Showing Highly Rated Posts By Attic.1562:
What are norns?
Norns are impossible to describe. One might as well ask “What are birds?”
The gears within the war machine of Fergussons Crossing are beginning to turn. As alliances form between the true blood thirsty war sworn warriors of FC, our enemies will begin to feel the borderlands they inhabit shrink around them as our grip tightens like an ogres hand grasping his mace.
The time has come for us to put the women and children to bed, and go out hunting for kitten dinner. Soon you will forget the comforting feel of warm castle stone beneath your feet, as your homes become our forward bases, your women our entertainment, and your children our slaves.
Prepare yourselves, the red fires of the Ferguson armies are approaching, and we hunger for Devonian blood.
Your asian shtick was more amusing.
And I’m surprised you haven’t gone for the Glorious People’s Republic of Ferguson’s Crossing joke yet.
(edited by Attic.1562)
If this if your definition of racist, then I almost feel sorry. welcome to the wonderful world of profession discrimination NOT racism.
MMOs will always have those types of players. Personally, i suggest you use gw2lfg, at the minimum if someone invites you it wont kick you. Another suggestion is to join a guild or play with friends.
Show me where he said the word “racist.”
It was in the topic title before he or a mod changed it.
Honestly do you guys think they are going to do this again after all the hassle you gave him for one semantic error? He obviously was speaking strategically not tactically class wise.
We need developers to play the game more and give more attention to WvW, but when you guys are this rude and disrespectful when he is obviously trying to build interest it gives them no motivation to do it again.
You could probably consider this the first and last stream.
Next time, you should encourage more gameplay and allow them to learn with us rather than be kittens and shut them down just because of a minor detail error.
You could have just as easily pointed out the error without being kitten
What semantic error? He gave an opinion. The fact that said opinion is one that basically confirms a lot of other peoples opinions about thieves in WvW is what is the source of this venom. People wonder why such things are allowed to continue when even the Lead Designer knows about them and treats it like it’s not a big deal. You can’t just come out and say “Yeah, thieves are supposed to be impossible to kill while simultaneously laying waste to 6 people. Working as intended,” and expect it to be just water off a ducks back.
We’ve had non-stop threads about thieves in WvW since the beta weekends with hundreds of people complaining about how they’re balanced. Hearing a developer being so blase about that issue is going to upset those people and erode the hell out of the confidence that the playerbase places in the dev team.
Maybe it’s a good thing that they never do another stream, maybe they should let the community team handle communicating with the community. That’s their bloody job after all and hopefully they would be more sensitive to the community and not make such a pig’s ear out of the thing.
Calling it a ‘semantic error’ is just laughable. You can can keep making your own excuses for Isaiah, but the people who are upset are extremely justified in calling him out on this and don’t you try to dismiss them.
Heh, as someone who runs around solo fighting other players I can safely say that anytime you see me fighting anything past 2 people in my videos, Those players are not very good. Well at least in my ranger videos, thief is a bit different (how good players in a thief video are is determined by how many people i’m allowed to actually kill in that video, the more kills i’m allowed to get the worse the players are)
This game doesn’t reward the solo player, It esp in a 1vX fight, to win a 1vX fight your opponent really has to screw up….Anything past 2 and it gets to be rather silly in trying to down some players (cause at that point, they can basically instantly res the person)
I could make multiple videos of me actually getting zerged down, I don’t think anyone person who’s ever posted a video of his fights has claimed otherwise that they don’t get zerged at some point. Sure some classes die more then others (pretty much every class but Thief/Ele will see this happen) but that’s not the point of the videos.
They’re meant to be entertaining. That is why you don’t see a lot of videos of me zerg surfing shooting people with my bow, Because no one watches them, they’re boring..
Pretty much the bigger the odds you fight against, The better your video will do. That is why you see the 1 good player vs the 5 bad ones…Because it makes for an entertaining video to fight greater odds.
Hush you. The boards don’t take kindly to logical thought. Here we require the signature of both the poster’s physician and mother before you’re allowed to discredit them.
Remember what happened to your “Stealth is OP in WvW and I can prove it” thread?
Another patch not worthy of all the fuss. What a shock.
- Death Shroud feels terrible unless you’re using a highly specialized build.
- The unevenness of class mechanics is sort of a universal complaint, but it really feels like Necros got the shortest end of the stick here.
- Initiative is amazing. An absolute godsend to the class, even right out of the box and you can easily trait to make it better. And I’m not even going to mention Steal.
- Adrenaline is pretty good because even if the burst skill on your weapon sucks (Arcing Slice, Flurry), it’s incredibly cheap to get a really nice passive damage increase from Berserker’s Power.
- Shattering is nice because only Mind Wrack really depends on you speccing to make it attractive and while the other 3 are certainly situational they’re nice to have regardless.
- Virtues are basically some free signets and have decent passive and active effects out of the box.
- Attunements & the Tool Belt both give great utility to their respective classes without any need for investment.
- And while Ranger pet’s are kind of a grab bag with the various AI issues and whatnot they’re at least an extra utility skill you can pick up and swap to meet your needs.
- Meanwhile Death Shroud gives you extra HP at the cost of removing all your normal skills and severely limiting your UI. Life Blast is all but useless for people who aren’t speced heavily into power and traited accordingly. Dark Path has extremely limited uses if you aren’t melee. Doom is ok, but suffers from the duration issue that all Necro fears must endure. I don’t have anything bad to say about Life Transfer, except that maybe it’s CD is a tad long.
- Cluttered traits.
- Another somewhat universal issue, but I feel that Necros are at least near the bottom of the barrel.
- As examples, take the staff and dagger CD reduction traits. For every other class that had CD reduction traits that only affected one weapon (except Guardians for some reason) the weapon skill CD reduction traits were combined with other weapon specific traits back in beta to give them more pizazz. Hell, some even got their utility CD reduction traits combined with other traits; see Signet Use, Inspiring Banners, Master of Consecrations, etc. Staff Mastery and Dagger Mastery probably deserve to be combined with Greater Marks and Quickening Thirst respectively. Spiteful Talisman and Axe Training both have this already.
- Speaking of Axe Training, no other weapon skill DC reduction trait is Grandmaster level. I don’t see why it couldn’t be bumped down to Master.
- It’s also sodding annoying having the Well CD reduction trait and the Well ground targeting trait as Master level traits in separate trees. Couldn’t they either be combined or have Wells be ground targeted by default? Or at least move both down to Adept? Hell, maybe combine the CD reduction with the Wells apply Protection trait. The point is that is takes a very large investment of points and traits to use Wells effectively without being in melee, arguably too great an investment.
- Some traits just seem so niche I cannot conceive of them being used in any great capacity. Dark Armor is a good example, given that the only channels the Necro has are Life Transfer, Ghastly Claws, Life Siphon, and Life Leech. Terror’s damage coefficient is staggeringly low for a condition that lasts 2 seconds max. All the leeching traits are dubious because of the pathetic state of life stealing that isn’t gleaned from Leeching Venoms or Superior Sigil of Leeching. Reaper’s Precision feels decisively middling. Fear of Death’s ICD is hilariously long for a 1 second fear on being downed.
- Mobility
- This is coming from a WvW point of view. Contrary to statements of intent the Necro is both very easy to get away from while also being very easy to catch.
- The Necro has zero access to Vigor. No access to permanent Swiftness without specialized runes. And no movement skills apart from the Flesh Wurm and Spectral Walk teleports, and even those only take you back to places you’ve already been before.
- Necros can have decent access to both Chill and Cripple, but they’re outclassed in both by similarly prepared Elementalists, Thieves, and Rangers.
- While not dead last, Necros are pretty much on par with, or slightly below, bloody Guardians of all things when it comes to Immobilize. My mind boggles.
- On paper Necros do have a nice pull in Spectral Grasp. However, due to the bloody slow projectile speed making it easy to avoid, in practice they’re once again outdone by Thieves, Mesmers, Engineers, and Elementalists.
- Accessibility of gear.
- While not a huge deal, it is really bloody awful that the only way to get a full set of Condition Damage/Toughness/Precision armor is from running dungeons or getting Khilbron’s random drops from the AH. And there seem to be ZERO options for upgrades or exotic jewelry with that stat distribution. So aggravating.
You’re only doing PvE with this build correct? Then I have a few comments.
- Greater Marks isn’t hugely necessary in PvE. You could easily swap it out with Dark Armor, Ritual of Protection, or Shrouded Removal for greater survivability.
- I don’t quite see the point of Dagger Mastery in your build. I would think that Bloodthirst, Ritual of Life (which can proc Ritual of Protection btw), or Transfusion would be more useful.
- As for runes and the like, personally I wouldn’t bother changing what you have. But I suppose you could splurge on Runes of the Earth for more toughness and protection. And sigils of leeching are probably the best survivability enhancing sigils that don’t require high crit rates.
All that being said I think you could improve your tankiness even more so with a somewhat radical build shift. Something like this perhaps. With clerics gear. Can easily swap into DS every 5s to heal around ~700, lots of protection because Spectral Wall would have 50% uptime, and phenomenal LF generation. It hurts to lose the perma regen from staff 2, but the fact that you’re wearing a lot of healing power should offset that, plus you can always use boon duration runes to fix that.
how come call of duty isn’t mass effect?
Because Mass Effect became Call of Duty.
There is nothing you can do to break an enemies stealth. You have to wait for it to expire or for them to break it by attacking (and then wait for the server to deign to send you the information that you’re allowed to see them again. A lengthy process that involves much paperwork in quadruplicate and requires the authorization of a federal judge.)
If norns had a racial toolbelt to make them immune to damage for an extra two seconds I would start considering remaking my engineer.
Jokes on you man, one of the cabbage elf racial toolbelt skills is a 2s block.
You really are buttpained Dyndyn.
P.S. Come play Smite.
I guess what I was trying to add was changing the game to suit a particular section of player is overall a bad idea.
Depends. If the game was changed so as to not disenfranchise currently happy players but at the same time made currently under served players happier and more liable to stick around for the long term that would be nothing but good for the game.
Population must be maintained in order for MMOs to work and they can only live for so long on churn. Having a core, loyal playerbase is essential.
I was assuming something fierce,I will grant you that, but look at ever single post in the forums about any type of change in the gameplay/design and it is filled to the brim with assumptions of how the game “should” be.
It’s a forum on the internet, whats your point?
You have to agree with me that most if not all of the complaints center around the fact that WvW is casual PvP. Most if not all the changes (aside from the culling issues) asked for want skill to shine over numbers. The more Anet starts to lean on skill > numbers the less player base you will find in WvW.
I disagree with the notion that WvW is “casual PvP.” Just like most other aspects of the game it has room to contain both dedicated and occasional players.
You’re also presuming that zerg players aren’t dedicated, this is also blatantly false. You’re from DR, you must know about good old Sir “Hitting Stonemist Gates While We Lose the Rest of EB is a Good Tradeoff” Morningstar. Would you call him a casual? With the hours he pulls? I’d call him many, many, insulting things before I got down that far and he only runs with the zerg.
Skill is not the primary differencing factor between “casual” and “hardcore.”
The problem right now is the rewards of skill are few and far between in WvW. It alienates a not insignificant chunk of people. It is an imbalance that should be worked out. Imo, the health of WvW depends on it.
They can also go to far the other way of course. tPvP has this issue atm. The skilled, practiced players get everything and everyone else gets screwed. The result is empty tPvP queues, because nobody who isn’t currently skilled can become skilled enough to be anything but fodder.
In other words 8 more weeks of the same thing.
And then once Feb rolls around if the head developer sees his shadow it’s another 6 months of no updates.
In other news, saying you have something to say but that you won’t say it is hardly inspiring news man. I’m sure you’re aware of that. And that this is annoying treatment is more a matter of policy than personal grudge-work, but it’s still almost as bad as no news at all.
And a cleave/AOE, etc. that hits you for 1k hits the ranger for 1k and the pet for 1k … that’s 2k … 100% more.
You using extremely flawed logic Daecollo.
Additionally, if you just hit the Ranger for 1k and ignore the pet, only the 62 hp/sec is what matters. This is what happens in pvp as people know that a good Ranger can just swap out the pet before you finish it off.
There are several key differences between warrior and ranger regen builds: like Vigor/Protection access & uptime, the lack of evade on warrior weapons, and the fact that warrior regeneration is pretty much entirely bound up in banners which makes them so easily kitable.
But arguably the biggest reason ranger regen builds are on a totally different level than warrior regen builds is that Healing Signet is a healing skill while SotW is only a utility. If a warrior needs to use their healing skill they’ve just taken a huge chunk out of their passive healing for what is a thoroughly unimpressive healing skill. If a ranger needs to use their healing skill they can do so without losing ~25% of their passive regen to do so.
If Healing Signet was a utility skill it would see a whole hell of a lot more use; even if they changed the active.
(edited by Attic.1562)
Why do you bother man? This is the exact same reason that ascended gear should never have been allowed into WvW as well but there’s no chance on hell of that being undone. So can’t I see why you would have any faith in them reverting the orb nonsense either.
Honestly, I’m surprised Ozoo. This is way more of a Jscull post than is typical for you.
Be careful man. You’ll give people ToA flashbacks. You don’t want that blood on your hands now do you?
Honestly, with how unbalanced, obnoxious, and plain old dull underwater combat is in this game I don’t think you’ll find much support.