Showing Posts For Bailee.1427:

Game crash. Help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bailee.1427


I would run a repair. Directions in case you don’t have them:

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Help fixing lagg!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Just a reminder…check your wifi and change its password. I am sure you thought of this, but it could be someone is using your bandwidth at those times since it seems to be consistent each day.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

[MG] in search of a WvW Commander[TC Server]

in Guilds

Posted by: Bailee.1427


MG is in search of a commander for WvW on Tarnish Coast

Meridian Gauntlet is in search of a WvW Commander, with or without the icon for our Tarnished Coast WvW groups. Our current Commander has had to take a leave of absence for an undetermined amount of time. We have never been a “zerg” guild, but rather a guild that fields small groups/scouts to support the field commanders and players on the map.

Our membership began with 75. Many of our members have left the game for various reasons, but visit the forums often, we are now a small guild of 12 and growing with fantastic members. If you’re interested please visit our forums
New Members are always welcome.

We offer:
Vent, Website, Guild bank,
AoW level 4, almost ready to build 5, all other guild tiers are built to 3 or 4. Small loyal member base looking to Play ~ Laugh ~ PvP.
100% Rep policy. Dedicated Guild Nights, WvW Nights ((Wed, Fri& Sunday)). ( These can be changed)

What we expect from any Member:

  • Be able to play in EST[TIMEZONE]
  • We expect you to both speak and understand English
  • We expect you to have Vent installed and Normalizing Vent as this is our main way for communication. Please make sure your vent name is the same as your alt
  • We expect you to have a microphone so that we can communicate during matches.
  • We expect you to be active and willing to put just a little time and effort into the team
  • We expect you to have fun.

About Us:
TITLE: Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more….The Meridian Gauntlet

In a game called Rift (not in a galaxy far far away), a group of like-minded people found each other. What began as a roleplaying server’s only PVP guild, became a force for the creation of an actual PVP community in a place no one thought possible: working with the opposing faction to create open world PVP events for the server, rallying our faction no matter what the hour to meet the Guardian challenge at the PVP Rifts, and participating on the front lines in both the storyline and the battles during the repeated sieges of our home city.

The Gauntlets believed that people who chose an RP server for the mature community, should also be able to have fun, respectful, and plentiful PVP as well. Out of that mindset was borne a family with a motto: Play, Laugh, PVP.

Our members ranged from seasoned PVPers to Roleplayers, from new players to former high end raiders. We believe it’s possible to have a fun environment, respect and honor towards enemies and fellow players, and still be bloodthirsty show-no-mercy PVPers.

The Meridian Gauntlet has not been and never will be a guild with so many members that people get left out, or they don’t feel like they have an impact on the guild amongst so many others. We are a family- if you fit in, you will never want to leave.

We do believe if there’s no PVP, then we’ll create some! A bored Gauntlet is a dangerous Gauntlet.

We believe in helping members grow and learn, all the more to bring to the battle. A new player is just a seasoned fighter who doesn’t know it yet.

We don’t believe in policing every member’s every word- Gauntlets are all adults who know how to respect the enemy both during the battle and after the dust settles. The types of players who understand this type of mindset usually find us.

We do believe in standing up for ourselves and each other!

We have formed on Tarnished Coast server for Guildwars 2. Please visit our site to fill out an app.

See you on the Battlefield!

See us in Action (Raw Footage We were the first group to take Rahm down on our server)

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Fantastic Job on WvW UI!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Now you can switch maps without asura portals with the UI. A lot easier!

You could always do that….?

You could only view map information if you were already in WvW before patch, now you can view much more information about each map from anywhere. The UI is clean, precise and a much needed improvement for WvW.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Fantastic Job on WvW UI!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Bailee.1427


I just wanted to tell you Devs…What a great job on the WvW UI you guys did, thank you!

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

[TC-server] Smaller Guilds Alliance Offer

in Guilds

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Tarnished Coast Server Smaller Guilds Alliance Offer

We are a small PvP centered guild of long time friends and gamers who play GW2. We want to do guild missions, but like many of the smaller guilds, we lack the influence and/or man power to kick missions off, but wish to keep our group intact.

AoW is at level 4 and we are half way to level 5. We have unlocked most trees to level 3 or 4. If your small guild is interested in joining us, you can contact Bailee.1427 or visit our website at ( please do not contact me via GW2 forums as I rarely login here.)

What we offer
Website with your guild Tag for all your members “”
One member of your small guild (you choose) will become an officer so they can communicate and invite others.
We ask that you rep us at least once a day (when you play) so that the influence from doing so will add to the pot for guild missions. Guildwars2hub has a great article on influence and how it is earned.
WvW and PvP matches.
Dedicated guild nights. (puzzles, Dungeons, WvW and other fun activities)

We are not looking to assimilate hundreds of small guilds into one larger one, we are looking to help other small guilds and ourselves accomplish guild missions and make some new gaming friends. We have 25 slots open and we will not be expanding our guild seats, so first come first served.

Come Play ~ Laugh ~ PvP with Meridian Gauntlet

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Missing Toggle Switch for the daily

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bailee.1427


I hate the story tracker also, it is just distracting and removes me from my immersion. Please give us a toggle to remove the quests on our desktop. Until then it is to annoying to ignore. (maybe its the star that is distracting me, just remove that star, maybe I will be alright, probably not, but Anet, let us give it a go please change this!

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Missing Toggle Switch for the daily

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bailee.1427


…on your desktop

I can’t find the toggle switch to get this darned thing off my desktop. Where is the toggle switch and if there isn’t one, why the heck not? You want your UI real estate to remain pristine, yet you give us no options to take this off? It’s very distracting, come on now I bought a broom even grins

Please tell me where it is or provide an ETA of when we will have one.

Thank you for your time and attention to this important to me issue.

…and thank you for da broom

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

11/16 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Bailee.1427


No offence, but who are you? I’ve never ONCE seen you in EB as a commander icon and I’m there on a daily basis for 90% of my gaming time, so you’re either a fake commander or you just lead your own group and call yourself one. Also, looking at your name, if you’re Lil Chuck Norris, I think you’ll find there are a great deal of people who would NEVER follow you because the actions of that person are becoming incredibly dubious, not to mention that person doesn’t command a kitten thing, repeats what others have said as if it’s their own thinking and follows the main commander and group every time, not to mention watching everyone else fight while they stand back in relative safety without contribution.

It’s funny you mention that because you’re rarely on when I am and when you are, you’re nothing but negative. I am a night time Commander and I don’t run with an Icon. I have been Commanding for over 3 months and can take credit for more then most that do run with an Icon. It’s incredible how gullible people are when it comes to the internet. One person says one thing, another person believes it to be true, and then it circulates because people don’t think for themselves. It’s fine if you want to believe lots of people won’t follow me – I don’t need them. I do just fine in EB when it comes to rallying people and getting things done. Had you played with me in EB you would know I am always the first person in considering I am a leader. I don’t stand on the sidelines unless I don’t feel like leading, or people are too far into themselves that they care not for the server, but their own personal gains. Last time I checked, I think for myself and Nyari handles the Defensive approach for EB, as I handle the Offensive. Before you try to pull another move like a “Random” Commander on Yak’s Bend – be sure to get your facts straight. I’ll let my actions in-game do the talking, rather than continue on the Forums like most opinionated people seem to do. ^.^…Oh and By the way – the message from above coming from a person who accuses someone of using a exploit and cheating by using a Mesmer portal(which is done throughout WvW and Guild Wars 2) should be the last person to talk. Have a great fight tonight guys!

If you continue to Command this way Chuk, TC players do NOT need it nor do we want it. I have more pics at if you would like to see them.

Awesome fights this week guys, I love TC soldiers in WvW!


People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

(edited by Bailee.1427)

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Bailee.1427


This is for ourTarnished Coast Soldiers!!!!

Mesmerelda Bluu [MG]

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Meridian Gauntlet [Tarnished Coast] is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Meridian Gauntlet has chosen Tarnished Coast as its permanent home. We are still recruiting for WvW and have one more slot open for Tourney. Please visit our forums if interested.

See you on the battlefield! Play ~ Laugh ~ PvP

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Meridian Gauntlet [Tarnished Coast] is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Looking for a few more exceptional PvP Players who excel in structured, tournaments and/or World v World. If you love PvP, theory crafting and experimenting with new builds, contact us via our website.

Tryout and vent interview required.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Waypoints are removing the stunning scenery in this game. WP allow us to bypass much of the beautiful world, mounts would not do this. The cost of waypoints is out of control. I for one prefer to experience my gaming worlds on a horse, a plain horse.

It’s just how I enjoy playing to take in the beautiful scenery this created world has to offer.

I just want to say something this is NOT my original post, it has been altered and merged with this mount post. I was not notified of who did this, but my original post was about the cost and negativity of waypoints.

I find this kind of moderating seriously lacking in honesty!

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

More RP elements please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Oh yes! Cheers for chairs!!! Yes Yes Yes please.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Waypoints are removing the gorgeous Scenery in this Game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailee.1427


This isn’t about mounts really, it is about waypoints and their cost and the negative results they give, so I chose to make a separate thread.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Waypoints and Scenery

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailee.1427


Waypoints are removing the stunning scenery in this game. WP allow us to bypass much of the beautiful world, mounts would not do this. The cost of waypoints is out of control. I for one prefer to experience my gaming worlds on a horse, a plain horse.

It’s just how I enjoy playing to take in the beautiful scenery this created world has to offer.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Waypoints are removing the gorgeous Scenery in this Game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailee.1427


As I hit 54 I noticed how expensive traveling from waypoint to waypoint became. Its not even based on the map, it seems to be based off your characters level. Example in Charr starting zone, literally 2 meters from waypoint, 75 copper. Why the punitive cost to move around?

My biggest gripe besides the fact we cannot sit in chairs* rolls her eyes at that* are the waypoints.

WP are removing the most incredible eye candy any MMO has every had, the scenery! Mounts would not do this, they would add to the enjoyment of actually seeing and experiencing the beautiful world Anet has so lovingly created.

Please review the cost of waypoints, and Please Please consider adding mounts(horses would be cool) so that we can roam around and experience this beautiful world you have built for us.

Thank you

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Meridian Gauntlet [Tarnished Coast] is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Bailee.1427


MG is still looking for a few more PvP enthusiasts that enjoy the sPvP/tournies as well as WvW. If your interested in becoming not just part of a guild but a community, visit our forums and see what MG is all about.

We look forward to meeting you!

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Another "those gold sellers!" topic (screenshot)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bailee.1427


I apologize if this is a dup post. I did search and could not find anything. I totally agree Ravven. here is hoping for a swift and clean resolution for us and for Anets team!

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Another "those gold sellers!" topic (screenshot)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bailee.1427


The gold spam is completely out of control in general map chat! I personally submit reports at least a dozen times in the short time I played today. It is so bad in the cities that you cannot even have a conversation with another player anymore. Players are getting so angry they are telling the gold spammers off big time! This will only lead to players getting reprimanded instead of the bad gold seller, and it will end with players NOT wanting to login and play.

This issue is serious and I know Anets is trying hard to deal with these pests, but this is now a second job for players when they login. ( NO I am not exaggerating YB is horrendous right now).

What and when can we expect a resolution from Anet? Coin lock would diminish this issue big time, as would an authenticator. Maybe one of these are on it ways soon, yes?

Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter to all players.

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.

Meridian Gauntlet [Tarnished Coast] is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Bailee.1427


TITLE: Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more….The Meridian Gauntlet

In a game called Rift (not in a galaxy far far away), a group of like-minded people found each other. What began as a roleplaying server’s only PVP guild, became a force for the creation of an actual PVP community in a place no one thought possible: working with the opposing faction to create open world PVP events for the server, rallying our faction no matter what the hour to meet the Guardian challenge at the PVP Rifts, and participating on the front lines in both the storyline and the battles during the repeated sieges of our home city.

The Gauntlets believed that people who chose an RP server for the mature community, should also be able to have fun, respectful, and plentiful PVP as well. Out of that mindset was borne a family with a motto: Play, Laugh, PVP.

Our members ranged from seasoned PVPers to Roleplayers, from new players to former high end raiders.
We believe it’s possible to have a fun environment, respect and honor towards enemies and fellow players, and still be bloodthirsty show-no-mercy PVPers.

The Meridian Gauntlet has not been and never will be a guild with so many members that people get left out, or they don’t feel like they have an impact on the guild amongst so many others. We are a family- if you fit in, you will never want to leave.

We do believe if there’s no PVP, then we’ll create some! A bored Gauntlet is a dangerous Gauntlet.

We believe in helping members grow and learn, all the more to bring to the battle. A new player is just a seasoned fighter who doesn’t know it yet.

We don’t believe in policing every member’s every word- Gauntlets are all adults who know how to respect the enemy both during the battle and after the dust settles. The types of players who understand this type of mindset usually find us.

We do believe in standing up for ourselves and each other!

We will be forming on Yaks Bend server for Guildwars 2. Please visit our site to fill out an app. MGaming (Final Server selection will happen once Anet posts the final server list for launch.

Be prepared to answer some very tough questions such as:
If your last PVP opponent were here right now, what would they say?
Will you heal Shinobii or will you laugh as he runs out of range of heals?

See you on the Battlefield!

People may forget what you teach them, but they never forget how you treat them.