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Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

I see the Opening 25 Rich Coffer thread was merged with the Opening 1000 regular coffers.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

One is file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

Do you do that against a lotto company when you don’t win big?

Hopefully you don’t have to do those but it is getting to the point where they are really offensively scamming free money from the GW2 audience. RNG chests in the store need AT LEAST a collectible you can trade in for the ticket after a certain amount of tries.

They aren’t scamming free money….people just are not reading.

“You can find weapon tickets inside Rich Dragon Coffers and (rarely) in Dragon Coffers, " and
“Rich Dragon Coffer: Crack open the new Rich Dragon Coffer, a deluxe version of the Dragon Coffer chest which offers a greater chance to receive rare items like holographic minis and the Dragon’s Jade weapon skins! Available only in the Gem Store in the Consumables category. "


It tells you what you can get. “A greater chance” can technically mean anything from 0.01% better to double or triple the chance from a normal chest. Anet didn’t lie about anything, it’s people’s fault that they perceived “a greater chance” meant 50% or some absurdly high chance.

Even if the odds were, say 10% on the chests, opening 10 of them would still give you a 38.74% chance to get 1 ticket (a little higher if you include getting more than one ticket).

Would I like a sure way to get a skin, sure. But that was not advertised, so I don’t expect it.

If you havent notice yet, they have completely changed the website now. It no longer reads like it did on day 1. Bait and Switch much?

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

DB, stop manipulating the system. A new rating system comes out and suddenly you start diving toward 3rd place? I am blatantly accusing DB of this. JQ was a mastermind at manipulating the system. FA going to take second?

OFC FA is going to take second.

It’s kind of hard not to with the very obvious coalition TC and FA have formed. took them all week to get close to second, I take that back. I guess it is hard.

Accusing TC and FA of having an alliance is supposed to cover up the real problem here?

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

DB, stop manipulating the system. A new rating system comes out and suddenly you start diving toward 3rd place? I am blatantly accusing DB of this. JQ was a mastermind at manipulating the system. FA going to take second?

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

The "Stacking Cycle"

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

So Jade Quarry recruited before the end of free server transfers. So after the realization that SOS would not be able to compete against them, the major WvW guilds fled SOS to “stack” Blackgate. Now Blackgate is the new “stacked” server. 2000 gems for that transfer was a good gold sink, but it was not enough to really deter any mass transfers. So this is now the pattern we are going to see. T1 server loses, reinforces T2 server, moves back to T1. How long til we see Kaineg Quarry?

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

There is no way to stop Jade Quarry now...

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Jade Quarry, who normally starts out behind on the weekend and then blows up the score Mon-Fri, has been running a 30K lead this weekend. With the end of free transfers and their 24/7 coverage, I see that nothing will stop them. They will continue to dominate Tier 1 with their stacked server. I dont see any other guild doing anything but playing for 2nd at this point. Maybe Arenanet should consider lowering server transfer costs to help support undermanned guilds.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Man is JQ not allowed to play during the weekends or something? The difference is astounding.

Im thinking Conspiracy… JQ is trying to manipulate the reset scores. I don’t see the usual amount of AoS, PRX, and EMP tags. In my mind there is no way SOR can be doing this well. Now I wonder why SOS isnt doing more?

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Pirates Peg Leg

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

I wonder if you can use a Golem in a Box while in stealth.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Golem in a Box. Intended for WvW use?

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Golem in a box is nothing more than an amusement. You can do more damage to a gate with your weapon. As far as someone using them on you, you just close the distance and kill em while they stand there holding it.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Whats up JQ can’t handle the EB tactics? Did you really think we were gonna push BG, knowing that they were going to push you?

You just better hope BG never realizes that they could demolish you and keep the lead if they ever decided to focus you instead of JQ.

2v1 post already, Really? No offence to blackgate but after the recent stacking they dont have the coverage to stay above jq or sos. gj trying to get them to focus sos so you win though.

You can deny it all you want. SoS spawn camping EB zone in while BG sits in JQ keep right behind them. Odd how neither one of them are taking anything else from each other. Keep denying it though. I could care less what you do. Eventually BG will realize that they should have attacked SoS when they drop back down because they don’t have coverage to keep up all week.

BG will take whatever points we allow them to have, unless they want us to bring SOR up here…. I kid, I kid. That’s for all the “Golem in a Box” toting conspiracy theorists.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

1 week predictions

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

SoS, JQ, SoR
BG, TC, Mag
FA, Kain, DB

Mag and Kain are still skyrocketting, only the first 12 hours are even.

BG will stay in T1.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Whats up JQ can’t handle the EB tactics? Did you really think we were gonna push BG, knowing that they were going to push you?

You just better hope BG never realizes that they could demolish you and keep the lead if they ever decided to focus you instead of JQ.

2v1 post already, Really? No offence to blackgate but after the recent stacking they dont have the coverage to stay above jq or sos. gj trying to get them to focus sos so you win though.

We did 2vs1 them in EB (indirectly.) Lets not be coy about it, but its a viable tactic.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Whats up JQ can’t handle the EB tactics? Did you really think we were gonna push BG, knowing that they were going to push you?

You just better hope BG never realizes that they could demolish you and keep the lead if they ever decided to focus you instead of JQ.

BG server rating- 2 070.667
SOR server rating -2 060.288

Considering they are just hair above SOR, they will probably take whatever points they can get. As I write this, EB looks like red-green Christmas colors.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Whats up JQ can’t handle the EB tactics? Did you really think we were gonna push BG, knowing that they were going to push you?

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

We Want Our /Rank Emote Back In WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

This is probably one of those ‘well uh we don’t want poor casual players getting intimidated by big bad pvpers, so we figured it would be safer for them if you couldn’t show off your rank’ things.

So, you’re one of those who actually believe that some sPvP experience make you big bad WvW guy? Oh wow.

WvW is won by the biggest Zerg that make the most culling…. ;-P

Sea of Sorrows – EXG

In my opinion, paying transfers will create problems

in WvW

Posted by: Charr RN.9860

Charr RN.9860

Get ready for the mass influx to SOS and JQ between now and the 28th.

Sea of Sorrows – EXG