Showing Posts For Bigperm.7586:

stop thinking that gathering packs and kiting, is a fun alternative to tanking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Its not fun, i dont mind running a high defenisive/control build. But i do mind it having obscenly long swing time, with the though behind it being “control when you can, and then hope your groups 3-4 second debuffs help you kite like a scared little girl until you toss control abilities again”

give me passive blocks and dodges along with vastly increased manual dodges, so i can actually provide structure do dungeons pulls with mass elites.

Hammers are too small

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Legionnaires is fairly bulky

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Lower cooldowns on some utilities would be pretty nice. Namely banners and Elites

Policy on Third-Party Programs Coming Soon

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


It’s been 6 days. Can we score an answer on AA Injectors plz?

Apathetic and unfriendly players on Cursed Shore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


If you were dead right next to a waypoint, I would expect you to rez yourself. If I found you in the middle of nowhere without a waypoint near, then I would rez you.

Does that make me a mean person? Maybe, but at least I don’t complain about spending a silver.

@Signet Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Glass cannon signet warriors in dungeons really grind my gears.

As a Warrior who is willing to sacrifice my own personal damage stats to spec for things like shouts that cleanse and heal, and also gear for survival with toughness and vit. I get a little tired of constantly rezzing some signet war who brings nothing to the group but a Hundred Blades CD between me rezzing his sorry kitten.

I understand running this for leveling, as it makes running through quests a heck of a lot easier, but for dungeons try to remember that a dead warrior does 0 damage. And a signet warrior brings 0 utility.

Multiple combos per field?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Can you use multiple finshers in a single combo field, or will say..1 blast finisher disable the abilty to use a whirl?

Decrease dungeon mob health or buff control specs please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


As someone who runs a control/support spec for dungeons, it’s highly noticeable how little damage we do. It makes perfect sense to me that this would be the case, letting the player make a choice to trade off damage for utility.

The problem, I do have though is that mob groups and bosses in dungeons have such high amounts of health, I can’t help but feel worthless when control isn’t much use (nothing to interrupt, no conditions to cleanse). If I could reliably tank the mobs with some buffs to passive defenses I would be perfectly content. But with not wanting a trinity style dungeon experience, I think that a large decrease to mob health would help make sure specs like mine don’t feel worthless when they don’t fill a particular niche.

Mace/Hammer, control/shouts for dungeons

in Warrior

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Hey pals. Currently running a defense/tactics build with my 10 in Strength.

Wondering if anyone else runs similar builds and has luck in explorer modes. My guildies are just starting to get around 80 and I’d like to run a more “tanky” type of role.

Does anyone have good luck with all the control, or are a good deal of mobs immune?

"no trinity" and melee bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


For me, not liking aggro just randomly flying around is it makes combat seem like more of a chaotic mess than a well executed encounter conquered by the coordinated effort by you and your team.

I don’t mind a range spec’d class being expected to kite things, I do have an issue with encounter design expecting melee to have to also carry a ranged weapon instead of being able to carry melee support/control weapons.

I also don’t care much for people trolling my thread with nonsense like “go back to wow”. The reason this forum exists is for discussion on matters like this one. From this post on, if people can’t stop posting in this thread with a rude or hateful attitude, they’re being reported.

Waypoint Costs Getting You Down? Check Here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Karma farming in orr for a few hours will also leave with plenty of waypoint money for a few days, if you vendor/ TP your goods. While it may not be the most fun thing to do, I think as adults we can agree there must be some form of work involved to earning your luxeries.

"no trinity" and melee bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


If you’re a norn fighting a tiny human boss, chances are you’re wishing there were better tells for some abilities.

"no trinity" and melee bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


The point of this post was to point out that a melee focused character just isn’t viable with current mechanics. Saying that a warrior should just expect to pve with his rifle, to me defeats the purpose of rolling a plate wearing juggernaut.

The no trinity sytem must be tweaked to where you are not forced to stay ranged for a melee boss encounter. There must be more to a fight than shooting him in the knee if he chases you, and doing a barrel roll if he throws a rock at you.

I understand the argument that it makes more sense for a boss to run after whomever is hurting him the most, but a plate wearing, shield brandishing warrior shouldn’t be expected to run away scared whenever a mob faces his direction. I think too much passive defense has been neglected in belief that heavy armor and toughness will give more benefit than it’s currently able.

*Edited because mobile posting ftl

(edited by Bigperm.7586)

"no trinity" and melee bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


This is the final result of all the people saying “bring the player not the class”.

Enjoy it! It’s here to stay!

I would much rather see a system in which every class is able to spec over to all 3 roles, whenever the need fits. I really don’t want to knock them for trying something different, but I’m really feeling that leveling a melee to 80 was a waste of time for pve.

"no trinity" and melee bosses...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Are melee bosses supposed to be a test of juggling cripple kiting with random people in your group?

I understand the desire of anet not wanting to have long dungeon finder ques and all, but I just don’t see why anyone would think that playing aggro ping pong is a good thing. As a warrior, I think shield specs need to be substantially more sturdy in pve.