Showing Posts For Beckie.3580:
Belindas greatsword PLEASE Q_Q
cant wait to see kasmeer clones everywhere! with that hairstyle in blonde and the kasmeer armor xD
I dont think their rarity is a huge problem. maybe the droprate could be increased a bit. The problem is that people dont farm in orr now :/ back when orr was packed, you could get the eyes much cheaper and there were many more of them on the tp. I got my immobulus then. It was still expensive but not quite as much as it would be today. I like feeling a bit unique with my scepter now xD if you made them drop for CERTAIN from those mobs, wouldnt orr be farming heaven then? and it would eventually flood the tp..
I second this!! I got that exact hairstyle on my asura and it pains me that none of the colors match the sort of colors I would use on her armor makes it a challenge.. the colors are simply too vibrant/strong. so now im using this light olive dye on all my armor, for I simply adore this hairstyle. and even if you dm atch it, there’s this odd blue shine on the accessory that changes color in different light settings, making it impossible to match.
no! no.. far from it. we need more /emotes for them! more floppyness!
My happy Happysura ! (that’s her name) she looks so overly happy during cutscenes, talking to the NPC’s.
Here’s my new and first asura mesmer called “Happysura” xD. I wasnt going to keep her to begin with ,but then I made her so cute and (imo) unique, so she’s going for lvl 80! I just can’t resist those huge floppy ears
@Leo Paul, you got 2000 gems back in total? and not even asked to delete the skin?. I think this is … slightly.. unfair. You should only be refunded for your gem purchase spent on the skin (800 gems) and some transmutation splitters for removing the skin. If you had already transmuted t3 on top of the armor before and overrid it, then you should submit a new ticket stating this and anet could check it and send you a new t3 if that was the case. No one should be able to get 2000 gems back, the new skin AND the old flamekissed (because anet wont know if you deleted it?) . I hope this wont be the case.. I wish I had bought the flamekissed then, just to get this extreme refund xD
I think it’s their way of saying “we’re sorry for the mess we made”..
Regardless, I think they handled mine and my friend’s cases regarding the armor really well.. I believe if you file the proper ticket stating your case clearly, then you will be compensated for accordingly..
I’m just trying to provide proof of how properly they handled my case as opposed to those who claim poor service in the spirit of fairness to Anet’s CS. At least mine has an attachment.
Some of us who claim relatively “poor service” have given evidence, as well.
For the record, I’ve never claimed actual poor service (that would only be if they refused to give a refund, or deleted the armour upon giving it and leaving me at least 50g out of pocket and without my gear), merely that I am not happy with the response I received compared to that which others in the same situation have been getting. The inconsistency of the support department is my main complaint at this point.I’m sorry that your experience isn’t as favorable as mine. I’m not trying to disprove your claims specifically, I’m just providing evidence on the contrary in general, that there are people who do get compensated accordingly.
That’s an even bigger problem. some people get more refunded than they deserve and should have, while others get too little. Anet should’ve thought out a way to compensate consistently and fairly. They didnt have to hand out refund right away until they had found a proper way to do it :/
@Leo Paul, you got 2000 gems back in total? and not even asked to delete the skin?. I think this is … slightly.. unfair. You should only be refunded for your gem purchase spent on the skin (800 gems) and some transmutation splitters for removing the skin. If you had already transmuted t3 on top of the armor before and overrid it, then you should submit a new ticket stating this and anet could check it and send you a new t3 if that was the case. No one should be able to get 2000 gems back, the new skin AND the old flamekissed (because anet wont know if you deleted it?) . I hope this wont be the case.. I wish I had bought the flamekissed then, just to get this extreme refund xD
perhaps Anet could do some sort of living story at one point, something to do with the races. Where if you help other races, you can get a version of their cultural armor, with some particles effects. or something along these lines, so that all cultural will be available to everyone, but NOT through the gem store and not so easily obtained. I would be fine with such a solution. and then people could eventually get a flamekissed armor again and other culturals. doesnt ave to be living story, could also be some permanent content xD (cross fingers)
I don’t really understand why people act like such victims when it comes to losing both the t3 copy and the original t3, that they transmuted onto exotic gear. why would you for any cheap-gemstore skin want to override your expensive unique t3 in the first place? you were obviously ready to lose the original t3 skin and you must not have cared THAT much for it, if you so easily transmute something on to it. I still think the original looks better than this copy. it dyes much better, the new one is horrible at that. and the flames look quite bad. like orange steam. The ones on the gloves dont at all fit the rest of the armor. pretty bad. they could have made much better particle effects than that. imo. and why on earth would other races than humans even consider transmuting this gem store skin to their cultural??? why? its beyond me. and humans too, you could have transmuted it on a new exotic and have both skins. just too stupid. both of them are bought only for their skin and not stats.
the pvp exclusive masquerade armor would be awesome for this. Ive wanted it in pve for a long time :/ so I would most likely buy it if they put it in the gem store, dont even care if they add flames to it or not
this is the worst decision that anet has made thus far. I can’t believe what went through their heads when they decided to make a TIER 3 cultural armor available to all races. this is wrong on so many levels. some guy on reddit described it very well;
“Let’s review;
Recycling skins = bad
Recycling skins for profit = really bad
Recycling cultural skins = stupidly bad
Recycling cultural skins for profit = seriously kittening bad
Recycling cultural skins for profit while improving on the overall design quality of said skins = super seriously kittenin terri-bad”
I can honestly say that ive lost a lot of respect and faith in Anet. It seems lazy and as if they didn’t consider the players opinion AT ALL. could they not foresee this? really? just.. wtf. It’s like they didn’t even think about it, they just took some random armor and threw fire particles on it to make some quick money on the new patch.
I had an abyss and celestial dye drop the same day. never had them since – or before that. I also had two precursors drop from the karka chest(dusk and the shield one). two at once. pretty kitten lucky and I dont think I will ever be lucky again in this game. xD oh well.
I like to mix on my ranger :P these are the ones ive been using recently(and I like skimpy armor dont h8 xD):
My human female Necromancer.
Pretty… err…. shapely, imo.
what on earth is that armor top? 0o never seen it before.. what’s it called? reminds me of some armor from gw1
I didnt mean guesting @lordkrall. I meant the ability to have servers that can host both people from EU and america on the same “data center”. why cant they merge them ?? They should have made one “pool” of servers for peopel all over the world to choose from, instead of dividing it into american and european servers. Thats what you see in other games. I think this is something that a lot of players would want and it would really improve the game a lot.
I dont understand why they cant do this. So many other big mmorpgs out there made it possible. How can they not have technology for that? and im sure they earn PLENTY of money from the gem store to make such a thing happen. Having to choose between my EU and american friends is terrible. Ive played with so many americans in gw1 and ive never been able to play with them in gw2. Its not exactly something that keeps players in the game xD quite upsetting. and now that the game has been out for over a year, you would think they would try to solve this. but nah. we just get more fancy armors and weapons in the gem shop. Very disappointed with Anet in this. feeling helpless. not gonna spend 1,800 every week/month to switch between servers.
they shouldnt write “limited” if its not really limited. I like to buy items that are somewhat exclusive and makes you stand out. I dont mind that others get it as well but they shouldnt advertise it as limited if they’re gonna put it in the gem store again a week later. hopefully they only do it this one time to give people a second chance. totally agree with what Nippe said above btw ^
I bought the minis in a hurry because I thought they were “limited time only” and thus a bit exclusive. now they are selling some of the 1-week minipets again. I hope they wont sell them again in a loooong time or else I will feel a bit fooled :/ might sound selfish but I like to buy those limited items BECAUSE they are friggin limited and makes you stand out a little. so yeah… hopefully they wont sell them again.
Soooo this is my ranger mix n match armor. TA gloves with the flower fit very well with the flower backpack, dyed them green and pyre. rest is white, lemon ice and some blue dye, made to fit the bow
top is Hotw, boots are CM and leggings are vigil.
I myself and many of my friends on gw2, spend more irl money on the gem shop than a normal sub would cost per month. I dont mind it though because you feel like you get something for your money and you decide it yourself, in comparison to subscriptions where all you get is playtime. besides anet is bringing lots of new content and I would gladly contribute to that by using their gem store as long as it is a fair store. (not too happy about the BLC weapon tickets though)
more importantly; HER FACE!!!!! w
what the hell is with all these npc’s having much better face textures than what we can get??? seriously. I noticed it on a lot of them. seems that anet also forgot to add that light armor they had on the old trading post add for minipets (woman kneeling at a cage with a minipet inside) .. in addition to that, it would be nice to have her skin/hairstyle as well. ive seen other hairstyles on npc’s which werent obtainable either. they made the models for them but never let us have them. D; so sad
armor to the far right. ITS SO MESMER’ISH. sooo guild wars 1’ish. let us have it PLEASE ANET
I got the jetpack after doing the dungeon 4 times. one of my friends got two jetpacks so far. from doing it 10 times or so? … I know a LOT of people who got it. dont think the droprate is that low. I dont know :P
ow, but I want the Tengu race!!! and a huge celestial dragon. would be so cool.
I read a long time ago that anet wasnt allowed to make asian design and/or cantha at all.. I dont remember where though.
ive done this many times. I got my mf gear transmuted to a dungeon set (exotic) so people don’t really take it for mf. I use it in most dungeons, to get better loot. I do the dungeons for loot, so why not bring mf ? 0o it’s farming. come on. and the dungeons are so easy anyway once you’ve done em a few times you could run them without armor if you had to. xD That’s how i feel about it. I bring mf to fractals as well. up to lvl 10, that is. Then it gets hard and it’s best to put on the strong gear. Same goes for dungeons like Arah where I dont bring mf gear. I dont think you’re a leecher for using mf gear when you do it in easy dungeons etc. I think the whole group should do it, then it would be great farming for all of them and hardly more challenging. (from my experience with full mf groups) MF is for farming and I farm dungeons. Just my opinion.
Haven’t heard any news about the guesting system for a looong time. They talked about it before launch but seems like they forgot it now. Fractals and expansions/holiday events seem to be their first priority :s instead of fixing some of the things they promised way back.
something that has been bothering me for a long time is that I can’t play with my friends on the North American servers. of course I can whisper them and all that but I can’t meet them in game. I am on a European server. Of course I could transfer to a North American server but then I would be missing friends that I have on european servers. D; this is really bad design. A lot of the people I played gw1 with are on the NA servers and im sooo tired of not being able to play with them in gw2. CAN WE PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEASE do something about this??? connect the servers somehow so that we can meet in overflows etc. I would appreciate it if people would give their opinion and comment or bump this thread. thanks.
meh. I like the princess wand but ive had Immobulus for a long time. It’s a bit like immobulus, just less flashy. :P Immobulus looks better imo. (better than legendary scepter as well). the princess wand will be my third scepter of choice xD the abyssal scepter comes in second.
well the shrotbow is. but the longbow isnt
no its not exactly the same skin as The Lover. ;o from what I can tell
posting this in ranger forum instead;.. there’s this PVP bow called “Dwayna’s longbow” and I believe the pve version is called “Wings of dwayna”. it looks so gorgeous! I have no idea how to obtain it though. I’m thinking it might be like Final Rest (the staff). It doesnt show up on the trading post and Ive searched all over the web for info on this bow.
Does anyone have any info on this? maybe a dev would comment on this
okay so.. there’s this PVP bow called “Dwayna’s longbow” and I believe the pve version is called “Wings of dwayna”. it looks so gorgeous! I have no idea how to obtain it though. I’m thinking it might be like Final Rest (the staff). It doesnt show up on the trading post and Ive searched all over the web for info on this bow.
Does anyone have any info on this? maybe a dev would comment on this
why why why why dont we have the armor in this pic:
the one to the far right light armor. it was in the mesmer skill preview video for “chaos storm”. What made you not put it in the game anet? is there any way to implement it? at least as a consumable skin to apply to armor. like the gw1 armor skins.
its so pretty and I would LOVE to have that armor in-game. looks like gw1 mesmer-style armor.
does anyone have any info on this???
15 days ago “we’re working on a fix”…. SERIOUSLY? come on. I cant wait any longer. this is SO frustrating.
ive been that 1 person the last 3 times I did fractals. Always dc in the last fractal. wonderful…. If this doesnt get fixed asap I dont think I will ever do fractals again. And that was my only motivation to log on lately :P
I get disconnected quite often. its something my network does. Ive tried to fix it but I cant. It will disconnect before I can complete 3 fractals and move on to a new level. there is no way I can ever complete the fractals. This is because you cant rejoin the dungeon while your group is still in there. VERY frustrating. I really enjoy fractals and was hoping to sometime get one of the fractal weapons :/ so this is a big disappointment. Anet please implement something that allows us to rejoin after a disconnect!!!!!
yes! this must be made. Many of the weapons with glow effects are set on a specific color which makes it a bit hard to match your armor to it. You have to dye your armor in the same color scheme. xD It would be awesome if he had the option of dying the entire weapon or just parts of it. I can see how it conflicts with legendaries but you could make just the handles or smaller parts of it dyable. it would be a great way to customize your look further. im really hoping for this!!!! please arenanet.
been wondering this too
I TAKE BACK EVERYTHING BAD I SAID ABOUT THIS, logged in again and got 2 precursors from the chest <3 love you anet
great. now I cant even log back in! so all this hard work for nothing. not getting the reward or anything.
okay so I was really happy that I could make it to the event at 21:00 my time. (9 pm). GREAT. but wait.. after 2 hours of killing the same karkas over and over, frustrating as it is, we’re still not even close to finishing the event??? whats the point of this the ancient karka get reinforcements like 3 times. I cant stay up for this long, have to get up early in the morning. If there is some sort of unique reward from this event, I believe that everyone should be able to get it tomorrow. A lot of people have to miss out on the event due to it taking so long.
im very very disappointed.
I prefer to play FoM with players above lvl 70 :s at least you know your profession very well by then, got all skills/traits and know how to use it well. plus you should have good gear. this dungeon is NOT easy. it was meant to “challenge” lvl 80’s. anet said it. nothing wrong with making lvl 80-only groups for the dungeon imo.
ive been running most dungeons just fine with rare magic find gear. no one complained. I did FotM with mf gear as well. the first lvls at least.. I rarely see people asking others about their gear, whether its exotic or not.
I can’t believe this I got really disappointed when it wasnt in the halloween patch. knowing they have been working on it since, due to the bug where the makeover kit appeared in the shop, they should have it ready now! ive been really patient. I SOOO hoped it would be in this patch. I was convinced it would. Arenanet, you could make so much more money if you implement these asap. a lot of people wants to buy them and change their characters, you know this from gw1. why is it taking so long? its been 2 large patches without anything