Showing Posts For Bleyd.9470:
I suggest to read my topic about the recent thief changes. Link in my signature.
Ok I’ve read your thread. It was informative. What about Critical Strikes?
(edited by Bleyd.9470)
Bad? I don’t know. It’s almost universally worse than DA, Trickery, and DD though.
It depends on your outlook. I run bound with S/P for the stealth access, so two big problems with my build when roaming are swiftness access and immobilise since I don’t have dash. Acro with pack runes and withdraw deals with both of those problems nicely, and it gives me a free stunbreak, endurance refill and condi cleanse to boot.
Things I miss out on: Mug (made up for with draining sigil), panic strike (made up for with careful used of sword 2 and shortbow sneak attacks), and improv/executioner. Executioner makes no difference to a lot of fights imo, as if I can’t get you below 50% it does nothing and if I can then odds are I can kill you anyways. Improv would be nice, but stacked against the listed benefits of acro, I can live without it. For minor traits, I have weakness on sword auto and from daredevil anyways, the poison is nice but is pretty minor, and 10% damage when the enemy has a condition is made up in DD taking bound over dash.
Of course, this is all based on a sword build. D/P has built in stealth, no need for bound, and less access to weakness, so it probably benefits more from DA. It still works well with bound and acro though. Like I say, it depends on your outlook. I tend to play tankier thief builds as I don’t like to gank especially, and I can still hit for 6-8k on pistol whip not counting bound and interrupt damage with 2.7-2.8k armor and 16k health, I don’t see a point in making myself any glassier tbh.
Thanks for the insight
Bad? I don’t know. It’s almost universally worse than DA, Trickery, and DD though.
Ok but why? It is easy to say “It’s almost universallay worse” without any explication.
Btw what do you guys think about runes of the scraper? I just wasted money on scholar runes and though you somehow hit a lil bit more harder, you can get wrecked so hard if you screw up that I am thinking about getting a lil bit more durability
I suggest you drop vigorous recovery and take Pain response , which will get you added condition clears and all but permanent regen . Vigorous recovery is redundant in that you have so many dodges Vigor uptime is 100 percent.
I followed this suggestion as well and I gotta say.. I’m glad I did!
Thanks a lot for the insight guys! I’ve been using Acro for quite some time now and find the nearly perma vigor nice to have (hard to catch and upper hand being nice additions too) and I was really wondering if I was the only thinking that Acro is being underestimated…
Hi everyone!
I’ve been wondering for some time now: is Acrobatics really THAT bad?
I mean, every single build you can find doesn’t make any use of Acrobatics, but imho it has a very good synergy with Daredevil. So to all Pro Daredevil players, what do you think of Acrobatics?
Well I’m having a blast playing my Power Hammer Scrappy perma full might + applied force is fun
Is it because the devs play these classes? My engineer is useless now, 100% useless in pvp and wvw. Why is this ok?
Git Gud.
If you are soloing in open world, yes, a ranger won’t be able to slaughter the trash mobs as fast as other professions. If you want to solo champions, just roll viper necro. Power ranger has a lot of upfront damage, but quickly falls off after.
I may not have 1k+ hours on my Druid (in fact he’s only a week old) but as a Powershout Druid, I’ve been rolling on pretty much everything ez, even champions.
I love Druid.
Druid is Nature. Druid is LIFE.
Radiance is kind of interesting and I might take it if I am using Cleansing Water and don’t need Soldiers and Troopers, but the bonuses aren’t really that amazing, because I am pretty sure, if I remember right when I was testing it, the light aura from your healing skill doesn’t proc Powerful Aura.
It procs dude, that makes it an amazing set of runes.
I used traveler previously, which aren’t bad, gives you 25% running speed so you can drop Air to get something else
I’ve been playing this in pve as well, and I’m having a blast.
I wasn’t the only one feeling that way…
Black Dyenamite!
You’re my hero.
Yesterday I played on this new stronghold pvp map, and got stuck for half an hour with my teammates within the map. SInce then, it’s impossible for me to get into pvp. I can log in the Mists but no game proc anymore, even if i’m waiting half an hour.