Showing Posts For CaptainVenus.5179:

Attitude in Orr/Frostgorge (PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179



These types of people, mostly neckbeards and children are hardly new to MMO’s, let alone guildwars.

Personally however seeing people getting so angry and upset over something so trivial as completing an event as intended is hilarious. The flood of angry tears in map chat would serve as an indication of a ‘job well done’ and perhaps encourage me to hang around to complete some more stuff, they are farming.

Although I agree that mindless verbal abuse is annoying it is also important to remember that they are getting angry because you just ruined their day. I can only imagine the sorry destitute lives these individuals must lead in order to take a game so seriously.

Either way, let them get mad and carry on going about your business.

Do it for the lulz.

Intentional harassment of other players is against the TOS and is a bannable offense. As much as they get angry and yell, you are much more likely to get a 3 day vacation then they are.

A vacation tempban for what exactly, saying nothing and playing the game as intended? Well done sherlock, I think you’re on to something.

Either way, I find it sad you would view a ban as a ‘vacation’, that implies you treat the game as some sort of career.

In more recent news, playing the game as intended will land you a ban, apparently.

your straw man argument is weak at best. There is nothing wrong with completing an event, but no one here is talking about completing an event. The words used are

“troll the farmers and feast on their tears” or “watch them suffer as you screw over their farming”

If you look on many of these events previously went uncompleted for 100+ hours at a time. All of a sudden you are magically interested in completing these events for the sake of them? No, you are attempting to harass other players because you don’t agree with their way of playing the game, and that is what is a bannable offense, harassment.

>implying me

No, and also, no.

I distinctly remember this thread being about verbal abuse/harassment, and you guys seem to be turning it into a place to vent your anger over having your farming chains broken by legitimate players at some point or another.

Personally, I don’t hang out in orr but if I did, I was merely illustrating to you how I personally would handle your bannable offense of verbal abuse and harassment, by continuing to play the game legitimately, as intended by the content designers.

What about this are you just not getting?

Attitude in Orr/Frostgorge (PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179



These types of people, mostly neckbeards and children are hardly new to MMO’s, let alone guildwars.

Personally however seeing people getting so angry and upset over something so trivial as completing an event as intended is hilarious. The flood of angry tears in map chat would serve as an indication of a ‘job well done’ and perhaps encourage me to hang around to complete some more stuff, they are farming.

Although I agree that mindless verbal abuse is annoying it is also important to remember that they are getting angry because you just ruined their day. I can only imagine the sorry destitute lives these individuals must lead in order to take a game so seriously.

Either way, let them get mad and carry on going about your business.

Do it for the lulz.

Intentional harassment of other players is against the TOS and is a bannable offense. As much as they get angry and yell, you are much more likely to get a 3 day vacation then they are.

A vacation tempban for what exactly, saying nothing and playing the game as intended? Well done sherlock, I think you’re on to something.

Either way, I find it sad you would view a ban as a ‘vacation’, that implies you treat the game as some sort of career.

In more recent news, playing the game as intended will land you a ban, apparently.

Attitude in Orr/Frostgorge (PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179



These types of people, mostly neckbeards and children are hardly new to MMO’s, let alone guildwars.

Personally however seeing people getting so angry and upset over something so trivial as completing an event as intended is hilarious. The flood of angry tears in map chat would serve as an indication of a ‘job well done’ and perhaps encourage me to hang around to complete some more stuff, they are farming.

Although I agree that mindless verbal abuse is annoying it is also important to remember that they are getting angry because you just ruined their day. I can only imagine the sorry destitute lives these individuals must lead in order to take a game so seriously.

Either way, let them get mad and carry on going about your business.

Do it for the lulz.

I go to this forum everyday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Dungeon Forum is better if you like real lulz/drama though.

Challenge accepted!

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.

Would you mind repeating that in English?

1. paid 50 euros for my copy dunno where you got ripped off.
2. nope 5 months
3. nope payed 50 euros for diablo 3 also most top titles vary between 40~60 euros
4. soundcard probably nothing very audiophile tho, graphic card no way.. 50 euros dont buy no graphic card not anything remotely usefull anyways

now lets take youre reasoning and add a lill to it..

60 euros for a game ok i give you that.

other popular mmorpg we will not mention 50 euro game when it was first released 50 euro every expension every 2 years and then 144 anual year fee lets say you played this game from the start so 10 years

game 50 euro
1st expansion 50 euro
2nd expension 50 euro
3rd expansion 50 euro
4th expansion 50 euro

anual year fee : 144 euro x10

= a total of 169 euros a year you paid on that particular game..just to log on in one of their servers.

i think we are pretty cheap off with 60 euros for this game. sure we might not have the support they have there.. or the millions of people.. but we got a dev team that does listen a lill bit.. to the comunity and have just as much heart for the game as those others have and the art department simply blows theirs away altho i have to give story and pure cinematics to the other people.

just my $0.02

Would you mind repeating that in English?

Thank you Arena Net, Reason To Play Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


while i dont like the new changes, i think its an overreaction to immedietly jump to your feet and assume that they are intending on putting a gear treadmill as steep as the likes of WoW’s (or even worse, that of a korean grindfest mmo).

As one who spent years on the WoW treadmill I can tell you it doesn’t even compare to the steepness of the Ascended requirements. It was easy to gear up in WoW both in PvE and PvP—there was a known path to the gear you wanted and you may have needed to run an instance several times but you got it fairly rapidly at no cost beyond repairs (which the guild paid). The grind to gear up to Ascended will take forever (and cost a fortune) for anyone not playing the game HC. And herein lies the problem: AN is creating the very situation they marketed against with GW. And the problem is not so much with the difficulty of obtaining Ascended gear, the problem is the creation of a treadmill and gated content. They’ve violated the core principles they sold the game on. The issue seems pretty clear. I understand that some want a treadmill. But, if you had done the research you would know that GW was unique in being treadmill-less. It really doesn’t make any sense to buy a game opposed to treadmills and then lobby for one. I guess it made sense to AN though, so you got your treadmill.

Holy kitten, my mum is called Raine.

/agree with your post aswell

Thank you Arena Net, Reason To Play Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Sometimes people on this forum confuses me. How does rewarding players for playing the game not equate to people having more reasons to play the game?

Because there are many other ways to reward players for playing the game without having to deceive their player base and compromise a long stated manifesto by instituting the dreaded gear-grind treadmill.

its only a gear grind if you make it one.

But I thought exo …

Oh wait, nevermind.

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


I Don’t even have a job and I make more then 60 dollars a year.

#1. Congo, Democratic Republic of the

GDP Per Capita: $348 (Congolese Franc. 1 USD = 904.000) (As of 2011)

Not to be mixed with the neighboring Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has become the poorest country in the world as of 2010. Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as Zaire until 1997. Congo is the largest country in the world that has French as an official language – the population of D.R Congo is about six million larger than the population of France (71 million people in D.R Congo vs 65 million in France). The Second Congo War beginning in 1998 has devastated the country. The war that involves at least 7 foreign armies is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War II – by 2008 the Second Congo War and its aftermath had killed 5.4 million people.

Thank you Arena Net, Reason To Play Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


This will be short since I am currently loving the new content but I wanted to take time to thank arena net for adding a little vertical progression, giving us new content, and promising more in the future. Me and my friends got this game not because of extensive research but because we heard that is was a good game; however the lack of progression and endgame made our adventure through your world shorter than we expected.

After reading the war on the forums I grew discourage that the game wouldnt grow and that we would have to leave it on our shelves but it seems that you have taken some of what us progressionist have said to heart and helped us find fun in your game once again.

Some may curse you for it and I am sure many will disagree with my statements; but rest assured me and my fellow adventurers will enjoy every minute of the new content and have a ball fighting our way towards some epic gear. ( Even if me drive our wives insane from splurging on the gem store lol)

Keep up the great work.

How much are they paying you people to come out with this bullkitten?

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


I would happily pay a subscription for this game if it meant improved support and communication. A end to the gem shop and updates like this last one…..Oh and a bit more respect for the WWW comunity, who are clearly the red headed step child of this game, as i’m guessing we’re the Gem shop’s most infrequent customers.

So would I. But at the moment I feel my money would be better placed elsewhere.

GW2 has two paths before it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Dissatisfied customers? I have recently seen posts here and in other threads saying Arenanet had to make a radical change to satisfy those that wanted gear progression.

Really? Arenanet built and delivered a product based on features it has been marketing for years. If a potential customer did not like those features, they should not have bought the product. Gear stat progression was never an advertised feature. Moreover, Arenanet created a manifesto and video that further explained why they do not support gear stat progression in their product.

Now after launch, they change a core feature of their product. People bought their game based on Arenanet’s original vision and features. Those are their customer base that they should be satisfying.

What if Call of Duty suddenly changed to 3rd person view and limited the number of times you could kill people? What if they did that because some people complained about the first person view and dying all the time? Do you think call of duty fans would be happy?

What if Assassin’s Creed eliminated assassinations because some people felt uncomfortable killing people in a game? Do you think AC customers would be happy?

These games will never introduce those kind of changes because it goes against the core features of their games. Even if there are customers asking for those features, they will not do it. They will continue to market their core features and cater to their core customer base.


Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


How many hours did you play it – are you seriously saying you didn’t get 60 Euros full of enjoyment out of the game? I bet if you divide the time you played by the cost of the game you played many, many hours for pennies.

Maybe look at it from that point of view!

Please see my previous reply.

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.
That for some people, is more than they will earn in a year.

Yes, I hate the new patch, and won’t be ‘playing’ again. But that is besides the point.

This is not a free to play game unless you, aquired it for free. That just isn’t valid justification to shoot anyone down for having real concearns.

Is Skyrim a ftp game? I think not.

Just you think about that.

you are from eu. get a refund…problem solved.

I don’t want a refund. I got my moneys worth. It’s like getting a substandard take away. You eat it because you are hungry, but you wouldn’t order from that place again.

I was merely highlighting the fact that ftp was being thrown around all over the forums when in actuality, that is not the case.

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.
That for some people, is more than they will earn in a year.

Yes, I hate the new patch, and won’t be ‘playing’ again. But that is besides the point.

This is not a free to play game unless you, aquired it for free. That just isn’t valid justification to shoot anyone down for having real concearns.

Is Skyrim a ftp game? I think not.

Just you think about that.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30? Also what graphics are you getting for only $60? Anyways for an MMO this game is in the FTP bracket. The real area though is BTP.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30?

In the UK

Also what graphics are you getting for only $60?

Last months (the smart way to buy). You gave the perfect answer for someone who also supports the GPU treadmill.

this game is in the FTP bracket


You seriously need to learn to read and properly quote. I said for an MMO this is in the FTP bracket. I never said this game is truly FTP.

I don’t get your point. Did you not say “this game is in the FTP bracket” or did you?

No i infact did not. The point is there are different bracket of games in the MMO world. The two major brackets are FTP and PTP. Of those two brackets GW would be the first. All that means is that there is no sub. In almost every FTP MMO there is a point where you HAVE to pay some cash. This ones upfront instead of later.

I respect your ‘opinion’ but I think you have missed the point here slightly.

Let us take ncsoft’s most popular ftp games as an example.

Aion – Download and play for free, don’t like the game, nothing lost.
Lineage / 2 – Download and play for free, don’t like the game, nothing lost.

GW2 – Pay $60 / £ whatever, don’t like the game, lost £60.

That is not free, nor is that the ftp model.

Lineage went FtP? Wow i missed that. Last i knew they were PTP. Anyways FTP tends to denote the difference between a sub and no sub in the MMO world. In general gaming then ya its not a FTP its a BTP which i already said in my first post but this is not a general game its a MMO. When referred to as FTP in that reguards its used in a proper way.

Everyone disagrees with you, but like i said. I respect your ‘opinion’.

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.
That for some people, is more than they will earn in a year.

Yes, I hate the new patch, and won’t be ‘playing’ again. But that is besides the point.

This is not a free to play game unless you, aquired it for free. That just isn’t valid justification to shoot anyone down for having real concearns.

Is Skyrim a ftp game? I think not.

Just you think about that.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30? Also what graphics are you getting for only $60? Anyways for an MMO this game is in the FTP bracket. The real area though is BTP.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30?

In the UK

Also what graphics are you getting for only $60?

Last months (the smart way to buy). You gave the perfect answer for someone who also supports the GPU treadmill.

this game is in the FTP bracket


You seriously need to learn to read and properly quote. I said for an MMO this is in the FTP bracket. I never said this game is truly FTP.

I don’t get your point. Did you not say “this game is in the FTP bracket” or did you?

No i infact did not. The point is there are different bracket of games in the MMO world. The two major brackets are FTP and PTP. Of those two brackets GW would be the first. All that means is that there is no sub. In almost every FTP MMO there is a point where you HAVE to pay some cash. This ones upfront instead of later.

I respect your ‘opinion’ but I think you have missed the point here slightly.

Let us take ncsoft’s most popular ftp games as an example.

Aion – Download and play for free, don’t like the game, nothing lost.
Lineage / 2 – Download and play for free, don’t like the game, nothing lost.

GW2 – Pay $60 / £ whatever, don’t like the game, lost £60.

That is not free, nor is that the ftp model.

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.
That for some people, is more than they will earn in a year.

Yes, I hate the new patch, and won’t be ‘playing’ again. But that is besides the point.

This is not a free to play game unless you, aquired it for free. That just isn’t valid justification to shoot anyone down for having real concearns.

Is Skyrim a ftp game? I think not.

Just you think about that.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30? Also what graphics are you getting for only $60? Anyways for an MMO this game is in the FTP bracket. The real area though is BTP.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30?

In the UK

Also what graphics are you getting for only $60?

Last months (the smart way to buy). You gave the perfect answer for someone who also supports the GPU treadmill.

this game is in the FTP bracket


You seriously need to learn to read and properly quote. I said for an MMO this is in the FTP bracket. I never said this game is truly FTP.

I don’t get your point. Did you not say “this game is in the FTP bracket” or did you?

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.
That for some people, is more than they will earn in a year.

Yes, I hate the new patch, and won’t be ‘playing’ again. But that is besides the point.

This is not a free to play game unless you, aquired it for free. That just isn’t valid justification to shoot anyone down for having real concearns.

Is Skyrim a ftp game? I think not.

Just you think about that.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30? Also what graphics are you getting for only $60? Anyways for an MMO this game is in the FTP bracket. The real area though is BTP.

Where are you getting top tier games for only $30?

In the UK

Also what graphics are you getting for only $60?

Last months (the smart way to buy). You gave the perfect answer for someone who also supports the GPU treadmill.

this game is in the FTP bracket


(edited by CaptainVenus.5179)

GW2 has two paths before it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


The way I see it Anet is stuck pick which side to satisfy. This first one that is happening now is the new Endgame dungeon and Ascendent gear.

Before release….

1) A lot of people complain of lack of real endgame dungeon and a long term goal other than legendary weapon

2) The other lot complain the game doesn’t need some long term goal and being short is fine even though you’ll finish the game sooner than you wanted and get bored but what they need is to release the other part of the map we can’t explore yet.

Anet had to choose between one of these 2 angry mob of fourm community and they chosen #1. Now #1 is satisfied but now #2 is raging like a angry bull who can only see red.

A you can see Anet will be constantly stuck between 2 angry community groups and no matter what they do they will start a rage fest no matter how hard they try.

All they had to do to satify those who so deperately wanted progression was to limit the effects of the new content to the new content and not allow it to overshadow everything that has already been acchieved.

I would be quite happy if ascended gear, stayed in ascended dungeouns, and the stats were otherwise benign.

That would make sense. Much like the sPvP gear having different stats to the equivalent gear outside sPvP wouldnt’t give you a competetive edge.

But no.

(edited by CaptainVenus.5179)

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.
That for some people, is more than they will earn in a year.

Yes, I hate the new patch, and won’t be ‘playing’ again. But that is besides the point.

This is not a free to play game unless you, aquired it for free. That just isn’t valid justification to shoot anyone down for having real concearns.

Is Skyrim a ftp game? I think not.

Just you think about that.

Did everything but not 100 percent complete

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


I’ve grabbed the POI in chantry of secrets and the two new added in LA, but still at 98 percent complete ingame. Dunno what more I could do

This happened to me on my first toon, turned out (when I finally tracked down the missing stuff) I had experienced a roll back during a WvWvW update, and subsequantly lost half of one of the borderlands there, although, it could have been any area in the game.

My suggestion to you especially with all the recent updates, it to check each zone again.

Hope this helps.

You are not listening AneT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Stuff ….

-The game is free,

More stuff ….

And where did you get your free copy?

Gear up with bug spray!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Fantastic article, hats off to the author. By far the best description of the minority of self absorbed ‘elitists’ that plague online games, and the main reason I personally quit WoW after TBC was released.

I had high hopes for GW2, and have certainly got my moneys worth in enjoyment so thanks Anet, because the last 3 months have been super fun!

I won’t be asking for a refund, because that in my eyes is like having your cake and eating it. I have really enjoyed the content thus far, which has been as time served as any out of the box single player game of similar retail price.

On the flip side, I will not be hanging around while Anet jump on the bandwagon with more popular MMO’s by introducing the innevitable powercreep, to keep the elitists elite and feeling superior and special.

To me it just seems like a hit and run, buying the dedicated GW1 playerbase with promises for sales at release, only to later drop them in search of a wider market.

TLDR: Great article, Bad Anet.

Botting coming back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Invite 5 of your friends bots to play GW2.

Are the doors all gone??? [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Confirmed broken on Ring of Fire EU.

Queensdale event is stuck just before the graveyard.

Doors still work fine however, you just have to find them.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


7 times completed.

No speed boost

No speed boost

(edited by CaptainVenus.5179)

Been There, Done That! Remove WvWvW requirements

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaptainVenus.5179


Well, if they ever did this I would want 2 gold stars instead of my current 1 gold star suddenly being worth the same as your crappy carebear gold star.

Actually, in all honesty although some parts of the WvWvW map completion were intimidating at times, the sense of achievement when I got them more than compensated.

(edited by CaptainVenus.5179)