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Signet of Undeath

in Necromancer

Posted by: BordeL.1283


I thought about that signet the other day because i felt it should have more impact.

First, I would bump it from utility to elite skill.
Second, put the life force second to 1% per second in combat, and add a +25% life force bonus on reviving a target.
Last, the part that makes it an elite: Make the passive lf generation work in shroud. That way it can help even core and subsequent shroud builds!

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Your thoughts about this Episode? [SPOILERS]

in Living World

Posted by: BordeL.1283


The new map felt great, some pretty places to explore, reasonable enemy challenge, hidden places.

I’m sad that they took the care of bringing Demmi in the story and make her die on us in a lame way. I honestly thought having a thief venom/pistol-whipping gal would have been a great addition to Dragon’s Watch.

I loved seeing the Queen confront the White Mantle and pick them one by one in front of the palace. I said to myself “She’s more powerful than me?!?!”

Canach’s snideful banter and Taimi’s megalomania stole the show, as always. Good job on the writing!

the story instances, missions and fights felt rather…. uninspired. Taking parts in mob-spawning-out-of-nowhere events, doing the heart events for a progress bar on top of a progress bar (I already did map completion before the story because i wanted to explore). And Caudecus part 1 is a joke, the riddle room was boring (but i loled at the faces) and Caudecus part 2 is a camera-shake mess and CC spamfest.

I honestly thought i got more real info on the story by reading the E. and Caudecus letter snippets.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Seraph Guards with a new weapon?

in Living World

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Are we speaking about this? Cause godkitten i want that skin!

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Revenant Not In An Acceptable State: Legends

in Revenant

Posted by: BordeL.1283


I feel that revenant has many flaws. One of them being its poor Legend mechanic. I encourage anyone that feels legends are poor to post feeback here so that the class can move forward.

My viewpoint on legends:

Before I go into each legend, it feels like no two legend combos has the tools to deal with opponents. Your always missing something. Then there is the terrible feeling of having to frantically swap legends to have energy, instead of playing around being in the right legend for the current fight at hand. I am going over things that fall short or are problems with the legends only.


  • Finicky positioning
  • Low heal coefficients
  • Small radi on skills
  • Prohibitively expensive condi clear (35 to move and clear condi)
  • 0 Mobility.
  • no boon support
  • no damage
  • High upkeep projectile destruction

I have aways thought of the legendary centaur stance to be an oxymoron. The stance is based on one of the most nomadic and mobile creatures in tyria. But congrats you just switched to ventari stance, you are now a sitting duck. You can move the tablet, but you are not going anywhere fast. This causes you to just be locked down the moment you use this stance. Offering you 0 counter play.

1. Tablet needs to appear on swap and teleports back to you if out of 1500 units range.
2. Add 3 seconds of swiftness to the targets of Ventari’s Will (the heal)
3. Make skills 6 thru 9 always affect you as well even if the tablet isn’t near, so you can keep yourself not dead and also make 2 bubbles of Protective Solace (one on you, one on tablet) which makes the upkeep worthwhile.
4. Make Elite skill behave like Ventari’s Will. The tablet glows bright yellow for 1 second, then charges between its current location and the target point, knocking back 5 targets on its way and giving superspeed to 5 allies on the path. Remove healing orbs on elite. Add 10-15 cooldown, but skill doesn’t destroy the tablet.
5. Add protection to Natural Harmony’s heal wave.

It’s not perfect, but at least it lets you sustain yourself while maintaining allies, better boon coverage (swift, regen, prot, supspeed), more cc and less management.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

A suggestion for Staff #2 change.

in Revenant

Posted by: BordeL.1283


But Staff is not supposed to be a great DPS weapon…

Don’t use this thread as a bucket for tears.

I must say i really like your suggestion about Staff 2, it would make it more intuitive and useful.

But Staff does need a DPS increase.
I would advise you to compare MH mace on guardian to Rev Staff;

Power: Mace AA steps are more powerful than staff AND have a higher power scaling.
Healing: Staff aa3 throws orbs that heal 1(!) target that needs to pick up the orb in less than 100 range, and barely heal, while mace aa3 heals more, in a 180 radius, and affects 5 targets including yourself. It also has higher healing scaling.
Time: Both have the same speed for AA chain, but mace aa3 might be harder to land due to windup making enemies dodge it.
staff aa3 have the whirl finisher, but it’s barely useful, especially since all revenant combo fields require 30 energy or upkeep while positioned under the tablet.

It’s not a DPS weapon, but switching to staff is rather punishing after you used the block and surge of the mist. So increasing AA damage and making staff aa3 a heal wave on each of the 2 hits would be more appropriate.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

(edited by BordeL.1283)

WvW change that would actually matter

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Make denying supply to a tower/keep/etc cause a starve out mechanic.

Keep in mind everything you are about to read is for the sole purpose of promoting smart gameplay. I have no hatred for anyones game mode or play style.

Example….. Holding all camps that feed supply to a garrison for X period of time would cause the garrison to lose a tier.

This promotes Defending – Protecting your camps – Small teams/Roamers will have an actual impact on the map again.

This also prevents servers that experience the “snowball effect” from spiralling out of control as they will need to actually defend their established zones and will need to make an educated decision as to move out and take more or fall back and keep what they have.

For those who want to argue the reason to this mechanic this was a common tactic used when an invading force was not large enough to take a position. So they would simply just deny the zone of all resources eventually wearing it down to nothing.

I feel this will make for educated gameplay instead of mindlessly k training like it is now.

Just a thought. Hope a dev reads this as WvW is in dire need of an actual change to the game mode vs just adding pointless items to the game.

- Fighter Curby

I’m pretty sure there’s some dynamic mechanic that can come out of this. Personally i would make this supply-based; let’s say you have a tower or keep lose 20 every minute, and if said tower or keep stays at zero supplies for 5 minutes, it downgrades.

This might need some sort of restriction so that trolls don’t drain supply of a t3 keep to intentionally downgrade it, tho. Ideas?

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BordeL.1283


So why should Anet, pander to you guys when the people who are currently raiding, have been able to use the tools available to them to prove that there are barriers except those you impose upon yourself.

Because it’s not pandering – it is making a logical compromise to meet a customer and a community desire. It is also expanding the game mode to include more players and, potentially, generate greater interest in raiding – thereby creating a greater pool of potential lfg (and static group) raiders (helping fix what many see as the biggest issues with raids now).

Anet created raids in response to people asking for higher-end difficulty. It was a customer and community desire to have harder content. THAT’s the premise behind it. You’re talking logical compromise, but i only see devaluing the efforts of the developpers (not sure bout that orthograph) and of the raiders that make fair use of the tools the game gives us to fight and help the new people step up their games.

I’ve wrote it before, but an easy mode wouldn’t create a much wider static group of raiders; it would create a split-group that stays in the easy mode.

In the same optic that dungeons, personal story, sPvP, WvW and most PvE beside fractals don’t have a difficulty setting, i hardly see a point to easy mode.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BordeL.1283


I still fail to see the goal of being able to complete a raid on an easy mode, even as a trial run.

Because you re not the target group this content would be developed for.

Basically, challenge is not the same for everyone. There are people that would be challenged even by the easy mode, just as there are people that are already claiming that current difficulty is faceroll easy.

Players that want easy mode will stay in easy mode.

Even if that’s true, what’s wrong with that?

I am aware that i’m not the target for an easy mode. But did you seriously just quote me on that, passing by the arguments i wrote around that sentence? Yes, some players already find raids easy. But i don’t see forums titled “make a challenge mote raid with 3 times the rewards” because that would split the raiding group, same at the fractal tiering i hate so much.

And once again, you disregarded what i said about it not bringing more people to the raiding community. It would create a sub-category of faceroll raiders that will not merge with the regular raiding, bearing exceptions.

There’s so much things in this game that still need addressing; making a dumbed down version of a (finally) challenging content is wasted resources.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BordeL.1283


oh, I meant, not to make the current easier for all.
I agree to make it come in various difficulty. eg
1) easy mode to allow general group without exp to be able to enter and complete eg – allow resurrecting dead and more forgiving in terms of incoming dps.
2) medium difficulty
3) current mode
4) upstep of current mode
5) insane difficulty EVERY1 in the team must do something to show skills or group wipe.

ofc reward wise scaled up accordingly!

I completely understood that part. But why is it considered viable to trivialize all content? I’m not even advocating a insane mode neither. I still fail to see the goal of being able to complete a raid on an easy mode, even as a trial run. Learning the mechanics? You’ll find out soon enough what you MUST avoid at all costs, and what’s more forgiving.

It’s not like SAB, which was a kind of adventure, so infantile mode was a fun way for some people that lack jumping skills to enjoy the ride, and kaizo mode for people that like to torture themselves.

Raids consist mainly of fighting encounters with specific tasks/patterns and imminent danger. If you’re not there to fight fully and communicate efficiently with your group, this was not made for you.

I don’t want to deny people enjoying content, but a casual stroll will not bring more people to the raid community., or barely. Players that want easy mode will stay in easy mode. There’s a lot of good guilds and teachers out there right now waiting for people that want to join and improve.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

A Thought From a Non-Raider

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BordeL.1283


try to find a guild that want to help, or make one! in my guild, we’re sometimes teaching one or two new guys and trying hard to make it work.

The thing is, people fail to understand that, in raids, they’re like tools; if the tool if inneffective, you need to be able to change it as needed, or replace it. If you’re willing to adapt and change gear as needed (not like an exotic set and a few ascended trinkets costs millions nowadays), even if it’s gradually, you can get there.

A good bet is to make a LFG called “learning run” or likewise. you might not get the best team, but you can make raider friends, or even get merged with a party of experienced folks that are missing numbers. don’t be afraid of the few toxic players out there.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BordeL.1283


No. No, no, nonononono, no.

Raid was meant to be a challenging content. I’m probably not the only one that stepped up my game by raiding, helping each other guildie out, gaining more stuff, tweaking builds, switching composition as needed, trying new strategies to get better, getting wiped miserably half the time. What’s the point of a dumbed down version? If you give people an easy version, there won’t be a flock of new raiders; you won’t get more people interested in the raid, you’ll just get more people interested in easymode.

The great thing behind GW2 is the panoply of modes you can play in. Dungeons (which already got dumbed down, kitten), fractals (that already have a tier system that i don’t really support) and a lot of different content out there either solo or in group, with a varied difficulty curve.

What’s next? Make WvW easy mode, where you can’t get killed by roamers and siege cost half the supplies? An easy sPvP mode where you get less pips but always go up in ranks? If you feel like raiding is a job and not a game, then it’s not for you. I’m too lazy to quote whoever said it in this thread, but not all content is made for 100% of the population. That’s what make it meaningful to play them, and worthy of existing.

Associating lower content with lower content may work in a casual way, but once you’ve done it a few times, there’s a big portion of players that will not go to higher tier. That’s what’s happening with fractals right now: when you’ve done Molten Furnace 1000 times, you’re not excited to do it with twice the agony damage around, you got bored of it already. I sincerely don’t want that to happen with raids.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Before it is too late.... WVW

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Selecting your WvW server when you want to play WvW is not an unnecessary barrier. PvE players can play WvW casually however they wish. If they don’t want to play WvW for 2 weeks, for example under my proposal, they just select whatever server they want that has room available to play on. Casual players have it easy. It is no more difficult to select a WvW server than it is to select what map you want to play on. WvW servers would be more populated than they are currently, not less due to it only counting active WvW players, and you would no longer have severely uneven matchups.

WvW players would actually be able to recruit to increase WvW population easier since while they are in PvE, they can encourage players from any PvE server to come play with them and this makes it easier for them to do so.

EDIT: I still do not see where anyone said the population cap has to be low. Tyler B suggested that, in addition, Tyler B wanted it to be low and have them link servers that way.. That is why it was a horrible idea. People dont want linked against their will on tiny servers with no server support.

I get your recruiting point, as it is also an underlying point of the failure of WvW guild missions, but the lack of, er, marketing and mechanic explanation is the greatest enemy of WvW for recruiting PvE players, not the server dispatch (especially with the high activity currently).

So free transfer every two weeks IF you don’t enter WvW? The only thing i think of when i see that is lots of COMPLETE organized WvWers guilds making a tacit decision of backing out of the game until they’re ready to xfer, potentially informing their friends and server partners and inviting them to join the mass exodus. Do you see where this is going? Why would you select a server that is AGAINST a stacked server?

The only “choose your server” that i can agree is a delayed one, maybe the game informing you of the potential benefits of joining a server (+%bonus outside of wvw and such), or not giving the bonus until you achieved a certain participation in WvW (not in terms of hours, don’t want no afking) or at the very least not making you choose server even before you create a character, because new guys obviously don’t know what’s involved in taking a server over another.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Regular SF WvWer here. I must admit that the matches are great fun, and both Ebay Haven and Crystal Borlis Crossing Terrace give us good fights. However, as someone said earlier (too lazy to quote) most of DH’s invades tend to fall short because they tend to get outnumbered as soon at the reinforcements run to the locations. Some also tend to run midfight, but that’s another story :P

When our main zerg is stuck in a life-or-AoE fight with 4W’s own zerg, team/map chat is covered with “help at this place” messages. They clearly have many more roaming teams than we do (which is excellent) and very efficient ones i may say. i remember seeing our 3 top alpine camps being seized in the span of 2 minutes while our main force kept losing ground to te invaders.

So yes, part of our troubles is not enough roaming split teams, but in the end if we sent half our population as roamers/defenders, we would get curb stomped and stuck to rely on AC and trebs to do anything.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

[Elite Suggestion] Fallen Templar

in Guardian

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Honestly, when i look at most of the skills/traits, it makes me think more of a Mallyx Revenant than a worthy elite. Considering a Templar is a holy devout with magical healing and protection, a fallen one should be more about weakening the enemy, (possibly bleeding him out), bringing him to despair, or trying to redeem himself. Not sure about confusion spreading too much.

However, i do like the rune inscription idea. I would focus some abilities on that:

“Rune of Pain” if it gets inscribed on an enemy, he suffers 150% damage from the next 2 physical hits he receives (so spamming auto wouldnt be the best strategy)

“Expiation” AoE damage around the Fallen, very low cooldown, but inscribes a rune on yourself (stackable). When you reach a stack of 5, you get damaged for X damage (so you have to plan carefully when to use your last hit)

I like the idea behind Dagger 5 too, to sacrifice some health for an immob or another use on a skill is peculiar. The heal looks nasty to use, but that’s some good strategic involvement, worth looking into!

edited for typos.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Whirling Defense

in Ranger

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Frankly, this is what i’de like to see.

-Damage reduced by 75%
-Duration increased by 100%
-Vulnerability will be applied to projectiles reflected not physical damage from itself.

yeah cause no dmg and a duration that you are forced to cancel animation out of every time makes for an amazing skill. But on the positive side it might apply a couple stacks of vulnerability.

Frankly, this is what i’de like to see.

-Damage reduced by 75%
-Duration increased by 100%
-Vulnerability will be applied to projectiles reflected not physical damage from itself.

No. Bad idea, every single point. I dont understand your reasoning. At all.

Two thumbs down, go back to the drawing board.

If either of you had ever played wvw…

Step 1: SotP / Signet of the Wild (for stability)
Step 2: Leap into zerg (gs: swoop or staff: ancestral grace)
Step 3: Signet of Stone
Step 4: Whirling Defenses
Step 5: Profit on all the tags.

Increasing the duration would only improve the amount of tags / reflections done. There is no greater feeling than defending stonemist and leaping into one of the hallways while an entire zerg tries to shoot down it and reflecting all the damage.

(Retaliation and Projectile Reflections ftw.)

Wait Wait Wait. You’re

1: burning off two high cooldowns signets or a signet and elite,
2: burning off your possible evade route on staff or GS by leaping in while also putting your swap on cooldown,
3: putting yourself in the front (or middle thereof) of a vast AoE / condition storm

just to pull off a WD? I hope you got a good commander pushing that exact instant on your back because that’s hella risky.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Anet Fix the Ghost Thief

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Defensive counters are counters. We have had people able to attack out of stealth since this game began but apparently this just goes over peoples heads.

When a thief uses SR or DP with HS to set up a stealth so as to do a backstab the player that faces such an attack reacts defensively. They throw up a block, they dodge even as that thief is stealthed. The randomly move about so as to make it harder for a backstab to be set up and minimize the effects.

I can so the same thing with one of these stealthed thieves and the consequences of missing my counter are far less less that what happens against a set up backstab. This is not rocket science. Far more damge comes from a BV initiated backstab followed up with AA attacks then can come from any of these so called Ghost Thieves.

I do not have to see my opponent to counter or mitigate his attack. End of story. They can not kill you if you use a few simple COUNTER measures.

I could not care less if they hard to kill. I can go out and kill 500 other players in the game. it not required I be able to kill everyone. If someone tries to attack , misses and runs back into a tower to save himself after every attack. I do not feel the need to hang at that tower until I am able to kill him . I move on.

Maybe it’s my already biased opinion against how stealth works in this game that shows, but there’s a difference between fighting a player that might go in and out of stealth to reposition/set up a burst backstab (where, as you said, you can react defensively considering the 2-5 seconds of stealth) and someone that you can never target for the kitten whole fight. This also means that the only information you get from your enemy is if he’s alive (still hurts you) or dead (downed in front of you) and semi-position from the AoE/fields.

Ghost Thief is the only class that can misuse perma stealth while dealing damage. Maybe it’s situationally used now, but what if in another balance update Anet decides to bring up caltrop damage or make tripwire 5target, etc? Will we say “oh now it’s too strong, ghost thief is wrecking the game”? Better cut the crap while it can’t be utterly abused.

I agree with you that other things need to be balanced, such as uber boonspam; perma booned is in the same category than perma stealth in my book ( if you can protect yourself all day, why not stealth all day), but let us go in the right direction.

Sorry if i make big paragraphs, i get like this when there’s somebody brilliant enough to produce counterarguments. Cheers.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Anet Fix the Ghost Thief

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


It has been claimed there no counters to a player that is stealthed and applying damage as one does not have a target. Again untrue. Dodge is a counter. Block is a counter. Condition cleanse is a counter. Resistance is a counter. Porting is a counter. Moving is a counter. None of these require a target.

You then have all manner of AOE counters that require no target such as DH traps/ranger traps/ wells, marks barrage Meteor shower and so on. None require a target.

These Ghost thieves are very limited as to what they can do. When they in an area your first clue is you suddenly have confusion on you or pick up bleeds and poison from a needle trap. You do not just stand there madly swinging. As soon as that happens all you need to do is move in some random direction or dodge to prevent the next attack. You do not even have to cleanse the condition that was applied on you as it too little to kill anyone.

If I am hit by the confusion off steal first, I just move in a different random direction and do not stop moving. It going to be hard for him to keep up to me and lay that next trap. In order to stay stealthed he has to use blinding powder and HS in it which tells me where he is.

If I trigger the trap first then I use my immob break and or evade port in some random direction. If I just stand there in an immob he will try and drop caltrops and or steal to me for confusion. You can anticipate this and block dodge or port.

Are they irritating to play against? Yes but once you realize the nature of the build and its limited ability to harm you, you can just move on. There no NEED to try and kill them. What they count on is you spending time and getting aggravated trying to do so. This very much like all of those other things that can happen in WvW that irritate people such as ganking squads at spawn, guys that leap off towers to focus the tail of a zerg, multiple memsmers and clones, chained fear, peoples parked in camps building ballis and siege to kill people coming form their spawn to flip. We do not need a pile of rules and mechanics changes because a particular build or action is irritating.

The problem is already evident from your first paragraph. Your “counters” are defensive counters. Blocking randomly, dodging randomly, moving in a random pattern, applying resistance randomly, none of this can turn the fight in your favor. Stealth in this game is already in a so-so place due to the fact that to defend from it, you have to use random techs or educated guesses, but you can count on stealth being disrupted by ANY player-inflicted direct damage. Even mesmer clones can be banished to prevent damage piling while the mesmer is stealthing, or a scrapper with gyro still gives you the gyro to lock down.

Are they the most dangerous thing out there? I agree with you, not that much. However, this build is a pure advantage against any player. In the midst of a, say 5v5 battle, one ghost thief could potentially lock down multiple persons by using the traps/caltrops and moving around doing damage while you’re focused on the rest of the group. Are you really telling me that you will block, evade at will and move randomly in the hope that you won’t get locked while you’re gettin attacked by other people? That’s nonsense.

Combat in GW2 is in great part about being able to react quickly to situation and read the opponent. If your reaction has to be “run away because you almost can’t hope to defeat it”, then it is superior in terms of strategy. I’m not saying it’s impossible to beat; a lucky Analyze shot, or a good AoE spam on the smoke field might net you a victory against a lowlife troll.

For the same reason, ranger traps now do direct damage to prevent misuse with Rune of the trapper. Maybe i’m forgetting some, but ALL other skills from other professions that deal conditions have at least a tiny speck of direct damage linked to it. (Maybe 1 or 2 fear skills, but eh)

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

WvW borderland rotation poll

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


I voted to have the desert borderlands be 1 of the 3 matches in the hopes that it is assigned to the “weakest” server in order to give them the terrain advantage similar to red keep in EBG. With stronger layouts that are less vulnerable to treb spam (Garrison in Desert borderlands has an easier time countersieging and taking out groups harrasing the outside) as well as more effective defensive lords that can give defending teams advantages. I feel desert borderlands can be a good addition as long as it is still improved over time.

Many fellow WvWers shared the idea to have 1 DBL, 1 ABL and 1 EBG and have each server/team be at the usual red’s location. That way you keep the advantage of a single map each and eliminate the redundancy of having the same thing 3 times, and gives all players what they want. I agree there could be some queues problems with some stacked servers, but that’s another question.

But as for the original topic. I can understand why anet has decided to chose to continue to improve desert borderlands instead of throwing it away in some knee jerk reaction. Because desert borderlands CAN be a good wvw map. It just needs time and continued adjustment. Abandoning it now isn’t just a bad sign for WvW immediately. But for any future development as well.

If anet gives up on desert borderlands now it sets a VERY bad precedent for WvW. One being that WvW is just too risky to try and develop significant content for. Ultimately meaning that WvW may end up just dieing of stagnation entirely without recieving significant content updates. Which would be very bad for the game as a whole.

Thank you for this extremely good warning. Anet is already not pushing full steam in terms of WvW development, scrapping all that work would be bad news. So yes, i’m glad voting “no desert BL at all” is not an option.
DBL however still needs a LOT of work with strategic location placement (seriously, those two north towers could be erased and it would barely change the pacing) and the now very very empty and sad middle ground of it. It feels like Legend of Zelda’s Termina without Clock Tower in the center.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

NEED more commander tag colors please

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Adding shapes would be ideal to adding additional colors. But until commanders are able to change their tag color without disbanding squad, all discussions here seem futile.

Refer to my previous post for an example of different shapes and colors, O my commander. But yes, the disbanding keeps to be an issue.

It’s perfect. We have suggested different icons before to extend the range of commander tags (follow the dolly! No not that dolly, the dolly commander! :p), but what you posted is just lovely.

Though I suspect nearly everyone will choose the pink heart.

Another idea to differentiate them might be to add a different number of chevrons depending on the size of the squad (ie full 50 man squad is 3 chevrons or something).

Thank you for your support!

The goal is to have the possibility to choose any of those symbols and any of the colors, thus making enough possible combinations so that there won’t be confusion on the battlefield.

Instead of chevrons, i would recommend putting number of squad member on icon mouse rollover / click on commander (ex: Commander CharrMaster (27)

Also there is an event for some guild mission where the person who has some crab thing has a beam of light on them, that would also be SUPER helpful for commanders to have on them.

This, so much. For your active commander, beam of light effect and keep the shiny effect around tag icon on minimap.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

NEED more commander tag colors please

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


It should be pretty easy to take the existing guild symbol and shrink it down to half or one third size and put it in its own box next to the other colors and you’ve just created a TON of options with minimal work. Everyone wins, everyone’s happy.

I must advise against that, as a lot of guild emblems have rather small details and it would look jumbled on the minimap., especially if multiple ones are there. Seeing the comm tag mid-battle could also be quite a feat; this is why the current comm tag looks like a 3D object with a black outline so that it stands out of “regular graphics”.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

NEED more commander tag colors please

in WvW

Posted by: BordeL.1283


I usually don’t post in the forums, but since we got the Great Gaile Gray’s attention, i figured some spec work was in order.

Did this very quick, but i think a few options of comm tag shapes would make it easier for newcomers to link shape to function and help disambiguations, especially now that we have world linkings in WvW. And if you ever ask, no, i won’t make a sword tag because i don’t want to interfere with the swords crossed battle icon on map.

I tried to keep the colors to a minimum of variants to make sure they were distant enough from each other. Still partial to having the teal and forest green variant, as a lot of people have a hard time with this color spectrum. The grey ones might not be functional on all maps as well.



Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: BordeL.1283


Very interesting topic. Not sure that any developper is going to read this, but i might have an idea concerning the “this legend is best suited to this weapon”. Instead of a weapon swap per se, i believe that switching to a specific legend should tailor the weapon’s effects to itself.

Allow me to explain with a crude example with the hammer skills.

Let’s say you’re using Jalis:
Hammer Bolt works as intended now
Phase Smash doesn’t have chilled effect, but provide with a 1 sec knockdown

And now, you switch to Mallyx:
Hammer Bolt now has a purple color and inflicts 1 stack of torment, but has less damage.
Phase Smash chills the enemy as intended now

Then switch to Ventari:
Hammer Bolt inflicts medium damage and 1 stack of vulnerability
Phase Smash is less powerful, but heals AoE at target (so it can be used as offensive or help allies, especially meleers)

This would help differentiate playstyles and most of all increase diversity while not making the revenant unreadable by other players, and make multiple legends more viable because as OP mentioned, right now weapons feels connected too much to specific legends.

It may look a tad more elementalist, but toned down (same attack animations, just slightly different effects) so you still feel like you have to choose your weapon wisely.

First post since i have the game, hope you guys can add to the idea and make the revenant a worthy adversary.

Of course I am french, why do you think i have this outrageous accent? Now go away, or I shall taunt
you a second time!