Commander Roy Maverick
Showing Posts For BrunoGMC.1867:
Commander Roy Maverick
EU, FotM + Raids, [GJWM] Great Jungle Wurmicidal Maniacs
Current guild level: 10
If you’re looking for some raw, pure gameplay, you’ve come to the right place.
Our guild ranks:
- Commander
- Ascendant
- Tactician
- Titan
- Spartan
- Cupcake
- Unknown
- Suspicious Bush
- Digested Ally
Notes concerning our guild ranks:
- Unknown: Upon acceptance to join us, you will automatically be placed in this rank. Don’t worry, because you should be relocated to another within seconds.
- Cupcake: You will start your guild journey here. To get promoted to Spartan be sure you attend our guild banquets!
- Ascendant: Your primary aim is to achieve this rank. This is your highest reachable rank.
- Suspicious Bush: Somewhere deep in the jungle lies a suspicious bush, known for unexplained disappearances… If you become offline for over a month, you’ll be temporarily (we hope!) relocated to this rank. As soon as you find a way out, give us a sign you’re alive and claim your previous rank.
- Digested Ally: Want to be a part of [GJWM], but don’t want to commit? This is for you! No representation required.
No matter what rank you have, you can always ask for our help!
- Successfully reach higher ranks with effort, skill, and courage.
- Mind-blowing, a**-kicking schedule section: Do you wish to keep up to date with our activities’ schedule? Just check this section periodically.
- Eyeball-popping information section: Every change implemented will be listed in this section.
- Out of the oven section: Please welcome our fresh cupcakes!
Important message from this section (shown in the Message of the Day):
Sweeter than a pot o’ gold… Why should I care about them? Are they nutritious? Will my dog enjoy them? Well, we can’t promise to answer all of those questions… Be helpful and I’m sure they will taste delicious.
A list of some of our activities:
- Guild fractal runs (any level!)
- Guild raid runs
- Guild PvE missions
- Guild banquets at unusual locations
- Guild hide ‘n’ seek
- Guild world boss train
- Guild dungeon runs
Guild Hall:
Explore GJWM’s Guilded Hallow: a place to call your own.
If I convinced you to join us or you still want to clarify something, whisper/mail me in-game (Roy Maverick) or message me here.
Clear the coast and the swamp of great jungle wurm attacks.
Commander Roy Maverick
(edited by BrunoGMC.1867)
EU, PvE + PvP, [GJWM] Great Jungle Wurmicidal Maniacs
If you’re looking for some raw, pure gameplay, you’ve come to the right place.
Our guild ranks:
- Commander
- Ascendant
- Tactician
- Titan
- Spartan
- Cupcake
- Unknown
- Suspicious Bush
- Digested Ally
Notes concerning our guild ranks:
- Cupcake: You will start your guild journey here. Your in-game name will be written in our Out of the oven section (I will discuss that feature below). To get promoted to Spartan be sure you attend our guild banquets!
- Ascendant: Your primary aim is to achieve this rank. This is your highest reachable rank.
- Unknown: Upon acceptance to join us, you will automatically be placed in this rank. Don’t worry, because you should be relocated to another within seconds.
- Suspicious Bush: This rank is important to our guild. Before you start asking yourself ‘why?,’ let me answer that question. Guild missions… yeah, that’s it! Sometimes we need extra help to get things done. If you can’t represent [GJWM], but want to be part of our guild and help us, this is the rank for you!
- Digested Ally: Similar to Suspicious Bush. Want to be a part of [GJWM], but don’t want to commit? This is for you!
No matter what rank you have, you can always ask for our help!
- Out of the oven section: Please welcome our fresh cupcakes!
Important message from this section (shown in the Message of the Day):
Sweeter than a pot o’ gold… Why should I care about them? Are they nutritious? Will my dog enjoy them? Well, we can’t promise to answer all of those questions… Be helpful and I’m sure they will taste delicious. - Successfully reach higher ranks with effort, skill, and courage.
- Mind-blowing, a**-kicking schedule section: Do you wish to keep up to date with our activities’ schedule? Just check this section periodically.
- Eyeball-popping information section: Every change implemented will be listed in this section.
A list of some of our activities:
- Guild bounty training + guild bounty
- Guild banquets at unusual locations
- Guild’s hide ‘n’ seek
- Guild’s world boss train
- Guild’s PvP tournaments
- Guild’s fractal runs (any level!)
- Guild’s dungeon runs
- Treasure trove deposit/withdraw available to all guild ranks!
- +10% magic find
If I convinced you to join us or you still want to clarify something, whisper/mail me in-game (Roy Maverick) or message me here.
Clear the coast and the swamp of great jungle wurm attacks.
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick
You can check our guild post here.
Commander Roy Maverick
If you’re looking for some raw, pure gameplay, you’ve come to the right place.
Our guild ranks:
- Commander
- Ascendant
- Tactician
- Titan
- Spartan
- Cupcake
- Unknown
- Suspicious Bush
- Digested Ally
Notes concerning our guild ranks:
- Cupcake: You will start your guild journey here. Your in-game name will be written in our Out of the oven section (I will discuss that feature below). To get promoted to Spartan be sure you attend our guild banquets!
- Ascendant: Your primary aim is to achieve this rank. This is your highest reachable rank.
- Unknown: Upon acceptance to join us, you will automatically be placed in this rank. Don’t worry, because you should be relocated to another within seconds.
- Suspicious Bush: This rank is important to our guild. Before you start asking yourself ‘why?,’ let me answer that question. Guild missions… yeah, that’s it! Sometimes we need extra help to get things done. If you can’t represent [GJWM], but want to be part of our guild and help us, this is the rank for you!
- Digested Ally: Similar to Suspicious Bush. Want to be a part of [GJWM], but don’t want to commit? This is for you!
No matter what rank you have, you can always ask for our help!
- Out of the oven section: Please welcome our fresh cupcakes!
Important message from this section (shown in the Message of the Day):
Sweeter than a pot o’ gold… Why should I care about them? Are they nutritious? Will my dog enjoy them? Well, we can’t promise to answer all of those questions… Be helpful and I’m sure they will taste delicious. - Successfully reach higher ranks with effort, skill, and courage.
- Mind-blowing, a**-kicking schedule section: Do you wish to keep up to date with our activities’ schedule? Just check this section periodically.
- Eyeball-popping information section: Every change implemented will be listed in this section.
A list of some of our activities:
- Guild bounty training + guild bounty
- Guild banquets at unusual locations
- Guild’s hide ‘n’ seek
- Guild’s world boss train
- Guild’s PvP tournaments
- Guild’s fractal runs (any level!)
- Guild’s dungeon runs
- Treasure trove deposit/withdraw available to all guild ranks!
- +10% magic find
If I convinced you to join us or you still want to clarify something, whisper/mail me in-game (Roy Maverick) or message me here.
Clear the coast and the swamp of great jungle wurm attacks.
Commander Roy Maverick