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Scribing Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

A Message from the Guild Team:

As many of you are aware, the cost of scribing is really expensive and some prices don’t make sense. Scribing is more expensive now than we meant it to be, and although we expected prices to be higher while the economy was shifting due to the launch of Heart of Thorns, the economy is now stabilizing, yet Scribing costs are still too expensive. We are looking at how to best balance Scribing by making multiple changes to the system.

Upcoming Changes

Make the prices more reasonable. Not all scribing recipes are overpriced and some of the “cooler” recipes, like Uzolan, are objectives that guilds enjoy working towards. However, we are aware the some prices are far more expensive than we ever intended them to be and they need to be adjusted.

Design recipes that make sense. There are recipes for small decorations that cost more than the bigger and cooler decorations, and this just feels weird! We want to make sure that scribing recipes make sense and that the effort and value you put into them doesn’t feel like a waste of your time, effort, and resources.

Fix illogical recipes. Several recipes require components that are not unlocked for you until you have achieved a higher level of scribing. These are mistakes and we plan to fix these recipes.

Slivers and pigments! We are aware that slivers are expensive and are a major reason that scribing is in its present state. Currently we are discussing how we want to balance slivers and pigments and make sure they don’t cause scribing to be so expensive.

Overall these are the issues we are focusing on to bring scribing more in line with where we want it to be. We don’t have a release date for these changes yet, but we plan to keep everyone in the loop as we move forward with these changes. We encourage you to keep posting feedback on scribing!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

No more expansions pls!

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

Given that the “special skins from living world events” were continuously back to back and always temporary, I’d honestly rather have the masteries that, while only obtainable in a small amount of area of the game (that will grow over time as new maps are added), is actually permanent.

But in all honesty, I would not do farming if I prefer – and since I can go after masteries at my own pace, I don’t have to farm them; I would have to farm for the skins, since they’d be temporary as a true “living world” would be.

I prefer their current set up – Season 2 styled living world that fills in gaps of otherwise no-content between expansions. It just needs to be more content in future expansions than what we got in the rushed-feeling HoT.

im going with you on this. my sentiments exactly

No more expansions pls!

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Given that the “special skins from living world events” were continuously back to back and always temporary, I’d honestly rather have the masteries that, while only obtainable in a small amount of area of the game (that will grow over time as new maps are added), is actually permanent.

But in all honesty, I would not do farming if I prefer – and since I can go after masteries at my own pace, I don’t have to farm them; I would have to farm for the skins, since they’d be temporary as a true “living world” would be.

I prefer their current set up – Season 2 styled living world that fills in gaps of otherwise no-content between expansions. It just needs to be more content in future expansions than what we got in the rushed-feeling HoT.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Partial hand disability...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Rangers and Necromancers are fun. Both are great to start to play too. Once you have learned the game though, try out the other classes. You won’t really know whether you can play them and have fun until you try.

One thing everyone starting this game should practice is dodging. If double tapping the movement keys is hard assign dodging to something else. Some people use mouse side buttons for it. Well timed dodge is a lifesaver for any class. It is possible to play the game to level 80 without dodging, I did that at the start.

Partial hand disability...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


I don’t think I’d recommend revenant, or any non-minion/pet class for HoT content. Most require a fair amount of dodging and kiting to survive when solo, so without something to take aggro, the experience will likely be frustrating

(edited by onevstheworld.2419)

whats the best heavy armor class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlashAhAhh.4307


Best is impossible to answer they all work totally differently and the actual balance between classes is constantly changing.

I play a guardian because I like their battle mobility, decent DPS, excellent party support and active defenses. The downside to guardian is they can need a lot of gear and strugglr with speed buffing. Playing Guard well means picking the right weapon for the job. Although 99% of the time that means hammer or greatsword I still always carry a mace, staff, shield focus, scepter and torch because it’s awesome to have the options when you want the extra damage / survivability.

I also always carry two sets of armor. Both with Zerker but different runes(speed and strength) so for general PVE speed isn’t an issue.

That being said, while it took a bit of work to put all that gear together, there is pretty much nothing I can’t handle

(edited by FlashAhAhh.4307)

Underwater Combat Needs Fixing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legaboss.9158


I for one love the underwater combat aspect to this game however just as you said there is very little variation in builds/equipment to use underwater and I just feel weaker so honestly I avoid it when I can..hopefully they can come up with a way to make it better because I really do think its a great thing, It just needs some TLC.

Underwater Combat Needs Fixing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


Not every trait should work under water, nor should every skill, there is the reverse and this definitely needs work.

The same for weapons, a great sword, just won’t work the same under water. You spend a fraction of the time underwater, it only needs a fraction of the weapons. The real flavor should come from skills.

There are lev 80 karma breathers exotic
There are ascended breather recipes on tp for a few copper, and the mats are not bad considering the waste on a breather. (Note these are the ones that drop in such excess from fractals we basically vendor trash them in the tp for a copper or two.)

I don’t aim to speak for other players, but its not a matter of feeling week, its a matter of weak AI and underwater enemies. It’s quite the opposite, because all I have to do is swim in a circle spamming 1 on just about any weapon and I will kill everything with out getting hit. There are few exceptions to this.

Now for the over all theme, I would love to see underwater redone and improved, but I won’t hold my breath.

Underwater combat in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


I don’t mind underwater stuff at all, I just want it to stay out of PvP, because it’s rather poorly balanced for that. Exploring underwater caves has always been a blast in this game and I hope it stays that way.

Underwater combat in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PorceleinEve.2973


if it’s any consolation i’m in the minority too, waiting for something about underwater combat. even if it’s an underwater cave in the roots of the jungle… something… anything…

Underwater combat in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Please Anet tell us what changes are being made to under water combat.

In the mean time, what changes do you all want to see happen to improve Under Water combat?

Underwater combat in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: darkace.8925


I can’t help but feel they’re wanting to abandon underwater combat and exploration altogether. I consider that unfortunate, but I get the impression I’m in the minority on that one. I guess we’ll know how committed to it they are if the list of new Legendaries doesn’t include a spear, hapoon, and trident.

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

If they removed underwater combat, my pet shark would have to evolve into a land-based creature…and that’s just daft!
Not to mention all those diving goggles left lying around the map…

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


No,underwater combat is awesome and Anet knows that.It should be never removed from game.

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I like underwater combat. I don’t think they should remove it, so no, thank you.

Where is my tengu?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


And I thought I wanted tengu to be playable badly lol

Really it is as Belzebu said.
Tengu was in the plans before release, and thus they have the city etc.
However they chose not to add tengu at release… they have said nothing at all if they want to go back, complete them and put them in, let alone when.
Infact there is no real guarantee they ever will be playable.

I hope too that they will become playable, and sooner the better, but I can wait.

What baffles me a bit is… if you don’t like the game with the races we can play now… what makes you think it will be better with tengu? It may bring a little new story and new aesthetics. But all in all the game is still the same, if you play one race or the other.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Why I've changed my mind on Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Yep. You’re locked in to your Ascended gear once you’ve got it. You just have to pray balancing, nerfing, buffing and new skills don’t change your build enough to make you want or need to change gear.

Why I've changed my mind on Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Ascended Armor isn’t a grind. It only takes ten-thousand Silk Scraps for a full set of armor.

Why I've changed my mind on Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Wait for legendary armors….

BTW anet if you are reading this: why can’t you give us changeable stats on ascended? Think about pros… 1. It makes guild wars 2 more fun – BINGO! nothing matters more!
If you don’t want us to change stats whenever we want and for free after crafting asc. gear, at least make some consumable item which will enable you to reset your stats on asc. gear. You can even bound it into gem store if you make it cheap… like 100gem for 1 consumable which is able to reset all of your currently equipped asc. gear.

Why I've changed my mind on Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I gave up on going for ascended armor from day one. I figured:

1) The stats aren’t significant enough to warrant its worth
2) It costs an arm and a leg (200+ gold just for 500 crafting alone, and on top of that, more gold and laurels for the recipes you want)
3) Time gated stuff
4) There’s currently no other equivalent or viable way of obtaining ascended armor (unless you get lucky via a drop or WvW rank chest – and even then it’s like a 1 in 500 rank chance, AND it’s a lucky dip as to what stats that ascended chest will give – not good)

Those reasons alone are enough to put me off. I’m just going to wait to get a whole set via WvW or something because it’s just ridiculous. Even then though, finally after 550+ WvW ranks, I received an ascended armor chest from a rank up chest, and it was cleric stats which I NEVER use. Nevertheless I’ve put it on my guardian since he’s most likely the only character that will use it, and the extra little defense won’t hurt him.

What I feel Anet should do is not only make ascended armor chests and ascended weapon chests obtainable through other currencies such as karma, dungeon tokens, WvW badges, laurels et cetera, but also make it so that you can not only choose which armor piece to get (helm/shoulders/chest/gloves/legs/boots) but also get to choose which stats that ascended piece gives (clerics/berserkers/knights etc.)

Then everyone’s happy.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Why I've changed my mind on Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tecca.4036


So the wurm can only be done by those with full ascended armor? Okay.

Why I've changed my mind on Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

You don’t need Ascended armor. The stat increase over Exotics is minor. So if you’ve given up on getting these, you can still play the game as normal.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Account wide dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I’m sure I’m in the minority on this, but I actually like the system the way it is. If I get a duplicate dye, I have the option of either giving it to an alt or selling it. My characters are all completely different, and I’ll want different dyes on each one anyway, so I don’t really need to have the same dye pallet for each character.

But that’s just me.

It isn’t about the palette for me, it’s about the collecting. When I started playing I opened every single unidentified dye I got, and never bought a single dye off the TP. It was a game I was playing where I wanted to collect them all for fun. Each unidentified was a new bit of fun. Then I found out they weren’t account bound and boom, not fun anymore.

That’s why I don’t buy gem store dye packs. There’s no fun in the RNG (at least for me) because it isn’t a collectable, you’re hoping for a specific dye (either for your palette or just the most expensive one to sell). Its far more practical in that case just to go to the TP and buy the one you actually want.

Account wide dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


It will never happen, because if this happens the gemstore dye kits are not going to profit them, that is literary the ONLY reason to why they are NOT accountbound. If I remember correctly this was a choice made by the woman who runs the gemstore, Cox.

As I’ve said many times, and I suspect I’m not alone. I don’t buy gem store dyes BECAUSE dyes are soulbound. It isn’t just the fact that gem store dyes are hugely pricey for only one character, but the fact that there is no incentive to “complete the set”. If dyes were account bound, then having them all would be feasible for collectors. Thus collectors would buy even dyes they didn’t like. They’d also be happier to get RNG packs because 1) they’d be more fun for a collector (“RNG” packs in real life are pretty much only made for collectibles) and 2) there is more incentive to buy because you aren’t just going for the specific dye you want as they all have value in completing the set (even the non-new ones).

Account wide dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


And for those of us who like our characters to be separated from each other, to individually progress on their own, what would we get out if it?

I’m sure both of you would manage.

I also fail to understand how RNG dye drops (or BLTP purchases with shared funeds) are progression . But that’s just me.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Account wide dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Before launch dyes were account wide, but were changed to a per character basis for launch.

I think it’s time this was reversed to account wide as it was intended, this would mean you only need to get the dyes once for your account.

everything else is account wide or on the way to becoming account wide, some of them I could care less about but this was originally the way dyes worked.

you gave us time gates and stuff that really kitten us up the least you can do to compensate is make dyes account wide again !

(edited by Latinkuro.9420)

GW2 Heroes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


yup… no heroes pls…. it more or less destroyed the MMO aspect of GW1 and will do so to GW2…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Game Update Notes - February 4, 2014

in Game Release Notes

Posted by: RubiBayer


Content Marketing Manager


February 4 Content Release Notes
The Edge of the Mists
Tyria is reeling in the shadow of the titanic horrors Scarlet Briar has recently unleashed. With its attention diverted, however, Scarlet has struck again—this time close to home. The dangerous mastermind has released a powerful enemy through a portal into an undiscovered, fragmented region of the Mists. Heroes of the Mist War are needed to explore and secure this new realm, but what will they find, and what does this latest attack portend?
A Study in Scarlet

  • Captain Ellen Kiel is seeking help with a development in Lion’s Arch. Join her at Fort Marriner in Lion’s Arch for more information.
  • Meanwhile, Marjory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade have acquired different artifacts from Scarlet’s machinations from the last year.
  • Lead the investigation to piece together the puzzle that is Scarlet’s plan so far.

Taimi’s Troubles

  • Taimi, a gifted asuran prodigy, has been marooned in the Edge of the Mists while investigating Scarlet’s motives. She needs the player’s help to escape.
  • Can players avoid the perils in the Edge of the Mists in order to recover the golem parts she needs?

Unstable Portals

  • Whatever Scarlet did to rip open the Edge of the Mists portal in Lion’s Arch has caused unstable portals to open intermittently in some of the more dangerous areas of Tyria.
  • Fight off Aetherblades to restore these portals and use them to join the battle.


  • Players can unlock achievements by investigating Scarlet’s motives, helping Taimi in the Edge of the Mists, and using one of the unstable Edge of the Mists portals in the wilds of Tyria.

World vs. World

  • Introducing the Edge of the Mists
    • A brand-new section of the Mists has been uncovered for players to battle in.
    • This new WvW map will always be available and, unlike existing WvW maps, is able to create overflow instances. This means players no longer have to wait to play WvW, regardless of the number of players attempting to play.
    • The map can be entered from the WvW UI screen or from Lion’s Arch.
    • All European worlds will be matched up with one another in the Edge of the Mists. All North American worlds will be matched up with one another as well.
      • Worlds will be matched according to which color they are in the current WvW matchup. For example, all green worlds will be on the same team in the Edge of the Mists.
    • There are nine special objectives in the Edge of the Mists, each with a different boss to defeat and bonus for capturing and holding.
      • The Overgrowth Region
        • Altar: Defeat the elementals guarding the altar to capture it. Once the altar is captured, players can power it up to gain an immunity boon.
        • Observatory: Defeat the three grawl tricksters to capture the observatory. Once captured, players can purchase a sentry turret that will mark enemies on the map.
        • Statuary: Defeat the stoneworker to capture the statuary. Once captured, players can use the supercannons to bombard enemies.
      • The Frostreach Region
        • Forge: Defeat the smith to capture the forge. Once captured, players can craft Koda’s Hammer, a bundle weapon.
        • Bell Tower: Defeat the bell ringer to capture the bell tower. Once captured, players can ring bells throughout the Frostreach region to summon Spirits of Koda to defend the area.
        • Shrine: Defeat the Voice to capture the shrine. Once captured, players can summon the Claw to patrol the Frostreach region.
      • The Badlands Region
        • Workshop: Defeat the mechanic to capture the workshop. Once captured, players can purchase a mechanical siege devourer transformation.
        • Airport: Defeat the pilot to capture the airport. Once captured, players can purchase air-strike items to call down remote air strikes on enemies.
        • Wurm Tunnel: Defeat the wurm to capture the tunnel. Once captured, players can use wurm tunnels on the map to travel across great distances.
    • There is an additional new objective type in the Edge of the Mists: Reactors.
      • These objectives are guarded by one creature and, when held, will provide additional supply at specific objectives.
      • Building generators at each reactor will increase the size of the supply deliveries.
    • Each region has a tower and a keep associated with it.
    • Each keep has a specific bonus that accrues for the team holding it when they capture and hold other objectives in that region.
      • Overgrown Fane (Overgrowth Region)
        • For each objective held in the Overgrowth region, players will receive an increasingly powerful buff.
      • Arid Fortress (Badlands Region)
        • For each objective held in the Badlands region, automated turrets will be activated in the area to defend against invaders.
      • Thunder Hollow (Frostreach Region)
        • Each objective held in the Frostreach region will increase the strength of snowfall in the area, which impedes invaders.
    • The Edge of the Mists resets every 4 hours, and the score from the map does not affect the score for the current WvW matchup.
    • Victorious worlds in the Edge of the Mists will receive a supply drop in their home borderlands map upon victory in the Edge of the Mists.
    • A new, permanent achievement group has been added to the WvW achievement category for the Edge of the Mists.
  • User Interface and Queue Improvements
    • The WvW panel, opened with the B key, has been updated to more closely match other UI elements in the game.
      • It now includes separate tabs for entering WvW, viewing the detailed score, and viewing WvW ranks and abilities.
      • The Mist War tab includes information about the Edge of the Mists, the current score in the WvW matchup, the buttons for entering each map, as well as information about the queue status of each map.
    • The queue for WvW has been updated.
      • Players are now able to see their position in the queue for any given map.
      • Players can now see the current queue status of each WvW map on the WvW panel. This includes the number of people queued to enter the map.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the legendary drake in Angvar’s Trove to occasionally become stuck.


  • WvW Bonus Chests: Increased the drop rates of ascended weapons and armor. Armor will drop approximately 1.5 times more often than weapons.
  • Guild Missions: Increased the drop rates of ascended weapons, armor, and trinkets. Armor will drop approximately 1.5 times more often than weapons.
  • Tequatl: Increased the drop rate of all ascended weapons. Further increased the drop rate of Sunless ascended weapons.

Profession Skills


  • Riposte: Fixed a bug that caused projectiles to continue being reflected after the skill was canceled when traited with Missile Deflection.


  • Signet of Vampirism: The active life-siphoning effect of this signet can no longer be applied to inanimate objects, such as WvW gates.

World vs. World

  • The Righteous Indignation buff has been updated in the following ways:
    • New icon
    • New visual effect
    • Reduced the outgoing damage multiplier from 300% to 200%
  • Increased the amount of Dragonite Ore dropped by keep lords.
  • The WvW panel is now visible everywhere (in overflows, while guesting, etc.).
  • The right-click player menu now works properly while in WvW—showing options for party invites, whispers, etc.—for players who are not enemies in WvW.
  • The player location UI now displays specific WvW map names and the correct home shard when mousing over players who are in WvW.
  • Fixed some bugs related to WvW queue ordering.
  • Fixed WvW queue-related exploits.
  • Added a requirement to attain rank 30 in WvW in order to purchase the Gift of Battle.

Living World

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Detached Great Jungle Wurm Head to remain invulnerable after the timer started.
  • Fixed an issue in which the wurms were not properly deactivating when the event failed.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could prevent the Detached Great Jungle Wurm Head from reemerging.

New Items and Promotions

  • New Lovestruck weapon skins are available at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist for the introductory price of 1 Black Lion Weapon Ticket for the next four weeks. Black Lion Weapon Tickets can be found in Black Lion Chests.
  • The Permanent Cute-Quaggan Finisher is now available in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 800 gems. Players can now have cute quaggans dance around their fallen foes in PvP and WvW when they use this adorable finisher.
  • Glory Boosters will no longer be sold in the Gem Store starting February 11, 2014.


  • The Flamekissed Light Armor Skin has returned with a new look and can be obtained for 800 gems in the Style category of the Gem Store. All existing Flamekissed Light Armor pieces have been upgraded to the new look.

(edited by Moderator)

Give your ideas for new armor skins.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sincanister.9812


Oh and sorry for double post, but I want to be able to buy or craft exotic aqua breathers of all existing stat combinations. Tired of this Gaeveborn green aqua breather of lameness.

Stop the Champtrains!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Catalyst.1028

Dark Catalyst.1028

How dare you, OP?!?!? Some people enjoy zergling roleplay! Who are YOU to tell them how to play?!?!?!1111?!?!?!