Showing Posts For Baro.3549:
What you need is 2-3 approaches to use. I do the same as you, but if the enemy is down already by the time you’ve done Fire Grab you don’t even have to go back into Air, just stay in Fire for the next group/ enemy. To me this is what makes Ele so vital, there’s no One approach, you can engage a fight in many ways.
Not sure if you guys have realized yet, but one of the Ele builds is 1 of 3 profs/ builds that have drawn devs attention for being imbalanced or op if you want…
i salvage blues,throw greens in mystic forge,salvage rares and sell exotics
Can I ask why? Have been wondering about this for a while…
Not sure about that aoe bleed Curring, just watching all those damage numbers from a clutched up group is enough for me hehe.
I have a feeling that the reason so many are questioning Condition builds is because they think it works like dot’s in some other games. The difference to GW2 is that you have to fight the same way with a Condi build as with a Damage build. You can’t apply a bleed and then run away to wait for your target to drop dead, you need to keep applying those conditions all the way. Yes, so they break it, then you restack. This has a significant impact on how the fight runs as a Power build will give you some burst damage which again force your enemy to use heals and defence skills. As a condition damager your enemy thinks you’re not hurting him and keeps charging you, that’s probably why a condition build is often combined with Toughness and allows for more Vitality. But but the time you’re dot’s have started to stack up, the enemy realises his mistake and panics.
And Curring, I’m sure the Grenadier build does much more damage then my P/P condi build, but I just don’t like grenades, such a clunky play style that gives me sore fingers and a headache!
I’ve found that the endzones play pretty much like the PvP areas, so I’m using P/P or P/S depending mostly on my mood, not so much on reason. You need to kite, you’ll be stunned, rooted, blinded, weakened and feared everywhere, you need to be able to handle that.
Pistol mainhand with Coated Bullets gives an incredibly different outcome in mass fights as you hit so many targets, using the Pistols will give loads more xp and loot. In single target fights, like 1v1 pvp or bossfights the Elixir Gun gives better dps. In W3 you hit more enemies also, meaning that the damage to each of them is less, but combined it’s probably better.
I’ve become addicted to the Elixir B and Elixir H, I use the Elixir that breaks stun and makes me small (is it R?) as second and Elixir Gun as third also for the Healing Mist toolskill. Crate as elite.
The Mortar is fun if you can hit any enemies with it, but the Crate is so much more useful. The so called area revive Elixir doesn’t really hit more then 1 target unless someone died on top of each other.
A Condi build is lacking if the target runs away yes, but as your bleed is only 2 seconds this doesn’t really matter. You have to stay on target anyway to get it down. I find that Conditions also messes up the targets priorities, they will be more focused on removing the bleed, burn and Poison then fighting back. It’s as much as distraction as damage.
First of all, my introduction to the GW2 forums is the first time I see this strange “kitten” lingo, can anyone tell me what that’s all about? Is it geografical? Is it WoW lingo? Are you all from Springfield and middle name Flanders? I can’t take anything seriously when it’s written like this…
It could seem like the best support you can do, is to do more dps…
Seriously, I’ve run with the Elixir Gun quite a while and this is what happens;
-People will run out of my combo fields as they think they are damaging.
-People don’t cluster and the Elixirs have very small area range, meaning I end up using them on myself mostly.
-Elixir Gun has single target, long range, but very little dps. I get bronze on events because I do so low dps.
-The other team thinks I’m pri 1 target, as I heal…
This is why, while waiting for the support role to get some apprechiation, I’m specced like Thanerion says; with Pistols/ Shield, elixirs and EG, but almost never use the EG. I can pull it out whenever I need it and I mostly use the Elixirs on myself giving me perma swift, endless Condi-remover and such.
Engineer and Elementalist are the two professions it takes most skill to be good at, and therefor many people complain about them and how weak they are. This is a partly true view of the situation only. I’m one of those who’s not very happy about the current state of Engineer because it is limiting in a way I don’t like. I simply don’t like the Grenade Kit or the Bomb Kit, I rolled an Engineer to have a medium to long range profession using Guns.
A good Guardian will let you kill yourself so to say, reflecting your damage. Not being able to kill a Guardian isn’t very impressive, not getting killed by one isn’t either. Not meaning to be all negative here, but a combo of self-heals and buffs with low dps would be exactly what you would need to stale a Grd.
Cause while your build is suited to confuse anyone and has lot’s of utility, I can’t see how you come out favorable on any side. You’r explaining something that looks like a 0-30-20-10-10 build and I could start by asking; what stats do you focus on with this? Toughness, Vitality and Healing Power sounds like your thing, which would result in less then 2000 attack damage, no more Condition except what you get from the Firearms traits.
What I would encourage you to try out is to slot the Kit you need the most in the situation you’re getting into, don’t spend all your utility on slotting all the Kit’s. Traiting from FT and EG would suggest switching in the one most suited There And Then. Slotting Pistols with no Condi Damage is a waste of time. Condi damage with FT is the same. They don’t go together. Using Tool Kit without any Turrets also seems strange.
Or, even better; Don’t bother listening to me if you’re having fun anyway. But your build seems sort of “private”, and your ability to beat other players in any PvP situation isn’t because your build is any good, it’s because you have found your niche with the Engi and this build. Coming here with a l2p message because you’re good is not the way to encourage people…
The class choice will affect two things in game ( at least that’s what I’ve seen so far):
-Your roleplay mindset, something that most people only encounter in the story quest
-Your looks. Armors are different for the races.
This would be my personal view on these two factors, I’m sure people see it differently:
Charr; “We destroyed our Gods with our machinery!” The Charr are darkminded, war-focused and rough. On the armor side they have very rough and spiky armors, don’t shoot me but I see a bit of Orc in them.
Norn; The spirits of nature, proud and strong. Racial skills are animal form transformations. On the armor side I’d say that a Norn male with body form of Hulk, heavy armor and one of those huge “wow” swords is the most silly thing I see ingame. Not my taste.
Humans; Your usual “goodie-twoshoes” with loads of religious and “order” references. Your story quest is about aiding orphans, becoming a hero and interfering with the royals. Armor is classy and “upperclass’ish”. A human female Mesmer looks like a barbie-princess to me…
Sylvari: The nightmare. I quit my Sylvari at lvl 4 and never got a grasp of this setting. Mostly it was the looks that put it off for me. Not sure how to explain it, just open the caracter creation and have a look.
Asura; Your crazy scientist/ professor. The opposite of the godly humans, science progress for any price, most often it turns out bad. This is how your story will play out and any interaction you have with Asura throughout the world is about cleaning up their malfunctioned science-projects. They are also very small and the effect is that they all look the same as any armor details are hard to spot.
The brilliant side of this sort of diversity is that there’s something for everyone here. The bad side is that if you don’t find the setting to suit your style, then re roll before it’s too late. SW: Tor was built the same way and it made half the professions unplayable to me as their “aura” was just not my kind of entertainment.
My Ranger is only lvl 45 atm, so take this in consideration…
I’ve been told that in the mid lvl’s the Pet does a lot more of your dps then at lvl 80. You can’t set up a build for a tank pet, it’s not going to work for many lvl’s now you’re 62.
The signet that increases toughness for the Pet adds to little to be worthwhile.
If you spec into Beastmastery you also get more healing power, this affects your pet allowing you to not use only the high Toughness ones. I’ve had more success with the high Vit Pets myself. At lvl 45 I’m traited 0-0-15-10-10 and my Arctodus is super. The big meta in Harathi Hinterlands he was in the bossfight the entire time. Being used to an Engineer I still find the Ranger to be doing good dps even in this defensive build, at least at lvl 45. This will also allow you to use a pet that adds more dps or CC, keeping the critters away from you.
If you’re not taking in any Toughness in your build you will have to rely on CC to avoid getting hit. Use traps.
Thank you all for good answers.
I’m very curious about my own Ele, even more after these answers. I’m one of those who get very easily bored with 1-2-3 -skill classes/ professions. I like the challenge and the idea of approaching every fight different. I do worry about spending too much time with every single kill. I already have the Engineer who is very hard to kill while kiting, but sometimes I have spent 3-4 times as much time killing an enemy as I would on my Ranger.
Hi all.
Reading these forums is a bit confusing, so let me ask: Is all the whining about Elementalist based on facts or is it due to being the hardest class to master, but still the second most popular after Warrior?
You see, I’m a Engi main with Ranger and Ele alts. On the Engi forums ppl will argue back and forth about being a weak class while some keep shouting l2p. The truth is that Engi is quite powerful in a Grenade Kit build, but this doesn’t suit the majority of the players, it’s a very clunky playstyle. But this is kinda hard to spot. So the rest of us feel underpowered while the Grenadier fanboys keep shouting l2p.
So I’m wondering if this is the same with Ele in some ways. Is it the element-dance that is the key to survival? Are all who complain about the class just standing in one spot with a staff in Fire and getting killed?
Cause it can be kinda hard to spot why some are being successful and others not. I’d appreciate some tips to this before I level my Ele any more. If someone had said to me that Engineers are that weak unless you’re throwing grenades I wouldn’t have rolled one…
I’m tanking in instances fairly often and I have traits/gear for pure DPS. It’s mostly about dodge/kiting. Just saying. Although I’m planning to get the tanking gear in the future and create some crazy shield/toolkit tanking build.
The engi in Pve is pure joy. I can do whatever I wish. Pulling 5 mobs and veteran? No problem. Running around the Cursed Shore surviving the mining while being attacked by horde of zombies? No problem. Perma swiftness? No problem. Big versatility? Yes. I will neber abbandon my asura engi. Everyone who thinks, that engi is weak in Pve should reconsider their play styles.
Fanboy warning…again with the “l2p idiots”. Pay attention kid, or can you see anything at all through the grenade smoke? I DON’T WANT TO PLAY A GRENADIER!!!
Engineer is enjoyable as long as you have ppl around you. No matter if it’s Pve, sPvP or W3. I’ve struggled really hard with some of the class story quests on my own, but at the same time I’m loving W3 with the Engi. Pull out a new trick for every situation. If you’re sPvP’ing with the random groups you risk getting a team that think sPvP is about solo-dueling across the map, and that’s simply not your strength.
I should also add that if you’re looking for a straight pistols build or something without any utility, another class would be better for the pure dps build. Engi’s are support, apart from the Grenadiers fans.
A Rifle Engi shouldn’t be able to hurt you that much, they have mediocre dps. A Grenade or Mine Engi shouldn’t be able to hit you if you know how to move. With a Bomb Engi you just need distance, don’t go in melee.
Grenadiers = fanboys
For the rest of us, let’s discuss improvements
I tossed all my Condi gear out the door and I’m already doing much better, Power all they way no matter if you’re doing Bomb Kit or Elixir Gun.
If you want to make good use of the Super Elixir from the Elixir Gun, one trick is to use the Adept trait from Tools named; Kit Refinement. Each time you swap into the Elixir Gun you will trigger a Super Elixir. You can then apply your weakness and swift (#1 and #2) before you actually use the Super Elixir (#5), then swap back to Pistols for the Blind. This way you keep Super Elixir up constantly and make use of the pistols in between. Condition Removal comes in very handy along with the heals.
I think we just have to accept for now that and Engi support build doesn’t give any dps. But your support skills are awesome and you can’t really fill the role as dps anyway.
Most fanboys forget to mention that they are Grenadiers. There’s quite a few of us who don’t like the Grenade Kit and we all struggle. I for one wanted to wield a Gun when I rolled Engi, but it’s seems that was a mistake…