Showing Posts For ChaosKnight.8963:
While i don’t think you should be able to get gold or xp from spvp. I do think that letting pvp players use the sinks they earn in pvp should be permitted in pve.
If you want to use a transmutation stone to give a pvp skin the stats of a pve item, that should be ok. The new item created would be char bound and be considered a pve item from then on.
This would make sure that pvp side of the game would have no effect on the pve side of the game, but at the same time give pvper’s some means of showing off their kitten. As this game is all about the showing off the kitten by way of skins it just makes since to let pvpers in on the action.
^this =)
“Reapers Protection
Reapers Protection gives 20+ seconds of AoE fear when it hits another necro with reapers protection. "
This happened to me once , I was like whats the op 20sec fear he has on me that I didn’t get? lolz