Showing Posts For Bizzle.3495:

Missing Music

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I couldn’t find anybody else with the problem I’m having so although it happened after HoT, I didn’t want to post it in the HoT patch thread because I don’t believe it’s related.

Music doesn’t play at the character select screen or in most of the Central Tyria zones. It does play in Halloween themed areas and in the new HoT Areas. I do have my music volume turned up, and sound quality/music interval sliders are at their default positions. Adjusting them makes no difference. I hear everything but music.

Rank Finishers after HoT

in PvP

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Thank you very much for the information! <3

Rank Finishers after HoT

in PvP

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Quick question: I’m currently sPvP rank (level?) 63 and I’d like to earn the phoenix (70) and dragon (80?) rank finishers, will they be earnable after HoT launches on the 23rd or will they become unavailable legacy finishers?
I guess I’m trying to figure out whether or not I should grind like a madman before HoT or can I just keep playing at my current more relaxed pace.

Graphic Improvements/Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Suggestion 1: Separate Shadow Map Distance and Shadow Map Resolution
- Currently Changing shadow options from medium to ultra increases both resolution and visible distance. I would like to be able to project the ultra distance, at a lower than ultra resolution.

Suggestion 2: Add a Vert/Hor+/- Field of View Slider

Suggestion 3: Add a Draw Distance Slider
- This does not mean culling (actor/object fade), but rather terrain distance. It would be nice for those with high end PC’s to be able to see architecture further out instead of blue fog. It is dramatically more immersive to navigate by sight rather than mini-map. IMHO The current LOD system feels under utilized given the current draw distance. It would also be helpful for those with slower PCs to be able to reduce draw distance in cities to help improve performance.

Suggestion 4: Separate Bloom from Post Processing.
-I like the many of the post processing effects, however the bloom can at times be blinding. Please allow for it to become its own option.

Suggestion 5: In-game hardware Anti-Aliasing options.
-I don’t know if they are engine limitations that prevent it, but if there aren’t, please add them. It would allow for more options than the current sub/super-sample.

Suggestion 6: Color Blind Options
- I’m not color blind, but have friends who are. Red rings on certain colored floors are very difficult if not impossible to see. Changing the ring color would be incredibly helpful.

Suggestion 7: Allow Guardians to change the color of their aura/flame
-This is for pure vanity and character customization. All guardians produce blue flame, why not let them choose their color to match armor/weapon dye choices?

Thanks for you consideration. Back to gaming!

Truncated Asura, Missing Neck!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’m just happy to hear I’m not the only one. I asked in my guild and in LA map chat, and no-one replied.

Truncated Asura, Missing Neck!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


This is what the neck should be. Sorry for the double post, it wouldn’t let me post more than one picture at a time.


Truncated Asura, Missing Neck!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Asura, Warrior. When I take a way point, change zones, or log in my characters neck will disappear whenever I move forward or backward until I stop moving, or 20-30s goes by and the problem fixes itself. this happens with or without a helmet, I took pictures to show what happens w/o the helmet so that you can see it is the neck that is missing.


Is the naming policy enforced?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’ve reported numerous offensive names that violate the naming policy, and weeks later I still see these people playing with the same names. How long does it take for action to be taken against a name? Should I re-report the name?

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


See link at bottom for more detail about how sigil work.

“Also, on equpping a Sigil of Accuracy the critical chance will not show up in your character’s attributes window. However, according to ArenaNet, this problem is only with the UI;”

“Before I go further, I’ll address a common misconception – the idea that when holding two weapons, each sigil only affects the skills that involve that weapon. This is simply not true;”

Thank you Azula, Any information on whether or not these will be addressed with a UI update?

Lifetime Survivor Title bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I am fairly sure it’s working as intended. It is rather easy to force quit the game when you are about to die etc to avoid /deaths increasing. My understanding, I may be wrong, was that you had to do it in one zone rather later in the game.

Was bugged for me as well as far back as when it was part of a monthly achievement. I haven’t bothered with it since.

[Animation] Asura Back Piece [Screenshot]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


With my Asura Warrior, while dual wielding in combat stance, if I tap down “S” [WASD], my pack piece [Mad King’s Memories, or Guild Backpack] as pictured, fly off my back for a moment and twist sideways before returning to the normal position.


Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’ve noticed that a few +critical% bonuses don’t appear on the Hero Pane.

- The Sigil of Accuracy (+5% Crit chance). If I’m dual wielding two weapons each with the Sigil, shouldn’t I see a 10% increase?
- The warrior trait heightened Focus should give a 2%, 5%, 9% increased critical chance per each stage of adrenaline doesn’t show up dynamically either.

Although these bonuses don’t appear on the pane, am I still receiving them?

Two news pages, out of sync

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


On the Arena Net Blog post by Regina on August 10th [], a link was given for news as the game launched.

The link was

However that link is frequently a post or two behind the community news link here:

For the longest time I was using the first link because I was going to the blog for news prior to the game launch. When I wasn’t getting the latest news I started checking Facebook/Twitter. I wasn’t aware of the 2nd link until I saw it mentioned on the GW2 Facebook page. Is there anyway you can nix one of the links so there is no confusion where to get the latest news from?

FOV & Other Things...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


That didn’t answer his question, even the beta command line doesn’t allow for a slider or adjustment of an actual number. Even the beta FoV increase is still too narrow. Until ANet actually implements real FoV adjustment this will have to do for now.

Twice now Hodgins has been bugged.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


It could be worse, yesterday we killed the Howling King, only for Hodgins to bug out and not start the final cinematic, which meant no final reward.

So we went through the entire dungeon path only to get no reward other than the 15s you loot from the King.

This exactly happened to our guild last night, was frustrating. I submitted a bug report, hopefully it’s fixed soon.

# of visible players/npcs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Please allow this to be manually adjusted. I hate seeing players, npcs disappear or reappear when I move. If I want to bog down my PC to 5 fps so that I can see every person in LA, please let me do so. It’s weird as heck to see fleshwurms pop up out of nowhere.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Capes, Cloaks, Scabbards and Holsters. I’ve yet to see an MMO that would use scabbards as a piece of armor with stats. It’s so weird to see everyone running around with exposed weapons on their hips and backs. At the very least give it to exotic and legendary weapons.

The only one I can think of was Tenzen from FFXI during the airship battle in Chains of Promathia, darn did his katana and scabbard look awesome. Pic attached.


5000 torch/warhorn/shield/focus kills achievement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I agree, I thought it was odd that the number was so high. In it’s current system you’d have to play multiple classes because not every offhand that you mentioned even has the capacity to kill with some classes. I.E. warhorn for warrior deals no damage.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I agree with this suggestion +1

Please add the full particle effects in preview mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I agree with this suggestion +1

Taxes on outgoing mails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I agree, this would be a good idea, but only if a trading system is implemented.


Mouse Wheel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Please add this. It already functions to zoom the camera in by default so it’s recognized, just not re-bindable.

Zoom in/out does not even show the mouse wheel in the key-bind window as even being bound although it is by default.

PLEASE….with sugar on top.

Tired of the Ganking in the Jumping Puzzle?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I know its not related to the topic, but PvP should be outlawed in everygame.

It’s called Guild Wars. You can’t get a more literal truth-in-advertising as it applies to the name of the game.

Tired of the Ganking in the Jumping Puzzle?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I respectfully disagree. This isn’t ganking or griefing. It’s PvP. We’re all L80 (Yes I’m aware there is a dramatic difference between a real L80, and a lowbie sclaed to 80). This is an MMO, and WvWvW is a team game. I would encourage you to find other like minded guildies or server mates to roll with and get the job done. I’m assuming you’re not getting stomped in a 1v1, so roll with a group of people, conquer! Have some pride! It’s called Mist War for a reason.

Reporting Botting, Exploiting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Has anyone else seen what I’m talking about? Am I alone in this? I’m still seeing bots I’ve reported a few days ago playing, It’s really frustrating to see the delayed reaction in addressing these kinds of exploiters damaging and economy which is still in it’s infancy.

Reporting Botting, Exploiting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’ve been seeing a lot more more botting recently, some times it’s players instantly appearing at a resource node and disappearing. In other cases I’ve seen groups of 3-6 players with random letters for names, moving as a group and teleporting around short distances. I want to be able to report this when I see it, however the game mechanism requires for me to target the character(s) to make the report, which is very difficult when the bots are frequently teleporting.

Three questions:
1. Is there I way I can write down the names, and then report them through the forum or email?

2a. I’ve been reporting inappropriate character names for characters that still possess the name, and are still playing 4 days after the fact. In this case, is reporting the name more than once inappropriate?

2b. I know that for privacy reasons any action taken against those accounts will not be shared with me, and I’m fine with that. However, seeing these characters go unchanged for days makes me feel like I’m spinning me wheels. Could I at lease know how long it takes for a name being reported for action to take place?

Thank you for your consideration.

Give Us Account Authenticators

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I too have authenticators [WoW & FFXIV] which a least in the case of WoW have actually prevented someone from abusing my account after my security information was compromised through what I thought was a harmless link posted on the official forums.

I think there is reasonable justification for these tools. It’s an added layer of security who’s costs are paid for by the player base through sales. They add an additional layer of security that will in the long run, without a doubt, save on costs associated with the man hours needed to address stolen account issues. In addition, this will in turn lead to faster response times for any and all other account issues because less resources are spent combating fraud.

It really sounds like a win/win, and I was hoping that like the FFXIV collector’s edition, one would have been included in either the Deluxe/Collector’s editions at launch. There is no better way to help secure accounts at launch. Mike O’Brien himself notes that many GW2 accounts were compromised right after launch as a result information acquired previously from other games and sources. If authenticators were available at launch it would served to substantially mitigate the problems they’re facing now. Which of course costs them time and money.

Let us save our armor skins!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Couldn’t agree more.


A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


+1 for Linux. I understand the myriad of reasons and problems an open source platform with closed source poorly supported 3D drivers/OpenGL [*cough, I’m looking at you ATI, nVidia]. However I know that by having already offered a Mac client, that a Linux client wouldn’t be unreasonable in terms of both cost and work required because they share some the same roots in Unix architecture.

Let me lend my voice to this vocal minority, I would also enjoy a Linux client.

Implement this mask in game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


This bug was very cool indeed. I know at least on a different level, being able to wear a hat and glasses at the same time would be very welcome addition.

Here’s a bugged pic of my Asura Warrior with the Baroque Masque and a Celebration Hat simultaneously. Accidentally, very cool indeed.


Camera Height/Floor or slider

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’ve seen this mentioned within the body of the FoV Slider post, but not one for itself. I know in many cases this really boils down to personal taste.

What happens now is that the floor for the camera (at least as a human) is around my characters knees. With the character centered on no FoV adjustment, when I look up I get a great view of my characters rear end, and not a clear view of what is above me.

Here are a couple of suggestions, please feel free to add your own!

- Increase the Field of View [FoV] When moving the camera toward the floor for the purposes of looking up. A great working example of this is the camera for Grand Theft Auto 4. You get a wider view of what’s above while narrowing the view of your character model.

- Add a first person view, along with a FoV slider for that view.

- Raise the floor of the camera from the characters knees to the characters shoulders and then off-setting the character to the right or left when the camera zooms in. The camera already zooms in once you’ve reached the floor, so zooming in over the shoulder would be a compromise to keeping your character model in view, and in the action while simultaneously giving you a much clearer view when looking up.

- Offer an off-center camera angle similar to Fallout/Elder Scrolls. Without the need for a targeting reticule like the aforementioned game, this would allow for a more natural over the should perspective that will show more of your environment, and less of the character.

This is game is BEAUTIFULLY hand crafted, and I think better camera control an options will allow players to more of the gorgeous interiors when looking up or out in your environment as well as making some of the more claustrophobic jumping puzzles more manageable when looking for that next spot to place your feet.

FOV slider

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


A thousand times yes. This is sadly the most overlooked option in gaming today, even worse on consoles than PC. Nothing is more important that your eye view of the world you interact with, more options to enhance that view are the way to go.

Remove waypoints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


…if you just want to race around the zones looking cool on horseback then mounts are nice to have.

I agree with this. I prefer mount travel over way points because in IMHO it lends to immersion in respect to the sheer size and scope that Tyria is now, and will will become as new content is added.

My suggestion would be to have fewer waypoints within a zone, perhaps only 1-3 depending on the size of the zone. So that travel from a City to another point across the world still remains fast which is important to group play when joining others in progress, and to then have mounts to travel with within a zone at an accelerated pace without the less immerse choice of skipping around the zone via way points.

I think there are many pros and cons for and against mount travel, I’m curious if this is something that ANet has or will consider as the world becomes larger.

Add the ability to purchase GW1 minis and currency to BLTC

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


PvP and mini collecting are not doable without other players. That is mainly what I am missing. Perhaps once they add interesting weapon skins I won’t care as much but for now the ones that interest me are purely the HOM ones.

I completely understand how you feel, I fell 3 points shy of where I wanted to be with HoM, and with player trades grinding to a halt it makes acquiring those last few points a much longer time-sink, time that I would of course rather be spending GW2.

Perhaps there is a solution that ANet could offer that would maybe make some of the achievements more accessible to casual and/or late day players. I was really unhappy to see how ridiculously grind-heavy some of the old achievements were drinking, chest opening, and the like. Some of these took years to complete, for little to no in-game or HoM recognition outside of a GW1 title.

Either way, i hope your able to acquire the points you need to get the items you want, good luck!

Toggle Show Enemy/Ally Names.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I would really love to see this simple option added to the game. I really wish I could see the yellow text for harvesting points in the world without looking to the mini-map for node locations or needing to hold a key down. The same would go for random yellow renown heart items as well.

Practical use explanation [Not for the TL;DR crowd]:
NOTE: When discussing the binding of Crtl, Shift, & Alt, I’m talking about the left side of the keyboard, because I’m right-handed and use a 5-button mouse in my right hand, so binding the right side of the keyboard is not an option I would choose.

The default key for these commands are Crtl and Alt respectively. Left Crtl is the default mapping for push-to-talk on Ventrilo which I’m accustomed to from years of use. So I’ve moved the Show Enemy binding from Crtl to Shift so as not to broadcast my voice everytime I’m searching for yellow text nodes/items. As a former WoW player who utilized a very complex key binding system, I’ve grown accustomed to using shift and alt as modifiers for key bindings. Although I never click on abilities from the tool bar, my wife whom also plays will be holding down shift to search for items/nodes and prefers to click her abilities leading to the ability sometimes being spammed in various chats.

If these visual aids could be toggled on instead of holding a key it would make for a much smoother play experience.

Thank you for the consideration!

Add the ability to purchase GW1 minis and currency to BLTC

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


No offense, but I have to respectfully disagree with this suggestion. HoM Rewards shouldn’t be offered in any other manner because I believe the spirit in which it was designed was solely for recognition of achievements earned for players of Guild Wars1. Many people, myself included put a lot of time into GW1, and offering those vanity items for sale would IMHO only cheapen the acknowledgement of those earned achievements.

[Video Guide(s)] Every Jump Puzzle in the Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Wow this is a great post, first let me say thank you very much for taking the time to share your work with this new community.

I’m really loving the jumping puzzles my self and also enjoy figuring them out, so I plan on bookmarking this in case I get stuck.

Quick question, is there a list similar to your own but without the videos? I like to complete the puzzles myself, but would absolutely love a list (includes: zone name, area name, closest way point) or picture guide showing where all of the entrances are and how to get to the puzzles, just not how to complete them.

Thanks again!

its not a list but this may help you find the jumping puzzles a little easier

Wow that’s awesome, I can look through each to zone to see if it has a puzzle, and where it’s entrance is. [To use Goemn’s Lab for example, the Entrance to Windy Station and the entrance to the cave are clearly marked separately. The people who’ve made that map really nailed the small details, thanks so much for sharing! Now if I can just find a list of puzzles and their corresponding zones, I’ll be in business!

[Video Guide(s)] Every Jump Puzzle in the Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Well the locations are at the start of every video 0_0

Well kind of yeah. Take your Goemn’s Lab video for example. It starts inside the cave at the first rock steps up.

From experience and speed running I know that I take the Cuatl Morass Way Point and walk south with the mountain to my left looking for the well hidden entrance to my left with vegetation and a sparkfly. It’s easy to overlook the entrance to the cave where your video starts. From your video alone, it could be confusing for some to find the entrance. Goemn’s Lab further compounds confusion over it’s location after the first portal your shifted much further north, and frequently see events for areas nowhere near where you started.

I guess I’m just looking for an easier method than loading 32 separate videos, waiting for Youtube 720p or higher to load and then squinting at the map hoping I recognize where it’s located or at least the closest waypoint.

I think I was originally wondering if you had a text list, something like:

Goemn’s Lab: East Metrica Province > Cuatl Morass Way Point [Pic of mini or world map].

…for when you set out to make your videos, but you’ve answered that question (christian). Thank you again for the vids, I would love to see more speed runs if you’re into that thing.

[Video Guide(s)] Every Jump Puzzle in the Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


Wow this is a great post, first let me say thank you very much for taking the time to share your work with this new community.

I’m really loving the jumping puzzles my self and also enjoy figuring them out, so I plan on bookmarking this in case I get stuck.

Quick question, is there a list similar to your own but without the videos? I like to complete the puzzles myself, but would absolutely love a list (includes: zone name, area name, closest way point) or picture guide showing where all of the entrances are and how to get to the puzzles, just not how to complete them.

Thanks again!

(edited by Bizzle.3495)

GTX 470 runs at an average of 90c

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’ve spent a fair amount of time researching my 470’s temps as well, and in a nutshell here’s what I found. The 470’s Threshhold is 105°c. Sustained heats of 100°c or more could cause damage over a long period of time. Fermi Architecture runs super hot, this is par for the course. My full load temps (>90% load) are 92°-94°c. At one point my temps were 100°-106° and I was having lock ups. After disassembling the card and cleaning the filthy stock heatsink and fan, temps went back down to low 90s.

So long story short:
low 90s, normal.
mid 90s, might need a cleaning or better ventilation/case cooling.
high 90s or over 100, watch out, this could cause damage to the card if used for long periods of time.

Please note this ONLY apply to Fermi 400 Series! The 500 and 600 have a much cooler and more power efficient architecture, and much lower heat threshholds. I can’t think of any other card on the planet that runs as hot as these without frying out.