Showing Posts For Bluebeyond.1408:

Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


My Sylvari Elementalist, Codalion! I’m going for the Bifrost and T3 Cultural armor. I’m probably gonna get crow’s feet before I succeed, but it’s a long term project!


Player Housing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


I just hope that when they actually decide to make this happen they make sure it turns out as great as the rest of the game. I have faith that it will.

But first, please continue your work to improve the existing content and features. I know there’s still a lot of bugs and stuff that needs adjustment / refurbishment.. Like the Arah story mode airship battle!

Jumping Puzzle camping

in WvW

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Apparently, a lot of kids like to camp out on the platform inside the jumping puzzle in eternal battlegrounds. For casual players like me who like to play alone, getting ganked for the 15’th time while trying to farm my badges can be… Frustrating. The only reason I can think of why somebody would do that is because they would lose if it were a 1 on 1 battle, so group up right?? No. Be brave and go in there alone, let’s see how well you fare then..

I’m not angry, just a little sad that true competition has died out among some..

/Roar Make it Happen!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


+1 for adding /roar and /flirt

Housing or Guild Housing?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Personally I treat most mmo games as if it were a single-player game (I know I’m wierd), and therefore guild housing alone would not benefit me so much. But if it were a dual feature where both guilds and standalone players could create a home for themselves, I’d gladly pay for it. I can also see many fun possible features where you can invite party players to your instanced home and show off your achievements on a billboard etc.

That’s my suggestion,

Why its called Celestial Dye

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Bought the dye because of that pic:P

Sylvari need - custom/armor/suggestions

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


+1 for more leafy armor skins, and hairstyles. And one more thing: PLEASE add like a leafy/flower umbrella than we can use together with the town clothes when it’s raining. I love how the game environment looks during the rain.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


I would like to see more emotes implemented. I think the current ones are great, but variety is lacking.

Here are some emotes I would like to see in Guildwars 2:

/charge (as in battle roar)
/silly (jokes or start goofing around)

That’s the ones I can think of for now!

Option to make the night darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Or rather, make the current nights darker, with an option to use the illuminated night setting, for those who feel it’s too dark to enjoy the game. Don’t let the occasional complaint affect the beauty of GW2’s design.

Paid appearance changes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


They should not wait. Not if they are interested in making a profit.

Will pay gems for character renaming/recustomization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


I’d pay 1000 gems for full re-customization, but not a name change.

Alter appearance after character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Would be very please to see full character re-customization implemented (gender, psysique and details).

What are you expecting from "Lost Shore" patch?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


I don’t expect it, but I hope to see character re-customization implemented in this patch.

Character's Cosmetics & Hairs Styles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


I am waiting for this…

Character changes (model)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Please implement this soon.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Bump please.
Being a former Animal Crossing fanatic, this idea absolutely appeals to me. I could literally spend ages decorating my pad and shuffling around furniture (I had the Lovely set). These are perfect gem store items that I would definitely want for my character. Preferably you would have instanced communities to give a feeling of realness, and the ability to invite players to your pad.

My suggestion is to implement instanced versions of the home area for each race (Imagine being able to access those far up-areas in Divinity’s Reach and looking out across the city, or having a leaf styled house inside the Grove), alternatively a brand new housing area.
You could also implement achievements for the system if you wanted as well (Bake 3 cookies for your neighbor and get 5 silver). If implemented well I don’t see why this could not become a great success.

Jumping physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408



Characters should not have the ability to change the direction in which they are jumping mid-air. It probably helps during a jumping puzzle but why this was implemented in the first place I don’t understand. The game has a high level of realism and I think removing this would further improve that realism.

Not that I am complaining, I just want to contribute to make the best game possible.


Hair dye?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


This is great news! I have been waiting for this.

Purchase New Dances with Gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Dance upgrade is definitely something I would be willing to spend some cash on. Character re-customization would also be a welcome change.

Sylvari Armor needs more love...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


The Nightmare set looks absolutely ridiculous on my male Sylvari. Female version is so much better.

Sylvari Eye Bug (Lazy Eye)

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


On my male Sylvari the “lazy eye” is more pronounced in some types of light.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Cool, can’t wait to tweak my toon


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Totally agree on this one.

Sylvari Customization

in Sylvari

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


I agree. Anet has done a great job with the Sylvari design. There aren’t that many face and hair options though (Love the mushroom hat!). I also hope to see more plant-based armor sets in the future. I am currently collecting the Twilight Arbor armor because I think this is the most beautiful armor set in game at the moment.

Appearance matters!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluebeyond.1408


Dear ArenaNet.
I know this topic has been pointed out before but I think there are many players out there who, like me, feel distressed by the lack of option to redesign your character’s appearance. This ought to be a no-brainer as it keeps customers happy with their toons, as well as generating more money for the company. Besides, Twilight Arbor armor simply does not look as good on my male Sylvari. I wanna be a cute Sylvari chick. I know I could always reroll, but I really don’t see why I should? I’d be happy to pay up, just provide the service.

Finally, thanks for creating an amazing game which convinced me to quit my wow addiction.

Brgds/Pleased to hear,