Showing Posts For BeardManly.2140:

(TC) Level 80 Engie looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thanks Aidyn, I signed up for the forums, but not sure how to start filling out an application. I’m going to go play the game a bit now, but I probably won’t have a chance to apply until Sunday, I’m going on a camping trip today.

(TC) Level 80 Engie looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I’m looking for an active, friendly PvE/RP focused guild on the Tarnished Coast server. EST is preferred, but not a necessity.
I’m on regularly, but never for extended periods of time. Just an hour or so. I’m just looking for guildies to chat to and play group content with, so I’m not just doing map exploration and dailies.
No mic for mumble or whatever, but I do have a bunch of influence in my bank I’m waiting to spend on a good guild. So there’s that.

Random Drops and the Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


All I ask is this: in the future, Anet, don’t make your customers pay for random drops. It’s unfair. Either make them available in the Gem store or make them available as free random drops in the game. Or both. But this gambling for virtual stuff is ridiculous.

Random Drops and the Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I learned, I learned. And now I’m joining in because it’s something that SHOULD be complained about, because it’s bullkitten. I don’t have a problem paying money to get optional things like skins and stuff, and I don’t mind grinding to get drops, but when I have to pay for a chance to get drops for skins then I have a problem. Anet needs to come up with a better system.

Random Drops and the Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


So, I wanted to get some Aetherized weapon skins for my engie and I had some money to blow, so I got 31 black lion chest keys and 31 black lion chests, for $35, thinking with THAT number of chests, I would surely be able to get a few tickets out of it.
I got five ticket scraps. Five. I’m not even halfway to getting one ticket, so those scraps are useless. Unless I buy more keys and am lucky enough to get five more.
I know it was kinda stupid of me to blow that much money but it’s also a stupid system. You have to buy keys to open a chest that MIGHT have 1/10th of what you need for a virtual weapon, maybe. Or, if you’re really lucky, a whole ticket! And yes, I know that there’s other ways to get keys without spending money, but those are ALSO random drops or leveling up a new character to 80 and I don’t have that time. And I also understand that Anet needs the gem store since they don’t have subscription fees and know what? I buy stuff from the gem store pretty often. So I’m not asking for a refund or anything (I would gladly accept one though) but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for a little more bang for my buck. If I spend that much money, I should be able to get much more than 5 ticket scraps. Like, at least 31, I think, one for each key I bought. Then I’d be happy, but making people basically gamble money on virtual loot? That’s just exploitation. I hope in the future Anet comes up with a much better system for getting rewards.

Monitor No Signal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thanks, me! I couldn’t have done it without you!

Monitor No Signal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I’ll tell you now what, me!
You go to Radioshack and buy yourself a VGA-DVI adapter from a fat man with a funny name, plug that kitten in, and you’re set!

Monitor No Signal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


OK, so, apparently there’s supposed to be two VGA ports on the back? Mine only has one, the one to motherboard, since it’s above the audio ports.
So now what?

Monitor No Signal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I literally have no idea what you’re saying.
I haven’t opened the computer casing yet, it came prebuilt. I just plugged the cable into the back of the tower. So….the port on the back of my motherboard?

Monitor No Signal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I just got a brand new computer from Cyberpower PC and I’m trying to hook it up to play the game, but the monitor isn’t working. Both cable ends are connected, but when I boot up the computer and monitor it just says “No Signal” then goes into sleep mode. I can’t do anything.
I ordered the computer with no operating system because I already had a Windows 7 disc and wanted to save money. The monitor is a 17" Acer V173 that I got for free, the cable is a VGA.
Can anyone help me out?

Weapon Training

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Until I get a new PC and can play GW2 again, I’m going to spend a lot of time thinking about GW2. This is one of two ideas I have. I call it “Weapon Training”

Imagine meeting up with a weapons master in your race’s home city, that sends you on a somewhat lengthy/challenging and especially fun questline with a unique reward at the end- either a sizable, permanent buff to one of your classes weapons, or, even better, a brand new weapon!

To clarify, I’m not talking about adding new weapons to the game, like crossbows (though that would be cool!) I mean taking a weapon already in the game that your class wouldn’t normally have access to and, well, giving your class access to it. For simplicity’s sake, each class only has one unlockable weapon. And if you don’t like that weapon, you can choose to buff out your favored weapon. Also, you can only earn this reward ONCE per character.

Here are some of my ideas, but I find it hard to think of good ones. Especially with the warrior, who has so many options already.
Guardian: Longbow, for some added ranged support
Engineer: Hammer, for a nice melee option. Engineers use hammers to build things, right? Add a jet to that sucker, make it seem a little more “fantastic.” Engineers already have jet boots. I’m a strong proponent for adding jets to more things, both in game and real life.
Ranger: Rifle. More damage than bows, slower attack speed.
Elementalist: Greatsword. Because swords are great.

So that covers half the classes. Thoughts/suggestions?

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Yes. Account bound karma.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Well a $1000 is enough for a good Intel rig so i highly suggest u go that route, and ‘high’ is easily possible.

Ether a Ivybridge setup with a i5 3570k or i7 3770k
or if u dont like the whole TIM issue.
a Sandybridge setup with a i5 2500k/2550k or i7 2600k/2700k
Ether will be better than a AMD setup and will fit within $1000 along with a good GPU like a Sapphire 7870XT. Anyway ualready got the pcpartpicker link i made earlier in the thread and since u said u dont need that monitor in that list as u can get a freebe, then u can use some of that $250 from the monitor to go up to a 3770k, along with the SSD u said ur gunan add. So all in all u can use up ur $1000 budget with a VERY good rig.
Regarding this link btw.

With the changes it would look something like this.

Nice, thanks.
I’m thinking between the first link and the third link. The first link is cheaper when you subtract the monitor, but the second link is the better, but costs a bit more. Of course, the whole reason I started this thread was because I have no idea, so…
I’m going to contact my friend of a friend sometime this week, hopefully within the next day or so, to see what I can get from them.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Well if ur worried about the Ivybridge TIM issue (which tbh u shouldnt worry about, its more a worst case,horror story, kinda situation) then u can still get a Intel with almost identical performance with a i5 2500k/2550k or a i7 2600k/2700k.

Alternatively u could go the AMD route, which is cheaper, but would sacrifice some performance. Ether a FX 8350 or other 8XXX CPU.

I like the sound of cheaper. As long as I can play GW2 and Diablo 3, the two main games I want to play on it, I don’t care at all if it isn’t a super-awesome gaming rig.
I just want a PC that can play those games well within my 1000 budget. I’m more than willing to settle for the low settings on both. But bonus points if I can eke out medium or high in this budget (high is unlikely, I know)

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


OK, so if I don’t want to buy an Intel CPU (and I’m not saying I will or won’t at this point) what other options are there?

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thanks, Limey. I added a SSD to SolarNova’s list. I already have a copy of Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Cool, no sound card.
I just need monies.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Do I need a sound card too? I know getting a pair of speakers isn’t expensive, but won’t I need a sound card?
I’m worried that if I don’t have sound, I’ll forget how much that one norn in the Busted Flagon really loves beer.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140



if you provide a budget, I will assemble a parts list for you to maximize performance.

If you’re interested, I custom build PCs for friends, so if you don’t have someone who can do it, I would be happy to help you out (at your expense of course).

Let me know.

Thank you! As I’ve mentioned in my original post, my budget is about 1000 dollars. I can imagine saving that much hope through my part time jobs (I’m a college student) but not much more. And like I said before, I have a mouse and Windows 7, and I can get a free monitor and keyboard. I just need the actual computer tower and such.
If you can put together another part list in that $1000 dollar budget (I live in the US) I’d appreciate it. And if for some reason I can’t get help through my friend-of-a-friend, I’ll definitely contact you next.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


If ur friend can build the system for u, just put together a list.

the PC u linked has a few things i would not reccomend .. one being the tiny 32gb SSD which is just to small.

In all honesty i would give ur friend the list of parts in this link and see if he/she can build it for u…minus the monitor.

Kinda leaning towards that, for no other reason than I’m impatient and want one ASAP so I can play GW2 and Diablo 3 again.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


if you can manage a 3570k thats a much better choice for cpu, but yeah, thats an ok looking system…

you could get a 7770 rather then 7850 and get a 3570k that would be a better choice, this games very cpu bound….very very very cpu bound….

talk to your friend/friends friend see what they can get you, if you cant play gw2 well, you can give tera a go, it scales FAR better then gw2 with settings and hardware, gw2 is a fun game but… this point, the cost of entry if you want to do large DE’s and/or WvWvW is….far higher then it should be…..

I don’t even know what a 3570k and a 7770 IS…

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


OK, I have a computer again I can post from. Yay!
I found out I apparently have some connections. I can get a free monitor and keyboard from my friend (not a great monitor and keyboard, but a free monitor and keyboard that will suit my needs) and a friend of a friend sells computer parts and builds them too, so maybe I can get a discount there.
Anyway, like I said, I don’t know a lot about computers, so all these numbers and letters and terms your tossing out mean nothing to me. It’s all Greek. Plus, I don’t need a great gaming PC, just one that can play GW2 and Diablo 3. I don’t even care if I have to turn the settings down low. If it works, I’m fine.
I did find this in my snooping though. It excludes the monitor, keyboard, and mouse-all of which I have or can get for free- and I think it might be missing a cooling system, which I do want to get:

CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: ASRock B75M-GL Micro ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
Memory: Mushkin Silverline 8GB (1 × 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Sandisk ReadyCache 32GB 2.5" Solid State Disk
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7850 1GB Video Card
Case: Antec One ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair Enthusiast 550W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V Power Supply
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer

I got these suggestions from another forum on Tomshardware where the OP was in a similar situation as me. Except she lives in Canada, which means the prices are slightly lower in the US, and I’m still hoping I can get a discount from my friend’s friend. Maybe.
But, still, no cooling system. I do want that.
Further thoughts?

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Really? Somewhat surprising. All the reviews for it seemed very positive. Perhaps the info is listed on the CybertronPC website.

Looking to buy a new gaming PC...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


For reasons I don’t want to get into, I need a new system to play Guild Wars 2. I found something on Amazon with a good rating and at a price that’s affordable for me after a bit of saving, the CybertronPC:

So I have a few questions. Does anybody have this or know somebody that does? Does it work well for Guild Wars 2 and other games I might want (Diablo 3 is the other one I play, I’ll inevitably want to get a few more PC games that I can’t play on my PS3)
Also, any suggestions for monitors and keyboards (I already have a mouse, 360 controller, and gamepad) that aren’t too expensive. I’m only looking to spend about a 1000 bucks, give or take, all together. I’m not a hardcore PC gamer and don’t particularly care if I can’t run on the highest settings, nor do I know much about computers in general. I just want something reliable that can play Diablo and Guild Wars and isn’t too expensive. So if you can recommend other good PCs and gear all within the 1000 dollar price limit, give or take a few bucks?
I don’t have a PC right now, just a laptop that I’m going to stop playing games on and use only for work and study. Any help would be appreciated

Hello. I'm the Doctor.

in Community Creations

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Now all we need is a weapon called the…now that I think about it, I think there already IS a scepter with a name that is a reference to the sonic screwdriver.

Now what was it’s name again? I can’t remember…

Really? A sonic scepter?
None of the adventurer professions can use scepters. And neither soldiers or scholars can use those awesome Doctor duds. What the hell was Anet’s problem, now I can’t make a Time Lord build!
I jest.

And yes, you will notice I unequipped my rifle just to be a proper 10th Doctor

For anybody wondering about the costume:
Pants and boots are crafted, Rascal style. Chest piece is Bloodsaw Worker Leather Armor, I believe there’s also some called Rogue armor that looks the same.
I used Pottery dye on the jacket and Royal Blue on the shirt and pants. Any red dye would work on the shoes.

Now if only I could find a fez and bow tie…

Hello. I'm the Doctor.

in Community Creations

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Well, the only two red dyes I have look pretty much the same. It’s not perfect, I need a darker blue for the suit and a different red for the shoes.
But yeah. Running around as the Doctor makes this already great game like 100 times cooler.

Hello. I'm the Doctor.

in Community Creations

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


So, I discovered recently that, giving the right pieces and dyes, I could make my engineer into a Time Lord.


Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


OK, so, I finally hit 80 the other day…yeah, I’ve been busy with boring real life stuff lately.
I’ve been running my flamethrower/elixir gun build and all in all it’s been going pretty well, but now that I’ve hit the cap, it’s time to start worrying about gear.
So I’m hoping to revive this thread, maybe, to help me find out what gear to equip for my flamethrower/elixir gun defensive engie, and for anyone else looking for engineer tips. Though I’m not opposed to changing my build at this point either…maybe something Pistol/Shield-y, so I can feel like Captain America (Captain Tyria?)
Anyway, here’s the build I’m using now:|0|2729|6383|4682|4700|4065|0|0|0|0|30|2266|1881|2265|10|988|0|0|20|1470|1863|0|10|1446|0|0|0|0|3|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

Criterion Alliance [Ally] Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Do you like SCIENCE?
What about ADVENTURE?
Well, Criterion Alliance has BOTH!

Criterion Alliance is dedicated to the advancement and protection of all the races of Tyria, and believes in doing so through science, engineering, magic, exploration, and diplomacy. That doesn’t mean there’s no danger in the Alliance, though: no, the road to progress is a long and hard one, met with much opposition. Criterion Alliance is not afraid to fight when necessary, but only as a last resort.
Once the dragons are defeated (and Criterion Alliance and it’s founder, The Red Griffin, believe they will be) what comes next? Criterion Alliance’s goal is to lead Tyria the future and create a new standard, a new paradigm, a new criterion, for what the world- nay, the Universe!- can and should be.

About the founder:
Alec Jordan, better known as The Red Griffin, grew up as a farmer in Queensdale. His father was a tinkerer by hobby, fiddling with small machinery and tools, and that sense of scientific curiosity was passed down to young Alec. He grew up into a talented Alchemist and Engineer, and worked together with his Asuran friend, Nox, to create new inventions that would change the world. After disappearing for a time to wander Tyria, he returned to his homeland to found Criterion Alliance, dedicated to the advancement and protection of all races.

Criterion Alliance seeks out and welcomes people of all races, vocations, gender and beliefs. You don’t have to be an asura to be interested in alchemy, and you don’t have to be a charr to be interested in engineering. You don’t even need an interest in alchemy or engineering at all! Courage and a desire to see your fellow Tyrians fly to new heights is all you need to join Criterion Alliance!

((We are a new RP guild looking for both officers and members. We have a theme, and we have a leader, but the guild will be shaped by the members. Dungeons, PvE, PvP, WvW, RP events and storylines…all that will be affected by YOU!
For anymore info, contact me via private message, in game as BeardManly.2140 or The Red Griffin, at as BeardManly or via email at

Character/Account Emblems

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Several similar topics have been posted before, but mine is a bit different. I’m fine with the way the medium guild armor looks on my Engineer, in fact, I love it. And the backpacks do look silly, and capes would be cool to see on some characters, especially ones with heavy armor like guardians and warriors, but not so much on others. But if there’s an emblem I really like and want on my character, I have to find or start a guild with that emblem. And finding a good guild with that emblem is hard, and starting one is even harder, but that’s the solution I’m leaning towards, unless they can implement this.
There should be some way you can make your own emblem, either character or account bound. The ideal situation would be if you can upload your own emblem design and wear it on any character with any piece of armor, and be able to choose which armor or weapons you want it on and wear, but I think that’s a bit too much to ask. For me, I’d be more than happy if I can just make an emblem with the guild emblem designer and put it on my medium guild armor, without having to wear the emblem of whatever guild I’m in unless I want to. I think this small change would go a long way to make customization even better.
I’ve started my own guild in the beginning and earned enough influence by myself and alt-switching to get the emblem I want, but everyone left, and I don’t have the time to run a guild anymore like I used to. And joining another guild and just switching back to mine when I want that sweet emblem is just inconvenient. City of Heroes (R.I.P.) had your own emblems from character creation, and you could wear a guild emblem too, if you so desired, but it wasn’t necessary. I just want to be able to wear the emblem I want while still representing a guild and earning influence for it, without having to search for a guild with that emblem or starting my own.
I feel this would be very simple to put in. What do you think?

Tarnished Coast- The Red Griffin

in Guilds

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Hello, I’m BeardManly, and I play on the Tarnished Coast server primarily as The Red Griffin (lvl 37 engineer). I started a guild early on called The House of the Red Gryffin, but can’t find time to run a guild like I used to, over on DCUO. I still run around GW2 with the tag on, though, and I earned enough influence through rotating through alts to earn a guild emblem and guild armorer, so now my engineer has a sweet jacket with a red griffin emblem on it! Whoo!

But, alas, I’m lonely in my guild, and awesome jackets can only help so much. So I started this thread looking for two things:

One. Ideally, I would like more people to join The House of the Red Gryffin, including people who want to help me run it. I primarily enjoy roleplay, PvE and am looking to start on dungeons, and trying some PvP or WvW, but since player versus player has never been very enjoyable for me in MMO’s I suspect it won’t be different here, but who knows. However, the House of the Red Gryffin doesn’t have to be a RP/dungeon/PvE guild. PvPers or WvWers would be welcomed, as long as the players are mature and polite.

Or, two. Since I know getting my guild up and running is sort of unlikely, I’m looking for other guilds to join. As long as they are willing to accept a casual player who enjoys all manner of RP and PvE, I’d be willing to give up my sweet red griffin symbol on my armor (it’s a red griffin with a black shield backround). But…hey, if any other guilds would accept me AND they have a sweet red griffin guild emblem, I’d be all the more eager to join them!

Also, I like griffins. And red. In case that wasn’t obvious.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I made the mistake of looking through some of the other engineer forums the other day. Lots of complaints after the patch, but all seem to be PvP. I didn’t see any problems from what I’ve seen.
Though the idea of kits not scaling is a bit…odd. Why wouldn’t they scale?
Oh, and unrelated to this post, but the medium guild armor fits my character perfectly. It looks super cool.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Hm…Utility Goggles are a stun breaker, with a shorter cool down than Elixir R. Of course, not with the Elixir cooldown trait.
Rocket Boots are cool, because of the basic formula of “Something + Rockets = Awesome” See “The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom” #2 for proof of that.
Battering Ram is out, don’t need it.
I was also thinking of using Rifle, Rocket or Net turret as a sort of distraction. I should probably use a stun breaker though.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Elixir R sounds pretty good…I guess I just have to make sure to throw it before I die? That sounds like something I would always forget to do/ not have time to do before I die though.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Hey, Defensive Engineer thread. OP here. Been a while. How have you been?

So, I got Elixir Gun and Flamethrower and am at level 28. At 30 I’m going to pick supply crate, and I’ll have 10 points in Tools with the Speedy Kits trait (for perma-swiftness!) and 10 points in Inventions for the 5% toughness as power trait. Then I plan on filling out Alchemy and Firearms trait lines. However, I’m still trying to find a good skill for the third slot. Elixir B I’ll take automatically whenever I’m at 75% health, so I view slotting that as a waste. Elixir C is good, but I find I rarely need to use it. What other skills are good with FT and EG?
Also, what are good skills to use when I’m fighting underwater? FT doesn’t work under there, so I’ve been using grenade kit in it’s place, but I find they’re hard to use underwater. Suggestions?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Engineers=The best

I just got Speedy Kits yesterday, perma-swiftness is awesome.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


So many builds…tools, flamethrower/elixir gun, healing bombs, turrets…drool
Just messing around on, came up with a slightly different build:
Rifle-Elixir H-Elixir C-Flamethrower-Elixir Gun-Supply Crate
Firearms- Rifle recharge, FT/EG recharge, Juggernaut
Inventions- 5% toughness converted to power (I’ll be going for toughness/vit/power gear)
Alchemy- Elixir recharge, 15% with FT/EG
Tools- Speedy kits (because I like running around with perma swiftness)

I replaced Elixir B with Elixir C because it converts all conditions into boons, has the same recharge, and I’ll automatically drink an elixir b when I get to 75% health with the innate traits in Alchemy. The only think I’m wondering is when I’m fighting underwater, what skill would fit in nicely with this build that I can replace flamethrower with, since that doesn’t work underwater? I know it’s water fights aren’t nearly as common as land fights, but I don’t want to get caught with my pants down.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Istarien, I love you. Those links you posted don’t work, but still, you gave the best advice on a thread full of good advice.
I love engineers and Istarien.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thank you, MikeT. Now I have a healing bomb build and an elixir gun/flamethrower build to try (because the concept of flamethrower/elixir gun is just appealing to me, so I’m gonna try it anyway. What’s 8 gold for respeccing?)
Now, what about gear and sigils/runes? I’ve been looking at different gear on the wiki, but mostly for style. I want to see what look I want to have for The Red Griffin (my character). I like the bloodsaw armor and Rubicon armor of Lyssa the best, particularly the hat on the latter.
Ok, style isn’t what this thread is about.
The stats on the Rubicon armor of Lyssa seem pretty good to me though. Power, Precision, Condition Damage (though not a lot), Toughness, Healing Power, Vitality- all covered. Link:
Thoughts? And what sigils/runes should I use?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


FT doesn’t scale at higher levels? Excuse me one sec.


Ok, now I got that out of my system. But seriously, if this is true, I hope they fix it.
I would prefer not to use grenades because of the ground targeting. I always find ground targeting difficult to use when you’re in a tough fight, so I’ll only use it if i have to.
What’s a good healing bomb build?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


So, I could replace 409 with with Backpack Regenerator and use Super Elixir from the Elixir Gun to cure conditions? (I haven’t unlocked Elixir gun yet, but assume SE is a ground targeting move like grenades are. And I know it has a 20 second cooldown, or 16 secs with trait). I already decided to pick up Supply Crate over the other elites.
I thought Pistol/Shield seemed obvious for a defensive engineer, but after playing with it, I don’t care for it much. I’m not sure how the shield are supposed to work, and I find that switching to rifle resulted in me dying less. Also, I love some of the rifle moves like Net and Overcharged Shot.
Also, why should I consider switching to bomb or grenade kit instead of FT or EG? Could I use on of those instead of Elixir B too, if I’m dumping 409?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


While backpack regenerator doesn’t heal that much, it IS always active. You don’t have to waste any skill activation time to set it going and you’re still getting healing while you’re dodging, putting up your shield, or even just plain running away.

Kit refinement is EXCELLENT with Elixir gun. You drop a light field with condition removal and healing with a decently short CD. I don’t really use Rifled Barrels much; none of the relevant weapons are really that good at long range. Depending on where you are, Elixir/KR and Super Elixir may be enough to deal with conditions, rendering F409 less valuable, as well. Still, high Alchemy 30 has lots of other goodies you can swap in as needed.

I’m getting a lot more activity on this thread than I expected. I still have my mind set on a FT/EG build currently, it fits my character concept nicely, but I’m open to changing. And I’m learning a lot of things about my new favorite profession. Knowledge is power?

Anyway, on this post I quoted in particular…you say 409 isn’t needed if you have elixir gun, depending on where you are? I see the Fumigate skill only has a 12 second cooldown (9.6 secs with trait) and sprays out a cone that cures conditions. How would I get this to work on myself?
The stats I’m looking to upgrade with gear, in no particular order since I don’t know which is more important than which, are Toughness, Vitality, Power, Condition Damage, and to a lesser extent Healing Power. After reading the post on causing conditions more useful than healing, i’m less concerned about my heal output. Still, more healing is always good, right?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thank you both for the responses.
I noticed you’re both using Backpack Regenerator, but looking at it on the official wiki, it only heals for 125 health per second at level 80, and it’s not affected by healing power or max health. That doesn’t seem like a lot to me. Of course, I’m not to level 80 yet, I’m only level 16, so I have no idea how much health I’ll have. How useful do you find it?
I got flamethrower today and I enjoy it a lot. I’m thinking of running a flamethrower/elixir gun build:
Precision tree: Rifled barrels (increases rifle, pistol, harpoon gun, and elixir gun range)
Fireforged Trigger (increases recharge time on flamethrower and elixir gun skills by 20%)
Juggernaut (increased toughness and might when using flamethrower)

Alchemy tree: Fast Acting Elixirs (elixirs recharge 20% faster)
Deadly mixture (increases flamethrower and elixir gun damage by 15%)
Formula 409 (elixirs cure conditions)

Tools: Either Kit Refinement (attacks on switching kits) or Speedy Kits (5 seconds of swiftness on switching kits) for getting around faster.

Skills I plan on using are Elixir H, Elixir B, Flamethrower, Elixir Gun, and Supply Crate. Weapon is rifle. I’ll be using carrion gear, and probably be using sigils to help with burning and increased toughness/vitality and power/condition damage.

Anyone try a similar build? How did it work for you?
Of course, I know I’ll just have to try these things out for myself as I level up more, but I’d like more info to plan ahead.
Engineer is so much better than Warrior, to me.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I just started playing an engineer yesterday after playing with a warrior for a long time and I’m loving it. I’m only level 12 now, but I’m looking for tips on how to build a tankish engineer or just one that’s more defense minded.
Right now I’m using rifle with Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, and Rifle Turret with two points in the Inventions line. I’m thinking about maxing out Inventions to get the healing bombs trait, then putting some points into Explosives to help with the bomb recharge rate and such and Alchemy for more survivability. I also want to put ten points into Tools for Speedy Kits to get perma-swiftness.
So long as I’m not a squishy or a glass cannon, I’m more than happy dumping my warrior for an engineer. Until they fix warrior, maybe.
Anyway, any tips on builds/gear? I’m not interested in any PvP or WvW, at least not right now, just in PvE and eventually dungeons once I’m high enough.

I have a (maybe) stupid question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I have a 13 inch Macbook Pro from 2010. I play the game with bootcamp on it with low settings and it runs fine, after the initial lag I get after logging on for a few minutes, which happens with every game I try playing (DCUO, SWTOR and Diablo 3 all did/do this- log on and it’s fine, after a few minutes of playing it starts to lag, then after a few more minutes it clears up and I usually have no problems then). I’m not in the mac beta, because the boot camp drive doesn’t leave enough memory on my mac drive for it. However, once the game is released, I plan on ditching boot camp and downloading the mac version. For some reason, I can’t shake the paranoia that my mac drive won’t be able to run…the…mac version.
Yes, it’s a stupid question. I think.
I have Mountain Lion 10.8.2, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 2GB Ram and NVIDIA GeForce 9400M. I just don’t want to go through the trouble of deleting boot camp and downloading the mac version to find it doesn’t work for some computer reason I don’t understand. And I don’t want to delete bootcamp now to try the mac beta, because I don’t know how long until the official release and I want to keep playing until then.
So, can somebody answer my (maybe) stupid question? Will my mac be able to run it?