Showing Posts For Archon.7516:

Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Archon.7516


What – All the thieves
Why – Because the devs play all the other classes.. it’s not fair that Thieves get balanced based on no playtesting by the dev team when I do.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Archon.7516


What – Stealth
Why – Because even though I can’t see the thief I can still damage/cc/down it, this makes me feel dishonorable so thieves shouldn’t stealth

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

New CDI?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archon.7516


You know what was cool? When you stopped treating us WvWers like we were second class citizens and made exotic 80 gear attainable.

You know what wasn’t? Releasing ascended gear that currently ISNT. Weapons/Armor.

WvW is not profitable, and thus we have no way of getting the mats we need outside of PvE grinding. I play your game for the ONE thing it has over other games in the genre, WvW… why should I have to PvE grind ANYTHING if I want to WvW exclusively? Not saying they should be easy to get, but you need to give the MANY MANY players like me some options.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Medium Armor skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archon.7516


Can we please get something that ISN’T a trenchcoat? to wit:

Seriously. You would have SO many gems.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Well played Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Clearly thats what the WvW community was clamoring for! Meta Achievements! Not any of the below:

1) Income based on the amount of time we spend in WvW
2) Access to the best gear in the game (lol shorry you gotta go craft, but wait you are a WvW player, so enjoy your 1g/ 6 hours, and t4 mats out of bags, oh wait bags dont drop anymore)
3) Balancing away from AOE kitten kitten no skill play
4) The removal of terrible mechanics
5) A stress on actually fighting other players rather than hiding in towers with arrowcarts
6) GvG
7) More than 2 leagues
8) ONE THIRD the attention you pay to the Spvp crowd
9) Attainable WvW achievements (LOL 200 years to kill a billion yaks trololo)

Did I miss any? These are NOT new issues, only things your player base has BEGGED for for MONTHS now in some cases. Its really no surprise WvW is dying. You keep implementing what you THINK is a good idea instead of LISTENING to people that play this mode.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

(edited by Archon.7516)

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archon.7516


Ranger Dots already are a hard counter for thief.. lets give them EVEN MORE tools against. At this point I’m pretty much done with this game, between YET ANOTHER nerf and this idiotic gem grubbing League system it is clear you do not care/listen to your community.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archon.7516


I hope that update to thief pistol mainhand actually makes it viable since thieves are getting nerfed yet again, while warriors still get never-ending buffs that they don’t deserve or need.
The only reason people complained about flanking strike was because it made bunkering harder for pvp babies, and, as usual in any MMO or really any game that includes a stealth-based class, people just have to call for nerfs.

I’m sick of nerfs. I shouldn’t have to use food buffs and D/D to be viable in world versus world, and spvp is going to be more of a pain since flanking strike is going to be nerfed yet again, while bunkers still reign supreme. Or condition stacking, but that’s another issue entirely, at least until the update hits and rangers are suddenly able to reveal thieves and disable a core mechanic at the push of a button. The counter to stealthing is being a good player, but there’s a severe lack of those in this game.

Again, I hope that pistol update makes it so I can actually use pistols without being laughed at. Maybe I’ll be able to disable mesmer clones, or halve the damage output of a warrior with it.
But since it’s not a change to “unload” then I’m just going to assume it’s an update to bodyshot that doesn’t change the functionality of pistols in the slightest. Especially dual pistols, which you need to build all of your traits around just to function, poorly.

This. Sure is a good thing we have one class that never gets any love but that stream of nerfs is NEVER ENDING.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archon.7516


Thieves still have nothing at all to deal with the MASSIVE cc and AOE and DoTs we see in wvw, thus we are STILL useless in group play it seems. No stability available, no dot reduction and ONE stun break does not really count.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Method to decide the Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Clearly Devon only cares as long as he doesn’t get any real feedback > <

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Method to decide the Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


We are not trying to only ever match you up against your closest comparable server. That was what was happening with the system before and it was bad. If you are saying you don’t ever even want the chance to try and show your skill against a higher ranked server, then I don’t know what to say.

We will continue to look into ways to change scoring to try and even out some of the population based imbalances, but that is not an easy task and it won’t happen during the season.

First, you should only ever match a server up against it’s closest competition, otherwise you’re sending lambs to the slaughter. WvW is not skill based it’s numbers and coverage based, maybe if you spent some time learning what the metagame has become you’d know that. Winning and Losing this said contest of coverage is subject to a snowball effect. The pick up groups who actually care about winning, once they realize they’re up against superior numbers, coverage, and adherence to the seige/zerg metagame, will get sick of constantly waypointing and the repair costs that’re never offset by the already meager rewards of the mode, much less the slim pickings of constantly losing in lopsided engagements. The contrary is also true, when the fair-weathers learn they’re up against an inferior server they show up in force, queue every map, and farm the opposition.

The players on a lower tier server in a match up with higher tiers just stop fighting to win, and just play for fun. This fun only really occurs in open field fights where siege is not a factor, with near equal numbers, which ultimately makes GvG’s more attractive than playing the Points-Per-Tick meta. The rewards aren’t anything great even when you zerg up to Karma-Train across the map, and if rewards are your goal, you’re not playing WvW for them. Put simply you pit lower tiers against higher tiers you discourage fair competition resulting in hallow victories against weaker servers, and excusable defeats against stronger ones. Not providing these balanced matches is a development failure on your part, not on our part for wanting the match-up to be fair. Skill is only a factor when all other variables are equal, it’s a really basic principle to understand. You throw a tier 3 server up against tier 1 server blobs and they could be the best gamers on the planet, and it wont result in anything but another tier 1 victory.

Secondly, there’s no need to “look into” the “population based imbalances”. The answer to that problem is the problem itself. Gee, populations are imbalanced, why not match populations up against equal or near equal populations? Here’s what you do man:

Step 1: pull the login data off the login server and chart it in an excel spreadsheet for WvW populations. Look at the peek hours for each server, and add that to the match making calculation.

Numbers and Coverage mater more than skill despite your unfounded reference to the contrary. If you want that to change you’ve got ALOT of work to do, and I sincerely doubt you have the budget, time, or the comprehension of the mode to pull it off.

Step 2: alter the point system that contributes to the world score so that they scale up or scale down based on population. Lower populations can score higher for captures and higher populations score less for captures.

It’s the exact same logic used when scaling PvE content for larger groups. Just look at the features in the game that already exist and see how they work, why they work, and where they work and use them in WvW. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

Step 3: TEST IT BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use the lowest NA tier server match-ups as the guinea pigs for all new features like this. Once they’re polished it bring it to the rest of us. Get the user feedback, listen to the user feedback, make your adjustments based on the user feedback, and then move into full implementation.

You know, Game Development 101; Useability Test, Alpha Test, Beta Test, then implement. Never go straight to implementation and then be forced into damage control with all your subsequent development time…that’s just stupid and costly. Though it would seem you’d rather never do damage control with your development time as basic and glaringly obvious problems have persisted since before you were in charge of the mode and don’t look to be resolved anytime under your watch. Way to avoid stupid and costly development re-work by just not doing the required re-work…clever strategy.

QFT, snarky at the end though he is.. this guy gets it. Why can’t Devon?!

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Method to decide the Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


I should mention that you have also just created a system where everyone will THROW for the next 2 weeks, AND this has now become a contest to see who can throw hardest to have a chance at rewards/a fun matchup. Assuming they can make it to the 1,2,3 OR 13,14,15

It has been said over and over, WvW is about Coverage, and those who are at the low end have the least amount of it. This proposed system will only highlight that problem.

When I heard a bout a “big announcement” I didn’t think it would translate to “We only care about the top three and middle three servers now”. I had hoped for all the promised content and QoL changes.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Liquid XP rolled back?

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Good thing PvE has them dropping all over the place, guaranteed. Yet another slap in the face to the WvW community.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

New WXP booster is a(nother) slap in the face

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Lasts 15 minutes. All other boosters at LEAST 30. Thanks! We sure do love our Second-Class status!

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

What to do in current meta?

in Thief

Posted by: Archon.7516


No one else is having this problem?

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

What to do in current meta?

in Thief

Posted by: Archon.7516


In WvW and to a somewhat lesser degree in sPvP, AoE is all the rage right now. I’m struggling greatly to handle the sheer amount of it, and still be effective. I used to play a role with my guild/small group to do good single target dmg (but not GC) and then be a staker when we downed someone. Sadly, Im finding it nearly impossible to do either in the current meta, as I cannot remove condi (Save shadowstepping) and everyone just keeps dropping aoe if someone is down or if I get onto a dps target. Does anyone have any ideas as to how we can mitigate the current meta?

I currently run a variation of Yishi’s D/D, So 10/30/30/0/0 with all the stealth goodies. Full Valk Armor with Divine, Shadow Refuge, Speed signet and Shadowstep utilities.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

4/5 HoD/SF/NSP (4th attempt at civility)

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


So much drama over one tower… so much discussion of what went on. So little of it true. NSP held that tower for 40+ minutes, wiping the SF zerg multiple times, and chasing PAXA off every time they realized it would be an equal numbers fight (you had 7 there btw, all this “we’re the greatest 5 man team in the world” is bull. You NEVER have just five, and you also never fight when numbers are even.) In the end it took a zerg by BOTH of you to take the tower, and that was after holding for 15 additional minutes after 2 walls had fallen. I dont honestly understand how/why everything done has to be such an ego contest. It was a fun time for us, (all 10 of us) and a great night of W v W. Why so much drama?

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Second post to get my sig up to date so you can find me :P

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Had some pretty good fun last night defending against the NSP peoples at Durios…We were even able to initiate a couple of pug portal bombs on their siege, good times once the wall was breached as well.

Haha thanks! We had a blast too… never quite seen a tower be held so long with 2 walls down. Our 15 did really well considering the 40+ you brought, and STILL had a good 5 minute fight in the tower lord’s room.

My guild actually does this quite often, taking towers and building siege, late at night we find it much more fun than trying to fight zergs that are 5 times our number… we’ll likely do it again tonight, look for us?

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Game crash when using a portal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archon.7516


Now my guardian is perpetually stuck in the loading screen for the zone, and is unplayable. Is there a fix for this? “Show me your logs” is not tech support.

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

Game crash when using a portal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archon.7516


Same here! Happens when I change zones, no problems before but all day today

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif