Showing Posts For ArrogantHero.4965:

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


OP is very aptly named.

Oh god, no, now you’re expressing all over the carpet. We just had that washed!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


OP is very aptly named.


HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


No Dude you have torrents now it is free!

Reported to FBI

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


If i go to a movie, pay full price and enjoy it, i expect the second movie to be at the same level. I won’t pay for a movie which is 30minutes long compared to 2h long like the inital movie, just because it has the same name. Also if the quality is not improved compared to a movie that appeared 3 years ago, i also won’t pay. Why am i so sure “30 minutes” ? I am not…but i base my opinion on what “trailers” they showed off so far and the fact that they base the full price on what they shown.

At least that’s what ppl who rationalize value for money do.

Prove me wrong:

Okay THIS!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


And food and water I need for my survival so there is a lot of value in that.

Yeah, but you don’t need it to come from a restaurant, which was the point.

Yeah, and I was being a smart@$$, which my point was I’m not complaining but all you others are. That’s the difference.

But you are complaining about people complaining. Also not participating in the Marvel movie discussion (also where did the train topic go?).

No I’m complaining about hypocrites. Didn’t you read my first post?


verb (used without object)

  1. to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault:
    He complained constantly about the noise in the corridor.
  1. to tell of one’s pains, ailments, etc.:
    to complain of a backache.
  1. to make a formal accusation:
    If you think you’ve been swindled, complain to the police.

Clearly you’re not complaining about an ailment or calling the cops on us, but you are finding fault (assuming you believe hypocrisy to be a fault) in our behavior and thus are expressing dissatisfaction about our personalities. I do believe that is complaining, good sir.

Of course I’m also expressing dissatisfaction about you expressing dissatisfaction about us expressing dissatisfaction over pricing, but I’m sure we can go deeper.

LOL an expression in an expression within an expression! Expressception!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Thanks everyone for the TROLOLOL’S!

Well 75% troll 25% seriousness.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Thanks everyone for the TROLOLOL’S!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.

Hmmm… when a movie first comes out. When a movie comes out there have been ratings and reviews and we can easily find out (if we want to) what we are going to get. Right now, they are asking $50 while we don’t know half of what’s in the expansion. Also, when I pay $20 to see a movie I pay the same for the sequel but I can know for sure that the sequel is just as long as the first movie, which I can’t know for sure with the gw2 expansion.

Now let me get this straight. I don’t think that $50 is a bad price. It’s a decent price and I get that an MMO is expensive. However, I hardly know what is in the expansion. So the thing I want to see is, not a price change, but more information about the expansion. What are we going to get, what does the new map look like, how does it play, how many dungeons will there be, how many world bosses will there be, etc. There’s just not enough information available to justify the price.

If what we’ve seen is all we’re going to get then I say, yes, this is overprised. It’s more than I have payed for the base game but it contains less. I don’t know about you but this seems like a bad deal. If there is so much more we haven’t heard about then I say, keep this price.

TL;DR We need more info on what’s going to be in the expansion.

There does need to be more information on the expansion. But no one is making you pre-order yet so you free free to wait.

Avengers movie trailers are more valuable, and much cooler, than HoT trailers.

LOL I can’t argue that logic

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


And food and water I need for my survival so there is a lot of value in that.

Yeah, but you don’t need it to come from a restaurant, which was the point.

Yeah, and I was being a smart@$$, which my point was I’m not complaining but all you others are. That’s the difference.

But you are complaining about people complaining. Also not participating in the Marvel movie discussion (also where did the train topic go?).

No I’m complaining about hypocrites. Didn’t you read my first post?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.

Hmmm… when a movie first comes out. When a movie comes out there have been ratings and reviews and we can easily find out (if we want to) what we are going to get. Right now, they are asking $50 while we don’t know half of what’s in the expansion. Also, when I pay $20 to see a movie I pay the same for the sequel but I can know for sure that the sequel is just as long as the first movie, which I can’t know for sure with the gw2 expansion.

Now let me get this straight. I don’t think that $50 is a bad price. It’s a decent price and I get that an MMO is expensive. However, I hardly know what is in the expansion. So the thing I want to see is, not a price change, but more information about the expansion. What are we going to get, what does the new map look like, how does it play, how many dungeons will there be, how many world bosses will there be, etc. There’s just not enough information available to justify the price.

If what we’ve seen is all we’re going to get then I say, yes, this is overprised. It’s more than I have payed for the base game but it contains less. I don’t know about you but this seems like a bad deal. If there is so much more we haven’t heard about then I say, keep this price.

TL;DR We need more info on what’s going to be in the expansion.

There does need to be more information on the expansion. But no one is making you pre-order yet so you are free to wait.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


And food and water I need for my survival so there is a lot of value in that.

Yeah, but you don’t need it to come from a restaurant, which was the point.

Yeah, and I was being a smart@$$, which my point was I’m not complaining but all you others are. That’s the difference.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.

By your argument, you’re also a hypocryte if you ever eat out, buy beer, or smoke narcotic substances.

i don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. And food and water I need for my survival so there is a lot of value in that. I’m also not a hypocrite because I’m not the one complaining about the value of a video game.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Just because you spend x amount of dollars on something regularly does not mean you should buy something overpriced. Yeah sure I buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs about 2$. I could buy this chair i want for 600$ and just say, oh that’s only 300 days worth of coffee, but wouldn’t that be stupid especially if the cost of the chair was overpriced?

If you don’t agree with the price of something, you shouldn’t buy it and you have a right to complain about it especially since this isn’t a full expansion and it’s something that for many of us is unavoidable. It’s not like we are new customers who are purchasing a product for the first time. If that were the case then yeah dont buy it. But since we already are part of gw2 this expansion at this price is basically screwing us over….

There is some merit to what you are saying, but a whole bunch of you are being DRAMA QUEENS. You all want a price drop that is like a 20-30 dollar difference. MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year. What’s $30 compared to that?!

I don’t necessarily want a price drop, I want a well worth Price/value
Meaning content justifying paying 50$, which is not what I have witnessed so far

I don’t want this combo gw2+xpac thing, I want the xpac and a character slot, even if they keep it at the same price, I don’t want a second account I won’t ever use… I want my xpac and a slot to have my revenant slammed on

I don’t want this kind of relationship Anet is giving us, by changing their FAQ suddenly, a 180 turn around making people feel scam by having bought a useless gw2 account because, in the end, the xpac contained a core game, and promoting two different things through the mods on the forums and the FAQ, it feels scammy, shabby and makes me want to just quit it. This is not the company I paid for my gw2 game, this is not the company I traded with for the past few years.

50$ is a fine price for an expansion… when the content delivered is worth it
A combo core game + expac is TOTALLY fine, if we, as vets, can get something without feeling like being robbed of a core game…
Being told that there won’t be a box edition or that we won’t have to buy gw2 is TOTALLY fine, when Anet can actually keep its word and not change it at the last minute, attracting a very serious threat of lawsuit on their kitten…

An extra character slot is fine. But why should ANET reimburse your money for the core GW2 when you had hundred of hours that you got out of it? You got your moneys worth out of it unless you barely played it.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year.

I definitely wouldn’t make that assumption.

I say its fair. I didn’t say everyone just most and if you buy 2 brand new 60 dollar games you just spent over $100, so that is fair.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


On the same note, I would not pay the same price for a movie sequel as the original unless it contained the same amount of content.

This proves my point though. If you pay for the movies you are paying too much and have no right to be talking about the price for GW2.

This proves nothing, you just slammed your deck on the table claiming it’s a win and make no argument to actually proof your decision.
Value is highly personnal and subjective…
Yes I’ll Q.Q about that Xpac because IN MY OPINION, from what I HAVE SEEN, the content of the Xpac is not worth 50$
Just the same IN MY OPINION, from what I HAVE SEEN, that movie in the theater is well worth my money, does that makes me a hypocrite?
No, it makes me a person capable of judging what is worth or not in her eyes
If YOU think that the content provided by HoT is WORTH that 50$, then, by no means, BUY IT!
If YOU think that paying for a movie at the theater is too much then DON’T GO AT THE THEATER
but it’s personal, you can’t call people hypocrites on two different aspects of life where they might have different view of what they find worthy or not…
it makes you… self conceited and arrogant because YOU claim that others have the same base value as you do, which is not the case.
Hypocrite would be to whine and whine about the game while having bought it.
Criticizing the game on the chat game is hypocrite, you have it, you paid for it, and then you whine about it.
THAT is hypocrite
Not wanting to pay for a movie because you find it worthwhile, WHILE refusing to pay for an xpac you find lacking for the price… That’s OPINION…

Well Arrogant is in my name

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Just because you spend x amount of dollars on something regularly does not mean you should buy something overpriced. Yeah sure I buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs about 2$. I could buy this chair i want for 600$ and just say, oh that’s only 300 days worth of coffee, but wouldn’t that be stupid especially if the cost of the chair was overpriced?

If you don’t agree with the price of something, you shouldn’t buy it and you have a right to complain about it especially since this isn’t a full expansion and it’s something that for many of us is unavoidable. It’s not like we are new customers who are purchasing a product for the first time. If that were the case then yeah dont buy it. But since we already are part of gw2 this expansion at this price is basically screwing us over….

There is some merit to what you are saying, but a whole bunch of you are being DRAMA QUEENS. You all want a price drop that is like a 20-30 dollar difference. MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year. What’s $30 compared to that?!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.

At least we don’t make asinine assumptions, because no, in fact, I wouldn’t ever pay 20 dollars for a movie. Firstly because a new movie is only $9-$12 where I live, and second because I always wait for them to go to Redbox or the dollar theatre.

If that is in fact true, rejoice, you might not be a hypocrite.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.

At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.

How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.

Value is completely subjective.

If value is subjective why do people feel they’re entitled to a price drop?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


On the same note, I would not pay the same price for a movie sequel as the original unless it contained the same amount of content.

This proves my point though. If you pay for the movies you are paying too much and have no right to be talking about the price for GW2.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.

At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.

How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


The last 2 movies I saw in theatres was for free. The last time I paid for a movie in theatres… uhhhhhhhhhh, many moons ago.

Seriously, I just wait for it to come out on Netflix. (The Interview was an exception, I watched that on Google Play Christmas Eve with the family. $6 for 48 rental of the movie, instead of $12 for each person and could only watch it once)

Again then you are not a hypocrite. You obviously saw the light and got netflix.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


GW2 Doesnt have the Avengers in it.

Now, if there was a mini Captain America in a speedo included in HoT…instant purchase, amirite?

This made me LOL!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Movies = MMOs?

Or something…

Its all about value.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


how is this even relevant?

How is it NOT?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


No Dude you have torrents now it is free!

If you torrent then your not a hypocrite. I’m talking about the people who do that many of them will say they don’t lol

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


The price IS fine. I buy games for the same price as GW2 and they have no where near as much content. For example, God of War, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, are just a few. I spent $60 on them and beat them in a few days. If I can spend $60 on an a 10 hour game I certainly can’t complain about $60 for a game that will add months of content.

Will Craftable Precursors reduce farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


With the release of Craftable precursors in HoT does anyone think there will be a decrease in gold farming?

Needs more Instanced PvE Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I feel that Dungeons and Fractals are too much alike in the way they are both focused on small organized group play. Why have dungeons the way they are when Fractals are a better system. What I’m trying say is that Fractals are the better system for small organized group play and that I feel Dungeons should offer a completely different style of gameplay.

Needs more Instanced PvE Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


We need more instanced content instead of boring open world zergs. This game needs CHALLENGING instanced PvE content.

Umm…do Fractals not apply to this for some reason?

Elite Specialization Thoughts/Ideas

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


HAHA! New name for Necro’s Specialization= Soul Reaper

Specializations weapon restriction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


yes but can’t they limit it to equiped weapons.For instance, you stay a DH while weapon swapping but lose it when you unequip the bow

Specializations weapon restriction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


When using an elite specialization like DragonHunter do We have to use the Longbow or can we use any weapons. For example can I use sword and focus with GS on weapon swap or am I required to have longbow to use Dragon Hunter skills?

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Why do we get to use our trait points at level 30? Did they explain this?
Seems like a BAD New player experience to me…

Haven’t got far enough with new character to tell

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


How is it a “safer” way to introduce the PvP mechanics?

Safer wasn’t quite the right way to put it.

What if Crafting did not give XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I prefer the exp system stay the way it is. It allows it so that I don’t fall behind in level as in crafting instead of questing.

An Approach to Fishing!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I was a little surprised that GW2 didn’t have fishing. Im sure the RPers wouldn’t mind having it.

what about outside the jungle???

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


will we be able to use gliding and other abilities outside of the jungle’s environment? if not, then i really wouldnt feel like i accomplished anything, if my achievements would be so restricted to a certain area.

I second this motion!

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I started a new game to play the NPE and my only problem so far is the Personal Story hasn’t come up yet. I would say Personal Story should be introduced around level 6 or 7 because that’s about the time its taken me to finish the first 4 renown hearts and the dynamic events that are in that area. Witch is just enough time to explore the GW2 specific mechanics. I like the idea because originally I felt the Personal Story was opened too soon not giving me enough time to first explore different areas of the game. Because GW2 is unlike any other game out there so as a new player you have to get familiar with the new concepts like dynamic events, renown hearts, vistas.

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


The mechanic isn’t just for supply, but to also offer a safer way to introduce the player to PvP mechanics. Also your not just gathering but hunting down other gatherers for their supply. This adds an interesting dynamic. It’s fun for both sides!

(edited by ArrogantHero.4965)

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I dont like the actual system. Dolys walk in, npc builds and thats all. Players should run supply and build things manualy

Well in a sense they are running supply, just not at camps. This is just another way to gain supply. And it will increase the amount of roaming enemies and give the players that don’t want to group up something they can do. When I tried WvW it was fun running with the zergs but I just didn’t feel like I was of much help. I wanted something I could do as an individual at any level.

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


The main issue I see between wvw and pve focused players is mindset, some on each side dislikes the attitudes of those on the other side. Pve players need to understand wvw is not like pve where you cant just go in without proper gear, builds, refusing to use communications etc etc and wvw players need to understand pve players might be interested in learning wvw and will be put off by harsh and elitist reactions. Those who are willing to learn/teach are usually welcomed, but there is always that stigma of the pve’er in wvw, we all joke about it. But anyone willing to learn is always welcome, those that act like they know everything and refuse to adapt to the fact that wvw is not the same as pve are not always met with open arms.

Also a lot of that isn’t necessarily the PvE players fault but more on the game not teaching these players. I have a story that relates to this and it’s how I came up with this idea.

I am primarily a PvE player. I was playing WOW and I’ve been playing on a PvP server for the first time. I was worried about all the things you listed above. But it started out ok. I was already familiar with all the PvE stuff. Eventually I ran into another player from the opposite faction. Naturally he killed me lol. He had appeared out of no where. But from that encounter I learned about the importance of watching my surroundings. And after a few deaths I finally killed one using the rotation I learned while doing quest. And then as I was mining it hit me. The game was teaching me how to play in PvP using the same PvE content.

GW2 just don’t do that great of a job at teaching this. For instance, you mentioned the gear. In WOW you don’t need to switch up gear tbh. Each spec uses specific stats. So you use the same type nearly throughout the entire game.

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I guess maybe for immersion purposes, but it really serves little purpose, and the animals can be annoying many times

I remember ANet saying they wanted to have WvW as a bridge for PvE players to get involved in PvP, or something along those lines.

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


in all honesty I have no idea why there are nodes or animals in wvw at all

lol XD

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


This would lessen the importance of supply camps, supply escorting, and supply in general which is precious. Players are not supposed to be gathering nodes in wvw, they are supposed to be fighting each other open field and over objectives, and using objectives strategically. Losing supply on death would really be a terrible inconvenience for many people because while supply camps are important they are not the center of wvw, we cant be constantly running back and forth with little time to do anything else, thus making everything else grind to a halt. This would make capturing objectives extremely difficult if taking losses on pushes. Remember also camps have RI buffs and limited supply which take time to rebuild, and to have players instead go finding some random placed node to farm for supply would just mess up any coordination

Supply camps and the above mentioned should be the most important. Thats why I was thinking the nodes would give much less supply than camps to the individual.

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


If getting supplies was as easy as killing the enemy, PVE players would be focused non stop due to the probability of them not running builds which they can survive wvw with effectively.

Also if gathering supply was as simple as running to nodes non stop, you’d have more “node farming” then there currently is. (Though it’d be fun as a theif to wait at nodes to gank players lol.)

Well it wouldn’t be nonstop. Because the node are still limited to each player.

Supply Gathering Nodes

in WvW

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


I just has an idea. What if players could gather supply from nodes in the borderlands through mining, tree chopping, etc. Then Also what if all player dropped their supply on death allowing the opposing side to pick it up? I came up with this idea thinking of ways to make it easier for PVE players to get into WvW. Let me here your thoughts.

Also I want to add that gathering from these nodes would still grant the regular mats players would receive from them in addition to supply. And what if the nodes in WvW ONLY were to give mats relevant to the players level so they’re always getting something useful to them. Ex; In WvW level 5 I would get only tier 1 mats like copper,etc.

(edited by ArrogantHero.4965)

Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


Thank you so much! Now I can continue my Personal Story! Hurayy! Would you consider making the other story mode dungeon paths possible to complete with 1-5 players as well?

(edited by ArrogantHero.4965)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


OK I guess I understand. I’m used to going out of my way so it was hard to see from different viewpoint.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965


vistas are vistas that most 80s have seen long time ago.
Not everybody does crafting. Even so. Crafting +vista is 2 dailies. Not 3.
The whole idea (if you didn’t get it yet) is that before you were doing the dailies while enjoying playing the game the way you wanted. Now you must interrupt what you are doing to go out of your way to do things back in beginner maps. Also it causes disturbances and frustrations in the beginner areas.

I did get a strong whiff of troll tho.

Not trolling, just having a hard time getting it