Showing Posts For Blackie.3912:

Will PPK reduce fights

in WvW

Posted by: Blackie.3912


It’ll be like 5 points per kill. Get over it. Not that big of a deal lol. Dying isn’t that big of a deal, it takes 30 seconds to get back out there and rek someone else.

For the love of god Nerf Perplexity

in WvW

Posted by: Blackie.3912


awsome so its banned from spvp ( lower damage outputs as its structured) but leave it in wvw , every next guy i meet wearing perplexity u fight him u die u dont fight him u die. kitten mode please sort this out its kittening irritating

Quit complaining before they nerf it to nothing like they do with everything. Anyways, it’s not that op’ed if you’re any good at the game. ;>

Guild Ranking , is it a good idea ?

in WvW

Posted by: Blackie.3912


This is what I think would happen.

1. unless it had a reward it would be ignored
2. guilds members would become hostile towards other guilds and pugs
3. large guilds would try to cannibalize smaller guilds and attempt to claim entire servers.
4. After awhile it would always be the same guilds at the top each week.

So all in all I’m not a fan of the idea.

1) It can’t be “ignored” as it’d be every day actions in WvW. If they did a reward, maybe do 5g to the 1st place gold (1g per to the top 5 contributors of the guild,) 3g to second place (1g per top 3) etc..
2) It’d never become a server issue, it’s just a fun friendly challenge between guilds. I guess you’re in a kitten guild if you’re scared of it.
3) Guild sizes won’t change whatsoever, unless it’s big zerging guilds that’ll shift in power. And that always happens.
4) It’d never be the same guilds, because of all of the above.^

Overall, I’m a fan of the idea. Large zerging guilds may not be cuz they’re kitten. GLHF dodging all possibilities of making WvW more fun though breh.

Dear Arenanet, please give WvW some love

in WvW

Posted by: Blackie.3912


Making WvW bigger is the worst idea I’ve heard yet. Even after 30 minutes of running around I can’t find anyone, not even a zerg. I run in high action spots too (I’m on Mag btw) so being on a dead t8 server isn’t the issue. Honestly, add in new maps that are smaller, different types etc..

Maybe implement smaller versions of the PVE maps with keeps etc. in them, or not. We all know GW2 support doesn’t give a fly kitten about WvW, dunno why people keep trying.

Come to Eredon Terrace

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blackie.3912


Hail. Just wondering, how many people are roaming during NA primetime during the week, enemy server wise, (and are there any havoc guilds?)
Is ET trying to go back up in ranks eventually or are y’all trying to stay T8?
Well, thanks, looking for a new home, CD doesn’t really seem like it is that.
PM me or whatever, also I play late EST (11pm-3am) on the weekends, is there any action in that time? Thanks y’all~

Which megaserver and sPVP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackie.3912


Ah my bad all, I guess I meant which WvW server is best.. But Maguu sounds good, how about Euro megaserver, which one’s good there?

Which megaserver and sPVP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackie.3912


I assume you mean whether EU or NA servers would be better?
Within each region there is only one set of Megaservers. If you are planning to do WvW then you don’t look at them. You look at the individual servers and how well they do as WvW is not part of the Megaservers.

Aye, I was wondering which individual server would fit me best basicallly

[EU/NA] Lf small but good spvp guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blackie.3912


I just returned to GW2, and I like to solo/small man/max of 20ish in sPVP a lot, however, I don’t know where to go yet. I’ll transfer as long as it’s on an active T1/T2 server. I like doing 1vX etc.. I prefer a small one because A) you can get to know people and You know what someones going to do at all times, and C) there’s probably more skilled players vs unskilled ones. I’ve spent a lot of time in the past playing DAoC, so I’ll be able to catch up fast if you show me the ropes. I have an 80 Mesmer/ele/thief/guardian/ranger all in orange gear, but I’ll be likely playing thief/mesmer most of the time.

I play from 12-5pm EST and 8pm-2am EST mainly since I’m on break.

Cheers, Ize

Which WvW server for EU and NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Blackie.3912


Alright, so I haven’t played in a while, and I’m wondering which megaserver and sPVP would be best for me.
I’ll mainly be running around soloing/small manning with friends on thief/mesmer looking for 1vX fights etc.. I play from about 12-5 EST 3-4 times a week, and then I play from 9pm-2am most nights.
I’m on summer break and I have nothing to do currently..
So basically, I want a large server, that’s active all the time.. All I’m going to be doing is PVP.. If you have more questions that’d be more helpful hit me up. Thanks y’all.
P.S. I only speak English, and a little German..

Which megaserver and sPVP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackie.3912


Alright, so I haven’t played in a while, and I’m wondering which megaserver and sPVP would be best for me.
I’ll mainly be running around soloing/small manning with friends on thief/mesmer looking for 1vX fights etc.. I play from about 12-5 EST 3-4 times a week, and then I play from 9pm-2am most nights.
I’m on summer break and I have nothing to do currently..
So basically, I want a large server, that’s active all the time.. All I’m going to be doing is PVP.. If you have more questions that’d be more helpful hit me up. Thanks y’all.

P.S. I only speak English, and a little German..