Arcades.4689)
In EUToL there was an average of more than one guardian for team.
Should guardians be nerfed?
(edited by Arcades.4689)