Showing Posts For Bruticus Fatalfury.3486:

More Classes, Races, Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

After viewing the trailer for the new expansion I can say I’m 50/50 on it. I will not make a full judgement on it until after I get to experience both upcoming beta weekends. That being said on the positive side I think some of the new elite specs look interesting while others simply make no sense what so ever. Especially when they get brought in to the wvw and pvp realms. For example a warrior with 2 daggers..really?? A thief with a rifle so they can pick opponents off from a distance…totally broken. I would have thought with a new expansion we might have seen some new fresh ideas for new weapons for each class. Some more 2 handed weapons, since they are lacking in the game, would have been a welcome addition. For example, rather then give a warrior 2 daggers something cool like a 2h battle axe(like the charr carried in gw1 prophecies) would have been an awesome addition.

After talking with my guild and my wvw server community, mind you I don’t speak for everyone here, we were hoping to see some new(old gw1) classes and races brought into the game. Alot of us agree we would like to see gw2 bring back the monk class. There seems to be an overwhelming response to having a pure healer back in the game. Alot of folks I have talked to were hoping that it would be brought back and incorporated into gw2. If it is properly done(like it was in gw1) it could be a welcome addition to all 4 aspects of the game(PvE/WvW/PvP/Raids). The other classes I hear alot of people wishing were brought back are the ritualist and the dervish.We agree that all 3 of these classes would be fun to play in all aspects of the game. We were also hoping to see some more playable races brought into the new expansion like tengu, kodan, tamini, or even the deldimor dwarf to name a few. Each with new racial traits. Maybe with enough community support we might see this happen in the future.

Just some food for thought in the future Anet

WvW Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

I am still continuing to have this bug. Zoned from desert BL to alpine BL and the entire map was gone. All I could see were the yaks. The camps, towers, and keeps were all invisible. You couldn’t click on them to see what color they were or the timers on them. Upon taking a camp it remained the same color and did not change to our color. And yes this bug affects the scoreboard too. It zeros out what your server is ticking atm and the timer increases to 30 min for a skirmish.

Desert BL Waypoints Need Change

in WvW

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

The new borderlands favor the attacker rather than the homeland. This allows the opposing server to port right in to fire or air keep after they have captured it and defend it at will or launch an attack from it. The waypoints in both fire and air keep should be available to the homeland BL, to start, thus making an attempt to defend it more reasonable. If an opposing server is able to capture a keep they should not be allowed to access these waypoints until the keep reaches fortified status(just like it used to be when bay and hills existed). That means that an opposing server would have to 1) capture the keep 2) capture the surrounding camps to get yaks flowing in to it to upgrade it and 3) maintain control of the captured keep and camps in order for it to fortify and generate a wp. IMO this would make for more interesting gameplay from both an attacking and defending standpoint.

Just a small request

in WvW

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

This is a way to turn this off. It is under the chat window. In the left corner click the main tab and you will get a drop down window. Go to the game messages tab and uncheck wvw and the capture messages should stop popping up

(edited by Bruticus Fatalfury.3486)

WvW Guild Missions - Counter not updating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Tried supply lines about an hour ago and still did not receive credit in the guild panel. Even though we escorted the yak from the camp to the tower still received no credit in the guild mission panel. Only xp received was wxp for escorting the yak.

Bounties stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Just tried Trilla again(for the 3rd night in a row). Still can’t talk to the npc and it stills spawns and despawns at random spots. Let the timer run out and triggered the bounty again. Got Brekkabek this time and it was bugged too just like the rest.

(edited by Bruticus Fatalfury.3486)

Guild Hall Experience Bar Bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

same issue our is maxed at lvl 22 and didn’t move when i did an upgrade

Guild Bounty NPC's bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

I am guild leader of my guild and had the same issues with guild bounties and wvw supply lines

[Constructive Feedback] Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

→ Describe a typical hour for you in the Alpine Borderlands in the past. For example, What size of group were you running in? What kind of tasks did you run? What activities did you do?

I usually command for my guild in WvW. We usually run anywhere from 10-20 strong depending on what day of the week it is. From what I have seen the new desert borderlands are a ghost town unless a commander tags up on the map. The thing that made WvW great is almost non existent anymore on the new BLs—the fights! We spend alot of time running sups in an attempt to take an objective(thanks to the restructuring of the plus 5 buff) and taking an objective is dependent upon what tier it is at currently. In tier 1(regular walls and gates) it is fairly easy to build 2 pieces of regular siege and get in quickly. At tier 2(reinforced walls and gates)we usually need to build 2-3 pieces of superior siege to get in but even then it seems slower. At tier 3(fortified gates and walls) it feels like your hitting the structure with a wet noodle. Most of the time we have to build 4-5 pieces of superior siege just to make a dent.

The overall size of the map is to big

Having the eotm supply unusable at citadel is not very helpful

And then there is the badge of honor issue. You now require us to use badges of honor to upgrade the guild hall. 30 badges for 1 badge of tribute. 50 badges to unlock 10 hero points( for those of us that don’t want to grind PvE). Multiple badges for weapons and armor. That being said why did you nerf that badge drop rate in both wvw and eotm? Neither is really worth playing anymore! If you finish your daily wvw objectives that seems to be the only time you get a sufficient amount of badges which you then basically lose by upgrading the guild hall or turning in for hero points. Well since I criticized I am willing to offer a suggestion to remedy this. Here is what my guild came up with as far as how players should be rewarded for capturing objectives in wvw/eotm
WvW camps/Eotm generators-1 badge of honor
WvW towers/Eotm Towers/Eotm minor objectives(such as the airport)-5 badges of honor
WvW and Eotm Keeps-10 badges of honor
Stonemist Castle-20 badges of honor

→ Compare your experience described above with a typical hour spent in Eternal Battlegrounds, if you went there at all. Does your style of play change between the 2 maps?

Absolutely! It is much easier to maneuver around EB, due to the size of the map, easier to take objectives,because the supply camps are not so far away, and there is always players on the map because of these reasons. Hence why the new bls are like a ghost town.

→ Compare your experiences described above with an hour spent in the new borderlands.

See answer to question 1 for details

→ Describe the nature of combat in the borderlands in the past. How have the new borderlands impacted this paradigm for you? What style or build changes might it cause? For example, knocking people off cliffs or into lava might play a more important role.

The fights in the new BLs are almost non existent due to the size of the map. The only time fights are experienced is if you accidentally run into your opponents while both of you are heading towards or trying to take the same objective or while defending an objective. Defending a keep is almost impossible due to the size of them now

→ In your experience, compare the time it takes take a structure or objective here, then it did in the past.

We spend alot of time running sups in an attempt to take an objective(thanks to the restructuring of the plus 5 buff) and taking an objective is dependent upon what tier it is at currently. In tier 1(regular walls and gates) it is fairly easy to build 2 pieces of regular siege and get in quickly. At tier 2(reinforced walls and gates)we usually need to build 2-3 pieces of superior siege to get in but even then it seems slower. At tier 3(fortified gates and walls) it feels like your hitting the structure with a wet noodle. Most of the time we have to build 4-5 pieces of superior siege just to make a dent. This one again means an abundance of supply runs. Doesn’t help that guild catas were nerfed to 50 sups instead of 25 sups.

→ How is the loot and wxp for you compared to in the past? Will it be able to sustain whatever you are doing? Did it take a hit, or was it improved? If you are planning to unlock an elite specialization, do you think you were helped or hurt in these regards? Do you think you could pursue any other in-game goals just by playing WvW?

The wvw badge of honor system took a huge hit! Both in wvw and eotm! You now require us to use badges of honor to upgrade the guild hall. 30 badges for 1 badge of tribute. 50 badges to unlock 10 hero points( for those of us that don’t want to grind PvE). Multiple badges for weapons and armor. That being said why did you nerf that badge drop rate in both wvw and eotm? Neither is really worth playing anymore! If you finish your daily wvw objectives that seems to be the only time you get a sufficient amount of badges which you then basically lose by upgrading the guild hall or turning in for hero points. Well since I criticized I am willing to offer a suggestion to remedy this. Here is what my guild came up with as far as how players should be rewarded for capturing objectives in wvw/eotm
WvW camps/Eotm generators-1 badge of honor
WvW towers/Eotm Towers/Eotm minor objectives(such as the airport)-5 badges of honor
WvW and Eotm Keeps-10 badges of honor
Stonemist Castle-20 badges of honor

WE FEEL THAT PLAYERS SHOULD BE ADEQUATELY REWARDED FOR THEIR DEDICATION AND TIME SPENT IN WVW! It seems like you can get better rewards and progress faster in the PvE content of the game. That being said it’s a wonder anyone does wvw anymore. Sorry to say it Anet but you dropped the ball on rewarding wvw players.

→ How will the map change impact the long sessions (multiple hours) you spend in WvW?

Since the map change most of the guild now spends less time in wvw. They find the new map to be boring and tedious due to the size of it. most come in to due their dailies and leave. This is frustrating considering WvW was my favorite aspect of the game and the fact that most of us used to be hardcore wvwers. Not so much anymore!

→In 100 words or less, describe how the new BLs could be improved.

Decrease the overall size of the map so that it is easier for smaller guilds(havoc teams) to run supply, maneuver around the map easier, and take objectives. Not every guild has 100 members and 30+ man zergs. Fix the citadel eotm supply so that is usable by the home BL. Create upgraded siege(such as the new guild siege since it takes so many mats to make them) that can do more significant damage to tier 3 structures. If any enemy controls all 3 shrines then the defenses for that keep should be disabled. Fix the dailies. Ruin capturer is now longer achievable. Change it to shrine capture instead of shrines being used as a land claimer. Veteran creature slayer is no longer achievable need to find a way to fix that by putting some new veteran creatures on the map. Most importantly reward wvw players for the time the spend playing wvw(see reward suggestion posted above)

→ In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a new WvW player.

I remember the first time I stepped into wvw as new wvw player. I was confused but after asking a few simple questions I was able to catch on easily. Things like how supply worked how the commander tag worked. Those things have not changed. What has changed is the size and pathing of the new bl map. This makes it hard on a new wvw player to learn the map or even learn their way around the map. the old bls were much easier to educate a new wvw player on. now it’s easier to train a new wvw player in EB.

→ In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a veteran WvW player that is new to the maps.

As a 3 year veteran of wvw I find the new map more challenging in that it is now harder to take towers and keeps whereas they used to be solo able if you used the right class. In that aspect I like the change. I like the different tower and keep lords as each one presents a different challenge rather then the old way where they were all the same and the tactics never changed. I dislike the size of the new map, the constant need for supply runs, and the lack of fights.

→ Which map am I most likely to find you currently, if you’re on Gw2?

While I haven’t completely given up on the new bl maps I would likely in EB because there are always more players there, it’s easier to maneuver on, easier to train new players on, and the objectives don’t require an excessive amount of supply runs

(edited by Bruticus Fatalfury.3486)

WvW Eotm Supply

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

The WvW EoTM supply is bugged at the desert borderland BL. Every time our guild pops into our bl (green) I notice the the barrel above the eotm supply is red. This being said you can’t use the eotm supply in your home bl. That being the case what is the point in having it at your citadel if you can’t access/use it

Double Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

As of late it seems like their is an auto double click bug

When purchasing items from a vendor(suck as mining picks) you are getting/being charged for 2 stacks instead of 1. I have also noticed the same to be true for karma vendors. It also happens when moving items around in your inventory. I went to move my chest of the mists and it automatically opened it.
I thought maybe it was an error on my end with my mouse settings but even after turning them all down it is continuing to happen. I asked if anyone else in my guild has experienced this, as I thought it was just me, and apparently it is happening to quite a few people.
Please look into this bug Anet…thanks

Patcher Screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Every time I try to log in I can get the patcher to work but after that the game just stalls. I can’t even get to the character select screen. When I tab out to task manager tells me the game isn’t responding. Anyone else having this issue or know of a way to fix it?

Guild Message of the Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Even though this function is currently available how many people actually take the time to read it? Would really like to see anet come up with a way that displays the guild message of the day, in the chat format, when a character first comes into the game or if the message is changed during the day. That way an individual could read it when it pops up.

Possible suggestions for GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

Recently our guild has been talking about some things we would like to see added to GW2. Most of us are veteran GW1 players, and have been playing GW2 since the release, so we are pretty familiar with the GW realm. Before you decide to flame this post keep in mind these are just ideas and we are curious as to whether or not anyone else has been thinking about the same ideas.

Here are our ideas:

Our guild has a decent presence in the WvW realm on our server. We are active in that part of the game all week, as are many other guilds and players, and feel like at the end of the week their should be some type of reward. We feel that just plain bragging rights isn’t enough for the players that have put in all the hard work for their server to win that week’s match up. Here is what we would like to see happen, We would like to see badges of honor as a reward for all of our hard work. Here is what we propose. At the end of the week the winning server’s players should be rewarded with 50 badges of honor, the second place server’s players should be rewarded with 25 badges of honor, and the last place server’s players should be rewarded with 10 badges of honor. The reason we think this would be good for the WvW realm is that it will allow active WvW players to upgrade their characters and that it might inspire other players to try WvW if they have not done so before. We thought this might be a good idea because when you complete part of your story line or defeat a champion, in PvE, you are awarded with armor,weapons, or a chest. Why not make some type of reward system for those players that put in a lot of time and hard work in WvW as well.

It is frustrating to have to buy picks, sickles, and axes and have them be usable only in one zone. It’s frustrating to buy a bunch of tools, move up to the next zone, and find out that those tools have become obsolete. This means you have to buy the next level of tools and the ones you currently have are now useless. I don’t have a problem with that but it would be nice to recoup some of the currency that was already spent on tools, in the previous zone, rather than just having the simple option to destroy them. What we propose is that you should be able to sell back your unused tools to a merchant just like you are able to sell junk to a merchant for currency. This would help players regain some of the currency they spent on tools, so that they could buy the next level of tools, rather than just having to destroy them.

Rebirth of the Monk class:
Most of us have played in the WvW realm, PvP realm, and the PvE realm and we are in agreement that there needs to be a pure healing class in the game. There is nothing more frustrating then having spent a sufficient amount of time in a storyline mission, dungeon, or large scale WvW event to get to end and wipe simply because classes individuals heals can’t keep up. We propose that the monk class should be reinstated. The monk should have three major traits. They should have a quick/blast heal that heals for a sufficient amount of health but is not a complete heal. This would help greatly in storyline missions and dungeons. The second heal should be a group heal that heals everyone in the party for a sufficient amount, but that is not a complete heal. This heal would help greatly in WvW and PvP for keeping groups alive a little longer than they would be if they used their individual heals. The last trait being a resurrection skill that can be cast to instantly resurrect a downed player with 1/2 of their normal health. This could greatly improve play in PvE, PvP, and WvW. We came up with the following for monk weapons. A mace and shield combo to offer the monk the ability to do melee damage and also ward off attackers. A warhorn that could be used to buff allies with things such as might,vigor,etc. A focus item that could be used to buff allies so that they take less incoming damage. A staff or scepter that would allow the monk to lengthen the range distance of their heals and provide them with a ranged attack.

That’s it for now. Hopefully some of you feel the same way we do and maybe if enough players support these ideas Arenanet might consider implementing them into the game.