Showing Posts For Areth Belthazor.2369:

Ranger Stow Pet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Hmm, although this isn’t a bug i understand this is an annoying issue.

maybe a Dev’s post on status whether they are looking into this?

Ascended? Fractals or Daily?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Well, let’s put it this way:
Ascended Gear has an overall stat increase of 5% in comparison to exotic gear.

The infusion slots (in which you put this Agony Resistance) is indeed needed in higher level Fractals. You will NOT need this for any other aspect of the game, except for higher levels of Fractals of the mist.

Though, as you’re talking about getting rings and amulets etc. I would actually suggest doing Fractals. Reason is that with the amount of laurels you can accumulate every month, it would still take you quite a while to actually get all your ascended accessories.
With fractals, it should go a bit faster. Either if you’re lucky, or just do it enough.
As from level 10 and on. (Where also Agony starts to hit you, which the resistance is for). You can get a daily bonus on your even paths. In this daily bonus, you always get a Pristine Fractal Relic. And if you’re lucky even an ascended ring.

10 Pristine Fractal Relics = one Ascended ring.
So it would take you a maximum of 10 days to get a ring this way, while with laurels it can take up to a month if i’m not wrong.

Edit; typo’s.

Leveling 0-80 as a group of 5, interested?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

I’m a General in a guild with our own TS3 btw. So if needed we can use this.

How about exp transferred to alt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

I get what you mean kinda, that leveling get’s boring. The only reason it get’s boring for me is because i don’t like doing map completion that much after getting my first 100%

Your idea will probably not be implemented though, and i don’t think there will be a lot of positive reactions to it.

And besides, they do give you a possibility to play with one character and level the others
Not that you’ll like it, but you could always play your main character, transfer the gold to your other characters and craft them up to level 80.

Another way, which is way cheaper than the crafting one:
Do a dungeon instance with your main character, so you can enjoy it. Park your alt-character outside the dungeon. And just before the endboss, swap characters.
You won’t get as much gold, but you’ll gain almost a level every time.

Leveling 0-80 as a group of 5, interested?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Kinda lost this forum post, glad i found it again :p.

Let me know when we get started, and i’ll make ‘preparations’ (need to buy a charactar slot :p).

And we should ‘discuss’ which time(s) are best for everyone i assume?:p

Leveling 0-80 as a group of 5, interested?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Hey there,

Nice idea, i’d be up for it.

My current server is Aurora Glade.

Twilight Arbor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Quick question. Me and a few mates did the dungeon a few times now after the patch. We’ve run TA 100’s of times, and we weren’t sure but it seemed the nightmare Tree now takes condition damage.

Anyone who can confirm this? can’t see it in the patch notes.

Complaining about level scaled to content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

People somethimes are looking for a ‘quick run’ and then immediately see people that are not level 80 as a reason which makes things slower.
I’m guessing this was a dungeon?
You’re right that most things scale, the ‘biggest’ difference maybe is that level 80’s have better traits available to them then non level 80’s.
Some people make an issue of it, some people don’t, that’s just how it is

Why no guaranteed ectos?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

You either get the choice to play safe , and sell the rare on the trading post for a few silver, or take a risk and either make more than you would have gotten from your safe sell or lose some money and don’t get any ecto’s.

If you’d get guaranteed ecto’s from the exotic’s the ecto price would drop pretty hard i’d say. Ecto’s are a rare material and this way you have a ‘rare chance’ of getting them.

Arah runners is it possible to unite?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Know how you feel, have the same thing at the moment. To be sure i have a good group i’d have to rely on guildies, but they are not too excited to do it more than once a week (or even less).
Add me if u’d like, i’m up for it!

deleting a character, what to do with Karma?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Try and get to orr and buy the jewelry boxes?:’)

Keep disconnecting (since patch)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Keeps kicking me and a few guildies off everythime while we’re trying to do the daily achievement. It has even reset the daily a few times after this.

Happens every other few minutes, we get kicked at the exact same time (we’re in a party).

Anyone else experienced this?

Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Skillpoint in Stone of Hazaan , Sparkfly Fen.

Sharks are floating above the surface instead of the cave and remain allies. Server = Aurora Glade.

Please fix it ASAP as not being able to complete the map is quite annoying

Thanks in advance.

New Player looking for friends

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

It helps if you also mention which server you are on!

Soulbound > accountbound?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Dear Anet,

Before i actually give the input about the topic:
I’m actually making this forum post, as one of my guildies made one and it magicly dissapeared without any notice towards him.
So if this one is going to be removed, which i see no reason for, please let me know by sending me a message.

On Topic:
This game, is in the end all about getting nice skins for your weapons. As stats don’t matter anymore at a certain point (exotic level 80, you don’t go higher than that), you will only work for cosmetics. Of course I am not talking about the possibility of upcoming ascended weapons, and I am also not talking about the armor or ascended accessories there are atm.

Why is it so, that if you work weeks for a certain skin, you are only allowed to use it on one character,after you have equipped it?
I mean, i at the moment have 7 characters, now i’m not saying that everyone will have that many high levels, but i do think that most people that play the game regularly will have 2+ level 80 characters.
And I also think that I am not the only one who likes spending time on multiple characters, instead of spending my playtime on one character all the time.

Do mind, i’m talking about the real high end skins, as examples i’d use the legendary weapons, foefire’s essence, vision of the mists etc.

I don’t mind that I need to buy level 80 exotics for each character i make, I don’t mind spending a few gold on getting those weapons i need. But i do mind, that i’d have to work hours and hours and hours, and not be able to enjoy a skin on multiple characters.

What are your thoughts on this?

(edited by Areth Belthazor.2369)

elite skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Except not really because Basilisk Venom is the worst elite thieves have and can arguably be the worst elite in the game, especially after the completely unnecessary nerf it got a while ago

Played much pvp? It’s quite epic that you have a free pass of 1.5 seconds on someone. Playing as a thief, that is almost enough to completely obliterate someone. And besides that, it has a really really low cooldown.

Fire Elementals and Molten Lodestones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

My advice;
farm CoF path 1 while it’s not nerfed. You should get a lot of cores, and regularly a molten lodestone. And yes you would have to forge a few of those cores into lodestones that way.

An Apple A Day: low lvl quest, high lvl area

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Bit weird though that the quest is that much lower than the monsters there. Which server are you on? That could indeed help with getting some help getting past them.

Screenshot Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Looking good looking good, keep em coming

Screenshot Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

I have no idea if there’s a topic about it already, but i’d like to see some cool screenshots!

My contribution:

Felt like making it after slaying the tree for a millionth time it seemed.

CoF Armor for Charr

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

I’m wondering, why is it that the fiery tail effect only applies to light armor, and not to heavy and medium armor?

Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

I’d defenitely advice putting 3 persons on the Boss constantly. 2 persons running sparks, and let one of these 2 be the main tear thrower. Now and then someone else will have to throw a tear if that person is running sparks, but that shouldn’t be much of an issue i’d say.
The sparks aren’t really ‘bugged’ in my opinion, you just seriously need to guide them in their spot.
If you let 2 people do that, so one takes 3, the other takes 2, it should work out. Ofcourse, somethimes it will go faster than other times, that in my eyes has to do with luck somethimes, but you should be able to get through it.

Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Got to say, hardest path ever, but best Guild wars 2 moment for me!

Did it for the first time today, with a full guild party.
Took us about 7 hours to do the dungeon (once again, first timers) but it was such a rewarding feeling when we finished it!

Dwayna was the reason it took so long, but it was completely worth it!

Party setup:
Condition/toughness ranger (me)
Condition damage thief,
2 beserker ele’s.
Hybrid warrior.

How we did it:
Thief scorpionwired her into one of the walls, and the ele’s and warriors would stay on her constantly. Before we began we stacked up about 200 of the dwayna’s tears at this location.

Me and the Thief also dps’d but made sure we would stay out of aggro as much as possible. We kept watching the health bar closely and me and the thief would take the sparks into the positions (I would take the 3 near the entrance, he would take the 2 at the end).
To be completely fair, we first tried it with only one ele, and one necro and didn’t manage to get her down enough (seemed we lacked DPS). The necro sadly had to go and the ele replaced her, in the end we got her in a few tries and killed her in about 35 minutes.

And believe me, when we killed her we had a glorious moment :p
It is hard, but it is do-able, and completely worth it.

I find that there should be paths like this, paths that are a REAL challenge, that require teamwork, and require patience.
Only thing that saddens me is that even after 7 hours, you’re lucky to walk away with a single gold from the whole dungeon.

while I agree about challenge and difficulty there is a difference between that and buggy mechanics that make i a stupid challenge. the idea and concept of the fight are easy, but even with great execution of the correct plan it may not work. Hopefully it will be fixed next patch to where it is hard, but not to the point that most will only ever do it once for DungMaster title and never go back.

I might have missed earlier posts of you, but could you elaborate on the bugs? I agree that the sparks weren’t always as easy to get in, but that was indeed really annoying. For the rest I didn’t really see bugs.

Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Got to say, hardest path ever, but best Guild wars 2 moment for me!

Did it for the first time today, with a full guild party.
Took us about 7 hours to do the dungeon (once again, first timers) but it was such a rewarding feeling when we finished it!

Dwayna was the reason it took so long, but it was completely worth it!

Party setup:
Condition/toughness ranger (me)
Condition damage thief,
2 beserker ele’s.
Hybrid warrior.

How we did it:
Thief scorpionwired her into one of the walls, and the ele’s and warriors would stay on her constantly. Before we began we stacked up about 200 of the dwayna’s tears at this location.

Me and the Thief also dps’d but made sure we would stay out of aggro as much as possible. We kept watching the health bar closely and me and the thief would take the sparks into the positions (I would take the 3 near the entrance, he would take the 2 at the end).
To be completely fair, we first tried it with only one ele, and one necro and didn’t manage to get her down enough (seemed we lacked DPS). The necro sadly had to go and the ele replaced her, in the end we got her in a few tries and killed her in about 35 minutes.

And believe me, when we killed her we had a glorious moment :p
It is hard, but it is do-able, and completely worth it.

I find that there should be paths like this, paths that are a REAL challenge, that require teamwork, and require patience.
Only thing that saddens me is that even after 7 hours, you’re lucky to walk away with a single gold from the whole dungeon.

CoF p1 warrior & mesmer groups only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).

First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.

next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.

The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.

The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms

Completely disagree on your opinion that Warriors need to be toned down. Berserker warrior is not viable in most dungeons, because they actually do get downed really quickly. You have high DPS as a berserker warrior, and quite a high vitality because of the base vitality. But what negates do you have? Endure pain, and what else? A shield block which almost no Berserker Warrior shall use.

Just because the berserker warrior build works for CoF speedrunning, doesn’t make them OP at all. It’s all about the fact that in CoF you can manage to kill the bosses within a set time. If it would take any longer, you would get shattered by the Effigy for instance.

Can’t base a decision of needing to tone down a warrior on one dungeon’s path.

Warriors actually can run full berserk in pretty much all the content at the moment. I can pull it off while running mostly with pug groups and loads of people play warrior better than I do.

Just to be clear, i was focussing on dungeons only in my post.

CoF p1 warrior & mesmer groups only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).

First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.

next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.

The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.

The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms

Completely disagree on your opinion that Warriors need to be toned down. Berserker warrior is not viable in most dungeons, because they actually do get downed really quickly. You have high DPS as a berserker warrior, and quite a high vitality because of the base vitality. But what negates do you have? Endure pain, and what else? A shield block which almost no Berserker Warrior shall use.

Just because the berserker warrior build works for CoF speedrunning, doesn’t make them OP at all. It’s all about the fact that in CoF you can manage to kill the bosses within a set time. If it would take any longer, you would get shattered by the Effigy for instance.

Can’t base a decision of needing to tone down a warrior on one dungeon’s path.

Leveling build (40+)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Thanks a lot for al the answers!

Leveling build (40+)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Haha, sorry I did indeed miss out on some information there. I’m actually using the exact weapon combinations you’re using atm. It seems that GS autoattack is the one that does the most damage. It’s just i have such an underpowered feeling compared to my Warrior , Ranger and Ele. Thanks alot anyway, will definitely try the traits out.

Leveling build (40+)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Dear mesmers,

I’d like some help with a mesmer build for leveling (by map clearing).
When doing sPvP and WvW i love my mesmer, and i have no issues there.
But when it comes to PvE, i feel so weak and underpowered. Is there any builds that make it easier to kill things while map clearing? As at the moment, as soon as i face more than 3 enemies i will have some ‘issues’.

Thanks in advance

Best equipment for warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Knight’s all the way :’)

@ Clyne. Why use condition damage on GS DPS build?oO

Signet of the Hunt

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Has the change of signet of the Hunt have been correctly? Because if I have it on my skillbar. The little icon of the passive effect still says 10%?

I am starting to hate my warrior...

in Warrior

Posted by: Areth Belthazor.2369

Areth Belthazor.2369

Don’t see the issue with the warrior to be honest.
I’ve had a warrior since I started, and it’s still my main favourite class.
Thing I see the most is that people start playing a warrior on full beserker, works fine but when they reach higher levels, and want to do more dungeons that goes wrong, as long as they want to stay in the melee zone.
One of the things the warrior offers is a lot of diversity (look at all the weapon combinations you can use!)

I personally at the moment run a sort of hybrid build, both damage and defensive skills, keep in mind that i mostly do dungeons on my warrior as i’ve got 100% world map completion on him. This build does not work for PvP at all.

Arms : 25
Defense: 15
Tactics: 30

The most important here is the Tactics > I use the ‘shout cooldown reduction’ & ‘shouts heal’ traits.
Next to that, in defense i use the +200 toughness when you have cripple etc.
And in the Arms i feel it is VERY important to use the trait which gives you a stack of might when you crit with a greatsword.

I usually use a greatsword & rifle > if situation requires i change my greatsword to for instance mace/shield.

For utility skills i use Healing surge, followed by 3 shouts, followed by Signet of Rage.

This way i have 4 heals, condition removal, a fear, and constant Fury.

Using Knight’s Armor, and Emerald jewelry.

This way I have around 2000 toughness at all times, i can heal myself and party members for about 1500 with each shout. I have a Healing Surge which gives me healing depending on my adrenaline level.

Damage output on this build is also completely viable.
I do about 800-1000 on a normal hit, and more if i crit. Considering you have about 75% crit chance at all times (as long as you use Signet of Rage) you will crit 3 out of 4 hits.

If it happens i go to a dungeon where the tanking is even harder, i swap my armor set for some more vitality or healing power.

My advice; tweak your traits and weapons till you find something that suits you, if that doesn’t work out, maybe it’s not meant to be!