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Do devs ever read or is this game a myth.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Dev read forums. And there is nothing wrong with “questing” and leveling in this game. By doing Renown heats only it is possible to reach level 80 in couple of weeks or so.
Why fashion SHOULD be free? It is gold sink, which helps to keep inflation at bay. What you are suggesting is giving something, that drains money away from the game into a void, and giving it for free? No, thanks.

The game is alive and well, I’d suggest you check NCSoft quaterly income by game. It is not Lineage, but it is doing well.
“Fair-discrimination” is it new SJW buzzword?
Sooo, you want others to pamper your needs? You realize, that in MMO person who is behind character comes in first, only then they tend to sponsor guildmates/random pugs?

This is not F2P game. It never was. F2P players basically gets free demo of a game, which manages to just work for F2P players to get hooked on the game and buy Core+HoT. F2P is getting most of what I payed 50$ for years ago. I don’t think F2P got a right to nag about something when they basically get core game for free with a few restrictions.

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


I will expand on elementalist then


Name: Spellweaver or Sorcerer

Weapon: Sword Main-Hand; Dagger and scepter off-hand

Description: The Spellweaver/Sorceror uses Physical skills infused with elemental magic. When Elementalist becomes Elite, it gains massive destructive power boost, however he has to sacrifice his ability to attune into different elements.

Class mechanics: F1-F4 skills are replaced with Dragon Pulse.
F1 – Dragon Pulse: Fire. Gain flat power bonus depending on your mastery level. 70% chance to get might on hit.
F2 – Dragon Pulse: Ice. Gain permanent aura that applies frozen condition to nearby enemies (range of 250). 70% chance to get regen on hit.
F3 – Dragon Pulse: Mind. Gain increased attack speed depending on your mastery level. 60% chance to gain fury on hit.
F4 – Dragon Pulse: Crystal. Gain increased toughness depending on mastery level, cannot be critically hit. 70% chance to apply Crystal seeds debuff on hit.

1 – Electric slash > Chilling slash > Fire lance (Applies burning for 2 seconds)/Ice shard(Applies chill for 2 seconds)/Seed of Confusion (Applies crippled for 2 seconds)/Crystal growth (if enemy has Crystal seeds debuff, enemy gets stunted to 3/4 second, can be block, dodged)
2 to 0 no idea so far >_<

Player groups in GW2 (Joke)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


A year is clocking on my first character and over this year I’ve been in many parties, many guilds and many places of Tyria. So, as last hour and 44 minutes tick to my end of 365th day in this world, I decided to do something fun, and group certain players in GW2 community.

Newbie Player who just started playing (recently there was an influx of newbies into GW2, which I am really glad to see >salutes Anet< ), most likely is lost somewhere around main city and using that painful A/D turns to keep on your shiny tail with questions like: how to make money? why do you shine? can i buy your armor skins? This part of community tends to shift quite a lot during games life, as new players comes and goes.

Casual These players are never seen in game, but every time you check your guild tab, you can see them going offline an hour or so. Noone in you guild has seen them, but still, they exist.

Hardcore These players are always on, always actively engaging in conversation over /m, /g, /s or /p. They have all dyes, all minis, all skins. They know every little detail about every class, boss, dungeon and everyones mom. Sometimes they tend to share some of their wealth in a little fractions of 100s of gold.

Elite newb These players can be seen in LFG looking for “80 zerk xp -insert random party coctail recipe here-”. They say they know everything, they have 8k AP, but once brown matter hits a fan and Mai Trin kills 2 out of 5 people he rages, leaves and blames on you, because you didn’t pick his Frost bow from electric field, while he was on the other side of the map “helping you to stack on Mai Trin for shield removal”, or doing similar mind boggling things in other instances.

Meta zealots Mettabattle or it’s not worthy of anyones attention. Even if it is better that metabattle build.

Zergasaurus Rex These players are commonly found in Word Boss events. They tend to stand in one spot and hack at boss ignoring any red circles, or field, because someone either outheals damage being taken, or helps to stand up after being downed. They can be seen sniffing ground worm armpits in events, that doesn’t generate enough heal to outheal incoming damage.

What are your observed groups in this community?

Gw2 servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Jade sea or seafarers rest, or desolation if planets align correctly

Hero Points preparation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


I think, that you need 465 points to unlock everything – skills and traits. I’m more interested if will be able to put everything into traits while not unlocking utility skills.
Imho, we will get points gradualy while lvling up, like we do trait points.
Most likely 1
Yes. If you are lv80, have 65 sp completed you will have full access to every thing
Looks like it. This is why i dont buy rest of the traits for my chars

No grind philosophy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Grind the Silverwastes for a chance at getting 1000g drops
Grind fractals for a chance at the fractal tonic
Grind fractals for a chance at the fractal weapon skins

Grind the Silverwastes for a chance at getting into the beta

So fed up of this.

So, wha you are saying, you want everything to drop often needing no time put into game, effectivelly leaving this game without players in no time, just because they got everything in game while ruing any economy that this game has? Really? Rare drops are NOT grinding, they are rare drops, where you ned luck and love of RNGesus

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Ritualists, Shamans and the like are no “Soldiers”.. this makes no sense DaiBish.
You may not forget, that the Class that you have at the end will still be a soldier in heavy plated armor.

However, nothing of this is set in stone, I’ll rearrange names a bit under my concept in mind of each Class getting 1 Specialization per Attribute.
With Ranger being written down already above.

Here is what i could see also working for the other Professions:

- Scoundrel = Deadly Arts Specialization
- Rogue = Critical Strikes Specialization
- Infiltrator = Shadow Arts Specialization
- Brawler = Acrobatics Specialization
- Saboteur = Trickery Specialization

- Inventor = Inventions Specilization
- Alchemist = Alchemy Specialization
- Pioneer = Firearms Specialization
- Technician = Tools Specialization
- Grenadier = Explosives Specilization

- Witcher = Curses Specialization
- Ritualist = Blood Magic Specialization
- Visionary = Death Magic Specialization
- Theurgist = Soul Reaping Specialization
- Bellicist = Spite Specilization

- Bard = Inspiration Magic Specilization
- Chronomancer = Illusions Specialization
- Mentalist = Chaos Specialization
- Fencer = Duelling Specialization
- Psionist = Domination Specialization

- Arcanist = Arcana Specialization
- Pyromancer = Fire Magic Specialization
- Hydromancer = Water Magic Specialization
- Aeromancer = Air Magic Specialization
- Geomancer = Earth Magic Specialization

- Berserker = Strength Specialization
- Legionnaire = Tactics Specialization
- Mercenary = Arms Specialization
- Partisan = Defense Specialization
- Crusader = Discipline Specialization

- Patron = Valor Specialization
- Augmentor = Radiance Specialization
- Templar = Honor Specialization
- Inquisitor = Virtues Specialization
- Mystic = Zeal Specialization

This sounds soooooooo good

[WvW] New BL fixes balance issues?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


If it is as vertical as new zone, or atleast way more vertical than current borderlands it would be so much more fun try to navigate narrow pathways without getting caught in ambush

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


If druids are tree worshippers, and my druid is a sylvari, am I then a tree worshipping tree?

mind blown

Well, Sylvari is more of a bush… So maybe a bush worshiping tree for it let some sun light in for photosynthesis?

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


I can see rangers getting a sniper specialization, allowing them to use rifles. I’m hoping they get a marksman/sharpshooter/archer spec that allows them to ditch the pet in exchange for more personal damage output.

Or give them “evolved” pet, that has better abilities? That would be fun too

Let us switch between Specializations!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


I can’t see them locking it. The entire game is built around letting you switch up your characters at will, and as the game has gone on its actually gotten easier to do so, not harder (for example, when the game launched you needed to visit a profession trainer and pay a fee to respec, now we can do it for free at any time).

It would be an anomaly in the game design if this one thing was suddenly locked.

Plus, the way they talk about the system, it sounds to me like they’re going to continue to expand it in the future. Add more specializations. It would be quite a slap in the face if you chose, say, Druid when HoT comes out, then down the line they released a new spec which you liked much better, but because they’re permanent choices you couldn’t even consider taking it without creating a new character.

This is why I said “let change at the release”. I see huge logic gap in “changing specs on the go”. If I were on battlefield specialized in fighting with sword+shield, I would have no idea to fight with, let’s say dagger or bow at the same level as with sw+sh, because I’m pro at that thing, and not the other two.

Precursor prices after HoT announcement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Depending on how difficult the quest will be. And wether or not it’s repeatable.
If it’s evry difficult and not repeatable, I don’t think the prices will drop very much, just a little

Does it really matter if quest are hard or easy? Get more experienced player into party and have a go at it. Month or two later, we will have those quests being sold like paths in dungeons. Either way, prices went pact airship over players maguma jungle pockets

I’d bet you that it will be neither hard nor easy.

What it will be is long.

If everyone is running around with legendaries a month after release, what’s next? Nah, they will still be a long hard road.

Well, of course it will be hard long road, you still need to craft it But I got a feeling that second expansion might use Legendaries to craft something more powerful and way more expensive to craft

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Tanky warrior would be cool (pure tank, not paladin-like archetype guardian we have now)

Precursor prices after HoT announcement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Depending on how difficult the quest will be. And wether or not it’s repeatable.
If it’s evry difficult and not repeatable, I don’t think the prices will drop very much, just a little

Does it really matter if quest are hard or easy? Get more experienced player into party and have a go at it. Month or two later, we will have those quests being sold like paths in dungeons. Either way, prices went pact airship over players maguma jungle pockets

Let us switch between Specializations!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


I love the stuff that is coming out. I approve that we will be getting new weapons for each class. But for the love of god A-net, I hope you let us switch between specializations otherwise it will be really easy to screw up a character we’ve spent hundreds of hours on.

I hope they will let us switch specializations for one month for free to work it all out, and then make it really really expensive to change, so we get some more diverse meta game, not “X is best and Y doesn’t matter” like it is now.

Personally I wouldn’t want to have it swappable, because I’ve got about 12 alts kicking around, so I have pretty much 2 of each profession. So I wouldn’t be to negatively impacted by this, and being able to specialise my alts would be nice, so that my one necro can feel different from my other.
However this is the kind of thing that might turn off some players who aren’t alt-a-holics. So I think ANet will go for the thing that makes the most people happy.

That’s a bit a shame, I’d like to see players adapting to meta along the way figuring builds, styles etc. not jumping band wagon spec for that moment.

Let us switch between Specializations!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


I love the stuff that is coming out. I approve that we will be getting new weapons for each class. But for the love of god A-net, I hope you let us switch between specializations otherwise it will be really easy to screw up a character we’ve spent hundreds of hours on.

I hope they will let us switch specializations for one month for free to work it all out, and then make it really really expensive to change, so we get some more diverse meta game, not “X is best and Y doesn’t matter” like it is now.

I think I understand the Revenant perfectly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bakeneko.5826


Yup, but name is already taken, so…