Showing Posts For BladeWaker.9716:

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


Bye BG :/

You guys are definitely my favorite server to play against and I wish you all luck in Tier 1. Hopefully we’ll be matched up again soon <33

Grouping up with you and your guildies for those duels at Bay was so much fun.
Looking forward to seeing you guys again!

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


That parade was a blast! I think coming together to have fun is what the game was made for in the first place so being creative about it only makes the experience that much more enjoyable.

Also, the duels at Bay with DIS and Esme from PLAY were loads of fun!
Any SS’s from what would be great since mine didn’t save. =[


[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


I’ve been thinking this thread has been civil, funny, friendly, goofy and all that until now.

Should Anet put a tag line on top of every page of every thread in WvW section asking to not post any exploits/hacks in here, but instead report them to Anet directly and also in an unofficial way, we’ve been reminding each other to contact the guild officer directly without posting stuff in here so it can be sorted out in a more mature manner.

Painting an entire guild or an entire server as hackers/exploiters due to a kitten video with zero proof of so called “glitching” … hmmm.. lemme see the guild tags of 2 ppl posting about glitches. Sounds suspicious and there’ve been videos of these guys floating around as well. See where I’m going?
It’s easier to start a flaming war here than dealing with things in a more mature manner, which in fact would be a lot better for everyone and have a healthy competition. First of all, any mention of such activities in here only spoils the mood for everyone; second, actions of one or a few players are in no way representing the whole server or the guild in question itself.
Not only are you forcing the thread to be moderated/closed but you’re also
- spoiling the mood for every player involved in the matchup
- tainting the name of the guild or server in question
- making yourself look like a “kitten”. Nope its not censored, I did type the word K I T T E N, referring to cats.

I saw another guy post “oh its so uncomfortable for us wvwers”… we didn’t get where we are without ever WvWing, we wouldn’t be in T2. It’s equally uncomfortable to us when an entire guild or a server is painted black due to actions/words of a few while there’s zero evidence and is handled in a poor manner.

Miss-directions don’t help with what you’re trying to say.

What former members of the guild I represent now did is on them, and it has been long since dealt with. I had nothing bad to say about TC as a whole nor did I have anything bad to say about TSP as a whole.

I simply provided a video that shows members belonging to a guild inside the inner walls of a 100% Walled/Gated Garrison with no sign of contested swords on the map which proves being behind the walls by other means. Their Leader can do whatever he sees fit, it was a call for awareness toward those individuals to get them to stop what they were doing and nothing more.

Being a member of a guild that is unfairly judged for the actions of a couple I can understand how members of TSP might feel with this news. I would want to have the situation brought to light and resolved publicly to discourage anyone else who might consider attempting such actions again.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


This is a time consuming aside for the real issue: icoa. icoa = BG. BG = icoa.

What does this even mean?

I think we wiped him and it made a lasting impression on him.

Or he feels that our playstyle embodies his view of our server as a whole (srs bsns in WvW vs. fun), so we are in essence a representation of “BG”.

Or he forgot to refill his prescription of chill-pills.

Honestly I have no clue what he is talking about.

This isn’t helping the discussion.

Either way, I had the opportunity to manage the resistance against TC, and FA early this afternoon with a handful of my guild mates and the great support from our BGBL community. We had a blast, and made back some ground for the short time I was on.

Great effort from HOPE up by Sunnyhill, had me on my toes.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

(edited by BladeWaker.9716)

Hard Locked after WvW crash.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


I was in WvWvW last night with my guild, many of them experienced the same unusually heavy slowdown, but for me that slowdown caused my system to Hard Lock. I immediately ran the normal trouble shooting routines but my system wouldn’t stay responsive long enough to perform them.

I left it off for the rest of the night last night and returned this morning. Over the last couple hours I’ve reset my clocks, reset my BIOS, replaced my RAM, and video cards as well as my Hard Drive with a different OS and still encounter this hard lock before windows is finished booting.

Any help would be appreciated but I would also just like to know what the likelihood is that this unusually harsh lag my guild encountered caused not only the initial hard lock but whatever this is that has continued to happen.

Thanks for your time.

Intel 930 @ 2.6
X58 Classified
GTX 560 TI x2
12 gb RAM @ 1333
500gb HDD 100 gb free.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

(edited by BladeWaker.9716)

FREE drawings (and comissions too!)

in Community Creations

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


is there any light armor that isnt shouting LOOK AT MY BOOBS in this game o:??

i mean i have not a real problem with it im just curious xD

Last post on page 4?


[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

SoS Vs JQ Vs BG 18/01-25/01

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


[ICoa] finally had it’s chance at Tier 1 EB for the last 8 hours tonight.

We had a blast, and hopefully we’ll get to see more great competition in the future.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

1-11-13 SoS vs JQ vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


HB did warn us about the incoming onslaught of BG.

In 2013
We are back in the Tier of Tears
This time we are more prepared
More hydrated
And now covering 2 oceans
You may have sausages
You may have cried longer
You may think all those onions will matter
We are here to tell you:
We will keep crying at you
We will not back down
We will take the QQing to another level
And show you the amount of tears you didn’t think possible
No laughter
No surrender
One goal
To make Blackgate the #1 T___T
Dear SoS and JQ
We are HB
And you will be nothing but droplets of water
In our ocean of tears
Don’t say we didn’t warn you
Starting on the 11th of January
Tier 1 will never be dry again

I just doubled over from laughing so hard, but [HB] hasn’t said anything about the situation. They’ve been our best effort during this past weekend though.

All in all this has been a lot of fun. I think as a server we’re just not used to having so much resistance everywhere/anytime we log in. Due to the clear difference in population and coverage we’re going to have to approach this completely different than what we’re used to. I know we’re capable of more than this, it’s just going to take reassessing and coordinating our efforts to match the new dynamics we’ve been challenged with.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


Dunno about you guys, but that nearly 2 hour 3-way slug fest in SM was the most epic experience I’ve ever had in WvW… (If you put aside the ridiculous amounts of lag.)

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

Why is there massive lag in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


We just had this issue in BG/SoR/IoJ.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

FREE drawings (and comissions too!)

in Community Creations

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


Great work, and enjoy the style!!

Here’s my Dual-Dagger Elementalist.


[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

(edited by BladeWaker.9716)

[Video] BG/SoR/IoJ - ICoa's Holiday Zerg #1

in Community Creations

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


This is the first night of our Holiday shenanigans in Blackgate Boarderlands. Cheers to SoR and IoJ for being great sports!

Don’t forget 1080p.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: BladeWaker.9716


You have 2 people in your guild, at Hills(owned by BG atm) A D/D Tank Ele and a Thief who were just caught practicing Wall jumping into the outer walls. I’m not trying to talk trash, enough people are doing that in the thread already. Its probably something you should look into.

Was in the /map conversation. People were aimlessly jumping at the wall seeing if they could discover the exploit. They were curious after 15 SoR mysteriously showed up at that point in the keep.

Wouldn’t you be as well?

you mean when IoJ was attacking the keep from the north outer/north inner and we walked in the door behind them then wiped them at the keep lord and took it from them?

Negative, it was a group from [JUST] that got wiped.

This same group successfully used the same tactics to take Sunnyhill. They also used it in an attempt to flip Cragtop, but were routed inside just in time.

[PUGS] Vatara – Guild Leader
Probably that one D/D Elementalist

(edited by BladeWaker.9716)