Showing Posts For Buk Buk Bukka.4395:

Can conditions crit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Not yet.


WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Still have not received chest.

Oh wait, Wildstar headstart has begun.

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

No chest. No tickets.

Acheivements completed.

JQ 2nd place. GG.

Hope for… ArenaNet…… dwindling…

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Add me.

I never post on these forums. They’re a breeding ground for rumors, hype and all around buffoonery, but I think I’ve reached the point where I can no longer defend the developers or the game itself. There are some serious underlying problems with this system that have gone unchecked due to unknown circumstances. I’ve had a ton of fun before, but I think a multitude of tiny annoyances have built up and toppled my view of Guild Wars 2. I don’t think there’s been a single update since Bazaar of the Four Winds where I thought, “wow, this game still amazes me.” If ArenaNet can’t manage their issues efficiently, they’re going to start losing player interest faster than ever.

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

At the very end of the previous page (9) and at the beginning of this page (10) they have already discussed this

Btw, i was also amazed by this norn face. I even tried to make something similar but couldn’t really.

I believe you just proved my point, even you could not make a similar look. We need the slider settings. I see no slider screenshots.

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Here’s my newest girl in my big family of alts! Hilda Ulvsdottir, the norn theif!
I love, love, love the new norn hairstyles!!

I…. I must know the slider setting for your character. For science.

This is probably one of the only characters I’ve actually made an “O” face at.

Lovely. :o

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

it’s not a “strategy” if there isn’t any way to counter it.

I think the idea of a strategy is to eliminate or reduce the amount of “counters” an opposing force has on you.

That being said I don’t think strategy has anything to do with it. They’re just trolling. Get more people on TS. There’s no excuse for people pouring supply into siege the commander or other leading individual hasn’t specifically asked to build.

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Name: Hackmatack
Server: JQ
Playstyle: Everything. I dip into all content and try to get as large an experience as possible
Role: Scholar
Playtime: 0800-1300 PST mostly, depends on when I’m working.