Showing Posts For Archadian.5024:

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Soul Reaping 15 points for Last Gasp – this is extremely strong against a thief or an otherwise stun+burst glass.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Obnoxious over-encompassing post once again…

If you think it’s unplayable, don’t play. You’re not even trying to help make it better with constructive feedback, you’re just whining.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

tPvP Team Forming

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Lets get right to the point.

tPvP team forming, need pro players. Know your class, know the maps, understand simple strategies and be willing to learn complicated ones.

Nuff said.

Message me in game (preferably in mail form since whispers are usually ignored).
(I won’t check this post again).

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Once you learn how to play ...

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Probably you forgot to put an ability that breaks stun on your utility bar?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Whereis skill in getting killed in 1 sec?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


How much toughness/vitality are you running?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Are we gonna get real PvP soon ?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


A nicer looking UI would be nice… but it’s less than a month after launch, let’s let them do their thing for a bit…

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Ridiculous arguments and ridiculous to expect such large content patches less than a month after release… Seriously, give the game some time instead of making these sweeping generalizations (game is dying… wtf?).

Have patience, play more, enjoy your time, or go elsewhere.

Nuff said.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

The whole idea of creating a Mesmer was stupid, here's why

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Hey man, great sweeping generalization!

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Dissapointed in Pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Jeez, have you guys never played any other kind of pvp games that are not mmorpgs? Like Counter-Strike? Or Starcraft? Or DoTA? Those games are the “same thing” over and over and there’s no PvE gear there to earn, why do people keep playing it? CAUSE IT’S FUN.

Why so aggressive?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

The Skill Cap of Guild Wars 2 PVP and the Implications

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Finally, some positive thinking on the sPvP forum.

Next steps: Ban all QQers who haven’t played 100+ tPvP matches. Ban all players who have only learned one profession. Ban all players who get their builds entirely from the interwebs. Problem solved.

Thumbs up for poster.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Dissapointed in Pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Point taken. I disagree with most of your points, but that doesn’t mean you are incorrect.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Best Ranger Pet

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


This might be better suited for the Ranger forum but it’s in regard to PvP.

What have you found to be the most effective Ranger pets in tPvP?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

tPvP Map Rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I’d just like to play more maps more often, I’ve played FoN so much, I would like a change.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Glory Distribution in tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


There are a couple of threads on this but I think it’s pretty important.

There are a couple of solutions that have been proposed. The first is that there is an amount of glory given for defenders simply for being on a point for a prolonged period of time. For example, a guardian at the mine will accrue glory while standing on the point, even if he/she isn’t in combat.

Another solution (one that I think would be more elegant and help to build team relationships) is to sum all the points players on one team earned during the match and then divide them equally to each player on the team.

Maybe there is a better solution out there…

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Make guild names more apparent (in tourneys)

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I like the idea of having a team identity myself. I wouldn’t mind it being broadcasted more fully.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Can we please have a Competitive/tPvP Subforum.

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Yea, but after looking at the forums its obvious why Anet doesnt have a “Suggestion” forum lol. It would be so full.

There is a suggestion forum.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Things that I think would improve the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Your initial point about quickness is interesting. I don’t mind the length of quickness but I do think that it shouldn’t decrease the time it takes to kill someone in downed state. Quickness is okay, but since killing/reviving downed players is crucial to tPvP success, I feel that quickness provides an unstable benefit to some professions that isn’t afforded to others.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.


in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


These posts are getting both numerous and irritating. Some balance needs to be done, but more than that we need to be playing more, learning more, reacting better…

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

How to kite?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Additionally, I find that with ranger weapon swapping helps kiting. There are a ton of evade attacks or movement bonuses with some of your melee weapons so make sure to swap out in order to use these attacks to gain distance.

Also, watch your opponents, use your speed boosts when their own speen boons wear off. Dodge charge attacks with a roll forward rather than a roll back (since the momentum of the charge will keep the user moving forward and you may throw them off by dodging past them). Keep your slow attacks for when you know you’re going to be kiting, and keep in mind your opponent has dodges that will help close the gap as well.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

How to kite?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


This is completely inappropriate and feel free to ignore me:

how do i shot arrow herp

At least there is a disclaimer…

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

My personal opinion: Every Ability I Dont Understand Is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


This thread is OP.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Supportive Play doesn't get acknowledged

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


In LoL Dominion, you gain a small amount of points periodically while defending and when you die on a point you own, you get a Martyr bonus.

I love this idea. I do agree that there needs to be some adjustment to the way points are allocated to defenders. It doesn’t need to be a big boost, but significant enough to put them on par with roamers.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

sPvP vs. tPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I also feel that it might be a better learning experience for players looking to transition into tPvP.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

sPvP vs. tPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I agree with this. 8v8 feels over-crowded in maps that are designed for 5v5 play. For those who want zergs, we have WvW- not sure why the decision was made to make sPvP 8v8.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Any plans for 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 competitive PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I’m all for this.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Why is PvP so simple? Is this supposed to be fun?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Thanks for the replies. I guess I’ll try this tournament thing. Hopefully it’s better.

Very cool. This response surprised the hell out of me in a good way.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

tPvP Map Rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Is the current map rotation on tournaments static or is it likely to change? I think it should shift instead of the constant FoN, LoF, BoK rotation… Just getting tired of playing the same rotation and I’d love to see different map order. Maybe a weekly rotation?

Any news?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Forest of Niflhel: Ninja-ing Bosses

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I love this mechanic because it adds additional complexity to FoN. Instead of static 3 point cap players must learn to balance respawn times of mobs, watch for poachers during the NPC fight, and determine whether and when the forest mob is worth risking losing a point for.

These mechanics help influence more strategic play than a typical 3-point cap system can boast.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Contacts - Followers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Archadian.5024


How does the followers tab work on my contact list? I see a couple of names there but I’m not sure what that tab is all about.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Penalties for leaving SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I think this is crucial for tPvP… I’ve played in several pug games where one side or the other only runs with 4. We need something to stop players from queuing and then not joining.

Not only does it force a 5 minute wait, but it also costs their team the game. If someone abandons a game before it starts, the system should automatically try to fill that slot or abort starting the match.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Looking for tPvP team

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Alright, sounds good. If anyone else is interested in joining send me an in game mail, pm me on forums or whisper me in game and we’ll see what we can set up.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

sPvP Recruitment Section?

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Wondering the same thing.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Meta in Tournament PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


What constitutes “high mobility?” Speed boosts?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Looking for tPvP team

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


I wish there was a sub-forum for this type of thing, but in its absence I’ll do this here:

I’m looking for a tPvP team, even if not 100% dedicated, a group that gets together to discuss/play in a tournament setting. Whether this be a guild or just a group of 5 is irrelevant to me.

Bottom line is I’m sick of pugging. I have vent/ts/skype.

So far I’ve favored Necro, but am familiar with several classes and always willing to learn more. Hit me up in game, Archadian.5024 (character name is Linked).

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Meta in Tournament PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Potentially determined by how these maps are going to be played out as well. For example, do you run 4 to NPC on FoN into keep? 1 mine/henge? Who runs the steal on opponents NPC?

Also, does the map itself determine the best team comp? Is one comp better on FoN than another?

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.

Can we please have a Competitive/tPvP Subforum.

in PvP

Posted by: Archadian.5024


Yes I’d like this as well.

Fight to eat, eat to live, live to die.