Showing Posts For Cavalorn.3721:
About 20 runs:
2x Piece of Mad King Armor Set… unusable, sold.
1x Random Exotic
1x Key (with those 3 tonic I needed, I made a MK chest and dropped unique shoulder skin)
2x Dye
Crappy boosters
Oh thank you!
Is it possible to do this event like the dungeons? I’m in another server but i want to play this with my friend…
HOW farm the first appropriate loot in the game from a boss could be considered exploiting?
What? Do you think items that are worth 200g+ dropping like candy was appropriate? They are supposed to come only from crafting to begin with. Their stock on auction raised from 0 or 1 to dozens, i won’t even go into detail about all the ones sold and stock by players. Also legendary precursors dropped (i think), major bug/exploit worth a rollback (even tho i’m happy i got arachnophobia for 34g).
I didn’t know they dropped “only crafted” items too. THOSE had to be removed, yes. People will do some serious money in the near future because of this…
They don’t love to nerf things, they love to release patches with so many exploits that it’s not even fun
Exotics still drop, but i think you won’t get crafted halloween ones anymore, or precursors.
HOW farm the first appropriate loot in the game from a boss could be considered exploiting?
1 exotic from 6 chest… I didn’t enjoy this farm… my guildies in the same time got 3+ exotics Btw, i made my farm, they nerfed, and I’m done with it. Tomorrow, Jumping Puzzle!
Yeah sorry, i was talking about Vapor Form… but in the Update Notes i didn’t see anything about making it shorter… i know i can use this instantly, but it recharges slower! So, before i could run away from mobs and lose aggro, now i have to die if there’s no one near me.
Is it me or Myst Form now last for less than before?
And also cooldown increased?
It was the only thing that made me not to die and I could lose aggro with that (doing up to 3 myst form before dying). Now, I’m lost.
I opened 38 chest (30+8 bonus key) with 2700 gems. Nothing useful except a rifle skin.
Sure, i got various BL Kit, gathering tools, boosters, but i expected more unique EVENT things… I saved these gems to obtain unique things, i will never do it again on Christmas.
Cursed Shore = Fastest AoE for Loot = No fast AoE, no Loot = Stealing Mob…
Where’s the difference?
In “High Population” servers i can’t take, sometimes, ONE SINGLE LOOT.
I’m not getting this too. I made that “puzzle” only with youtube help.
I couldn’t find another way to discover that sequence!
I tried for hours… and no tips, no evidence, nothing.
400 jeweler/cook unable to make about other professions?
in Crafting
Posted by: Cavalorn.3721
Guide to making money = No more making money…
Do you know that?
Karma points have same value of gold I think, because you need them for high lvl exotic weapons and armors. So, it wouldn’t be necessary to nerf it. And i read that you can obtain a salvageable item from 4 karma items.
I’m counting every single copper when i exchange… I hope everyone does.
Mystic Forge guys… Mystic Forge…
So… better to send a mail to ANet?
I don’t want to be banned for this, so I’ll not use this “trick” for now.
When you log out, they could delete your progress in that quest, so delete items you dropped. But they don’t… so i think I can repeat the quest for profit (because in these quests there are npc helping me with many mobs). So I’d like someone tell me if it is considered exploiting…
Nobody knows that?
Hi all, I was wondering if repeating personal story quests by relogging is considered exploiting.
From my point of view, it could be like farming events, so… ?
I put 4 yellows and it gave me 1 green. Why? :/
You can’t add more runes on that item, but you can equip other items with that rune, and the bonus will increase to 2/2.
Good question helladoom. Btw, i think that travelling cost isn’t too much expensive, but i agree to make that free for the nearest waypoint.
I agree too. I wasn’t able to get any loot in WvW because in the time I need to cast a spell, the foe is already died. I wanted also to raise a Guardian, but relating to this issue you are talking about, i decided to wait.
I agree 100%, we want these events more challenging please, like you explained.