Showing Posts For Askleria.1430:
I have never thought of an lfg tool being trouble for a game. In most games I have played, there haven’t ever actually been any real penalties for a player quitting. As long as there is some kind of voting system that requires a certain percentage of the group to kick someone things should be fine.
The only ones these types of problems affect are the farmers, because oops we lose a little bit of time.
I consider myself pretty laid back and patient when it comes to groups, but even still I run into that one group every once in while that just… will not listen, will not adapt, just trolling people that join, etc. to such an extent that it’s just too painful to stay in the group.
This applies to groups on both ends of the spectrum; “experienced” players that are so tunnel visioned into a single way of doing things that they just can’t adapt when they play with certain classes or builds other than what they seem to play. Then there are the newbs that just refuse to listen.
The only players I have ever seen affected by a lfg tool are the farmers and elitists. It doesn’t usually take that much more time to find another party member or fill someone in on something (like I said the only ones that really care about this consistently are farmers on speed runs and elitists whom also generally are just doing a speed run or farm).
I really don’t think it will be a serious issue and as such there is no need for any significant penalties.
this attitude is exactly the problem, and I am afraid this is the one Anet chose.
it’s the “what’s the worst thing that could happen?” attitude.
just because you in your amazing MMO experience did not stumble on problems, does not mean they do not exist.
you did not even comment on the reasons mentioned as to why lfg can be bad.
you just said: well, I don’t think people won’t abuse it. wtf is that? have you really ever played an MMO?
exploiting and abusing is the main activity of a significant fraction of the MMO player base.
GW2 gave those people little to play with, that’s why it has been quiet.
in other games, and I have actually played a lot of other MMOs, what the original poster describes, happens in like 80% of the groups formed by lfg.
it was the main reason I quit WoW. I have witnessed people being threatened with real life kitten (!) and murder(!) if they did not do a speed run version of a dungeon. yes, that was the tip the iceberg, but most of my lfg experience in WoW was like that, just a bit toned down from a murder threat.
it is insane to base your whole judgement of this issue on nothing in particular.
it has some of the best distributions of crit damage and higher total stats.
Hope you realise that you can get better stats by mixing different gear types compared to a full celestial. And that crit damage is worth very little if you dont have the power to back it up with. Crit damage is the worst dps enhancer.
For instance if you have 50% crit chance and 50% crit damage and increase to 100% crit damage you increase dps with 16% which corresponds to approx 200 power in a celestial build. That is how bad it is, and ofc the low power is just pathetic with multiplicative enhancers.
you really think someone who starts his post with:
Lol wat?
Yeahh, bro,……
and ends it with:
can understand what you calculated? Praise to you for your faith in humanity
I’d be happy with a full mats/laurel refund at this point. Getting an Anet fix is like 2 steps forwards 3 steps back most of the time.
I support that. if Anet refunded my invested materials, I’d be happy. right now I’m stuck with a kitten set I’ve begun to hate.
the really annoying thing is that I’ve put some skins on my armor. so what now?
Anet has this not thought through at all. with no way of just removing the skins, we are surprise-buttsexed anyway
(edited by Askleria.1430)
the issue is not the removal of magic find, period.
the issue is that they introduce a really hard to get, work/time intensive item set that lures people into trashing their old MF gear for it, only to nerf it hard later.
nerfing it, AFTER they told us we would be compensated.
how am I compensated when I’m stuck with a mediocre for everything, good for nothing item set, that took me weeks to craft?
By the time you were able to use charged crystals to craft Celestial gear, you knew the nerf to MF was coming. Therefore you were knowingly taking a risk by crafting that gear without any reassurances about what would happen to the MF when it was converted.
nope. nobody knew that. unless they were psychic. get your timeline straight
Umm actually he’s right (kinda). We were told on July 18th about the magic find change coming before the end of the year.
The Bazaar launched on July 9th. So you had at 10 charged quartz if you charged every day (and did on on the 9th before the daily switched), and maybe 2-5 more at most from mining your personal instance and getting lucky to get a charged quartz. So, technically you could have had 2, maybe 3 pieces by the announcement on the 18th, but no where near a full set.
And it’s fuzzy now, but I somewhat recall people asking back then about celestial gear and the future MF changes, but never getting an answer.
it is amazing how the brain of some people works, when they have decided to side with one opinion.
your quote proves I’m right, yet your conclusion is that I’m wrong.
I had in fact crafted 3. chest, legs, helmet. since you’re probably a forum warrior that does not play the game, that’s most of the stats since e.g. gloves don’t have as much as chest.
so, no. when we crafted our items, we did not know.
and they clearly stated that they would not just delete MF. But that is exactly what they did. on the hardest to get gear, with account bound ingredients.
plus: players should not be expected to read every kitten news story the company releases. even if I happened to do, and almost quit the game (and I am very serious) when I heard this news. I had, JUST THE DAY BEFORE spent all my laurels on MF ascendent accessories, and a utility infusion with MF. luckily the infusion will stay.
I stayed, cause I told myself that Anet would not just screw over its gamers. which they did with celestial gear
(edited by Askleria.1430)
Hey all, no worries, we got you covered.
Weapons, armor and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, lose their current stats and will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item.
For example, if you have an Explorer’s Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat.
We will have a blog post about it with more extensive information as well, keep an eye on the website.
that’s potentially disappointing… We were originally told we would be given compensation such that our account bound MF stat would be similar to what it currently is. I have no need for more gear. All my characters have all the sets of combat gear they need. My MF set was just that, a MF set… will there still be an option to convert it to the new account bound stat?
edit: hopefully the blog sheds more light on that.
And with this everyone will buy full MF gear before update to get +/-150%MF just fo few golds.
This is what you would run into, no question.
I applaud the removal of MF and with the new overall lowering of MF, they can adjust the loot drop rates across the board.
but nerfing the main point why someone got celestial gear in the first place, MF, without compensation is ludicrous
I hope you are not seriously saying that you intentionally obtained a full set of celestial gear for the Magic Find even though they said that Magic Find was being removed from gear WELL before you could have possibly obtained a full set.
The main point of Celestial gear is NOT magic find. The main point of Celestial gear is to provide a set of dirt cheap unspecialized exotic gear. The only build that ever really got any use out of it as a “specialized” set was and continues to be an Attunement dancing Elementalist. The design of Celestial gear suggests it is not intended to be used by specific builds, rather, that it can be used by new/poor players to get their first character into exotics while they work on getting the gold/mats/tokens necessary to get their real exotics.
since I and nobody else (and it seems not even Anet, or they would not have released this set with MF) knew about the coming nerf.
it took weeks after the introduction to the announcement of the nerf.
I am interested in how you conclude that I or anyone could plan this, would plan this, just to take a huge risk for some less than average gear?
this idea is ludicrous. I do not have the time to play 24/7, to invest tons of time and gold into a stupid gamble. 99% of the player base have a life, you know?
and those are the ones that get shafted. not the 20000 gold 24/7 dungeon run crowd
By the time you were able to use charged crystals to craft Celestial gear, you knew the nerf to MF was coming. Therefore you were knowingly taking a risk by crafting that gear without any reassurances about what would happen to the MF when it was converted.
nope. nobody knew that. unless they were psychic. get your timeline straight
Hey all, no worries, we got you covered.
Weapons, armor and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, lose their current stats and will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item.
For example, if you have an Explorer’s Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat.
We will have a blog post about it with more extensive information as well, keep an eye on the website.
that’s potentially disappointing… We were originally told we would be given compensation such that our account bound MF stat would be similar to what it currently is. I have no need for more gear. All my characters have all the sets of combat gear they need. My MF set was just that, a MF set… will there still be an option to convert it to the new account bound stat?
edit: hopefully the blog sheds more light on that.
And with this everyone will buy full MF gear before update to get +/-150%MF just fo few golds.
This is what you would run into, no question.
I applaud the removal of MF and with the new overall lowering of MF, they can adjust the loot drop rates across the board.
but nerfing the main point why someone got celestial gear in the first place, MF, without compensation is ludicrous
I think they’re going to allow MF users that utilize the gear change their stats once to what they want. Simple, easy to do, painless.
Yes exept for those who got celestial stuff…
And those who made celestial lose 40+ charged crystal for something usless now.
Hope those crystal won’t be usefull to reach the new 500 lvl crafting cap and made ascended and precussor.How is Celestial useless now? It still has all the other stuff…. When I crafted my Celestial weapon, the MF was a nice bonus, nothing more.
My opinion about the celestial is that those gear are only usefull because they got MF stats.
That’s the reason why I’ve craft them to replace my old Eplorer stuff (celestial is more balanced so pretty better to farm with MF than explorer).
That’s why (one more time, this is my opinion) they will became useless.
that is exactly what I did. I trashed my old exotic explorer set for a celestial.
with this change, I’m screwed. it’d be much better if I never had invested the time and money to make the gear. just keep my old one.
that Anet can not see this infuriates people, is beyond me.
Celestial is now the most time consuming to make, and the most worthless to own.
well done
for those adding up the stats on celestial:
we all know not all stats have the same value.
stop pretending that power and precision have the same impact for the majority of professions and builds as healing power or condition damage.
and 3% MF has been a primary stat on Explorer and similar items. a PRIMARY.
so what they are doing is taking the PRIMARY stat from celestial. the only primary.
- Celestial will stay as it is minus the MF bonus on it.
- MF food will work as it is working now.
- Utility Infusion will still work.
I’ve heard rumors that the Magic Find stat on celestial gear will be changed to boon duration. Can you comment on this?
all your time investment, all your charging and the money invested in the gear is for naught.
they just removed MF with no replacement.
considering that 3% MF was the primary stat on other gear, this is like removing the primary stat on celestial with no replacement
I agree with this change. In the long term, it makes the game better, and flexible, decouples stats and looks; play-style vs. looks.
it decouples nothing. it devalues the most time heavy investment exotic gear, celestial and it does not change looks at all.
so you’re probably being sarcastic….
I didn’t spend a MONTH making this armor AND large amounts of gold to have it simply become less effective.
In terms of gold, celestial gear is some of the cheapest gear out there and probably the cheapest craftable.
how much gold can you earn in a month? that’s how much an item set cost for which you need a month to craft.
If you farm for a month getting enough gold, then buy the item, it is a time investment. Unless you pay to win with gems.
Also: quartz is about 1.2s. you need 25 for 1 charged. you need 5 charged for one item.
1.2*25*5 = 150 — this is with large stockpiles of quartz from a living story chapter. once people realize that quartz does not grow on trees, but has to be mined ONCE A DAY PER ACCOUNT, prices will skyrocket.
then it will be gold wise, the most expensive one.
once the stockpile in the trading post is gone, you can get 3 per day.
so you need on average 8.3 days to get 1 charged quartz.
that is 41 days for 5 charged quartz.
for the worst gear.
somebody is kidding me. not sure who
(edited by Askleria.1430)
People have been asking what was going to happen to the MF gear since the announcement, and Personally I think with the 3 tri stat sets Anet picked the right option, but I still cannot understand why you thought just taking away a stat and giving nothing back would be fine for celestial.
I don’t even think that was even a thought in the threads that guessed at what would happen to celestial. Mostly because we thought you would never put such a time gated set in the game only to knowingly nerf it only a few weeks later.
^this so much…
I crafted my celestial stuff as soon as I had enough quartz. before any changes were announced.
I had taken a long look at the stats and saw more value in celestial, mostly because of the magic find. the rest of the stats is similar in value to 3 stat gear, but with the drawback of less specialization. there is always one stat one class really does need a lot less than all the others.
I would NEVER have crafted celestial if magic find had not taken it over the edge, min-maxing wise.
I will not craft any for my other characters. The time investment is simply too high for a kitten gear.
it is idiotic to give the hardest to get exotic gear the now worst stat combo. Lets face it, all the really hard encounters need DAMAGE not tanking or healing.
Celestial is the new “what, you got magic find gear? gtfo”
(edited by Askleria.1430)