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Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


All the maps of HoT, guild hall included, always port to a new one. It’s really a pain when you follow a chain event in a full map and you got ported to an empty one…

Astralaria vol 1 bug: missing the progression for Fallen Mask, screen attached


DPS Tests need to Stop.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


GW1 had nothing like dps problem
GW2 has only DPS-design for PVE. You may build up any kind of build but it doesn’t matter. Zerk Is the only way to play and ppl who want to try to make a decent build are cutted out. A friend of mine sold his account because of that and he really loved GW1, for both PvE and PvP. He played condition mesmer and he really liked it but he was forced to play a zerk build due to the mechanics of the game itself. Condition build are slow and some kind of condition like confusion are useless against mob due to the small duration and the slow attack of mobs. The condition can only work greatly in a massive events like world bosses because of stack from many source. Same things for support, the boon’s and heals are too fast or small that if you build a support build you are much useless than a pure dps due the lack of damage/endurance. GW2 doesn’t repay ppl for play good build of been a good player but for selfishness and DPS. You can undestand that by all the dead spreading in any area, during events like world bosses or LS, and from the only way to see any class (DPS or useless).

Remove all the classes, just make a merged unknown zerk class. Ppl need only to choose the race, because that doesn’t influence DPS. Remove things like Healing Power, Condition Damage, Vitality and Toughtness. Only DPS count and the skill to dodge the incoming attacks. That can be usefull in WvW too. The kills can be faster and balanced by the strategy of players and commanders. GW2 is not even a item-based game but a zerk-style game. What a shame.

Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


We are currently working on the difficulty of the Assault Knight fights; I realize that sometimes its hard to get a full overflow or that there are non peak hours where server populations will be lighter. Hopefully with the difficulty changes, it will also make it easier for a good server to get ‘Six Minutes to Knightfall’.

gj for realize that after 1 week of living and raging post XD

Polished Content?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


i’ll tell you this right now:

no content at all will be bug free in any game***

things happens, it’s hard to see how/know ~ bugs pop up when there are a ton of people trying to do the event. a lot of the time bugs pop up unexpectedly, so stay calm, tell them about the bugs that pop up, and wait for a fix.

it’s not just a fix, the way they think of reward it’s about work like in real life. Why someone has to work both in real life and in a game instead of having good time? Bugs can be reported and fixed but last updates are far more then this

To encourage players to split up?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


EDIT: i’m not used to english… i hope it’s comprehensible enough

To encourage players to split up?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


Diablo 3 was almost a failure and they fix it or trying

Final Fantasy 14 WAS a failure and they worked on another release

Guild Wars 2, with the last year release contents, was an announced failure and they still don’t get it. Bug Wars it’s the common reference to the game and it has no even any kind of guild wars like the old GW, it’s full of craps and grind that ruin the common ppl time and fun.

This game is funny but it has nothing to do with Guild Wars brand i bough when i make the pre-order of my collector.

-Once you ended with the 70-80% of pve achievement you have nothing else to do than farming. Farm the dungeon, farm the world bosses, farm mobs/champs, farm ores, farm the last few achievement point. It tooks hour of farming few gold or crafting material. Only ppl with no life can stand the time waste for what many used to call “Korean Farming”. It tooks month to have a chance to drop precursor o build up enough money to get better equip, once you get an exotic set or two. And when it seems an event was made for anyone they fix it in the middle of the fun. So back again to better farm for those who like it. (GW1 had enjoyable farm and not work-like one)

-Best defence is a good offence was the only way to play anything in the game. Zerk rules the game and ruin it. All the living i played was build up for a zerk lifestyle. No strategy at all, no thoughts for making good and various build like in GW 1, just AA and dodge when needed. The game encouraged the versatility but ppl play 2 or 3 kind of build, most of the time useless with the new contents release (just like nowadays).

-New contents are full of bugs or assumed ones.
And they fix it.
And they fix it again to the thing making harder for smaller team, angering the community.
And they fix it once again with a small useless reward hoping it bring back players… like it still easy enough for the whole community
And all this fixes sounds like some kind of politic arrangements, to make fun of ppl who hope for a better game.

-Storyline of personal story and dungeon is good enough to enjoy once, twice or more times. Storyline of living events it’s eclipsed by temporary farming (the only thing doable for an experienced player) and it’s not even good, like previous works. Living story is about overwheliming events in which ppl aren’t nothing more than cannon fodder. Anyone is nothin more than an unknown soldier that follow unavoidable and incomprehensible events. No one says why the “hero”, always put himself in a fight without doing anything than wait for the next “villain” move. No one says why the krytan ppl always remain passive and never try to counter the enemy moves until it’s too late (Scarlet threat the whole world but in lion’s arch they live an happy and easy life like they didn’t care, ‘till a sudden and unexpected annihilation)
Through the personal story, the player has an active role for build up an alliance of races to withstand Zaithan, an elder dragon, and they can’t even stand up against Scarlet menace. Logical and understandable… for a brainless “zerk”.

Patch made things unbalanced

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


Actually, the maximum people at each knight might be your problem. The bigger the zerg the longer the fight will be.

before the patch, the best zerg i had, melt a knight in less tha a minute… all together for the win instead of useless split that force ppl to be item-based and experienced player… far more funny and doable

if Anet love hardcore challenge just put some label to identify them, all these patch and re-patch and changes made common player waste their way to play (the only one that avoid the huge grind that build this game)

DPS Tests need to Stop.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


And about condition damage not working, I find it quite logical : I’ve never seen metal bleed, nor even burn to a small fire. Think about the immersion :>

neither the undead nor the golem should bleed or be poisoned but they can… that’s not a good point

When is gw2 expansion coming out? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkholeon.7163


the working on the living update is a great and innovative idea… as idea, the world live and change but that have great consequences on gameplay

-they all turn in zerg farm
-the storyline is like trash most of the time and if you miss some update it became even more trash ‘cause you can’t understand what and why
-you have to play fast ‘cause they update every 13-14 days with new contents and if you miss the very first days you’ll never achieve the whole update in time
-your chance to play any updates is on their release only (TA path 80 it’s a very rare path due to difficulty and noobs, and the only way you could done it, was on its release)
-in a year they never reboot the past livings, for those who have joined later or missed something (with the exception of SAB that has no storyline)
-it’s nice having map totally changed and no idea how to explore with new character or how to fractal before using wiki, just like with the last update (Escape from Lion’s Arch)
-and we have to talk about when you join the events in overflows that sucks

a game shoud give fun not anxiety like if you don’t have enough ppl you can’t go further of like if you don’t massive farm you’ll never get more than lvl 80’s basic stuffs

those living are more than trash, made ppl doing only the new achievement and item in a limited amount of time and are good only for no-life ppl (like all the grinder system they adopted for achieve some extras after you reach lvl 80 and done with exploration and dungeons with one character). An expansion mean a really enjoyable and enduring contents, that you can re-play any time with easy (in my case, in gw1 i had all the release and clear them with at least 2 char – exploration, domination, titles and story – for 2-3 years of fun). Living World can be a good system for one-time massive event like wintersday, halloween or some funny idea like SAB, they last 2 weeks or 1 month but they re-appear from time to time with no consequences. They may have some consequences too, i don’t say they don’t have to, but just like tequatl they can make any kind of living world with their own storyline, like a secondary event of the main story.

The expansion it something like they are doing with Scarlet, but as a living it’s not so good and made one-time event only is not fun at all for a storyline that big.
Istance and coop of GW1 worked really good just because you didn’t need to rely on too many ppl for play. This is tooooo massive anyway you see it.