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Missing "A Rallying Flame" Achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Hello All,

I guess I am a little irritated about missing the “A Rallying Flame” achievement due the date being moved ahead by two days. I did not see the message on the forums and an Anet moderator mentioned it in a thread dated yesterday. I was planning on getting the achievement today but now I am unable to because it is no longer available until the 16th. I spent to working to get all the other achievements in the living story and then I missed out on this last one because I didn’t notice a last minute decision to cut the time short.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Thoughts on it?

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Why are classes so hit-and-miss?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Although I agree with professions not being evenly effective, I have never been kicked from a group for running a certain profession. I main a necro and dungeon mostly with that toon while the runner up dungeon runner is an engineer.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

This Game's PvE needs a Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


This game is great without a trinity. If a trinity was added, everyone could still afk world bosses. Its a problem with the way world bosses scale and have safe zones. Dungeon bosses are better. There are several easy ones, and there are several that require more skill to defeat. A trinity does not increase the complexity of the game, it is for people who don’t want to develop the skills required to actively avoid damage.

There are probably 50+ MMO with the trinity system mechanics. Go play one of them and let GW2 stay the way it is.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

GW1 vs GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


If mechanics were preserved between the two games then GW2 characters would win. Bleed stacks would overwhelm monk healing abilities and would destroy a 55 monk build as it would tick off as damage rather than degen. Get quick bleed stacks okitten5 monk faster than they can remove them and they are dead in a couple seconds.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

POLL: Would you like level cap to be raised?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Yes and no. I like the sense of character progression. I don’t want to spend time again out fitting characters with the new level of gear. If gear progression capped out at level 80 then i wouldn’t mind higher levels it it just meant new skills to buy.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Blasting Staff Trait

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


I’m quite certain it’s a game wide issue.

^ this; a few necro marks have the same issue with the greater marks traits

ive gotten used to guessing the size on both my necro and ele (although all necro marks are the same size; so slightly easier) and im consistently right on the boundries

Yeah there its a similar issue with the necromancer marks. I noticed this the other day when i turned off quick casting. The only necro mark that expanded to the radius was the one that applied chill poison. The others stayed the same.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Would Thieves be candidates for portals?

in Thief

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


I don’t think so. The closest thing I could think of that would make sense with the thief is a group shadowstep which is already more powerful than a portal as it would be an instantaneous teleport of several allies to an enemy location. I can’t see a thief having a portal like a mesmers type. I feel portals are more likely to be an engineer creation where they can set up an entrance gateway and exit gateway with some sort of gadget.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


I have been wanting some sort of battlemage. A heavy armor class that plays more like a scholar profession. Guardian is kind of there but it plays more like a magic based melee characters rather than the battlemage I was thinking about.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Confusion is a false choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Confusion replaced hexes from the first game like “Backfire”, “Empathy” and “Visions of Regret”. Confusion in its current stay is no where close to the strength of any of those hexes.

If a mesmer is able to stack 10 confusion stacks on you for 5s then I would be impressed (it seems possible at least) but I never see confusion builds. Overall they are less effective than other condition builds for the exact reason that you are stating:

You have a choice to take the damage from the condition or not.

Right there that makes confusion a less effective damage dealing condition than bleeds or poison. If you can’t avoid taking more damage from the mesmer by dodging and such for the 5s confusion spike then that is something you should learn to do. A mesmer cannot keep 10 stacks of confusion on a target, considering their best confusion stacking skill is on a 15s cd (less if traited maybe?), their confusion shatter is on a 30s cd, and their confusion phantasm is also on a 30s cd.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Skimpy clothing preference

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Agree with male armors being too bulky. Males need more skimpy sets.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Is Abaddon stronger than Elder Dragons?

in Lore

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Abbadon had much more influence than Nightfall. The titans were his servants who essentially corrupted the charr. The Flame Legion destroyed Ascalon and are still around to this day. The Vizier who destroyed Orr in the Cataclysm was an Abaddon follower converted by one of his demons. He also seeks to fulfill the flameseeker prophecies as the Lich which was to open the Door of Komalie and release the titans, no doubt still under influence of Abaddon. One of Abaddon’s demons was also to blame for Shiro’s betrayal of the emperor and consequently the Jade Wind upon his death.

In essence, Abaddon is the reason for the events of Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. It may not be raw elemental power such as the dragons have, but that is a lot of influential power while being imprisoned. None of the dragons compare to that at the time being.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Condition damage needs to be viable in PvE.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


Although I do not see the issue in dungeons I do see the issue in events and such. Running scepter/dagger on my necro all game long I specced in condition damage because it reminds me the most of hex-like game play of GW1. There is no reason to use conditions on champions. 25 bleed stacks are added in less than a couple seconds and if I am not contributing to at least 10 of those bleed stacks then I have no DPS on my necro compared to direct damage oriented builds. Most of the time I switch to staff and just auto-attack because at least that way I will be getting damage out.

Like I said though, I did not run into that issue in dungeons. I have run a couple with other condition specced necros. One I ran with had the same utility and ultimate skills as I did which worked very nicely when I replaced my epidemic with a signet. I find it rare when a dungeon team can stack 25 bleeds consistently on an enemy even when I was in a group with two condition necros because I can usually get 12-14 permanently.

As for other conditions, I feel increased durations are fine. I dont think poison should stack, I feel like it works fine. Confusion on the other hand is terrible. I have not been running my mesmer condition spec in preparation for higher level events so I am not very experience with it in pve but confusion usually lasts to short of a time to do any meaningful damage (if any at all) imo.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer


in Lore

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


The female Norn in the hot springs talks about waiting for her girlfriend when the male Norn talks to her. Girlfriend doesn’t necessarily mean relationship though and she may have just been saying that to shut the male Norn up.

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer

Six Elder Dragons not Five * Spoilers *

in Lore

Posted by: Biohazard.2043


I’ve been wondering why there are 5 portals in Lion’s Arch that presumably lead to expansions. At one elder dragon per expansion, I thought that was one too many, but now it makes perfect sense. On the other hand I doubt the Sylvari are dragon minions, but I wouldn’t rule out “the nightmare” being related to the final dragon.

we can see a corrupted version of each race ….
each race have a corrupted version … all but one … the sylvari … we have never seen a risen sylvari … or branded sylvari or Icebrood sylvari … that for sure raises a question …. Why ?

This is because their race is so young. No Sylvari were around when Orr sank, none have died of old age yet, none were there when Kralkatorrik created the dragonbrand, and none have gone to worship or (directly) fight Jormag.

The issue with that is that there should be risen Sylvari if they could be corrupted. Nothing I have read in lore suggests that Asura and Norn, and definitely not Charr, were present in Orr when it sank yet there are plenty or risen of them running around. Zhaitan corrupts anyone who dies in Orr which explains their existence there considering each race is part of the Pact and has been dying to fight the dragon. If the Sylvari are also dying their why aren’t we seeing risen of them if they are corruptible?

Jade Quarry
Drexion Miasma – Human Necromancer/ Rryzer Blackpowder – Charr Engineer/
Xoorx – Asura Mesmer