Showing Posts For BloodyEvevle.8439:

Mastery(HoT) or Rank(EoN). Are they the Same?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BloodyEvevle.8439


Is it Just me or Does the New Mastery system that HoT will bring with it seem to be arena net just re hashing an old idea "see EoN release for guild wars 1 (The Rank system) ". I don’t mean to be having a go at arena net they have done amazing work to date with Guild Wars 2.

I hope the new mastery system isn’t going to turn Guild Wars 2 into a Grinder For End Game this would take away from the hard work A-Net have done to date.

P.S. for the Love of Tryia please make crafted Legendary Weapons account bound on acquire like the ascended Weapons and Armour.

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: BloodyEvevle.8439


I just want to put this out there as a suggestion regarding crafting materials, mainly what seems to be an unfair gathering system in regards to Leather working and Tailoring Materials. It seems odd to me that all the other crafts can get their mats from foraging yet the only way leather workers and tailors can get materials is to salvage items seems rather unfair. why cant we have it so when you harvest a plant or kill an animal you could have leather or cloth scraps have a chance of dropping from an animal or cloth scraps drop from a plant or tree in the same way we get ore and gems from different rock types.

Whats anybody else think i pitty anyone trying to get to 500 in tailoring these days
I’d like to here What Arena Net Thinks of the idea

(edited by BloodyEvevle.8439)

Can you gift people Gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BloodyEvevle.8439


But if you buy a gem card in say England can your friend in the USA redeem it?

Gem Cards

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BloodyEvevle.8439


Hi not sure if this is the correct place to put this post.

I have been given a 2000 point Gem card. Problem is i believe being in Australia we are grouped with the NA server and the card is from England (EU). can i use my EU gem card on the NA Servers?