Showing Posts For BioHaZarD.7904:
age 4480hr/501 days
deaths 2166
kills 76102
its for wvwvw
as you can see in traits i can switch easy to staff if i need to
just put staff one and change traits in death magic to V , VII
Title says it all , switching from rabid gear and going power
what do you guys think about this build?
We all know that it takes a lot of time to craft ascended set of weapons and gear
So what if someone has full rabid set and wants to go with PVT set?
At this moment it looks like that person has to craft everything again , piece after piece which takes a lot of time and grinding to get everything you need for new set
Finally that person crafts his PVT set but what to do with old set?
He can put it in the bank and kill his space or just sell it for kitten amount of gold
What i would love to see is a tool (some changing stats stone) or something that would let you change stats on ascended weapon or armor same way you can change them on legendary weapons
To not make legendary weapon owners mad Anet could put that (stone) or whatever it would be on TP , so if people want to change stats on their ascended gear they would have to pay some gold and not do it for free like you can do it on legendary weapons
What do you guys think about this idea?
lol if they go against yak next week lets transfer to yak for a week to wipe them off maps again xD
i wouldnt give any trolls gvg
not worth the time
just kick them off the map xd
was it on FABL?
if yes then sorry xD
well anet should make arena matches for 10vs10 or little more
that way u wouldnt make a queue for others
I’ve never seen an entire server which runs into its towers as much as JQ does. If there numbers aren’t 3 or 4 to 1, they just run. Its surreal.
u should b thanking god u not fighting vs BG because thats nothing compared to BG xD
blows smoke off of cannon muzzle Thanks for the bags JQ, next time if you are going to try the same thing multiple times try to remember to take out the cannons. First-week WvW knowledge right there. Look at all of those bags.
lol i c only 6 bags there
lol again
i get 20+ from single 15sec zerg fight xD
why not mix EU servers with US servers?
IMO anet should make portable arrow carts for mesmers now lol
many many mesmers stoped playing and went to something else including me
last night commander asks in eb if there is any mesmer and no one answered lol
They killed my 2 main characters with single patch
I stoped palying mesmer because now its useless
Im trying staff ele and i dont really like it
Time to make guardian lol
changed few things around and came up with this :
i think i will get the gear and test it to see how it works
Score update.
Picture taken bottom of EB JP.
looks like u have epic time lol
camping and waiting for that one person to come to kill him when there r many of them on the map
does it really matter?
they all still red and u dont have to look at the server name
God QQing about mesmer portal again
take away thief stealth
take away necro and rengers pets
take away warrior rifle
take away daggers from ele
and please then u can take away portals and we will c how it will work out for u xD
People QQing about mesmers becuse they didnt even try to play them
Speed buff doesnt stack
no speed bump in traits
try to keep up with zerg lol
got to love drama lol
Impossible mesmer to kill XD
Man it happened to me 3 times in row
I was trebing Anzalias Pass and when the wall was down SBI came and took it so i kept trebing
When wall was down for 2nd time JQ came and took it lol so i kept my thing going
3rd time wall down Sbi comes again and takes and it was it for me lol
I gave up giving free tower to enemy
So as you see it doesnt have to b bot or macro but just ur imagination
14852 kills
over 2k badges atm , would b more but i got full jewerly set and some other stuff for them
why not add to that buff +100 damage or something like that
u all guys need to stop all this
if its that important for u that other side doesnt cap your stuff then dont go to sleep and guard it lol
i feel that the way wvwvw is now its good
happened to me like 5 times today
every time in wvwvw
its crazy because u have to relog and then travel back to wvwvw and start from spawn point
please fix it