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Dye Changes Feedback/Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cenex.4089


To get this clear, what do we do with unidentified dye’s, and identified ones? Like I have a rare dye now. USE IT. Or keep it, (if your goal is to prevent a waste, and want it account wide, no matter what).

Identify =/= unlock.

Assuming by unlock they mean when you click the actual dye, it becomes account bound. But when you IDENTIFY a dye, it still sits in your inventory until you unlock it. At least that’s what I assume.

If a Living Story Hero turns Bad, who?

in Living World

Posted by: Cenex.4089


Kas has a bit of an Annakin Skywalker complex going on.

Best Server For PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cenex.4089


Well, Blackgate, Jade Quarry, and Tarnished Coast are going to have the most amount of people. But no server is going to have “tons of people” doing any random event. Only the major world events will have a significant number of people.

Having said that, you are more likely to run into at least one other person when doing a random event.

Make Dragonite Purchasable with Karma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cenex.4089


They can’t keep you logging in every day if they allow you to buy that with karma. Why do you think we have 50 different currencies? To make your life easier?

Oh, so I can go a long time without logging on and accumulate free karma? Neat!

You still need to log in to get karma. The difference is acquiring the materials through various events, map exploration, dungeons, whatever, not a specific number of world bosses.

How legendary Should be.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cenex.4089


i disagree , Current system is perfect. I own 4 and soon a fifth legendary. All those whining about the current system are lazy persons who want all for free with minimal efforts. If one day they make it easier to make legendaries this will be a major insult to anyone like me who really crafted them. Killing teq or Zhaiten for a piece ?? no way .. press 1 to gain a piece .. pffff come on. Actually i want them to make it harder Actually it’s a bit harder because of the Karma nerf but it’s not enough. Just remove them from the Trading post and it will fix a lot of problems.

The problem with this as the current system is that is not “difficult” in the sense that gaining something “legendary” should be. Are grinding mats and hoping on RNG “difficult?” Yes, it’s difficult to put in that amount of time, and difficult to bare. But that is not difficult in the sense of accomplishing something that is legendary. Does someone who goes into work every day doing the same thing over and over again feel legendary? Or does someone who has put knowledge and skills to work in something that accomplishes more than just earning money, like saving a life, or discovering a miracle cure medicine feel legendary? More importantly, which would feel more satisfactory?

The point is, “difficult” is an ambiguous term. It can mean putting in a ton of time doing mindless repetitive tasks, or putting in a ton of time doing complex and unique tasks that give the sense of accomplishment. Those “complaining” about the current system are not lazy, and are certainly not making suggestions requiring minimal effort. They are suggesting alternative means to gain a legendary in a way that actually feels legendary.

Rata Sum is Murasat spelled funny

in Lore

Posted by: Cenex.4089


You mean Mursaat?

Anyway, the anagram has been noted before. I doubt it means anything, but ’ya never know.

The White Mantle Return: A THEORY *SPOILERS*

in Lore

Posted by: Cenex.4089


Also, the White Mantle and Bandit emblems look fairly similar. And considering the high bandit density in Brisban, I can definitely see the connection there.


The White Mantle Return: A Link to Lore

in Living World

Posted by: Cenex.4089


I wouldn’t mind seeing a return of the White Mantle, and hopefully the Mursaat. It’s always interesting to have an enemy with a common enemy (the dragons). We’d have two dangerous threats, the dragons and the Mursaat, fight both at the same time, while the Mursaat also fight the dragons.

Or, if not have them as enemies, then set up a betrayal storyline akin to what happened the last time the dragons showed up.

The End. Answers? I really didn't find any.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Cenex.4089


An explanation, even if it was just a bare bones explanation, should’ve been there. If there ever was a moment for it … that was it. Considering the annoying crap they did leave in (hiccup?!) … I’m at a loss to understand why it wasn’t.

I don’t know what annoyed me more. The fact that they don’t care about motives or that kittened hiccup. Seriously, how could you possibly make a “hero” any less heroic?

Spoilers & Speculation: Possible new area?

in Lore

Posted by: Cenex.4089


I hope so, because it borders the Ring of Fire.

O.o scarlet.... better then a dragon

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Cenex.4089


Part of me feels that drill is meant for a dragon.

After all there have been a number of hints and connections between Scarlett and the jungle dragon.

How is RP played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cenex.4089


Most RPers I see just sit around some cliff or house nodding at each other.