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Storyline quest 'A Grisly Shipment' bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


Been encountering this bug for the past few days! Want to finish my story ;_;

Any ETA/update #3 on fix?

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


you just pulled 16k out of your kitten. Also the only way for the mark to fall off is stealth and the only stealth ability that the common shatter mesmer has is a 30s cd stun break utility

I pulled 16k from my combat log, the mark falls off from more than just stealth.

Before posting know the facts or you just wind up looking dumb.

You were probably hit with multiple mind wracks over the course of the fight. To be hit with one 16k mind wrack would mean each clone runs in and crits for 5k. I’ve tried nearly every build (including full glass cannon shatter spec) on my Mesmer and I never came anywhere near that in one shatter. Without some kind of combat log or death recap pic this just seems over exaggerated.

On the topic title, I don’t think it could be easier to determine (beyond a very quick scan of clones) which is the real Mesmer. They don’t do anything other than auto attack, they don’t have offhand weapons, and they auto attack slower than a real Mesmer.

IMO you are the ill-informed one.

Moa Morph

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


I can’t believe this is still an issue. This spell is really not that good. It has an obvious animation (BRIGHT purple glow that only Moa and mass invis share) and roots you while casting. Dodge the cast or interrupt it. Even if they stealth and land it use your kitten dodges while morphed. Run around corners. I’ve never once died while moa’d.

Believe me, you really don’t want them to start using time warp more.

Skills that shouldn't be there in the first place.

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


All the classes have a trait that does “x when you get cc’d,” the Mesmer one just happens to be the same effect on the user. I’m pretty sure these traits have a 90 second cool down.

As said previously, don’t just rush in and expect to 100 blades and destroy anyone. Probably why these traits exist to begin with. Also, your example of having a trait that reveals the real Mesmer or something isn’t even the same and doesn’t compare.

Accidentally destroyed PvP Water Filter

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


This is only a problem on one map, for one point. The aquabreather only gives you like +23 of a state (or something), and is only active when you enter water as far as I know, so… it’s not really a big deal.

[Mesmer] Clones not proper "copies"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


I agree that they should be exactly identical looking. Otherwise, what’s the point? The missing offhand puzzles me. Is this a bug or currently the way it’s supposed to be (would love a dev response on this)? I also had the same idea for the HP, with the hidden health pools.

I don’t agree on them dodging, as I think that might be slightly OP. One of the ways to tell if a clone is a clone is watching for human-like play.

Mesmers teleport exploit?

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


Of course it’s intended. It was useable all throughout every beta. It was brought up then, too.

You can blink, use swiftness, etc while holding the repair kit. I’m not saying this is ok, but you can’t just make an exception for one ability. Either make it no-utility use period while holding the kit (your team can protect you, personally I like this), or keep it the way it is.

However, with the amount of crying there is I really wouldn’t be surprised if it indeed did end up getting changed.

Mesmers teleport exploit?

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809



Not an exploit.

Other classes can use any utility skill at their disposal while holding the repair kit. The portal ability is rarely used any other time. It has one strategic use, guess we better nerf it into uselessness.

A rough tips and tricks AGAINST mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


just an observation, and not that I’m calling Mesmers OP (I can’t say one way or another just yet), but how many other classes require such a long list of tips and tricks just to be able to counter them?

Mesmer will be the first class I will play solely to figure out how to counter them. Every other class seems fairly obvious after an encounter or two.

First logical post I’ve read about Mesmers.

People simply want to be able to stomp their opponent with minimal effort. The Mesmer is designed to be a confusing pain in thekitten This is where the problem lies, as no one wants to learn how to actually counter a Mesmer. Just come here and cry nerf after they lose to a few. And not even a month after the games been out.

IF Mesmers actually do end up getting nerfed (as I’m sure they will due to mass crying, unfortunately), I guarantee months down the road when most of their tricks are old news and easily seen through, they’ll be UP.

An Elementalists View of the Current State

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


Absolutely nothing OP about Mesmer downed state. They lack an interrupt/pushback like others have, and they rely on the #2 as a replacement.

You know they’re gonna use it: pay attention to where they re-appear and stomp them, nothing they can do. Their #3 is just a single target damaging ability that dies in 2 hits, no issue there. Stop being lazy, learn how classes work, and counter it. Just because you have to think when facing a Mesmer doesn’t mean NERF NERF NERF.

No Common Sense in Class Balance

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


Warriors?? They don’t any more. They are actually almost UP atm. Just roll a mesmer like everyone else. Best burst in the game and light armor. Or was it medium idk.. I do agree that class balance is horrible right now though. I played all stress tests and BWEs and it’s actually worse now than before..

Do you play a Mesmer? I’m legitimately curious as to this magical burst you have seen. Please enlighten me with the rotation and build that provides such burst to a Mesmer, because as far as I’ve discovered, Mesmers don’t burst down enemies as much as out-live them.

Love, a Mesmer.

Ignore the trolls who have no idea what they are talking about. All they do is regurgitate mostly false info they read from other whiners on the forums.

Anyone having the same issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


This actually did happen to me today, although I figured it was a one-time computer issue. Interesting that it has happened to others…

CONFUSION - What to do about this skill

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


What to do? Nothing.

Confusion damage is almost always outperformed by bleeds.

You’re making it sound much easier than it is to apply gigantic stacks of confusion. Even if you do, it runs out so quickly. The only time this happens as you’re explaining it is if a Mesmer uses his 3 on Scepter, and shatters confusion on you… this can’t happen all the time. Even then, the stacks required only last like 2 seconds. Dodge/Wait it out? Really isn’t that hard to do.

Mesmer hate vs Elementalist spoiled fat kid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


So, play an elementalist.

MOA Morph is broken in pvp. Please fix.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


Why are there so many scrubs?

Suggestions like making it break on damage are absurd. Do you know how much aoe is in this game? Believe it or not, this skill isn’t only used in 1v1 situations. It would totally kill it’s team viability. This is an elite ability, with a long cooldown, that roots you and takes quite awhile to cast. What’s the problem? I’ve frequently had people just strategically dodge/run while morphed, making it almost useless anyway.

Also, why is this even in discussion when Time Warp is probably better in all situations?

EDIT: The ONLY thing I would say is that, yes, 10 seconds is a lot. Lowering it to 7 seconds or so may be appropriate if a nerf is inc anyway.

Is it just me? or?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


Just because everyone seems to think they are OP (which they aren’t) doesn’t mean something like this shouldn’t be fixed…

What’s the point in having identical copies of yourself to confuse the enemy (the point of the class, btw) if you can mark the real one and totally ignore them?

Level 80 Player's Problems With the Undead (Orr/Risen) Zones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


I can’t possibly agree with this more. I agree with every single point except that the zones are ugly. Graphically they have their own style that I appreciate.

However, doing anything solo in these zones is a huge and massively annoying chore. Respawn rate sometimes near instant, mobs PACKED into tiny areas making pulling/killing just a few almost always impossible to do without getting 5+ more.

Reading some of the other people’s posts who enjoy these zones saying they are supposed to be difficult- that’s fine, but the way it’s done is more annoying than difficult. If I fight my way through a pack of mobs they shouldn’t have respawn by the time I kill the last one. That’s not hard, it’s stupid.