Showing Posts For Aviden.7091:
Would love to see trailing musical notes for The Minstrel.
Both bows seem to be acting in a strange way. For instance, I have the Ghastly Longbow and when its sheathed on my back it will continue to glow and show off its particle effect constantly (as long as it’s night). The moment I unsheathe my bow and enter combat however, the glow/particle effect ceases and I’m just left with a blue bow.
Only fix so far I’ve seen is to manually unequip and reequip the bow to get the particle effects going again.
The attack animation has falling rose petals off the projectiles iirc.
A solution could be slap DR on the dungeon to discourage the need for “speed clears”
Same as Wintersbark, except sub out the Ancient Shortbow Staves for Longbow ones.
1x Eldritch Scroll
1x Gift of Ice
100x Mystic Coins
250x Ancient Longbow Stave
The bows do exist and require a Gift of Ice as one of the components.
Wintersbark (Shortbow) and Wintersbite (Longbow)
He had some pretty good ones in Guild Wars like:
“How are a Paragon and a drunkard alike?”
“Both like to shout at strangers and run around without any pants.”
Hope to see even more!
I too like to run full berserker just for the damage output it brings and making sure to avoid/dodge and kite at the right moments. I’ve completed all explorable dungeon paths with the exception of 3 more for Arah (working on it).
Best advice I can give though is swap out jewelery (amulet, rings, accessories) to more Vit oriented ones if you’re running into survivability issues. I suggest these ones to swap, that way you don’t lose out on rune set bonuses on your armor.
Trait wise I tend to run: 30/20/15/0/5
Weapon 1: Shortbow with Superior Sigil of Strength
Weapon 2: Longbow with Superior Sigil of Perception
Rune set: Superior Rune of the Pack x6
Utility Skills: Healing Spring or Troll Unguent (depends on situation) Lightning Reflexes/QZ/Signet of Renewal/Entangle
If not that, then maybe grant a move speed buff if/when the pet is stowed. That way pet control be more tactical, pulling it out when needed and storing it when you need to gain some distance.
Dunno, just something to think about trying to bounce ideas around to change the static gameplay of our limited pet control, considering are class defining ability IS our pet.
(edited by Aviden.7091)
Personally I’ve been running Superior Rune of the Pack:
(1): +25 Power
(2): +20% swiftness duration.
(3): +50 Power
(4): 5% chance to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness when you attack. (Cooldown: 10s)
(5): +90 Power
(6): +100 Precision
Everything is pretty solid except the 4th ability does not grant these boons to anyone nearby. The animation will trigger but that’s it. Also, it functions only when you get hit, like the other runes, despite the description saying “on your attack”
The 100 extra precision is nice, but I think I want to try going for more crit damage considering I already run a Superior Sigil of Perception on my alternate weapon set.