Showing Posts For BSV Snafu.9854:

Fellow Lady Thieves! Show your style!

in Thief

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

This is my thief.


so many builds what to use for fractals?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Aww snap I forgot about that change well that would make it a lot easier and I wouldn’t have to leave the dungeon or fractal to change build if people can’t leave my hammer alone.

so many builds what to use for fractals?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

i currently play dagger/focus 30/30/10/0/0 mostly i wanted to know if anything was more efficient for dungeons and fractals. its annoying to swap from 30/10/10/20/0 to 30/30/10/0/0 everytime i need to provide more might also people that steal the hammer when im playing scepter hammer is annoying so should i just stick with 30/30/10/0/0? and then just swap weapons when needed?

so many builds what to use for fractals?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

yeah but changing build over and over is annoying would 30/10/10/20/0 be better than 30/30/10/0/0? also i do alot of pugs if that would change anything.

so many builds what to use for fractals?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

so d/f, s/d, s/f, staff? which should i use if i do dungeons and fractals daily?

Best all-around Dungeon build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

so dagger focus is good for fractals right? 30/30/0/0/10

Ele's and groups

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

most groups i see say only heavies and mesmers :O

Ele's and groups

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

So would it ever be better to take my ele over my mesmer in pug or organized dungeon and fractal groups? Is an ele worth taking at all? People seem to not want ele’s in their groups.

Trash running

in Guardian

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

nice thats really all i need thanks alot

Trash running

in Guardian

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Before I run arah on my new guard I would like to see a guide on how to run through the trash in the arah paths but I can’t find any for a guard. If you can link a guide i would be very thankful. I assume it won’t be as easy as thief stealthing through

Can you get badges of honor in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

I def agree with that.

Can you get badges of honor in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Aww :/ k WvW is kinda dead on my server that sucks

Can you get badges of honor in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

As the title says is there any way to get badges of honor from playing PvP?

Mesmer PVE ranged

in Mesmer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Mesmer PVE ranged

in Mesmer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

For those fights i’m too noob to go full melee which option is best, i think scepter but i don’ts knows.
Swap my sword for scepter, great sword, or staff?

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Hmm i have a lvl 80 thief and ele and i like both of them alot. I think i will just lvl my mesmer up and if i dont like it i dont like it. What builds you guys play thats fun on your mesmser?

Do you think mesmers are boring?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

I want to craft my mesmer to 80 but at lvl 30 my my mesmer is kinda boring. Idk maybe I just wish they were more like gw1 mesmers. Do mesmers get more fun at 80?

Invisible Bags?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Nice thanks guys I got n 18 slot invisible bag and it works great

Invisible Bags?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

cools ty makes alot of sense

Invisible Bags?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Do people that carry multiple weapons and armor sets with them use invisible bags so they don’t accidentally sell their items? I have a hard time trying not to sell my stuff and would like to know if i’m just bad. Thanks in advance!

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

1. Elementalist.
2. Ranger
3. Mesmer

ele damage

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

cool im gonna look more into an staff ele getting perma swift

ele damage

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

care to explain? kinda new to an ele

ele damage

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

so i know you can get perma swiftness on ele with a combo of skills but can i still do like a high damage build with perma swiftness?

ele damage

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

so can i get perma swiftness without losing alot of dmg on the ele?

Do engineers do good damage?

in Engineer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

To strykermagnus a upscaled person in wvw vs a lvl 80 in wvw is gonna get wrecked usually from my experience.

Do engineers do good damage?

in Engineer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

Thanks I think I’m gonna do an engi first just wanna do dungeons with my buddys and still be able to do dungeons with randoms when my Buddys aren’t playing while still having fun. Not trying to do a flavor of the month type of thing but eventually I’ll get both of em up and choose which one is more fun to me.

Do engineers do good damage?

in Engineer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

I REALLY like that build. So you guys like your engineer right? I got a ele and engi both below 30 and I’m gonna eventually lvl both but I wanna lvl 1 currently. The ele does higher DMG if I do like a melee build with the lightning hammer but its kinda boring. Is the engi more interesting at 80 and which prof would you think would be better for puggin dungeons and fractals?

ele damage

in Elementalist

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

So I can’t decide between leveling my ele or my engineer to 80. I was wondering what type of dmg numbers people hit on there ele at 80.
Thanks in advance!

Do engineers do good damage?

in Engineer

Posted by: BSV Snafu.9854

BSV Snafu.9854

So as the title says “Do engineers do good damage?” Also what builds would you guys recommend for doing dungeons and fractals?
Thanks in advance!